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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Rhema J ✨
Episode 50
Catylon and the commander watched Selene recite the whole spell, slowly the wind died down and the golden lights began fading away

“Did it worked?” Catylon asked but the commander never responded

They kept looking at the young prince that still has his eyes closed, suddenly his eyes flickered open and he sat up immediately

“Greeting your highness” Catylon and the commander fell on their knees and bowed immediately

The young prince stared at himself for a while before a smile formed his lips

“It feels so good to be awake” he said and stood up

“I’ll like to be called Cyflus, I’ll take after my father’s name” he smiled

“Yes your highness” the commander and Catylon chorused

“I’m guessing she must be the goddess daughter” he said moving close to Selene who just stood one place like a robot

“Yes my prince” the commander replied

“Hmm” he smiled and traced her chin to her neck with his fingers

“I like her, she’s pretty” he said and looked at the commander

“I wanna be crowned as the king right now, where is the crown?” He asked

“We are yet to steal the key of initial highness but everything is-

“I h@ťě slowness, this miss the goddess is still alive” Cyflus cut the commander off and with a wave of the finger the commander fell on the ground and sput bIood out of his mouth

“We’ll need to act fast, what have you guys been doing about it?” He asked

“We have spy in the school, that’ll help us still the key of initial” Catylon replied

“Let’s make things easier, what’s her name?” He asked referring to Selene

“Selene” Catylon replied

“Selene come here I have an assignment for you” he said and Selene came to him immediately

“Someone get me a mask and a knife” he ordered and a maid rushed out immediately

“Selene I want you to go to M. Magical college and k.ill the water goddess, she’s kept in the last park garden under the ground” he said

“Yes master” Selene bowed

The maid rushed back in with mask and knlfe and bowed

Cyflus picked the mask and wore it on Selene face, the mask is huge that only her red lips is visible in the eye

“K.ill her with this knlfe and come back immediately, if you see anyone return here immediately, don’t talk to anyone don’t fight with anyone understood??” He ordered

“Yes master” Selene bowed


Selene entered the school without anyone noticing her, she went straight to the last garden and did some finger formations leading her under the ground

Immediately she got in she began looking around, everywhere was looking familiar like she had been here before, she went deeper and deeper till she reached the crystal cascade

She brought hands to touch it but suddenly froze, she didn’t know why she began feeling somehow like she shouldn’t do this but then she began hearing those priest chanting in her ears

She held her head tight and breathed, her face turned lifeless again and she stretched her hands to the Cascade, opening it slowly with her powers

Slowly the goddess body began to reveal, starting from her silver hair then her smooth face, her white dress and eventually her whole body

Selene moved closer to her and brought out the curved knlfe, she raised it up with her both hands, she is about to $tab the goddess when a da.gger flew to ¢ut her arm

She looked at the bIood dripping down her hand and looked at the person that threw the da.gger at her

“Who are you?” Master Morris asked moving to her but instead of fighting she did her finger formation and disappeared off

Master Morris made to run after her but..

“Master Morris” someone called him

Like slow mo, he turned to see Amora sitting on her Cascade, she’s awake already

“Goddess Amora, you’re awake” he said, his eyes almost popped out of it’s socket as he spoke, even his voice is shaky as he spoke

“Yes I’m awake which means my daughter is alive, where is she?” Goddess Amora asked, standing up already

“She was wearing a mask, she wanted to ki|| you and she left, let me go find her” master Morris said, he wanted to leave but Amora felt dizzy and fell on him

“Goddess are you okay, what’s wrong?” He asked, holding her

“Chaios, chaios is happening, he’s awake, war is happening people are going to die, people are endangered,my daughter life is at stake” she said, gripping his shirt really tight


A huge war is happening at the school compound right now, Mirabel kept summoning de.mons while Ariana is still looking for the key of initial

By now master Xian chamber is a mess

“Where did he keep it” Ariana groaned and ruffled her hair

She stepped out of the chamber and bit her fingers thinking of something

“Have you found it?’ Mirabel asked

“I didn’t see it in the chamber” Ariana replied

“It’s in the secret room at the back of the chamber, it’s guarded with powerful stones but with your new powers you’ll be able to break it” Mirabel said

“Why didn’t you tell me there was a secret room at the back, gosh!” Ariana hissed and rushed to the back

Finally she got to the secret room and smiled, she closed her eyes and made a dark fireball, then she threw it at the stones, it broke and a golden light began shinning

“The key, it’s finally before my eyes” Ariana smiled, taking close steps to it and as brought her hands to touch it, everywhere began making a loud alarm noise


“The key of initial” master Xian yelled

“Someone is trying to take it, we have a traitor” Elena said

“You and you come with me the rest of you keep fighting” master Xian said to Elena and Raphael

“Let’s go” Raphael said and they all rushed to the secret room

On getting there they met Ariana and Mirabel coming out

“You’re the traitor” Elena gritted her teeth as she spoke, at the same time she’s shocked

Ariana made a dark ball to throw it at Elena but it met master Xian instead

“Master” Raphael rushed to him

“Mirabel here run” Ariana gave Mirabel the key and brought out her sword

Raphael left master Xian and began fighting with Ariana while Elena chased after Mirabel

“Just give up” Mirabel yelled

“Never, you shouldn’t have done this” Elena said using her rope to wipe Mirabel but she dodged

“I’ve actually wanted to ki|| you, let’s have a little fun” Mirabel smiled and brought out a black sword emitting black smoke

“Playing death huh?” Elena smirked and her rope turned green

“Let’s play” she smirked and charged at Mirabel but Mirabel was fast enough to block

“Lucky for me I got new powers, you’re no match” Mirabel smirked and cut Elena’s rope onto half with the thick sword

Elena tried using her hands but Mirabel kicked her back and began $h00ting some dark lights at her

Elena fell on her knees and spit out blood before she could process anything, Mirabel is already running towards her with her sword

Elena closed her eyes waiting for wh@ťěver will happen but it got twisted, Dexton came to block her and the sword meet with his chest instead

Mirabel eyes widened, she couldn’t stop her hand so she had already dipped the sword deep in Dexton chest

“Dexton” she called fearfully and withdrew

Dexton body began falling but Elena cought him, she’s tearing up too

“Dexton… why did you do that?” Elena asked in tears

“Because I love… You.. and I..can’t… you in.. pain” he spoke as bIood gushed out from his mouth

“Why you shouldn’t have” she finally burst out in tears

“ what..I have to prove to I really .love you..thou it was all a plan from the beginning but I..fell in love..with you for real. I love you Elena, I’m sorry for cheating on you. I love you. Dex..Dexton loves you..” he said and his body dropped

“Dexton.. no wake up, please I love you too I’ve never stopped loving you please don’t, Dexton Dexton” she cried bitterly, shaking him but he won’t wake up

His body began turning to shining dust and slowly began flying away

“Dexton, Dexton” she screamed in tears

Mirabel is in tears too, she dropped the key of initial and fell on her knees

“I never wanted to ki|| you Dexton, I’m sorry please wake up” she burst out in tears

“Elena” Lilith rushed to kneel by her side

“I’m sorry” Lilith burst out in tears and hugged her tight

Ariana kicked Raphael hard and flew away, she took the key that was on the floor, ready to leave the school but Lilith stood up and ran after her

“Looks like you wanna die too” Ariana smirked

“Hand over the key you traitor” Lilith yelled

“Ariana stop this madness” Daniel yelled, slashing the de.mons coming to block him

“No!, Since you refused to love me then this is who I am” Ariana replied

Lilith chuckled and shook her head

“So this is why you turn against us just cause a guy rejected you?” Lilith said

“I’m prettier than you, I have everything you don’t why did he choose you and not me” Ariana said moving close to her

“One guy rejected isn’t the end of the world, if he had chosen you over me then I would have relax and wait for the right person, I wouldn’t have taken things too far” Lilith said

“That’s just ridiculous, there’s nothing like such” Ariana said

“Take Snow as an example, she got rejected twice but she never scooped so low like you did, now her Mr Right is here and he’ll be the best for her, you don’t have excuse Ariana you’re just weak, that’s why you betrayed your sister, you’re spinless and you’re a fool, people like you don’t deserve-

Before Lilith could finish Ariana threw a kick at her that made her fall back

“Ariana” Daniel yelled, he made to move to her but she flew up and summoned de.mons to block him

“I begged for your love Daniel, you caused me a lot of heart pain and now I’ll ki|| her right in front of you, you’ll feel pains too, double I promise” Ariana said generating a dark ball

She threw it down at Lilith but Lilith dogged it. Lilith stood up and drew her sword, she began flying towards Ariana

“Lilith no!!!!” Daniel yelled, he slashed the de.mons and flew after her

The clouds turned dark as ariana made another dark ball, sparking electricity, Lilith is coming to her with her sword then Ariana threw it at her

Without hindrance the ball met with Lilith chest, bIood sput out of her mouth and her sword fell from her hands

“Lilith” Daniel yelled, he flew higher and cought her body that’s already falling

“How could you” Ruby yelled, she moved to Ariana but with a point of the finger more de.mons came to Ruby and the rest fighting

Daniel landed with Lilith and cupped her cheeks

“Lilith” he called tearing up already

“Daniel” she called in tears, bIood won’t stop rushing from her mouth

Ariana smirked watching them. “Atleast she’ll die” she thought and laughed out loud

“Don’t leave me please” Daniel pleaded hugging her tight

“I’ll die, it’s sure” she said and coughed bIood

“Thank you Daniel, for everything, for loving me and for making me happy every single day, I’m sorry for leaving you so early maybe, we’re destined to be only.. for..a ..shh- she couldn’t finish cause she began coughing more bIood

Daniel hugged her tight and burst out in tears

“It’s a slow death enjoy” Ariana said, she turned around to leave but bumped into the water goddess

Amora is there already with master Morris, everyone were shocked to see her again.. awake this time

“Hand it over” Amora said fiercely

“Over my dead body” Ariana replied, she forcefully flew pass the goddess and is about reaching the school gate but paused with a funny expression on her face

She slowly looked down to see her stomach dripping bIood already, more than ten silver sword were dipped to from her back and showing on her stomach

Amora waved her hand and the sword left Ariana’s body, slowly Ariana began falling till she landed on the ground and coughed out bIood, her body is burning badly

“You’ll die, but you’ll still be able to see things that are happening here, you’ll wish you can correct your mistake and come back but you’ll never come back” Amora said

Ariana glared at her, she held her chest tight and coughed more bIood before an evil smile broke on her lips

“Your.. daughter..h..appened to be my twin..I maltreated her and I.. sold her to the de.mons.. she has been brainwashed and yes.. she’ll cause a.. lot of problem..then she’ll die at the end… You’ll fail badly..and the de.mons will.. rule.. all my.. enemies will..die and I don’t…have..a.n.y regret” Ariana managed to say this swords before her face fell to her side and her body dropped dead.
To be continued

Episode 51
Amora watched Ariana’s body turned to shining dust and slowly faded away, she stretched her hands to the key and grabbed it

Daniel still had Lilith on his arm, she’s coughing profusely

“Just hang on, just a little” he pleaded

“I’m trying.. I can’t,, I don’t want to leave you yet, I love you so much I don’t wanna die” she cried and coughed more bIood

“Lilith Lilith” Daniel isn’t sure of what to do

A shadow came to his view and he looked up to see the goddess looking at them, she stretched her hands to Lilith and a shining smoke began entering her body

After a while she stopped and look at Daniel

“Take her inside to rest” she said

“Thank you goddess” Daniel smiled and lifted unconscious Lilith up immediately, then went in

Mirabel is scared already, she just witnessed how the goddess ki||ed Ariana so easily and she’s not ready to die yet

“They are distracted, now is my chance to run” Mirabel thought and bit her lips, sneaking out already

“Where do you think you’re going?” The goddess voice jolted her

Mirabel got scared and started running, running as fast as she could but suddenly tripped and fell

“Please I don’t wanna die spare me” she began crying and shaking her head

Amora moved closer to her and stopped few inches away from her. Mirabel then stood up, she made a huge ball to throw it at the goddess but it bounced back to her

“Leave me alone” Mirabel yelled and began running again

Just a wave of Amora finger made Mirabel fell down again and started feeling the ground

“Why?, What did you do. Why can’t I see anything why is everywhere dark” Mirabel yelled

“Cause I took your eyes, an evil girl like you don’t deserve such pretty eyes and not only that. I’ll banish you from this world, I’ll take all your powers and you’ll leave with humans” Amora said

Mirabel manged to stand up and tried running but she fell down back, she couldn’t see a thing

Next thing something began drawing out of her body and her body began feeling somehow

“What’s happening to me, what are you doing to me let me go..

Her voice faded off as her body disappeared

Amora turned to the de.mons and waved her hands, the de.mons are disappeared in black smokes

“Selene is still with the de.mons I think we should go there and..”

Blake is talking but a strong wind blew and pushed all of them back, looking at the strong wind direction it’s a girl in a long rope wearing a huge domino mask, up in the air

“Hand over the key of initial” she spoke fiercely

“Selene” Blake called and flew up to her but a wave of her hands sent him flying back

“I’ll say it one more time, hand over the key” she repeated

“You’ll have to fight me for it” Amora said, bringing out her sword and flying towards her

A huge fight occurred between the two immediately. Daniel had just laid Lilith down properly, he came out to see this

Amora sword went to the girl’s mask and wiped it off immediately. Like slow mo it went off, her hair flew at her back slowly and her face came to reveal

“Selene” they called

“Hand over the key, you get three chance” Selene said

“It’s us your friends” Elena said, from the ground she has been watching


“This is not you Selene” Blake shouted

“Two” Selene yelled

“Selene it’s us, your friends what have happened to you” Ruby yelled

“Three” she yelled and charged at Amora who was distracted by staring at Selene’s face

“Daughter” Amora muttered in tears, she failed to notice the sword coming to her chest and it met with it

Everyone gasped out loud, Selene had just $tabbed the water goddess and took the key

“Amora” master Morris called, he flew up and cought her body that’s falling

“Listen to me” Amora spoke and spat out bIood

“She’s been controlled by the de.mons, go to the demons coven, ki|| all the priest you see there, we have no time” Amora yelled

“Let’s go” Ruby said and some students rushed out while some went to help goddess

Master Morris took the goddess inside while master Xian carried some injured and students

“A lot of people had died today” he muttered sadly


Selene is already flying out of the school with the key, Blake flew after her and hugged her tight from behind

“Don’t do this Selene, this is not you, don’t let the de.mons control you” he pleaded

Selene tried breaking free from his grip but he’s too strong

“Let me go!, I’ll ki|| you” she yelled

“You can’t ki|| me because you love me, it’s me it’s Blake, Selene it’s Blake have you forgotten??” Blake said in tears hugging her even tighter

Some memories began entering her head and at the same time the de.mons chanting

“Don’t let them control you, you have friends and me, you’re my girlfriend, my future wife, the woman that’ll bear my kids, the woman that’ll spend entity with me, you’re my everything Selene please don’t do this” Blake pleaded even more

“Argh my head” Selene screamed when the pains she’s feeling began becoming to painful for her.
To be continued

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