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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LUCIFER’S BRIDE – Episode 10

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He’s cold ?

She’s innocent ?


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Written by Rosy Johnson


Episodes 10&11


Natalie’s heart skipped twice

She looked around, checking if someone else was there with them but she didn’t see anyone cos it was just the two of them

“Somebody call 911, this harassment,” She mumbled, under her breathe

Her body was badly shaking

“Graham,” Lucifer called, his eyes still fixed on Natalie

Graham ran in immediately

“My Lord,” Graham bowed

“Strip her,” Lucifer ordered with his deep cold voice

“Wait?” Strip who? Are you kidding me?” Natalie shouted and quickly hold her mouth

Graham looked at Lucifer

“What are you waiting for?” Came his deep cold voice

Graham went over to Natalie and she shifted backward

“No, don’t touch me”

“Don’t you dare,”

“I will do it myself…..” He didn’t let her finish wh@ťěver she was saying before ripping her clothes off

He reached for her undies and tore them off, Natalie falls to her knees as endless tears came streaming down

What did I do to deserve this? Why are they doing this to me?” She wondered

She could feel Lucifer’s cold gaze on her and she don’t dare look up

“Take her to the training field, make sure she squats close to a pole and ties there, she will squat all night,” Lucifer ordered and Graham nodded, his head down

“Yes my Lord,” he answered and went over to Natalie

He carried her on his shoulder going out, her br**sts pressing against his shoulder but he didn’t care

“Put me down,” she shouted, her hand hitting his back

“It’s freezing out here, put me down,” she added

Graham ignored her

They get to the training field and he put her down

“Squats,” he said gently

“No,” Natalie shook her head negatively

“Squats now that am being nice, I don’t want to force you,” Graham said gently

“Why are you all doing this to me? What did I do wrong,” She asked with tears

“Lord Lucifer’s order, I don’t want to get in trouble just squats already or I will force you,” Graham said more like yelling

Natalie shook her head negatively

“No way, it’s freezing out here and I need my….” The last part was stuck in her mouth when she felt a sudden pain in her leg and she went to her knees instantly

Graham dragged her up

“If he gets out here it’s gonna be a double punishment for the both of us, am trying to be nice here don’t push me to do it the hard way,” he shouted

Natalie quickly squatted still whimpering

Graham gets a rope and tiles her against the pole, he ties her two legs together with her hand making it difficult for her to stand straight

“Good night,” he said when he was done

“Wait!!” Natalie shouted

Graham stopped and looked at her

“Can you help me call 911, tell me that I have been kidnapped and am being tortured,” she added

He walked away without saying anything, what could he say? Is she crazy or something? Who calls 911 in a clan?

“Hey wait! Am scared out here and it’s freezing, please come back,” Natalie shouted

“Come back please,” she screamed loudly

Graham ignored her and walk away




Logan was in his room when someone knocked, he went over to check who it was only to receive a punch immediately he opened the door

He was taken by surprise

He staggered back and touch his already bleeding nose, stepping outside he attacked the person who turns out to be Gabriel

He started sending punches at Gabriel who covered his head as the punch lands on his hand, Gabriel suddenly grabbed his hand and pull him forward then punched his jaw

Logan falls heavily and Gabriel went closer

“The next time you try to mess with me again I will…..” Gabriel tried to say but a sudden double kick from Logan send him to his knees

Logan kicked him again but he did a back tumble duckling the kick

Logan grabbed a rod that was laying beside him and throws it at Gabriel but someone caught it

“Is this what you both do all night?” Came Leah’s cold voice

She has that blank look on her face

They were silent

“I remember asking a question,” Leah added

“Forgive me my Lady but he started it,” Logan said, his head down

Leah turned to Gabriel with that cold look on her face

“My lady he……”

“Get out,” She ordered and he bowed and left

Gabriel looked back to see Logan smirking at him

“What are you still standing here for?” Leah yelled making Logan flinch

Gosh, must you be like your brother, she-devil,” Logan thought before going into his room

Leah walked away



Lucy was walking down the hallway when she came across Rosie who blocked her way

“What are you doing? Get out of my way,” Lucy said

Rosie scoffed

“So now that Lucifer’s Bride is here are you still going to continue f-__-king him? I bet you won’t” Rosie said smirking

“You get a problem with me?” Lucy asked staring directly into her eyes

“Stay away from Lucifer cos he’s mine, ” Rosie snapped

Lucy laughed gently

“Really? But was he yours if he wanted me so much?” Lucy asked proudly

Rosie frown and clinched her fist tightly

She has always wanted to be the one to satisfy Lucifer but he didn’t even look her way and for that reason, she has a big hatred for Lucy, she has been trying hard to destroy Lucy but it seems not to be working

“You think he wants you? So Because he f-__-ks you it now means he wants you? Now that his bride is here just watch and see how he will toss you away like some pieces of garbage,” Rosie rolled her eyes

“Coming from someone who will do anything to get on his bed but he won’t even look at her twice,” Lucy muttered smirking

“I will be your downfall,” Rosie lashed out at her

Lucy went closer, their faces were just a few inches apart

“Bring It on, I dare you loser,” Lucy said into her ears before walking away

Rosie stood boiling with fury, I don’t know why he can’t see me. Am even better than this Ɓîtçh, Lucy just watch your back cos I’m coming for you, and this time I won’t stop until you go down,” Rosie mumbled and stormed out




A girl could be seen in a dark room, her right hand was chained to the wall by the right side and so does her left hand

Her legs were chained too, she look unkept, her long black hair was scattered all over her face and her clothes were tore

She lay on the floor without a mat or bed, suddenly the door opened and a man came in. She quickly sat up on the mat

“How are you doing today, baby doll,” he asked gently

She sat without saying a word

“Well, I have decided to let you go,” He said and she looked up immediately

“But that comes with a prize,” he added

She didn’t have the strength to talk cos she haven’t eaten for the past few days, and not even a drop of water was given to her. The only thing they did is to come and take turns with her

They don’t care if she’s dying or not, what am I saying she’s a prisoner and their slave so they will do to her the way it pleases them

“What’s the prize?” She manages to ask with the little strength she has left

“I will call your brother and you will condemn him, tell him how pathetic he is and how weak of a leader he is,” He said and she kept quiet

He went closer and touched her face then raise her chin making her look at him

“What sweetheart? Remember that he abounded you, he’s so powerful amongst all but looks at you, you’re dying here, he is not even bothered if you leave or die,” He spoke softly

She kept quiet as he brings out the phone and then dialed Lucifer’s line


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