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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 4

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Raymond stiffened in his position like a statue as she left him there.

She slapped him across the face? Like what the f-__-k! She even dare called his monster a tiny stick. Who is this girl really?

His gaze moved down to his bulge and the word ‘Tiny stick’ rang over and over in his head. His phone rang breaking his train of thought. Seeing the ID caller, he swipe red.

His face was d@mn cold as he dial a number.

“Babe” A girl said seducively over the phone.

“Come to my room.. I need your hole” he said keeping his phone. Thinking about what just happened again, he bit his pink lips before leaving the bathroom.

“Hey Ray” A random girl came to straddle him. Her B-__-bs were hardly covered and she was wearing a very short skirt.

Raymond traced his hand down to her skirt. Fortunately for him, she wasn’t wearing any underwear so her grabbed her bare @zz possessively.

“Hmm.. I need that rod of yours” the girl said bringing her hand to his trouser. She tip toe and kiss his lips.

Immediately that happened, Raymond tasted cherry on her lips. He pulled away and spit out.

“What the f-__-k did you drink Izzy?” He asked glaring at her.

“Luxardo” The girl shrugged obviously confused.

“f-__-k!!” He cursed again and wiped his lips before leaving.

“What the hell?” The girl turned confused.

Elsa kept on walking, trying to find the others but she couldn’t. She was completely lost. There are too much crowd and they are all wild to the loud music. Some of them kept bumping into her but she didn’t care.

After a while, she finally get to the entrance.

“Thank God” she muttered, she decided to call Charlie that she’s leaving but spotted someone sitting at the entrance.

Raymond.. how did he get out before her?

Some of his black hair a covered his face as he kept drinking from his bottle. He was even more handsome under the dark.

He looked back and their eyes met but look away afterwards.

Elsa sighed and began to walk towards the gate.

“Where are you going?” She heard him asked.

“Away from you” she replied.

“You might get yourself R@P£D if you leave by this time” He said.

‘Why does he care?’ she thought and looked back at him.

“I can handle myself” she replied.

“Yea I know.. since you had the guts to slap me across my face” he said. A flash of anger appeared in his eyes.

“I’m.. s.. sorry for that.. but you crossed the line” She said wondering why she was apologizing.

A girl walked into the gate in haste and Raymond looked up.

“What took you so long?” Raymond raised his brow.

“I’m so sorry babe.. you called me all of a sudden” Brielle said walking pass Elsa. She kissed Raymond hard and her mouth dropped.

“Seriously” Elsa made a disgusting face before leaving.

Raymond watched her leave through the gates. She is sure stubborn. “Wait for me inside” he said to Brielle.

“Huh? I’m wet already” she held his cheek.

“Get the f-__-k inside!” He snapped before leaving her there.

Elsa kept on walking on the street hoping to find a cab or a bus but she didn’t sight any of them.

She bought out her phone and made to call Charlie but it was snatched away by an unknown person.

Before she knew it, she was surrounded by Five guys and they all have a lustful look on their face.

“Uhm.. can I have my phone back” she asked looking at them.

“You look pretty for you to just pass without saying hi” the one who seems like their leader grabbed her hand. She immediately used her second hand to slap him across the face.

The guy’s head tilted sideways and his eyes turn red in anger.

Elsa made to run but the guy grabbed her by her hair. She turn and hit the guy hard on the groin earning a loud scream from him.

“How dare you” the leader pushed her and she fell on her butt. He walked towards her to hit her again but a hand stopped him.

“What the…” His eyes widened when he saw who it was. “Ray?”

Raymond’s smirked before punching him hard on the face. His nose broke immediately.

“$h|t!.. attack him” The guy cursed and they all charged at him at once.

The first one recieved a hard punch on his stomach and a kick on his face sending him down.

Elsa stayed at her spot staring at how Raymond was busy dealing with them. His hit was deadly and moves were fast. Something clicked her mind, she had seen these moved before.

“Arghhh!!!” A scream came from a guy whose hand got broken by Raymond. His knee collided with his face sending him down too.

Raymond dusted his hand before looking at Elsa who was at sill sitting on the floor.

“I told you not to go out, now you made me broke the rule number two” he snapped then took a deep breath.

‘What’s he saying?’ Elsa thought.

“You alright?” He asked stretching his hand.

Without his help, Elsa stood but her head spin immediately and she almost fell. Raymond caught her immediately and stared at her face while holding her tiny waist.

“You can’t go home like this” he said. She suddenly pushed him away and sighed.

“Why do you care.. just get off me” she said turning to leave but her head spin so badly sending her to the ground.


Elsa eyes flew open all of a sudden and spranged. Her head spin all of a sudden and she held it.

“Elsa!” Charlie ran towards her. “Thank God you’re okay”

“What happened?” She asked.

“You fainted last night, Raymond found you” Charlie explained.

“Ray?” She gasped when she remembered what happened. “I hope he didn’t touch my body”

“No.. he called Natasha to pick you up from the ground then left” she replied.



A girl walked in with a black mask and face cap. She looked around before going to the counter.

“Hey” she said to the lady in charge.

“How can I help you miss?” the lady asked.

“I’ve got something on my right hand” the masked girl said.

Her eyes widened when she saw the lady holding a gun.

“Say a word and you’re dead. Now put the money in the bag if you still love your Pů$$¥” The masked girl said giving her an empty bag.

The lady nodded, she grabbed the bag and stylishly press the alarm button under her table. She pretend to put some money in the bag while waiting for the police.

“Why are you so f-__-king slow?” The masked girl got impatient.

“You’re scaring me that’s why? Can you at least put the gun down” the lady stuttered.

Just then, siren was been heard outside.

Getting what’s happening, the masked girl looked at the lady.

“$h|t!” She cursed and ran off the restaurant.

One of the cop rushed in.

“She just left!.. she is wearing a black facemask and a cap” the lady quickly said and the cop rushed out again. He spot the girl and got into his car.

The masked girl was running like crazy and she kept looking back every seconds while The police car chase her.

Since she knew the street well, she took a sharp corner. She began to dodge the people obstructing her, she sometimes pushed them away.

The Cops quickly stopped their car, they were two of them and began to chase her on foot.

She was so fast and swift with her moves. After a long chase, they couldn’t sight her again.

“Gosh! We lost her” one of the cop said while trying to catch his breath.

“We’ll catch her someday” the other one said and they both left.

The masked girl was breathing fast in a corner. She took off her cap and hit the trash can before her.

“I was so d@mn close!! f-__-kkkk!!!” She yelled. She removed her jacket revealing her highschool uniform, then her wig revealing her short hair and finally the nose mask revealing her face.


“I better not catch that lady on the street, or she’s dead!!” She yelled again throwing all her disguise in the trash can before leaving the place.

Getting to class, she sat and bought out her phone.

“Piper” Mason called behind her.

“What?” She asked coldly.

“Where were you?” He asked.

“Mind your business” she said coldly returning her gaze back to her phone.

“Hey” another guy came to sit beside her.

“Hey” A guy greeted sitting beside her.

“Hey Newton” Piper smiled brightly. Seeing this, Mason scoffed.



“Please I swear I know nothing about it.. can you please spare my life” A man sobbed, his body was covered with blood. He had his hand tied to the chair he was sitting on.

“Please..” he said again to the man across him. His gaze was deadly and dark as he kept on caressing the ring on his finger while smoking.

“Do you know one thing I h@ťě the most?” He asked leaning closer. “Lies”

“Mr Brahms.. I swear” Wilson sobbed the more, his chest was going up and down because if his heavy breath. He had recieved so many tutor and it wasn’t funny. Right at that moment, he was craving for death.

“Hm..” Brahms whose leg was crossed on each other wave his finger twice.

One of his men behind him went closer to wilson who was shivering badly.

“Cut off his tongue.. Zeke” He ordered.

Wilson eyes widened. “Mr Brahms!! I swear.. I know nothing! Mr Brahms please!!!.. please Mr..”

His word was cut short when a huge guy grabbed his mouth from behind. He felt a strong finger holding his jaw in place.

Zeke dipped his finger in his mouth and forcefully pulled his tongue out.

Wilson whole body was shivering as he kept shaking his leg trying to break free. His sob got louder when Zeke bought of a knife closer to his mouth.

“Noo!!!!” He tried to scream but his voice came out as a muffle instead.

Blood splattered on Wilson face and a loud cry escaped his lips when his tongue was been cut off.

Brahms chuckled as he watch the man being tied to the chair screaming agonizingly.

Brahms turns out to be Mr Adam biological only son. He is a mafia, a deadly one to be precise. He was just twenty-two, dashingly handsome with a lot of girl under his nose.

Adams co-operation; The biggest company in the city, They are strict, smart and of course dangerous. Any company that dares tried to compete with them goes down to their own nightmare.

Knowing that he is was the only son of Adams, he became proud not until Mr Adams adopted a prisoner. He only heard about it but haven’t seen the guy yet.

He saw no history of his dad having an affair somewhere so why?!

Blood flow out like a river from Wilson lips.

Zeke Kept Wilson’s tongue in a white small nylon and dropped it on the table.

“I h@ťě Lies” Brahms muttered.

“Sir.. there’s something you need to hear” one of his men said behind the door.

“Come in” Brahms ordered and the guy walked in.

“What’s it?”

The guy moved closer and whisper something into his ear.

“Hmm.. is that so?” Brahms said. He thought for a while before facing Zeke.

“Get a plane ticket.. we are going to back to California”



Elsa was just done with her classes and was about to head home.

“Look who it is.. Where’s your pink haired buddy” Dahlia came towards her. Why is she here?

Without answering Elsa stood up to leave.

“Stay away from Raymond” Dahlia said and Elsa turned to look at her.

“I don’t want to be around that kind of guy anyway.. so rest” she shook her head and left the class.

“We should teach her a lesson” Dahlia said to the girl beside her and they both smiled.

On her way, Elsa paused when she saw a room. The word ‘Music was boldly written on it’ She smiled and look around before entering.

“Wow” she muttered with her lips parted.

Her gaze landed on the grand piano at the center of the room, it has a small microphone also.

She sat gently and smiled while feeling the piano with her fingers.

She switched it on and began to play slowly not minding the fact that she was in the school.

“I found a love”

Her sweet voice rented the whole room.

“For me.. Darling just dive Right in and follow my lead..

She went deep and was deep into what she was singing.

Just then, someone entered the room. The moment he heard her voice, he felt goosebump all over his body. He watched how her lips moves while she sings.

She was beautiful.

“..Baby, I’m dancing in the dark.. with you between my arms..”

How come a voice could be this Angelic. He found himself walking to her closer not noticing the board before him.

The board fell and Elsa eyes flew opened, She had forgotten where she was. She slowly looked back and gasped seeing who it was.

“Professor Lucas”




To be continued..?

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