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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(Loving you was never my intention but it became my addiction)




“Maybe perhaps…’re the one I’m waiting for as my other half”



“Rapunzel what did I tell you about manners?” Ruby face the little girl who bit her lower lip.

“I’m sorry mommy” She said slowly and face Hardin.

“Good day sir…good day ma’am” She greeted both Imelda and Hardin who stood stupefied.

“Ruby?” He called baffled.


Rapunzel incessantly grins as she watch the cartoon.

Hardin, Ruby and Imelda had excused themselves to the garden.

Imelda stayed a little far from them as they talk but she could still hear their conversation.

“What do you mean? She’s mine” Hardin arched his brows.

“You know better Hardin…what I meant” Ruby folded her arms.

“Listen Ruby…you can’t just show up out of nowhere and start blabbering hookum I won’t let you”

“It’s been five years…you have changed…Hardin”

“I’m not going to accept this”

“No amount of denial can change the fact…that she’s yours Hardin” She placed her palm on his shoulder.

“It wasn’t easy all these years…I tried to carry the burden alone but…it’s hard. For my future…and for hers…I had to make the right decision. I’m sorry it took long…I hope…you can start making amendments now” Ruby said staring deep into his eyes while Hardin shook his head.

“No…no..” He removed her hand and walks away from her to Imelda who stood expressionless.


“So you have a child?” She said calmly interrupting him.

“Imelda listen i_”

“Hardin…just…”She stopped midway unable to say anything. Hardin tries to held unto her but she stays away from him.

“I need time…to process things” She mumbles leaving the garden. She head inside in a rush but then stopped when she spot the little girl watching TV. Staring for a while she dashed inside her room.

Hardin pace to and fro outside Imelda’s room. He has been waiting for almost three hours now and she still haven’t come out of her room. He had heard some muffle cries earlier and it breaks his heart to know it’s all because of him. He had vowed never to hurt her and wasn’t even gonna do that. He was just planning on making her happy. He couldn’t wait till the next day which will be the official date their contract will end and surprise her with a proposal. But now Ruby appeared and ruined everything. He keeps ruffling his hair in frustrations and regret. Ruby stand by a corner watching him. As he knocks on the door which wasn’t ready to open.

“Hardin…” She called calmly walking to him. He ignored her.

“Hardin..”She held his hand and he gave her a death glare.

“Give her some time…it won’t be easy to accept…let her think first. You should rest also you look Haggard. I prepared dinner…have something to eat” She said and Hardin grabbed her hand roughly.

“Who gave you the temerity to cook in my house? Don’t think I’ll just stay put with you rambling rubbish here…I don’t want to see you and your daughter here tomorrow…get lost” Be glared before marching away. Ruby folded her arms and sighs.

“There’s no running away Hardin….just accept it already” She looks at Imelda’s door.

“I’m sorry…this have to happen but…it’s inevitable” she mumbles before leaving.

Imelda coiled up on the bed with the duvet covering her she held unto it tightly. She had cried and now tired of crying. She still couldn’t believe what was happening. No. She doesn’t even wanna think about it.


Hardin stares at the door which seems not to e opening very soon. It’s still much early and Ruby isn’t up yet. He would have love to stay and look for several ways to get Imelda talk to him but he can’t. He has an important appointment he needs to really attend. For the last time he knocks and same response came.

“I need to go to the office…I’ll see you later” He said before finally leaving.


Imelda came out of the room to the living room. There she met Ruby serving her daughter some food.

“Good morning aunt Imelda” The little girl greeted cheerfully. Imelda looks at her for some moments nodded and moves towards the fridge to take some water.

“Morning” Ruby greeted moving closer to her.

“You didn’t come out for dinner last night…you look wan also…are you alright?” Ruby asked.

“I’m fine” Imelda answered flatly before moving away. Yesterday’s must have came as a shock to her. She’s having a slight headache and had called in sick at the company.

“You know it’s no use sulking…we have to accept the reality” Ruby said again stopping her in her movement. She turned back and look at her.

“Don’t think I’ll just allow you to pop out of nowhere and let you ruin my relationship” Imelda said to her unfriendly.

“Relationship you say…” Ruby smirks.

“Are you sure about that?” She added.

Imelda look at her closely her brows knitted.

“I remember you now…you’re that cleaner back there at the theatre” She pointed.

“Can we have a talk…privately?”


“He isn’t the one for you…trust me”

“Why should I? I have no reason to”

“Do you really think you two can cope with each other?”

“We love each other”

“Oh…love” Ruby snickers.

“He told me that several times also…five years ago” She added.

“Wh@ťěver that may have happened between you two…I don’t care cause it’s already in the past… The present matters now…excuse me” she turns leaving.

“Rapunzel is his…that fact can’t change” She said and Imelda halted.

“Do you really think he’s a saint? Do you even know how I get to have her? Should I tell you?”

Imelda ignored her and proceed to leave but she couldn’t when she heard her next statement.

“He R@P£D me!”

She turns back slowly.


“That bastard…R@P£D me! That’s how I got to have that little girl…in the dining do you get it?”

“We were never in a relationship…I loved someone else…but…due to his infatuation…he ruined my life…at such a tender age”

“Why are you not talking? You think I’m making this up? Why not try asking him…he knows better…the cruel things…he had done to me” Ruby said with red eyes. Imelda just stood there…her eyeballs dilated in shock in their sockets. She couldn’t find a word to utter. Ruby moved closer to her then whispers.

“I told you right? Not to trust him…I told you that…you’ll only get hurt in the end…what would you do now…miss Imelda?”

“I don’t care what past youve had with him…like I said earlier…what matters now….is the present. And I know he loves me so do I…so if you have any intentions to break this relationship…clear it off…you won’t succeed” Imelda said with fisted palm as she walks away from her.

“Let’s see how far you can go…I’ll be here waiting!!!” Ruby shouted after her. Imelda tries as much as she can to hold her tears. Unless she hears it from Hardin himself…she vowed never to believe anything.


“Sir…the meeting is starting in twenty minutes” Emma alerted Hardin whose mind had wandered off.

“Alright…you can go”

“Sir…are you alright? You don’t seem okay” Emma asked concerned but he gave him a look in return.

“I’ll take my leave then…” He bowed silently. Hardin rested his head back on the chair and release a deep sigh.

“Good day miss Imelda” He heard Emma’s voice and sprang up immediately.

“Can I speak with him…alone?”Imelda said to Emma who bows and excuse them.

“Imelda…”Hardin rushed to her side hugging her tightly. She remained expressionless and unmoving. He slowly disengaged.

“I don’t want to be ahead of myself again…that’s why I came here to ask you directly. And I trust you…which means…everything you say I’m gonna trust it also. And I want to belive your answer…is gonna be an honest one Hardin”

“Is what she’s saying true? Did…” She paused and swallowed her saliva fisting her palms at the same time.

“Did you really do that to her?” She asked. Hardin’s hands holding her went down to his sides.


“Just…just tell me please…I just…wanna know the truth Hardin” she said and he looks down.

“I’ve…committed a grave sin…to Ruby….and to you” He said and her fist tightened.

“I was blinded…by jealousy and anger….I let it takes the best of me….it’s true…I indeed hurt her” He said slowly.

“That’s means…you’re really the father…of that child?” She asked and he nodded slowly.

Imelda scoffs in disbelief. He tried to hold her but she shifted back.

“You…you’re no different…you….you all are the same!….you bunch of liars!!!” She spat and ran out of his office.

“IMELDA!” He ran after her.

“SIR! SIR!! we have to leave for the meeting now….it’s starting!” Emma stopped him holding him back as he ran outside his office.

“Let go of me!”

“They are already waiting…we can’t delay it any longer”

“f-__-k!!!” He spat angrily.

Imelda keeps running away in tears she had been holding since. Even though the possibility was clear, she had hoped and hoped it’s wasn’t true. But who is she kidding…she has fallen…into the same trap again. Why? Why is this always happening to her? Why?



Hardin was restless, his mind wasn’t in the meeting but on Imelda. It pained him to have seen her ran off like that. What he has always been avoiding. He keeps tapping his foot on the floor swirling the pen in his hand anxiously.

Emma noticed this and tap him gently to make him focus on the meeting. But what can be done? His mind was already in a disarray. Meeting is probably the last thing on his mind now.

“…It can be quite profitable…what do you think president Hardin?” One of the board members asked but Hardin was far from hearing him. Emma tapped him again and he snapped out of it. He looks around just to find eyes already on him.

“I’m sorry…” He mutters sitting properly. Now he tries to focus but then a text came distracting him.

?I can’t do this anymore…it’s hard ? the text says. Immediately he saw it. He almost went berserk. He leaped up Instantly running out of the board room like a lunatic. Ignoring all the calls he’s currently receiving.

“Imelda no…don’t…don’t do it…” He says to himself repeatedly as he drove out of the company in crazy speed.

He rushed inside the house. It was awfully quiet. He rushed to Imelda’s room and his eyes almost bulged out. It was empty.

“No….no” He dived his fingers into his hoax crazily dialing her number which now says does not exist again.

“d@mn!!! d@mn!!!”He hits the door repeatedly hurting himself in the process. He has to look for her. She just can’t leave him. He dashed out of the room to the living room and met Ruby coming in with Rapunzel who has an ice cream with her.

“Hardin?” Ruby called in surprise on seeing him. He got hold of her wrist tightly.

“Where’s she? WHERE IS IMELDA?!”He barked at her.

“I don’t KNOW! YOU’RE HURTING ME HARDIN!!” She fired back at him. Hardin breathing heavily left her.

“I’m not done with you” He pointed at her before leaving. Ruby heard a sniff and looks to her side just to see little Rapunzel already crying. She crouched to her level.

“Let’s go back home Mummy…I don’t like this place” the little girl grotch.

“This…is gonna be your home now sweetie…you’ll get used to it trust me” she wipe off her tears.

“Does daddy h@ťěs us? Does he h@ťě Rapunzel?” She asked while Ruby pulled her into an embrace.

Hardin went around searching for Imelda crazily. From her company to her mother’s shop. They claimed no to have seen her and looked quite surprise he’s looking for her so frantically like this. He went to the bar but got no positive results. He pleased Tess to let him know if she ever contact him…though she doesn’t know what’s happening cause he won’t say a thing about it…she promised to te him if she got any news on Imelda. Now his last hope is the orphanage…he drove there…praying, wishing and hoping…she is there.


Jesse stayed glued to Kim as she chopped the vegetable. He’s literally the happiest person on God’s green earth right now. After five years…he finally….got her back. What could make him more happier?

“I missed your smell…like crazy” He whispers to her neck while Kim smiles.

“I’ve to go see Hardin later…it’s been a while”

“Let’s go together”

“I can just go alone…you don’t need to come along”

“Kim…let me go with you”

“Why? You think I might f-__-k him there or what?” She said now facing him.

“No…I’m going with you…cause I want him to know…you’re now my woman again…he shouldn’t dare come after you…cause I might do something really funny” He said looking directly at her.

“Oh you silly!” Kim tweaked his nose giggling.

“I really missed you Kimmy…I do like crazy”

“I missed you too Jess… I do like crazy”


“I’m coming for the door wait a second” Rapunzel shouted in a sing song voice going to the door which has been ringing for some while now. She opened it and smiles.

“Good day ma’am pretty….good day Mr handsome” She greeted cheerfully. Kim and Jesse couldn’t help giggling.

“Good day little princess may we come in?”Jesse asked and she made way for them.

“I haven’t seen you before…has Hardin birthed a beautiful daughter without me knowing?” Kim joked stroking the little girl’s hair.

“I’m Rapunzel ma’am and my mommy is here”

“What a lovely name for a princess like you” Jesse perched her on his shoulder. The little girl grins.

“But where is your mommy?” Kim asked.

“In the kitchen making dinner”

“Perfect…I also brought some grocery…we could make it together” Kim grinned walking to the kitchen.

“But little princess…who is your mommy and what are you doing here?”

“We’re here to find daddy”


A sound was heard and Jesse walks towards the kitchen. He saw some of the groceries on the floor and shake his head.

“Since when did you become clumsy uh?” He asked staring at Kim who wore a shocked expression.

“Mommy” The little girl called.

“Sweetie…”Ruby replied and that’s when Jesse noticed her presence in the kitchen. kim was apparently staring at her.

“You…”He called in surprise.

“B**tch!”Kim spat and before they knew it, she charged at Ruby.





“Mother superior?”

“Brother Hardin?” Mother superior called in surprise on seeing him. She looked at him from head to toe…he looks haggard and drained out.

“What happened to you?”

“Imelda…can you please take me to her? I desperately need to see her mother”

“Sister? Why would sis…did something happened between you two?”

“You were right? Maybe…maybe I should just have came out clean…I thought…I thought it doesn’t matter since it’s already in the past. I thought…it’d be okay if I just keep quiet. We were so happy together…I didn’t wanna ruin that. I was scared she might leave…I just wanna put the past behind and start anew but…but it’s all coming back to me now mother…please take me to her….I really wanna speak to her….I really need to mother please.”

“Brother Hardin…I may not know what’s happening but I think with everything you’ve just said…I’ve gotten a hint of it. Prevention is better than cure so they say. You had the opportunity…but you chose to threw it away. You’re on your own now…the problem is yours. I’m sorry to disappoint but sister isn’t here….I haven’t seen her either ever since you guys visited”

“Mother…mother please just take me to her…you are my last hope…please”

“I warned you…you chose not to listen. Now she left you…you have to deal with the aftermath yourself. May the Lord be with you…brother Hardin” The Mother Superior shakes her head before leaving him.

Hardin stood there for a while…tears slid down his face. That moment he knew…he f-__-ked up.

He should have just come clean.

Crestfallen, he walked like lifelessly to his car slumping on the floor. He rested his back on the car and brought out his phone dialing a number. It didn’t take long for the receiver to answer it. And almost immediately he spoke out.

“Grandpa…what do I do…? She left me…she’s gone…” He sobbed.

Where could Imelda be?

I feel sorry for Hardin.

Ruby’s coming back will surely change a lot of things and cause a lottta heartbreaks I tell you.

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