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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 14

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Raymond chest was moving up and down from his heavy breath. It felt like an heavy load was being lifted from his shoulder. He finally said those three words, his mind was in sync waiting for the quiet girl before him to speak. Does she feel the same way? It took him a lot of courage to say this.

It took a while before Elsa could finally realize what he just said. Is this really Raymond? She found herself taking slow steps towards him. The serious look on his face shows he wasn’t joking.

Raymond held his breath while watching her come close. Is she going to rejected him? Why the serious look on her face. His eyes widened when Elsa trace her hand to his back and hug him while resting her head on his chest. His whole body stiffened.

Raymond blinked severally before looking down slowly. He raised his hand too and hug her. Her familiar cologne filled his nose and he closed his eyes.

“Did you practice those speech before coming here?” She chuckled hugging him tighter.

“I’m surprise myself” His deep voice penetrated her ear.

“Can I hear those three words again?” She asked.

“I love you, so much Elsa” He repeated. This time the word came out freely.

“I love you Raymond” she replied and his eyes flew opened. He broke the hug slowly and look down at her.

“Really?” He grinned and she nodded her head. “f-__-k” he chuckled.

Without wasting any second, Raymond crashed his lips on her and kissed her. Elsa responded this time and the broke it shortly. He grabbed both side of her face and place a deep kiss on her forehead. “I’ll try my best to be good for you, I promise” he whispered placing his forehead on hers.

“You better keep that promise cuz I’ll break your balls if you don’t” Elsa said.

“Don’t worry baby, I love you”

Lucas who saw this turned to leave. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he got into his car then left the place.

“This is the most amazing hilarious I’ve ever seen” Charlie pouted while videoing them.

“Me too, sis is so lucky” Piper also pouted.

“Are you both crying?” Mason shook his head.

The securities finally get to loose the wire around them, one of the bought out a gun and point it towards Raymond.

“Woah! Woah! Easy man, I’m leaving alright” Raymond raised his hand. “Dinner?” He asked Elsa.

“Dinner” she replied with a smile.

Raymond was lead out of the place. A smile was on his face the whole time. He bought out his phone to call Mrs Brown immediately he got out.

“Hello” she answered.

“She said yes” Raymond said quickly.

“Really congratulations Ray, I’m so happy for you my boy. Be good to her alright. Make sure not to hurt her feelings” she said.

“Yeah but this is strange, I.. I no nothing about dating stuff”


Natasha groaned waking up from her sleep. She was naked with Lake beside her. They partied all night, f-__-ked and ended up sleeping all day.

“Argh” Lake Mõ@ɲed throwing his hand over her br**st.

“f-__-k off” Natasha threw his arm away and sit up to rubbing her face. She grab her phone and switched it on, it has been off since yesterday.

Messages popped on her screen and she frowned seeing Charlie’s message.

*Where are you, aren’t you coming for the Audition?*

“Audition? Wait.. Today is Friday” Her eyes widened remembering Elsa’s first audition.
“$h|t!!” She exclaimed spranging up. Her voice woke Lake.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked in a hoarse voice with his eyes half opened and his hair messy.

Natasha quickly put on her trouser and grabbed her big black top. There was a butterfly tattoo on her lower back.

“I gotta go somewhere” she said quickly.

“Where? You promised to stay here with me all day”

“Today is my Elsa’s audition. I asked you to remind me but here you are snoring”

“Hey don’t be harsh on me. We both forgot” Lake raised his brow.

Natasha faced the mirror in front of her and adjust her hair putting some make up on.

“What about the shower with me?” Lake asked and Natasha shot a glare at him.

“Seriously? Didn’t you hear what I just said?” She asked.

“Fine I’m sorry, I wish her good luck”

“What time is it?”

“It’s 6:00pm”

“Oh Gawd! It must be over already” She grabbed her bag and left the room immediately.


The judges eyes were dancing in amusement and their lips slightly parted as they watch the girl on stage singing. Her voice was just so captivating, they wish to hear more.

“The older I get, the more that I see.. my parent aren’t heroes, they’re just like me..

“And loving is hard, it don’t always work, you just try your best not to get hurt..

Elsa’s melodious voice rented the whole place.

“Gosh, I feel like crying fans. That’s my snow white singing baby” Charlie squealed.

Piper eyes were brimming in tears. Her love for her sister was another level. She look at where Lucas was but couldn’t find him again.
“How come he’s here. I hope he doesn’t let my secret out” she muttered remembering how he caught her stealing his wristwatch in a restaurant.

“I’m so sorry” she apologized to the man before her.

“Why did you steal, you know that’s wrong right? I can easily sue you”

“I actually need some money but I don’t want my sister to know about it. She had gone through a lot ever since my parent died. I’m so sorry mister”

Piper sigh remembering everything. She had promised not to steal again but yet she stole twice after that. But now she is stopping for good. She look back at Elsa whose eyes were closed.

‘I can lay down my life for you sis’ Piper thought smiling. Mason noticed this and slowly wrapped his arms around her neck.

“The older I get”

Elsa concluded and the whole three judges stood to give her an applaud. She opened her eyes which were close the whole time and smile. The audition went well. Her gaze went towards where Lucas was and her smile disappeared.

“Where did he go?” She muttered.

“You are the best snow. I love you so much!” Charlie cheer and she laughed.


Lucas eyes was cold as the grip on the steer tighten. The confession, the kiss and everything was driving him crazy. Why? Why does she have to choose him. He had hurt her but yet she still want him.

He bought out a small box containing a beautiful expensive pendant. He was planning to confess his feeling to her but that guy spoiled everything.

Taking a deep breath, he kept it back and swallow hard. His phone rang disturbing his thought.

“Hello” he answered this time.

“Why have you been ignoring my calls? What has come over you son?” His father yelled.

“I’m so sorry father, I was busy with somethings” Lucas said.

“Something? Do you have a girl already?”

Lucas took a deep breath. “Dad?” He called gently. Tears thr_@ten to creep out of his eyes.
“I fell in love” he confessed.

“Wow! Son, that’s the best news I’m hearing today. Who is this lucky girl. Ha ha I’m going to make sure she taste the good thing in the world..

“Dad!” Lucas cut him off.

“What son? Why are you sounding weird” His dad asked over the phone.

“She loves someone else” Lucas replied cutting the phone call immediately. He stopped at one store and went to buy himself some beer then went back to his car.

His phone rang, seeing it was Elsa, he said. “Can you stop hurting me?” He muttered but then picked up the call.

“Hey Elsa” Lucas changed his voice to his normal cheerful one.

“Professor Lucas. Where are you? The audition just end”

“Sorry I couldn’t wait for you to finish. I was not feeling too good, I’m so sorry” He apologized.

“Where are you?” She asked.

“On my way home, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a nice weekend” he said quickly before ending the phone call.

Getting home, he opened the bottle of alcohol. He doesn’t drink but right now, he needed it. He went towards the drawer and bought out Elsa’s picture then sit on the floor.

“Why?” He muttered drinking from his bottle. “Why him and not me? I thought we’re good but you still choose that @$$h0le” he said taking another sip.

“I love you Elsa, that’s what I wanted to tell you but I guess I don’t have the chance anymore since your heart belongs to someone”

With just five sip, he was drunk. “Or maybe I was the one who was to slow to confess. I can’t believe I fell for a girl who doesn’t want me” he laughed at himself. His hair was messy and his eyes start to become red.

“I don’t think I’d able to handle it Elsa.. I don’t think so” he muttered closing his eyes.


“That was awesome, like d@mn your voice gave me goosebump” Piper jumping to hug Elsa.

“I’m sure you’ll be selected snow ” Charlie said.

“Where’s professor Lucas?” Charlie asked looking around.

“He left” Elsa replied. She knows the exact reason why Lucas left and she felt bad. She just wish they can continue to be friends.

Mason and Piper left to their separate place while Charlie and Elsa took a taxi.

Her phone buzz and a message pop out.

“How was the Audition?*

Without thinking much, she knew who it is.

*It went well* she replied.

*Sorry I couldn’t wait, those d@mn security won’t let me stay*

*Your proposal was hilarious* she texted putting a laughing emoji at the end.

*You’re making me feel bad. You have no idea how nervous I was, where are you? I wanna kiss you*

*Naughty, I’m on my way to my dorm*

Charlie took a peek at her message and laugh lightly.


“Are you sure about this. I never thought you’ll accept that fast” she said.

“I know it’s crazy, I’m surprised myself” Elsa took a deep breath looking at Charlie. “I hope I won’t regret this”

“Follow your heart snow. Ray seems serious about it, that’s all that matters. I just hope what Dahlia said about him is not true and I hope he won’t get spanked in the @zz like Fredrick” Charlie said and they both laughed hard.

The taxi driver looked at them through the rear mirror.

“Oh my Gawd! Charlie! Don’t remind me about that” Elsa covered her lips.

“I’m glad I did not see him around”

“I’m sure he learnt his lesson, jerk like him don’t deserve peace” Elsa grit her teeth.

“I’ve missed the crazy you” Charlie laughed.

Elsa frowned noticing the route the taxi driver was taking. “Hey I don’t think this is the way to the dorm, mister” she said politely.

“Yeah, where are you taking us?” Charlie also asked.

“Oh, the main road is under construction miss, didn’t you see the news? This is just another route to where you’re heading” The man said.

‘Another route, this man is suspicious’ Elsa thought bringing out her phone to call Raymond.

Raymond who was searching for a good restaurant for their dinner date picked up her call immediately.. “Babe” he answered.

“I think you should drop us here, I forgot something” Elsa spoke loud for Raymond to hear it. The man before her turned deaf ears.

“Mister, let us down!” Charlie yelled and car suddenly stopped.

The man came down from the car and they were surrounded by Seven dangerous guys with a mask on and a knife.

“Danger Ray, they are five with knives” Elsa spoke up.

Sensing the danger, Raymond muttered. “Elsa.. f_ck” He stormed out of his room.

Elsa and Charlie were dragged down from the car.

“Let me go you bastard!” Elsa yelled punching one on the face. One grabbed her hair but she twisted his arm before kicking him on the face using her heels.

Charlie bite the one holding her by the arm but that made everything go wrong. She was stabbed in the stomach. The guy bought another knife and gave her another stab on the back. Blood came out of her lips.

“Noo!!!!!” Elsa screamed seeing this. She watched Charlie went down on the floor and her eyes widened.

One of the guys wrapped his arms around her neck tightly. She struggled to break free but his grip was strong causing her lose consciousness bit by bit. Her eyes were half closed when she spot a familiar female figure.

‘Dahlia’ she thought before losing consciousness.

The smell of petroleum hit her nose, her eyes slowly opened but it was blurr. She forced herself up and coughed hard. Her neck hurts like hell. She was in a strange room.

“Charlie” she muttered remembering what happened. Her friend was stabbed twice. Thehe smell of petroleum got stronger and she moved towards the window slowly.

Her stomach turned when she spot a figure with a lighter.

“No!” Her eyes widened when he light it and threw it towards the place she was.

The place caught fire immediately and she began to panic hard on her spot.

Seeing how the fire sorrounded the room, the figure left the place knowing his job was done.

“Help! Mom!!” Her trauma began to attack her. The memories of what happened years ago came in. The fire, the scream for help, The wound and everything made her head turn. She pulled her hair as her whole body began to shiver.

“Help!! Mom!!!!” She yelled again.

The smoke got intense not giving her a chance to breath, the heat made her skin irritated. The fire not reducing one bit.

Maybe this was the end for her…




To be continued..?

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