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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Rhema J ✨
Episode 53
“Mom.. hang on mom” little Blake tried to save his mom from the water de.mon, the de.mon was ¢hoking her already

The woman removed a bracelet from her hand and wore it for him

“It’ll help you grant a great wish you want, it’ll locate you to the one that’s meant for you” she said through mind link and used all her powers to push him out of the water

“Mom!!!” Blake screamed


Blake is trying to break free from the water de.mon but it’s useless, he can feel his life leaving him

“So it’s really it, I’m gonna die. Selene” he thought, tears rolled from his eyes but it didn’t show cause of the river

In few mins he stopped struggling and his eyes closed, Selene just got there at that point and froze, she used her powers to separate him from the water de.mon and then ki||ed it

She swam to Blake and pulled him out of the river, she laid him on the floor, pinched his nose and stared a mouth to mouth resuscitation

“Nothing is working dmn it!” She ranted, she placed her hands on his chest and began pushing it but nothing

She pointed her finger at his chest, a blue light began to reflect on it but still nothing

Selene is in tears already, she tried everything but nothing is working

“Please wake up Blake I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you, please” she burst out in tears

Slowly Blake’s body began turning to shining dusts and fading away

“Blake” she muttered, she stood up and chased after the dust but it was gone

“BLAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” she yelled greatly and fell on her knees

She began crying she cried so hard her body is even shaking violently, suddenly her flew at her back, her feet was up in the air and her eyes turned blue, deep blue sparking electricity even

“You ki||ed him and I’ll ki|| you” she yelled followed by a heavy wind

Trees began falling, house began collapsing, people began flying here and there, shops began scattering even college of magic is shaking violently

Master Morris is treating the goddess while master Xian is trying to stop the school from collapsing

“Her powers have finally awaken” Amora said weakly


The wind affected the coven too, Ezekiel and the commander separated instantly, the wind kllled all the priest and de.mons, it even pushed Cyflus back

A female shadow stood by the door, holding a long sword ready for battle

“Selene” Elena called moving close to her but Selene moved back

“Get out of here, all of you” she ordered in stern voice

“Let’s go” Mora said and they all went out

The commander is running towards Selene with his sword but Selene sIashed him and ki.lled him instantly

She moved closer to Cyflus who moved backwards, he’s scared but he didn’t wanna show it

“You didn’t get the key, you’re useless” he said

“I got the key” Selene smiled, she brought out the key and showed him

“But we’ll have to battle for it till death” she added and threw the key on a table

Cyflus smirked and brought out his sword, he charged at her but she was ready and a fierce fight occurred between them

Cyflus mind is in the key and nothing else, he kept using all his power to fight

“Give me the key so you’ll get a simple death and join him” he said

“Over my dead body” Selene replied

“I guess you don’t like yourself” Cyflus smirked, his eye grew dark red and he generated a huge red ball emitting dark smoke

He aimed it and threw it at Selene, Selene didn’t bulge when the ball is about to hit her, it bounced back at hit Cyflus chest instead

Cyflus groaned and fell on his kneels, he held his chest tight and coughed bIood out if his mouth

“Have you forgotten I’m the goddess daughter, de.mons can’t hurt me, it backfires” she said, raising her sword up in a way it can sIash his ne¢k and moving close to him

“I guess it’s time for you to go back to sleep. Forever” she said and sIashed the $word down at him


Selene took the key, she looked at Cyflus body that is slowly disappearing off before she went out of the coven

“It’s all over” she said and waved her hands at the coven

It began crumbling, she turned to leave and cleaned the tears falling her hands, she took few steps forward before lossing consciousness passing out on the ground




“Guys they are awake” Snow yelled to her friends that were at the cafeteria

“For real??” Daniel asked, standing up already

“Yea come” Snow yelled and rushed out

“My baby” Daniel jeered happily while running to the school clinic

Lan chuckled and held Mora’s hand and they both went to the clinic, Mabel and Edward followed from behind followed by Ezekiel and Elena.
To be continued

Episode 54
Ruby is already sitting on the bed when they got there, she’s feeling somehow free and different but she can’t explain why

“Oh my baby I’m so glad you’re awake” Elena jeered and hugged her tight

“Happy awaken day sis” Ezekiel smiled and hugged her too

“Hey guys” Raphael said, sitting up also

“Wait” he began touching himself

“I’m alive??” He smiled

“No you’re dead, welcome back bro” Lan hugged him tight

Daniel kept sighing, he’s sitting at the edge of Lilith’s bed and rubbing her hands

Jordan woke up and sat straight, everyone began looking at him strangely

“What’s wrong with my face, do I have something on it?” He asked rubbing his cheeks

“Actually nothing is on your face” Mabel replied

“What?” He laughed shortly

Lilith grumble from her sleep before opening her eyes

“Babe you’re finally awake” Daniel smiled and raised her up

“What? I’m alive?” She asked

“No you’re dead” Snow chuckled

“Ahhh” she screamed and hugged Daniel instantly

“I thought I’ll never see you again” she said, rubbing his cheek

Daniel smiled and pecked her palm, and then happily rested his forehead in hers

“I miss you” he muttered

“Krm.. you two aren’t the only couples here” Edward hissed

“I’m sorry” Lilith smiled happily

They all gathered themselves for a group hug

“Where’s Blake and Selene?” Lilith asked

“Actually, Selene is still sleeping in the goddess room and Blake didn’t make it” Raphael said sadly

“What!?” Lilith said, getting emotional already

“We were waiting for all of you to wake up so we’ll pay our respect to the dead ones” Ezekiel said

“I’m awake, let’s pay out respect now” Ruby said, standing up, she helped Raphael up too

Jordan stood up wondering why all of them are staring at him weirdly, Snow still had his mask but she has forgotten to return it back

Selene coughed before opening her eyes, she looked around and sat straight

“Where am I?” She thought

“You’re awake” Amora smiled, moving to sit with her

“Blake is he dead for real?” Selene asked and resumed crying again

“Shhh” Amora muttered and hugged her really tight

“Actually there’s still a bit of chance to bring him back as a royal, if his heart is pure gold, like he had never done anything wrong in his past life then queen Rhema can decide to have mercy on him” Amora and

“I don’t understand?” Selene said, pulling away from the hug and cleaning her eyes

Queen Rhema from the Jade heavens, she has the ability to bring people back to life and give them second chance only if their heart is pure gold that’s they have never made any mistake in their past life” Amora repeated

“So I can go beg her, I’m sure she’ll have mercy on Blake, he’s a good guy” Selene replied

“If you’re so sure then I can take you there, I’ll take you to the Jade temple and you’ll kneel there and beg her, if she doesn’t answer you or give you anysign then it’s over” Amora said

“I’m willing to go” Selene replied with pure determination

“And if she doesn’t answer you?’

“Then I’ll accept faith” Selene replied

“Good, tomorrow morning get ready and go shower, your friends miss you alot” Amora said

Selene went to the bathroom, she showered, Amora lended her a free gown to wear and sat her down to face the mirror

“I’ve always dreamt of brushing my daughter’s hair” Amora smiled and took the hair brush

“I still can’t believe I’m your daughter, what about my mom?’ Selene asked

“I’ll tell you everything when you come back” Amora answered

“Then I can’t wait to come back, I have a lot to ask” Selene smiled

“Look your hair is staring to turn silver, proves that your crown is almost ready, future princess” Amora smiled

“I don’t want to become princess, I don’t want anything to change between me and my friends” Selene pouted

“Nothing would change trust me” Amora smiled and Selene nodded


Selene went outside and met all her friends burning insect and papers for the ones that died

She quietly knelt at their back beside Elena who’s eyes is deeply red, like she had cried alot

Selene saw pictures of Blake, Dexton and even Ariana and Mirabel, their friends were nice to pay their respect for Ariana

“If you have been a bit smarter, then you wouldn’t have died early, I hope if you get to leave a second life you’ll turn a new leaf” Selene thought, staring at Ariana’s picture

Raphael is crying for Blake while Ruby is rubbing his back, Lilith went to the front with her insect, she burnt for Mirabel

“You’ve made mistakes but you’re still my friend, I hope wherever you are now you’ll learn your lesson” Lilith thought

“And as for you Ariana, hope you’ll understand violence can’t solve everything, rest in peace” she bowed

Slowly the students began leaving one by one till it’s only Elena and Selene kneeling outside

Ezekiel looked back at Elena before sighing and facing his front

“I can’t believe I’ll never see you again” Elena thought looking at Dexton’s picture, she closed her eyes allowing tears to roll down

After a while Selene and Elena sat on the ground together, Selene told Elena about the queen Rhema stuff

“It’s not possible, if I go with you I know I won’t be able to bring him back, he has done wrong. Don’t worry about me I have accepted faith, yes I still love him but I’m sure I’ll be fine” Elena said with a smile

“I’m sorry” Selene hugged her

“Hey, just make sure Blake makes it I’m very sure he would make it, he’s a good guy” Elena said

“If he don’t make it then I’ll accept faith” Selene said and sighed

Elena stood up and raised Selene up

“Let’s go meet the rest, they miss you” she smiled, Selene smiled to and they all went inside.
To be continued

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