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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 41

✨Rhema Rosy✨
“Party this evening,sounds fun or what you you think guys?” Mirabel asked the girls as they were taking a walk to the cafeteria

“Should we go?” Elena asked

“Yes, Daniel is right too much work isn’t good, look at my eyes, it’s already forming a bulge, I’m looking to stressed” Selene pouted

They got to the counter

“What should we-

“Drinks please, ion feel like eating” Lilith said

“Soyabean milk please, we’ll all need it” Mora said to the waitress and the waitress waisted no time in bringing it

“Thanks” Elena smiled and collected the drinks while Snow went to look for a table for them


Mabel is standing outside with her phone placed on her ears, she has been trying to call Ariana but it wasn’t going

“What’s with her, gosh” she huffed

“Hey beautiful” a familiar voice that made her roll her eyes sounded

“If it isn’t eclipse” she smirked

“It’s Edward” he winked

“It’s eclipse from now on got it” she said and barged inside the cafeteria

“You look so bored, what about your friend?” Edward asked, going after her

Mabel sighed when she got to the counter

“I’ll have the fried rice and chicken” she placed an order

“I’ll have the same too” Edward said immediately

“Stop following me” Mabel groaned

“I wish I can but I can’t, it looks like I’m under a spell” he winked

“Chessy” she huffed

In a while the rice got to them

“Thanks” Mabel wanted to pay but Edward quickly paid for it

“So persistent” she scoffed and went to sit, Edward followed her again

“You’re just jobless” she said

“I know” he replied with a smile

“Fool” she cursed and began eating

Edward watched how Mabel kept eating and couldn’t help but smile

“Is there an airport near by or is it my heart taking off?” He said dreamingly

Mabel looked at him abruptly before facing her food back

“Is your name Google cause you have everything I’m searching for” he smiled, using his knuckles to press under his chin and his elbow as support to lean on the table

Mabel stoped chewing and glared at him

“Do you have-

“Just stop” she groaned

“I’m sorry but I really do like you mab, you don’t need keys to drive me crazy” he said

“I’m outta here” Mabel stood up and began leaving

“Just let’s see how long you can run from love” he smiled, then his gaze cought her napkin

“You forgot your. On a second thought, let me keep it” he smiled and took it


The girls were running helter skelter looking for what to wear expect Ruby

“Where’s my shoe?” Snow groaned

“Your shoe, I’m looking for my makeup kit” Lilith groaned too

“So disorganized,have mine” Selene brought out her make up kit and handed it to Lilith

“I have a lot of shoes” Mora smiled at Snow while Ruby sat down, crossing her legs together

“Ruby aren’t you gonna dress up?” Lilith asked

“I’m already dressed” Ruby replied

“No you’re not,girls are you hearing this” Lilith said, standing akimbo

“I do what I want” Ruby said, crossing her arms now

“We’ll see, girls grab her!” Lilith shouted

“You better not- they pounced on her before she could finish

Few mins later****

The girls were all set, Selene is in a beautiful cream flare gown, revealing her tiny waist

Elena is in a crop top with a shining blue jeans that brought out her curves and flat tummy

Lilith is in a tight black dress, pretty short that brought out her curves or should I say ki||er curves

Snow is in a long beautiful gown with designs that have this v division stopping at her tigh

Mora is in a crop top with one hand sleeve and a beautiful shinny tight skirt that was raised up to her waist so only few of her tummy were exposed

Mirabel is in an extremely short bchy gown, stopping just after her huge but, armless and of course exposing half of her chest

Ruby is yet to come out from the bathroom

“Someone please get her out of there” Mora sighed

“Ruby it’s just a dress come out already” Elena rolled her eyes

“I look like a mon$ter” Ruby shouted from inside the bathroom

“I’m coming in” Elena said, without waiting she entered inside

Struggles could be heard inside. “I’ll help her” Selene said and rushed in too. In no time they dragged Ruby out

“Woah!” All of them screamed including Mabel who’s dressing

This is the first time Ruby will be in a dress, it’s a silver shinning tight dress revealing be flat tummy, curves, tiny waist plus she’s putting on makeup

In one word she’s sxy in two words she’s segzy and hot in three words she’s sxy hot and dripping

“I’m shy” she admitted

“A full package like you is shy?, There’s nothing to be shy about, let’s go” Mora grabbed her

“Just look at the curves and bum” Lilith smiled

Finally the girls left so it’s only Mabel, doing makeup that’s remaining, the door pushed open and Ariana stepped in looking vicious and lifeless

“Ari” Mabel rose up

“You’re not dressed?” She asked

“I’m not interested” was all Ariana said

“What’s with you lately, you weren’t like this before are you okay?” Mabel asked

“This is how I am now, if you don’t like it then you can follow your new friends for all I know ion care” Ariana replied harshly before storming into the restroom and slamming the door making Mabel flinch


The hall is already well decorated, lots of drinks and food were placed on a table at the side, chairs were arranged, music is playing already the place is just wow!

The boys just entered looking handsome and hot, girls were starting to scream and murmur but they didn’t mind

“This is gonna be fun, good job Daniel and Edward” Lan said, cause it was Edward and Daniel handwork

“Let’s drink” Ezekiel said and they shurrged, they all went to sit at a stool and began drinking

Few mins later noises from both group of boys and girls were heard, the boys turned their head to the direction of the noise and froze

What cought most of them eyes is Ruby, she looked so hot that Raphael almost couldn’t breath, when there gaze met she immediately looked away

Blake smiled and stood up to meet Selene, likewise Dexton, Lan didn’t know where to look, is it Snow or is it Mora, the both of them looked so pretty but if you ask him Mora looked more pretty to him, gosh he’s confused

Daniel was lost staring at Lilith, especially her lips that looked very glossy and wet, the urge to kiss and suck on those glodsy lips is something he couldn’t control, her lips is now looking extra pink and soft

Ezekiel eyes were fixed on Elena as she was chatting with Dexton, he stared for a long while before adverting his gaze back in his drink

“That’s it I’m going to meet her” Daniel said and stood up and moved to the girls

“You all look so pretty” he said but his gaze were fixed on Lilith who’s also staring at him without blinking

“Are you sure it’s us or you’re just talking to one person” Elena smiled

“Yea yes wh@ťěver” he smiled, still not taking his eyes of Lilith

“Let’s leave this place” Selene whispered to Blake, he nodded immediately and took her hands and left immediately

Elena and Dexton waisted no time in leaving, Mirabel glared at them from behind but left too, likewise Mora and Snow

It’s now only Daniel and Lilith standing and staring into each other’s eyes, not caring about the people passing by

“You’re so beautiful Lilith” he said, taking her both hands

“Thanks you too, I mean you look handsome too” she smiled, taking her lips in

“Can I borrow a kss, I promise to give it back I swear” he said, making Lilith blushed more

“Let’s go in, shall we” he showed her his elbow

“We shall” she smiled and hugged it with her arm and they both entered

Snow had gone to sit down one place and to drink, she’s trying her best not to look at Lan, I mean he looked so handsome

Mora on the other hand was trying to avoid him to, she’s afraid she might do something worse than a kss if she looks at him again, the boy is dripping and she’s trying her best to make things work for snow, especially now she just discovered Snow had once been rejected, she looked at Lan one more time, their eyes met and she looked away instantly

“Control yourself Mora, you’ll find someone else just forget him okay” she scolded herself and left the place immediately

Ruby had gone to sit alone while Raphael stood up with a kind of smile on his face, he moved to her and started doing as if he’s looking for something

Ruby tried to ignore him but he kept stretching his neck here and there annoying her at that process

“What are you looking for?” She finally snapped

“Something I dropped” he replied

“Which is?”

“My jaw!” He said

Truly his jaw is dropped and he couldn’t stop staring that Ruby had to block herself

“You’re so beautiful, please don’t do that” he held her bare arm, sending shivers to her spine

“You’re beautiful Ruby” he said again with sparkling eyes

“I’m not gonna say thank you” she said

“Then don’t” he smiled

Edward sighed of disappointment when he didn’t see Mabel, he then took the mic and went on stage

“Students of college of magic, while the girls and guys were making an entrance, a secret fashion contest was going on, now we’ll be calling out the winner from different gender, just one. For the male please make some noise for Raphael” he shouted and people began clapping

“Wow” Raphael smiled cutely, going to the stage

“And for the female we have..

“Please don’t be me please don’t be me” Ruby started praying silently

“We have………
To be continued………..

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