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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 18

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“Oh My” Elsa covered her mouth using her palm with her eyes widened as she watch the guy rolling on the floor with bloody lips. Her gaze moved to Raymond and back at the guy, she open and mouth and closed it without a word coming out.

Raymond suddenly dragged her by her arm leaving the poor guy on the floor. Getting to a corner Raymond stopped and face her.

“What the hell was that?!” Elsa snapped immediately. She had never thought Raymond would hurt him.

“What the f_ck is wrong with you Elsa, Why would you do that?!” He asked almost yelling.

“Oh now this my fault? You started this first by allowing some girl hug you and now I did the same thing so why are you so disturbed. I mean you punched him on the f_cking face Ray!”

“Do you really have to do that?” Raymond face squeezed in anger but Elsa wasn’t affected.

“It was just a hug Raymond, that was what you said” Elsa remind him.

Raymond sighed trying to calm himself.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Jake called me here and since you’ve not been returned my text or call so I decided to have some fun” she said cutting the part that she came here mainly because of him.

“So you’re here for Jake and not for me?” He raised his brow.

“You didn’t invite me so why would I be here for you. if you would excuse me.. I gotta go have some fun with Jake” she said turning to leave but his callous hand dragged her back after two steps.

“I didn’t invite cus I know you don’t like them and what’s with Izzy?” He asked remembering the girl he found Elsa fighting with.

“She crossed the line and I gave her what she needed” she replied.

“What are you trying to do Elsa?”

“I’m going to have some fun” she shrugged.

Raymond gaze went down to her chest. Her cleavage was slightly exposed, it was a beautiful sight for him but knowing other guys would drool over it he frowned. The red gown hug her body showing her curves.

“You can’t go in like that” he said.

“Huh? Why?”

“I don’t know, y…your.. uhm..” he think hard for an excuse. “Uhm, it’s cold”

“I don’t feel any cold. I’m fine” she shrugged.

“No you’re going in like this. come with me” Raymond said dragging her before she could protest.

“Where are you taking me?” She said trying to keep up with him. He was walking too fast. He led her to his car and opened the door.

“Get in” he said and she obeyed. Closing the door Raymond also got in and drove towards her dorm.


Inside the frat house**

“Wait! No way Natasha, your mom is a cop, and you never told us?” Jake eyes widened.

“It wasn’t necessary since we fight a lot. She looks a lot like me” she replied.

“Cool, I’d love to meet her some day, where is she?”

“She’s in town but I haven’t talk to her yet, What about you, you’ve never talked about your parents before” Natasha asked and his smile disappeared.

“Ha, they’re fine” he lied hiding to he fact that his dad was dead and his mom sick.

Natasha gaze moved to his wet lips amd remembered how she kissed him. She had never thought she would actually do that but she didn’t regret it.

“I’ll be right back” Jake informed after a while.

“Alright” she forced a smile. Her gaze moved to Brielle who busy kissing a random guy. ‘Yuck’ she thought pulling out her phone.

“Sad Leonard isn’t here. He is missing the fun” Brielle said puffing out smoke from her lips and nose. She was wearing a royal blue bra and extremely short skirt one could see her pantie underneath. She actually dressed this way because of Raymond.

“Stay away from Leonard, he is taken” Natasha glared.

“Taken. Leo and Ray don’t date”

“Yeah especially Ray, stay away from him. I might wound you” she warned.

“What, is it because Raymond broke your heart right in everyone last year?. You were like ‘I love you Ray, I love you so much” she mimick and giggle.

“How about you say that again” Natasha stood ready to slap her hard.

“Natasha” someone called and she look up.

“Lake? What the f_ck are you doing here?” She asked.

“You’ve not being picking my call or returning my texts. I’m so sorry for what happened, I swear I never meant to hurt you. Please give a second chance babe” Lake said.

“Do babe me Lake, you did what you wanted to do. It’s over between us okay? Go and meet that wh-_-re you wanted!”

“It wasn’t my fault yunno. Ever since your friends came into this college, you’ve not been giving me the attention I wanted”

Natasha blinked and scoffed. The reason why she doesn’t sleep with her friends was because of him.

“Yeah, it’s obvious you’re choosing your friend over me beside you’re not right too. You kissed Jake right in front of me. Stop being Ɓîtçhy and give me second chance”

Brielle lips formed and ‘O’. Natasha lips could only part as she teared up.

Jake dragged Lake by the shoulder $h00ting him a hard glare.

“Piss off if you don’t wanna lose your balls” he warned.

Lake chuckled looking down at Jake’s hand in his shoulder and back at Natasha.

“I can’t believe you are f_cking my friend behind my back too and here you are acting all sai…”

“I said piss off!” Jake clinch his jaw.

“Guess how wide her p@zzy is. It’s like a Flipping river”

Jake fist land on his face immediately those words left his lips.

Lake fell heavily on the floor with busted lips and Jake climbed on him throwing hard punch on his face.

“Jake!” Natasha called.

“How dare say trash after hurting her!!” Jake yelled insanely punching him harder non-stop.


Raymond got down his car and opened the door for Elsa, then pinned her against the car. He made to kiss her but she push his chest using two fingers and he stopped.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked.

“I.. I wanna kiss you. I’ve missed you Elsa” he muttered.

“Really? You think you can just argue with me and bring me here to make out?” she asked tilting her head sideways.

“I’m sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have let her hug me. You know I’m not use to the dating stuff and I have no idea on what rules I should follow…”

“So you want me to take the lead then?” She raised her brow having some wild thoughts running through her mind.

“The lead? You mean we should switch roles?” He asked.

“Yes, I’ll be a very gentleman, don’t worry” Elsa smirked.

“Alright, if that’s what you want then fine.. okay can I kiss you? You lips are so tempting” He lean down but she place her finger on his lips.

“We can’t kiss until you learn how to be a gentleman” she said. Going easy on him won’t make him learn his lesson. She needs to show him how she wants to be treated.

“Oh No, you can’t do this. I haven’t kissed you since morning and I miss it so badly. I might die Elsa. Can we kiss just once hmm?” He pouted.

“No.. go back to your place Raymond, we have a date tomorrow” she said turning to leave but he held her arm.

“I’m not coming in?” He asked.

“Yes, couples don’t sleep together immediately they start dating”

Hearing this, Raymond scoffed. “Who the f_ck create that d@mn rule?”

“I did, I’m the one leading.. remember?” she said and Raymond immediately regret agreeing to her terms.

“I might…” He stopped. He actually wanted to tell her that he might have the nightmares again. “Fine” he muttered releasing her hand.

“Good. One more thing before I leave.. Stay five feet away from any other girl. If you fail to do so then I’ll have to punish you by not allow you to touch me too” she said seriously.

“Are you trying to ki|| me?” He blinked.

“Maybe” she shrugged going into her dorm swaying her hips seducively.

“I think I might go crazy tonight” he muttered.



Piper jumped down from the stairs with her bagpack tightly glue to her back. Her highschool uniform was neatly ironed and she have a headphone on her ear as she dance to the music.

“Morning Uncle!” She greeted the man making pasta in the kitchen.

“Hey sweetie, how was your night?” Jeremy asked serving the breakfast.

“Not cool Uncle I had a really bad dream about Elsa” Piper said placing her headphone on her shoulder before sitting.

“Bad dream? What do you see?” Jeremy asked placing her plate of food before her.

“She was crying, it seems stupid though cus Elsa haven’t cried since the fire incident”

Jeremy eyes narrowed but he shrugged it away. “When is your exam”

“Next week, don’t worry I’m prepared. I’m going to surprise you uncle” she said with her mouth full before standing to leave.

“You never finish breakfast” Jeremy shook his head looking at the leftover food on the table.

“Sorry uncle, I’m late” she stormed out.


At the same time, Raymond sat on a chair with his well polished black shoe tapping the ground impatiently. He kept on glancing at his watch every second. The retro white suit was perfect for his height making him look like a gentle man but his face says otherwise.

“Where is she? She said meet me at the park by 11:00am and now it’s 11:30. Does she mean pm? No that can’t be right” he muttered.

People passing by gushed at his beauty especially girls. He was like a cold angel. Some even bought out their phone to take some pictures.

Raymond cleared his throat feeling a bit uncomfortable. He wouldn’t have wore this suit, if it wasn’t for the text he had recieved from her this morning. She was telling him to dress like a gentleman. This suit was bought by Mr Adams and he had never wore it before.

“Please can you raise your head” A voice made him look up. The next thing was a camera shot causing him to close his eyes.

‘f_ckkk!’ he screamed inwardly and shot a glare at her but she already run away.

“What kind of gentleman keeps his lady waiting huh? I can do this better than her” he muttered. ‘Are you sure?’ his subconscious asked and he scoffed. “Why the hell did we switch role?” He said louder this time without noticing the tall slender figure that appeared behind him.

“I thought you were cool with it” Her familiar voice made him turn slowly. His breath sieze seeing her and he slowly stood on his feet. She took slow steps towards him with a lovely smile on her face.

She was wearing the same color as him; White short gown. Off shoulder showing her beautiful necklace. Her brown hair was straight and it fall backward.

Her long beautiful legs leads to a set of stiletto heels. The lips that drive him crazy was red and he swallowed.

“Wow Ray, I think you beat me on our first date. Gosh we look like a real couple” She said to the guy who was still not breathing. His gaze was on her the entire time.

Elsa blinked severally when the guy in front of her stood like a statue.

“Uhm Ray” she called gently.

“Yes Love” he muttered and Elsa let out a chuckle. Is he possessed? Maybe she dressed too much. She couldn’t help it since it was their first date.

“I went to see Charlie off the hospital. She was discharged today.. sorry I’m late” she said.

Raymond gaze land on her red lips as his Adam apple moved up and down. ‘We can’t kiss until learn how to be a gentleman’ he remembered her word but right now he feel like dying.

With a pleading look he blurt out without knowing.

“Can I kiss you.. please”


At the same time..

Piper ran into the basketball court with her armless jersey and short. She greet her teams who respected her so much. She was the best when it comes to basketball.

The match was about to start when she spot a man in suit standing around a corner. He was watching someone in the crowd. His face was covered with mask and his hair was neatly combed backwards.

She traced his gaze and found the person he was watching. It was a woman whose face was covered with her messy hair. She look scared and have some bruise on her face. She found the woman leaving the court immediately.

She familiar to her though.

“Piper!” Her coach called telling her to stay in position.

She nod and look back at the man in suit but he disappeared already.

‘Who the f_ck is that?’ she thought. “Hey coach I’ll be right back. I need to use the restroom” she said running towards the direction where the woman left.

Seeing Piper was going the opposite direction, the couch shook her head.

The woman ran into a quiet room, it was a medical lab. She was crying profusely. This man had been chasing her to end her life.

She has no phone to call and she knows she would be found soon.

The sound of a door opened made her hold her breath. He’s here! That monster is here!

Light steps could be heard as the Venom walked in. There was a base bat in his right hand while the other hand was in his pocket.

The woman closed her eyes praying hard not to be found but the blood on her face dried when he found him before her staring dangerously at her. His hold on the bat tightens as he tilt his head observing his prey.

He squat and chuckled evilly. “Do you think you can run away from me?” He asked in a deep voice.

“Please” she muttered.

The hallway was quiet as Piper took slow steps further. That man in suit might be the person who kidnapped her.

Who was that woman then, she still can’t recall where she had seen her.

She got to a room and stopped.

In the room, Venom heard footsteps and it stopped it got to the place they were. Just with the footsteps Venom knows the person was a girl. His gaze slowly went towards the door direction and back to the woman.

“She’ll die with you if she comes in. It would be fun if I ki|| two people today” He chuckled.

The woman stopped herself from screaming so she won’t cause the death of another person.

Piper took a deep breath. Her instinct was screaming at her not to open the door but remembering the lady she couldn’t save during her kidnap, she took a deep breath.

Her hand raised towards the door knob and…




To be continued..?

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