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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Episode 12
It is training day today, the whole students are gathered in the field, master Morris is with them at their front

“So today we’ll be learning about talking to your inner spirits, you’ll have to inhale hard and close your eyes get rid of any distraction in order to focus with your inner spirit” master Morris said

They were all sitting on the school grass, students like Ruby, Elena, Blake, Raphael and others were already doing it and they seems to be in their spirit

Selene tried but she was not getting it, she inhaled hard and try all her best but painful memories kept coming over and over again

Master Morris looked at her and sighed

“I repeat try to get rid of every distraction, do not let them win over you, every fear everything just forget them” he said

Blake felt somehow, especially remembering their conversation yesterday about her not being able to concentrate, he open his eyes and saw that Selene was in pain in this process he got distracted

Ariana on the other hand couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw yesterday, Blake and Selene walking together!, She opened her eyes a little only to see Blake looking at Selene and this got her distracted

Snow started thinking of how Daniel smiled at her earlier and got distracted

Ruby got distracted when she suddenly remembered how Raphael defeated her yesterday evening

Raphael got distracted thinking of how to talk to Ariana

Daniel and Lan suddenly started playing with eachother with mind talk

Elena got distracted while thinking about Dexton

“Stop all of you!” Master Morris yelled and breathed

“Y’all are dismissed for now, you get two hours break to clear your head, come back and meet me in this spot” he said before disappearing

“Dmn I couldn’t stop thinking about Daniel, his smile is so cute” Snow is the first person to start with her foolish smile while Elena just pushed her off

“Elena” Dexton smiled coming towards her

“You made me lack concentration you know, I couldn’t stop thinking about you” he said and Elena blushed

“Move” Ruby pushed him off with anger, she’s actually standing beside Elena

“You’re just distracting her, she use to be serious” she yelled

“Ruby” Elena glared at her

“What I’m saying the truth, falling in love is a distraction just look at you” Ruby hissed

“How is she a girl, she’s so scary” Daniel mumbled

“Scary??, Oh please I find her cute” Raphael said and Blake chuckled

“Of course you will cause you like all the girls, whether ugly or pretty, fat or thin” Lan laughed

“Ruby isn’t a girl, she’s a miniac” Blake laughed too and immediately invisible slaps appeared on their faces

“Ouch” they all yelled and glared at Ruby who just acted like nothing happened

Blake then stylishly stared at Selene who has been somehow avoiding him, he sighed and grumbled inwardly

They finished their two hours break and came back to learn but still the same thing so master Morris decided to lock them inside a big classroom till they get themselves

“This is not fair, I’m hungry and tired” Selene complained to herself cause Ruby is reading on her own, Elena and Dexton are chatting while Snow is talking with Daniel and Lan

She opened one of her favorite novel and tried reading but we not in the mood, two chairs beside her Blake is right there, busy on his phone and earpiece

Ariana is standing by the window and biting her lips, thinking of how she would come talk to him but unknown to her Daniel notice this

Before she could take a step Daniel walked pass her and sat with Blake ignoring her h@ťěful looks to him

“Psst Selene is sitting alone use this chance to talk with her” Daniel whispered to him

“Not Interested” he scoffed, remembering how she was avoiding him earlier

“Come on don’t be like this I know you’re dying to talk with her, she seems cool” Daniel said

“Who said I wanna talk with her?? You just think too much” Blake shook his head

“You’re acting like a fool, you know what you want” Daniel said, before Blake could touch him, he disappeared

“Blake, could we talk about something” Mabel said, coming towards him

“Oh no” Blake muttered as he stood up and moved to Selene sit

Mabel gasped and looked at him in anger. “Really” she thought

“I’m not disturbing, you can avoid me” he said when Selene gave him a look

“No it’s cool” she smiled

He turned to her to say something but his eyes suddenly cought the book she’s reading

“Is that Molen tales, like the volume 6?” He asked and she nodded

“This is my favorite book, I love all their books can I have a look?” He asked and she gave him

“Gosh this is really it, I looked for the volume 6 everywhere and I was told it’s sold out” he said in a frustrated tone

“Yeah lucky me, this was the last one I got I’m like a big fan of this book” she smiled

“Oh dear, pretty please you need to borrow me this book or I’m gonna die” he pleaded

“Sure, I’m almost done with it anyway” Selene shurgged

“Thanks, I promise I’ll return this in Friday thanks so much” he smiled widely

“You’re smiling too much your face might expand” Selene said and he laughed

“You’re funny” he smiled staring at her face

“Thanks” she took her lips in shyly

The click of the door sounded meaning they had released them

“Finally I’m so hungry” she groaned

“Really?, I can buy you lunch as a thank you” he said

“I’ll be eating with my friends, thanks for the offer” she rejected politely

“No problem, thanks for the book uhhh..

“Selene” she said

“Selene, thanks for the book , I’ll return it on Friday” he said before leaving

Selene moved to Elena who’s no longer with Dexton

“I saw everything” Elena smiled

“It’s just about book and nothing” Selene rolled her eyes

“K, let go grab something I’m hungry,, I’ll go drag Snow and Ruby here” Elena said storming to Snow and Ruby’s direction

Selene turned to the door but bumped into Ariana

“Come with me” Ariana whispered, without waiting she grabbed Selene by the arm and disappeared off.

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