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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LUCIFER’S BRIDE – Episode 24

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He’s cold ?

She’s innocent ?


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Written by Rosy Johnson


Episodes 24&25


“You’re pretty,” He added and crashed his lips on her again

Lucas suddenly disengage from the kiss and looked at Natalie, her mouth was wide open cos she was stunned

“Am sorry,” He said gently and walked away

Natalie just stood there without blinking, like what the h*ll just happened? The fact that she’s being punished for her parent’s sins is enough and he wants to add to it

“Natalie!!” Luna called from behind

Natalie didn’t blink or say anything till Luna touch her, making her flinch

“Oh, mine… When did you get here?” She asked, her hand on her chest

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” Luna said gently and she looked at her

“Okay, so… I mean what are you doing out here?” Natalie asked, she shook her head to clear off the previous encounter with Lucas

“A guard came looking for you and he said Lucifer request your presence,” Luna replied, they started walking away

“Natalie, are you avoiding me?” Luna suddenly asked and Natalie looked at her

“Am I?” Natalie arched her brow

“Yes, you no longer spend time with me, it’s either you in trouble or trouble is after you,” Luna mumbled

“So you think am the course of all this? You think am always looking for trouble?” Natalie asked, she stopped and Luna did the same

“I don’t think cos I know, you have always loved trouble and everyone knows that, am just saying that you need to be careful cos….”

“That’s it, you keep treating me like a kid when am a grown-up,” Natalie cut in angrily

“Am just trying to look out for my sister, everyone here knows how to fight but I can’t fight, I can’t even stand before your husband cos he’s scary,” Luna said gently, they continue walking

“Your sister!!” Natalie scoffed

“Why did you do that?” Luna asked and she frowns

“Am I your sister? Or you’re just acting up because you were ordered to?” Natalie suddenly said

Luna stopped Walk and looked at her

“Natalie! What are you talking about?” Luna asked

“You still gonna lie? Unbelievable, for how long are you guys going to keep lying to me? I thought you loved me… I thought…”

“Natalie what are you saying, you’re my sister,” Luna cut in

“Am I cos I don’t feel that way, you lied to me and you’re still lying now, when are you going to tell me that my parents died,” Natalie snapped

“How… How did you… Who told you that?” Luna stuttered shocked

“So you new?” Natalie shifted back, Luna face down

“You knew and you didn’t think you should tell me? all this year you pretend to be a sweet big sister while you hide this secret from me,” Natalie muttered with tears still shifting back

“Am sorry,” Luna mumbled, her face down

“How could you Luna, I trusted you and this is how you make me feel. How could you do this to me?” Natalie shouted with tears

“I was only following orders, if I talk they will have my tongue cut off,” Luna mumbled

“I thought I had a family who love me but little did I know that they don’t even care about me,” Natalie shouted, she turned around and start running away

“Natalie wait!!” Luna ran after her

Natalie was blinded with tears that she bump into a hard chest making her fall, she cleans the tears in her eyes and looked up only to see Lucifer staring at her with those dark angry eyes

He walked away without saying a word, Natalie gets up and continued running to her room



“What are you doing?” Lucy asked mark who was about to inject her

Was laying at a table in Mark’s clinic

” I couldn’t go out to get the pills so I have to remove it,” Mark replied gently

“Remove what? Are you trying to ki|| me?” Lucy snaps and gets down from the table

“Am a good doctor, I know my job and this is for the betterment of the two of us, lay back there let me do…”

“Let you do what? With that,” Lucy said pointing at the equipment in his hand

She has a big frown on her face

“It’s one is a section, and this one is for breaking you won’t know about it cos you’re not into medical school, this one here is ripping and this one here is an Enema Syringe for injection while this one is…..”

“Forget it, I don’t want to hear it, you said it’s usually painful and you want to use it on me, did you want to destroy my womb,” Lucy took her trousers and entered the next room

She put on her clothes since she was wearing a gown Mark gave to her and comes back

“Am leaving,” She said going to the door

“Listen, I know my job, I tried to get the pills but I couldn’t go out so I have to do it this way, if you take the pills people will know that you were pregnant and trying to get the baby aborted but this is the easiest way….”

“You mean the easiest way to die? You’re trying to ki|| me,” Lucy cut in

“No, all you have to do is lay on the table and spread your legs I put this one…. ”

“Skip the chemistry, am not interested and am not going to die in your hands, you started this by giving me a fake medicine and now you want to finish me off by using that on me, I don’t trust you anymore,” Lucy said going out

“I never gave you fake medicine, am a good doctor… am know what am doing,” Mark shouted but she walked away without looking back

“You’re trying to get me ki||ed, it won’t work instead I will leave this place,” She mumbled




Lucifer and Leah went into Regina’s chamber

“I heard Ambrose is back,” she said immediately after they came in


“I want his head, I need a clean job,” She added, she sat on her chair without looking at them

Ambrose is one of the people that ki||ed Lucifer’s parents and he has been hiding

“Location,” Leah said Staring at her

“I will send that to you soon, and as for you Ryan….”

“Don’t you dare call me that,” Lucifer yelled angrily

“I will call you anything I want so keep quiet am still in charge and I’m still taking,” Regina said making Lucifer Scoff

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Lucifer snapped, Regina has a mischievous smirk on her face

“I heard Max joined force with Marcus, I will give you his location but I need Max alive,” Regina said gently

“How did you know that? And how did you get his location, how come you’re just telling me now” Lucifer asked, slowly removing his hand from his trouser pocket

“I have my ways, so do we have a deal or not?” She asked

She knows too well that Lucifer will do anything to get his sister back, he was so desperate

“What kinda deal?” Came his deep cold voice

“You bring Max to me and I will give you what you want,” Regina replied gently

“What are you up to, and why should I trust you,” Lucifer asked in his deep cold voice

Regina scoffed and stood up, she has a smirk on her face as she take a few steps toward Lucifer

“You want your sister and I want Max it’s very simple, bring him to me and you will have your sister, or perhaps you don’t want that we can break the deal but trust me if you ki|| Max you will leave to regret it,” Regina said standing in front of him

Lucifer stared at her with mixed feelings, he maintain a straight face while she has a smirk on her face

Regina is not someone that will do something for no reason, he knows too well that she’s up to no good but he can’t tell what it is

“Have you made up your mind?” She asked, smirking

“Deal,” Lucifer said and she laughed sarcastically

“That’s my son, now go the location is already waiting for you,” She said with a huge smile

Lucifer turned around and left, Leah made to follow but she called her back

“You go get Nicholas at the airport, your father said you two should get along,” Regina said making her stop

“Get along and do what? Will I bath him or something,” Leah snapped, she has a big frown on her face

she so h@ťěs how they boss her around all the time

“The king’s order not mine,” Regina said going to her inner chamber

“f-__-k you two,” Leah cursed but Regina laughed

Leah left immediately


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