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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 4
A middle aged woman with her son wear using the boat, it began to get dark and the rivers began to wave, she used her powers to pull herself out, she wanted to grab her son but something like a water snake came out of the sea and grabbed her son from her

She used her empty hand to create a sword, she tried cutting it but another long water tale appeared and slapped her, making the woman land far away

“My son” the woman yelled

Selene was watching in shock, her eyes turned blue and her legs carried her up above the water without her knowing

“He’s only a little boy, why must be water de.mon be hungry now” she thought angrily

“De.mon, leave him alone” she yelled

Another tale appeared and made to hit her but she dodge it by bending backwards, she made a water sword and st.abbed the demon back

The water demon made an ugly noise, it grew another tale and slapped her away with it

Selene bracelet feel off I that process and went deep to the ocean

“No!!” She yelled

Next thing, it started getting really dark and some lighten could be heard

“Let him go” Selene yelled followed by a strong wind

The water flew up pulling the boy away from the de.mon to his mom

“De.mon,you’re time is up” she yelled, her eyes went blue and she raised her hands

The de.mon scattered and melted back to the water making an ugly sound

Selene came down but felt a bit dizzy

“I just did it” she muttered to herself, looking at her hands

“Fellow, thanks for saving my son” the woman came smiling

“Thanks for saving me aunty” the boy said

Selene smiled and touched the boy’s cheek

“Please be careful Incase of next time” she said and then turned to leave

“I’m one of the mini authority from M. Magical college, for saving my son I’ll have to repay you so name what you want and I’ll gladly help” the woman said

“Wait did she just sat M. Magical college, like the college I wanna enroll?? The college exam I just failed?” Selene thought

“M. Magical college?” She asked again

“Yes, you look familiar. Did you perhaps write the exam?” The woman asked

“I. I did” she replied lowly

“Would you love to enroll at the college, I can work it for you” the woman said, staring at her vividly

“Really?? I’ll love to enroll in your college, you see I wrote the entrance exam but I failed” Selene said lowly

“Girls like you are needed in our school, who cares about what the paper says, I’ll talk with the management about this” the woman said

“Re. Really?” Selene asked, feeling unsure

“Trust me, you’re needed at our school” the woman smiled

“Oh my, it’s really happening thank you thank you” Selene smiled happily


Elena is lying on her bed and using her powers to flip the pages of what the book she was reading

On Monday she plans on using a sword to spar with Ruby, she’s been studying this sword technique for a while now before she stood up

She looked at the book and began following the exact move but was using her hands

A Knock came on her door and that interrupted her

“Sis come out it’s dinner time” that was a guy voice

“I’m coming go on and eat without me” she said out in annoyance

“Mom said I must drag you out” the guy said again

“Nelson if I hear you’re annoying voice one more time I swear i’ll-

“Ion care about your thr_@t come out now” he was to reluctant to stop

Elena sighed, she made the door open with her eyes and glared at him as she was going out to the dinning.
To be continued.

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