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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 21

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{She’s got me twisted}


THEME: Burn for me Elsa?


Written by ? Mayor ?



A car pulled out in front of a building. Elsa let out a sigh, today had been fun, funny and naughty. She still can’t warp the fact that she make out with Raymond in the cinema. Thankfully, the scene of the movie was so loud no one heard her loud Mõ@ɲ at that moment he dipped his finger inside. He made her Com within three minutes.

“You’re alright?” Raymond asked.

“I still can’t believe what we did hours ago. How could you think of doing that in public” Elsa tilt her head.

“It wasn’t a big deal. No one saw us so we are cool. Beside I know you enjoyed it” he gave her a naughty smile.

“So how was today?” He asked.

“Okay, you did amaze me today. I mean I never know you have this side of you. I thought it would be so hard to teach you a lesson. Well except for the naughty part, you did a good job today babe” she said.

“So since I passed. Can I have my request now?” He asked.

“No, this is just the first day” Elsa chuckled got down from the car.

“f_ck” he cursed inwardly and got down too, then walked to stand in front of her and held her waist.

“Hey Elsa” he muttered placing his head on hers closing his eyes.

“I won’t lie. I’ve never felt this alive for so long. I mean been around you feels like heaven. I’m so happy I realized my feelings without too much internal battle. I LOVE YOU and nothing would change the way I feel for you” He whispered wholeheartedly.

Mrs Brown was right, she is the light.

His light! And he’s going to make sure not to lose it.

“I love you too Raymond” She also whispered.

He slowly lean down and capture her her lips. It wasn’t a fast one but a gentle one one that made both heart beats for each other. He broke it after a while then stared deeply at her while she wrapped her arm around his neck with a smile.

“Come to think of it snow, I didn’t have any alcohol today. I guess that’s a win too right?” He asked still holding her waist.

“It’s nice to see you this way Ray” She also whispered.

‘I’ve seen so many girls whose heart got broken by that jerk. He might my bud but I can’t watch him hurt my friend’ Elsa remembered Natasha’s word and her smile disappeared.

‘i’m telling you this before you fall too hard Elsa’ Her thought made her sighed and she became anxious. She won’t lie, she feel restless.

“What’s wrong?” Raymond asked noticing her expression.

“I’m just worried Ray” she replied truthfully.

“About what what?” He asked.

“About you” she said and he frowned not getting her. “I’m worried if you’ll suddenly change. I mean I can’t get the words of you playing girls out of my head. The fact that you’ve slept with many girls in the school is still hunting me. I’ve only known you for just few weeks and this is kinda moving too fast and I’m worried that.. I..” she paused and took a deep breath.

“I’m worried I might get hurt” she whispered.

Raymond went mute not knowing what to say. He was expecting this before.

“Honestly I.. I’m sorry about about my past but it wasn’t my fault. I once told you that a lot of $h|t left me scars”

“Can I know these $h|t?” She asked.

“Yea of course but not at this moment” he replied and she nodded. Atleast he’ll finally open up to her soon and that’s all she needs.

“Bye Raymond, I Love you” she tip toe and kissed his cheek.

“Bye I love you” he replied and watched her enter the dorm.

Elsa rest her back on the door. She took a deep breath and held her chest. Her heart was beating so fast.

She grabbed her purse to check the time but was shocked to see so many missed calls from Charlie, Leonard and Jake.

Her phone was on silence the whole time.

“Oh my God”



Elsa rushed into the hospital after settling the cab man.

Charlie stood up spotting her.

“Gosh, Charlie how’s she?” She asked while Charlie shook her head lightly.

“She’s not saying anything, she’s not eating and she only allow Jake to stay with her” Charlie explained as they watch Natasha through the glass.

“How could this happen?” Elsa muttered.

Charlie wiped the tears in her eyes and sniff. “Where were you Elsa, you weren’t picking your calls”

“I went on a date with Raymond. It was our first date” she answered and Charlie let out a smile.

“How was it?” She asked.

“It was amazing”

“Elsa, you know what you’re signing into right? I mean it’s not too late to back out” Charlie said.

“I love him Charlie.. very much”

“I love you snow” Charlie said.

“I love you too bes” Elsa replied and they both look back at Natasha.

“She’ll be alright. She’s strong after all” Elsa said.


Wilson sat before Newton. The boy face was wet with tears and he was sniffing every second with a scared look.

One thing Wilson knows was that, anyone could be Venom.

“Are you gonna keep hiding it?” Wilson said.

“I didn’t do it, you guys are supposed to make investigations about this before capturing the wrong person. I can’t even ki|| a fly” He said.

“Oh really? How about the time you almost disfigured a boy’s face with a knife?” Wilson asked and he went mute.

“The woman face was smashed with a base bat and Guess what?” Wilson lean close and Newton frowned.

“We found your fingerprints on a bloody bat in the laboratory. The CTV camera caught you entering the lab the time this murder took place. Are you still going to keep denying it?” Wilson asked.

“What? I didn’t ki|| the woman. I don’t even know any base ball bat. I didn’t do this, I swear!”

“Then what were you doing in the lab?” Wilson asked and Newton eyes widened.

“Wait could it be..”


“Okay this bullshit, my sister knows nothing about this” Elsa glare at Wilson.

“Her name was mentioned, so we had no choice than to summon her. It’s not like we are arresting her miss. We just need to ask her a few questions” Wilson explained.

In the interrogating room**

“You need to start talking, I have no time for this $h|t” Piper said rudely chewing the gum in her mouth.

“Tell me everything that happened on that day Piper”

“I saw him” Piper replied and Wilson eyes widened. “I never thought he’ll ki|| the woman but there one more thing”

“What’s that?” Wilson lean closer.

“I saw a scar on his neck. It was really small but I have a good sight”



The barman walked towards Raymond who was busy with his phone. He was chatting with Elsa.

“You sure you don’t need anything?” The Barman asked.

“Nah I’m good” Raymond replied. He was trying hard to avoid alcohol.

“Alright, that’s strange” He muttered before walking away.

“Hey Ray” Izzy went to put and hand on his shoulder. As if it was an electric shock, Raymond jerk himself away from her.

“Woah, I’m not a witch” Izzy raised her brow.

“Yeah I know, just stay five feet away from me” he replied. Although, Elsa is not here with him but it felt like she is everywhere.

“What?” Izzy scoffed blinking severally. “Five feet, oh! Let me guess is it that rule from that bit…”

“Don’t Izzy” Came a cold warning from him as he walked closer $h00ting her a cold glare.

“Okay woah, Ray, what is with you? After all you’ve done you think you can finally find some happiness with some girl..”

“Look Izzy, this warning ain’t gonna come twice. Stay the f_ck away from her. And mind you, she is not just some girl. She is my girl and I’ll show my dangerous side to those who’s not happy about it. Got that Ɓîtçh?”

His word sent a chill to her spine and she swallowed. Raymond look so scary right now.

“So you’re dating” Izzy asked even with the pressure.

“Got any problem with that?” He raised his brow.

“This is f_cked up” she chuckled moving away from him. Her gaze went to someone standing at the door before walking away totally.

Raymond also look at the door and saw Elsa standing there.

“Oh $h|t” he muttered. He was so upset with Izzy he didn’t remember the rule of five feet.

Raymond walked towards her and pulled her out of the bar.

“Look I can explain..”

“Thanks Ray” she cut in.

“Huh?’re not mad at me?” She asked.

“Yeah, at least you didn’t deny me. I think that’s enough but still stay five feet away from other girls” she said and they both chuckled.

“Right, I got that. How’s Tasha?”

“She’s recovering well. The doctor said her state is now better” Elsa answered.

“So you’re off to class?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m almost late.. bye” She tip toe and peck his lips.

“Thanks for coming snow” he grin.

“My pleasure babe”

Raymond took his ring in his mouth and watch her leave.

“d@mn, I haven’t seen you smile like that in forever n_gg@” Ben’s voice sounded behind him and he look at him.

“I know right” Raymond walked towards him and gave him a handshake.

“Who’s she? She’s really hot” Ben said and Raymond eyes turned cold.

“Hey, yo! Keep your eyes off. She’s mine”

“Okay, okay my bad” Ben raised his hand. “So you’re dating?”

“Yeah, why is it so hard to believe?”

“No way, I think I’m in a f_cking dream. What has this girl done to melt you. She must be so cool” Ben said and Raymond smiled.

“Let’s go in and talk” Raymond tapped his shoulder and they both went inside the bar.

A black car which was just across the street, window wind down revealing Lucas. His face has a blank look.

He drove away after a while.

“So that’s all for today. You need to make sure you do the assignment. It has points” the female Lecturer concluded leaving the class.

Elsa groaned out a little. “I don’t understand her course at all and now she’s giving us an assignment. I feel like dying soon”

“It’s not that hard snow”

“You’ll teach me?”

“It won’t be free”



They both got out of the class. Elsa stopped when she saw the music room. She could hear faint guitar sounds coming from inside. She knew immediately, it was Lucas.

“When was the last time you did music?” Charlie asked stopping too.

“Since the audition” she muttered.

“Is everything alright with you and Prof” She asked.

“Not really. He just need some space” she replied.

The door opened showing Lucas standing with a smile on his face.

“I was just wondering who was at the door” He muttered.

“I.. I was about to leave. Sorry to..” Elsa stuttered.

“C’mon in, I’ve missed practicing with you” he said walking back in leaving the door opened for them.

Elsa took slow steps in, she missed everything in the room. Charlie also entered with her lips parted. The room was beautiful.

“This place is wow” Charlie muttered bringing out her phone for some pictures.

Lucas went to grab his guitar and set it back on.

“So what were you singing?” Elsa asked going to sit before him.

Lucas didn’t replied instead he began to play the guitar. The melodious sound rented the whole room. Charlie lips made an ‘O’. This would be the first time she’ll hear Lucas play.

“Could you find a way to let me down slowly…

“A little sympathy, I hope you can show me…

“If you wanna go then I’ll be so lonely..

“If you leave baby let me down slowly..

Elsa gaze was on him the whole time. His eyes were closed as he let out his voice.

“Let me down, down. Let me down down, let me down. Let me down down…

“Let me down down, let me down…

“If wanna go then I’ll be so lonely, if you leave me maybe let me down slowly…

He stopped and let out a deep breath and the room turned quiet.

“Wow” Charlie muttered.

The sound of someone clapping by the door made them turn back.

Raymond walked into the room with his hand jamming together. He was chuckling while looking at Lucas but Elsa could the anger in them.

“Ray” Elsa called going to him. She held his chest and trying to walk him out of the room but he didn’t budge.

“What are you doing here Elsa?” He asked. He was back to his cold self and that scares Elsa a little bit.

“I just miss music, that’s all” She tried to explain.

“You miss music, or you miss him?” He asked.

“It’s not what you think, can we just go please.. do not cause a scene” She held his hand but he pulled it away.

“Why here of all places? Why can’t you come to me huh? I don’t do music but I would have find a way. How come you came to this bastard?”

“Ray, you don’t have to curse out”

“Oh now you’re taking his side?” He asked in disbelief.

Lucas chuckled on his spot and Raymond cold gaze went towards him.

“Did you just laugh?” Raymond asked him. His blood was boiling.

“You know Raymond, I was actually trying to be quiet but I don’t think I can help it anymore” Lucas said and stood.

“Why are you upset? Because she’s here for what she missed?” He asked.

“No” Raymond walked closer to him and the two men stood facing each other.

“I just don’t want her around you. I don’t think you’re the type of person you claim to be”

“Me? What about you Ray? Have you told her about it?” He asked then look at Elsa who have a frown on her face. “I guess not”

“Mind your business” Raymond warned.

“You can’t control her the way you want. Are you scared I might have her once you lose your chance?”

“Well f_ck you, she’s mine”

Lucas looked at Elsa. “Remember what I wanted to tell you after audition” he smiled widely showing his dimple. “I wanna let you know that right from the first day I met you, you stole my heart. I wish I can be the man for you Elsa. I love you and I’ll always do..”

“Okay now shut the f_ck up. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Saying my mind, what are you gonna do about?” Lucas clinched his jaw drawing his face closer.

Raymond scoffed and moved closer too, then warned coldly.

“I swear I’m gonna kick your @zz Lucas”




To be continued..?

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