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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 26

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{She’s got me twisted}


THEME: Burn for me Elsa?


Written by ? Mayor ?



“Ray!” Elsa couldn’t help but yelled his name.

Lucas head tilted one side, his calm face was replaced by a deadly one. He touched his lips. Seeing the small blood on it, his eyes turn colder.

Raymond grabbed his collar again.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay the f-__-k away from her? It seems you won’t listen until you have your balls bursted!” Raymond yelled. His murderous intention was raising. Only he knows how bad he wants to ki|| this guy.

“You’re behaving like an animal Ray, I was only having a last dinner with her” Lucas said calmly.

“f-__-k the dinner and f-__-k you!” Raymond spat.

Lucas look down at his hand still holding his collar.

“I’d advice you to let go or this would stop being funny” he warned.

Elsa ran towards them.

“Ray please, can we talk?” She held the hand holding Lucas.

“Get your hands off me!” He yelled at her and she flinch. She gasped when she notice the tears thr_@ten to fall from his eyes.

Did something happen?

“Ray” she called softly regretting coming here with Lucas.

Raymond let go of Lucas before he could break down completely, then stormed out of the restaurant.

Elsa grab hand purse, she look at Lucas. “Please keep your promise and do not bother us again” she said and ran to follow Raymond.

Lucas stood on his spot, his fist tightened as his stared into space.

By the time Elsa got out, Raymond already drove his car away from the place.

“Oh God, what have I done?” She muttered feeling stupid. She didn’t tell him because she knows he won’t agree to it. This dinner was meant to end her friendship with Lucas.

She hired a taxi and asked the driver to follow Raymond but they lost the track of him because he was driving too fast.

She went to the gym but he wasn’t there.

She bring out her phone to call Leonard but he didn’t pick, she then called Jake.

She explained everything to him.

“Okay, calm down Elsa, he’ll be fine. I’ll send you the address of where he might be” Jake said.

He sent the address after a while and she head there immediately.

Getting down from the car, Elsa spot Raymond car and she sighed in relief.

The place was like a garden, fireflies and flowers could be seen everywhere. It was a beautiful sight. She walked further. The place was dark and the cool breeze hit her skin.

After a while, she found the guy. He was sitting at edge with his back facing her.

Her eyes widened seeing the city with its light. It was so beautiful.

‘I wanna take you to my favourite place’ His voice echoed in her head. Is this his favorite place?

She saw him raised a bottle to his lips taking several gulp.

“Ray” she muttered walking towards him. She slowly sat beside him and take a deep breath when he did not bother looking at her.

“You’re drinking again” she muttered.

“You broke your promise, why shouldn’t I?” He said taking the bottle into his mouth again.

“I’m sorry” she said almost like a whisper.

Raymond finally look up at her, he actually thought she would argue with him.

“I really am” She said.

“I.. I didn’t mean to yell at you” he look at the city before him and they both kept quiet for a while.

“It’s beautiful” Elsa muttered and they both look at each other. “Your favorite place is beautiful Ray”

For a moment Raymond got mesmerized by her presence.

“How did you find me”


“Tssk, I wanted to bring you here myself” he mumbled.

“What happened?” She asked.


“What happened before you saw me?”

Raymond chuckled thinking about Mrs Brown and Mr Adams.

“I just found out that Mr Adams and my Therapist are my parents. They’ve been lying to me since and I was busy eating their $h|t”

Elsa heart broke hearing this. She move closer and hug him. Raymond couldn’t help the tears, and he began to cry hugging her back.

“They’ve been lying Elsa, I still can’t take in the truth. It feels unreal” he muttered against her neck while she kept patting his back.

“It’s okay baby” she kissed his hair. He was reeking alcohol.

“She was like a mother, I can’t believe she hid the truth.. it hurts”

“I love you Ray” She hug him tighter as he kept on crying.


“What do you mean, you couldn’t find her?” A guy wearing a long back coat asked. His dangerous eyes were on the men before him.

“We’ve search everywhere Dagon, she was nowhere to be fo…”

His words were cut short by Dagon’s bullet penetrating through his head. His body collided with the floor with a loud thud and blood oozed out of his forehead.

Others shivered bowing their head.

Dagon walked closer and twisted his lips. “What happened to your brain? Do you expect me to tell master that you couldn’t find her? I guess you don’t wanna live anymore. Now go back to the game house and do what you need to do”

“Yes sir!” They all chorused and they Left.

Dagon phone rang afterwards.

“Master” Dagon muttered. His voice filled with respect.

“I need you to do something” Lucas said. He was currently in his secret room with a glass of red wine on his right hand.

After a few chat, Lucas dropped his phone. He drank out of his wine and chuckled.

Touching his lips where a small bruise is, his eyes turn cold again.

“How dare you Ray” he muttered

The last person who hit him ended up six feet underground.

“I guess I’m getting soft these days, is it because of her?” He asked no one in particular. A picture of Elsa was on the screen.

He bought the drink to his lips again having some thoughts running through his head.

“I’ll ki|| you slowly Raymond” he whispered.



Piper danced to the tune of the music playing on her pink headphone as she jumped downstairs.

“Hey Uncle” She greeted jumping to sit on the couch.

“Hey Piper. How was your night?” He asked.

“Terrible. I mean I got that weird dream again. Elsa crying. I think I’ll need to visit her soon” she said.

“It’s just a dream Piper relax. Nothing bad is going to happen”

“Nah my dream is different” she grabbed the coffee on the table and took a quick sip. “Bye uncle Jerry, I gotta go. I’m late for practice”

She stormed out.

“Your breakf..” Jeremy sighed.



Charlie woke up feeling a bit tired from last night activity.

“Hey sunshine” Leonard walked in with a tray of food.

“Hey” Charlie smiled weakly having the duvet wrapped around her chest.

“Was I too rough last nigjt, I’m so sorry” he said worriedly.

They both went out and got drunk. Getting inside, Charlie seduced him until he can’t take it anymore and they both had segz till Charlie collapsed.

“It’s fine. It’s the best night of my life” she smiled wider.

“I love you pinkie” Leonard kissed her head.

“I love you yellow head”

“You said you won’t call me that again”

“I’m just teasing you, I love you my prince” she chuckled.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about” he muttered kissing her lips.

“I haven’t brush my teeth yet” Charlie muttered against his lips.

“I don’t care” Leonard replied grabbing her waist. He made to move on the bed but a clashing sound stopped them. The breakfast he had prepared fell on the floor and the plate shattered.

They blinked severally before looking back at each other.

“Okay, f-__-k that” Leonard said.

“Oh yeah” Charlie muttered dragging him back to herself and their lips went back on devouring each other.


Ben tried Raymond’s numbers for the umpteenth time getting the same result he dropped his phone.

“Is he ignoring me right now?” He mumbled.

He went towards the living room and found Mikaela sleeping on the couch. Her black hair was tied into a rough bun. She had told him her parent lives in Los Angeles and not with her.

Opening fridge, he gasped when he couldn’t find any food for himself. Did she ate the whole food?

Shaking his head he left the house to the grocery store.

Mikaela eyes flew opened immediately he left. She was actually pretending to be asleep.

She went to his bedroom searching everywhere.

“I guess he’s clean, can I trust him?” She muttered she she didn’t find anything suspicious.

After few minutes reached the grocery store and came out after a while with some bags in which he kept in his booth.

“Hey” A strange guy with a scar on his chin tapped his shoulder.

‘This guy is d@mn huge!’ Ben screamed inwardly.

“Oh yeah, how may I help you?” He asked.

Dagon pulled out a photo of Mikaela and showed it to him. “Have you seen this girl around?”

“No, I don’t know who that is” Ben replied.

Dagon observe the guy before him for a while before pulling out his phone.

“There was a footage of you holding this girl in the game house” He said showing him the video.

Ben tried his best to hide the fact that he was getting scared. Just with one look, one would Know Dagon is a dangerous guy who had ki||ed a lot of people.

“You’re mistaking” Ben said.

“The person in the video is you and you’re holding the girl I’m looking for. I’d advice you to bring her out if you still wanna see the sunset again” Dagon warned dangerously lifting his shirt up. There was a gun tucked in his trouser.

“Hey” Ben said carefully raising his hand.

“I actually saw the girl in the game house and I fell in love with her. It was a love at sight actually. Then I decided to ask her out and she hit me on the face.. can you believe that?” Ben shook his head.

“So I decided to teach her a lesson. I dragged her to the toilet in the aim of f-__-king her @zz so bad that she won’t be able to walk for the next three days and then she escaped. That’s what happened” Ben concluded and observe Dagon’s expression. He doesn’t seems to give into his lies.

The next thing he felt was Dagon’s strong hand around his neck choking him instantly.

“Do you think I’m easy to fool?” He asked drawing his face closer. People around them only watch and pass by.

“Gawd.. you’re c.. choking me” Ben complained and Dagon held his neck tighter knocking the breath out of him.

“How about I give one last chance to take me to her. If you don’t then I’m gonna cut your flesh piece by piece, watch you scream while dying slowly then feed your piece of trash to my dogs.. Am I clear?” Dagon asked. He brow was curved down with some vein popping out. He look so scary.


Raymond eyes opened slowly, he look his side and saw Elsa sleeping soundly. He remembered crying in her arms, somehow he wasn’t embarrassed about it.

He touched her brow hair which felt so soft to touch. Her peaceful face bought a strange feeling to him.


Elsa opened her eyes slowly too.

“Thanks” he muttered.

She suddenly spranged up and touched his forehead.

“You alright?” She asked getting a bit scared.

“Yeah I’m fine” he replied with a frown. Why is she worried?

“Oh Thank God” she breath out then suddenly hit his chest.

“Why do you have to scare me like that? Huh? Do you know how worried I was?” She almost yelled.

Raymond blinked Wondering what happened last night. Did he do something weird?

“Did something happen night?” He asked.

“You had a fever and you passed out scaring the $h|t out of me! I had to carry you on my back to your car and drove you straight here. Then your body started burning up. Your night mare came hunting and I got scared..”

Raymond quickly hug her, if it wasn’t for her trauma, she would be crying river by now. The experience last night scared the $h|t out of her.

“Sorry I scared you Elsa” he muttered while she only sniffed hugging him tighter.

Later that day, Elsa’s finish first class, she called Charlie asking why she didn’t show up.

“I was with Leonard. Sorry”

“Are you here for your studies or for Leonard?” Elsa shook her head.

“I don’t know, maybe both” she replied and they both chuckled.

“Excuse me” A voice called behind her and she look back seeing an anxious middle age woman.

“Uhm, I’m Mrs Brown, I’m sure Raymond told you about me already. can I talk to you for a second?”



“So what you’re telling me is that you think Natasha is missing and not on a vacation?” Wilson asked.

“Yes I can beat my chest to it” Jake said.

“I’ve know her long enough. Natasha won’t leave without telling me or her friends or even anyone. Natasha is a strong girl. She even went to school on that day she left and there was no sign that she wanted to leave” Jake explained.

“You know you might be mistaking Mister Jake. You told me yourself that her heart was just broken before the death of her mother. This might be different, maybe she decided to change her mind and go out without getting disturbed” Wilson remarked.

“The Tasha I know isn’t like that. I think she’s missing. I can feel it” Jake said.

“Sorry Jake, I’ve got a lot at hand right now. I’m sure Tasha is fine.. okay?”

Newton’s second trial is the next day.

“What if the one who ki||ed her mother is after her. You know she swore to find the ki||er. Why would she leave then? Please you’ve got to help me” Jake breath out.

Wilson tapped his lips with the tip of his pen reasoning what Jake had said.

A police who heard the conversation went to the toilet to make a phone call.

After a while, he came out pocketing his phone.

Just after that, Jake received a phone call.

“Doc?” Jake frowned hearing the doctor shaky voice while Wilson only stared.

“Mr Jake, you need to come to the hospital. Your mother is…




To be continued..?

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