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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ Say You Love Me, Slowly… ]

??????? 55➪56.

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❝ ???? ❞
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” Wait, what? Ethan is Louis in disguise?” Eduardo exclaimed.

Mariano nodded slowly

” How and when did you figure it out?” Eduardo asked again.

” Just today. The thing is, my home doesn’t have any other secret passage except for the main door. But the reason Nathan could enter and sedate everyone was because of Charles who already knew the exact time everyone at home would be busy and won’t be paying much attention to anything happening. In one word, Charles sneaked in without anyone’s knowledge and drvgged the jar of water in everyone’s room except mine, since I was the target. That kid is smart I must say ”

” As for Ethan being Louis, I would never have guessed correctly. I just set the trap and he fell right into it. Anytime I tortured Rose, he always had this smirk on which I always ignored cos I told them they could treat her as they like. Anytime I pass by this room, he was always the only one guarding it, and whenever I asked about Camelot, he’ll tell me he went to get them food. Jeez, it was so obvious, but I didn’t notice cos I was busy running after p@zzies” Mariano made a sucking sound.

” You mean Louis is that man, Boss?”Camelot asked, still shocked.

Ethan laughed briefly.

” Finally you caught me ” He sn_gg@ed.

” Too bad I thought my plans were working out perfectly. I was about to beat my lovely wife cos I believe she must be happy my little precious daughter is dead” He laughed dryly.

Mariano frowned.

” What? ”

” Yeah, you foól. Gladys is your sister, your younger sister” He said and Mariano burst into hysterical laughter, confusing Ethan.

” Good for her, she died. l would’ve loved to send you both to hell together, but she left rather too early ” He laughed again.

” Enough of the bull$h|t Mariano! I’m running out of patience” Santario said and walked towards Ethan. Immediately he got to him, he landed Ethan a punch in the face.

Ethan cackled annoyingly as he spat out blood. Santario made to come closer again but he felt a sharp pain in his wrist. He just got cut by Ethan.

” Did you sell off your respects, Miguel? By the way, how the hell did you survive? I was so sure you were dead and I buried you myself” Ethan said, staring at the pocket knife with him.

” I survived for this day” Santario smirked, as he went towards Ethan again. Ethan made to stab him but he ducked. He grabbed Ethan’s hand and twirled him around before he could successfully take possession of it.

” This will be fun “Mariano sat down at a corner. Eduardo sat next to him while Max and Camelot just watched the show going on without a word.

Santario attacked Ethan with the knife and he made to duck it, but it got his right arm. He let out a groan while Santario smirked.

” Go, Miguel! ” Mariano shouted.

The fight between father and son continued and Santario made sure he marked every part of Ethan’s body with the knife. Ethan’s body was producing blood, yet he didn’t want to give up.

Not yet!

He ran towards Rose’s bed and she stood up from bed and rushed towards Mariano who asked her to leave the room which she did without hesitation.

Ethan bent under the bed and brought out a metal rod.

” Wow, your dad is awesomely cràzy” Eduardo exclaimed.

” I told you he likes watching people die painfully right?” Santario faced Eduardo, forgetting he was in a duel with his father. Ethan took that as an opportunity to end his life.

As he made to stab Santario with it, Mariano pulled out his gun and shot his right hand. Ethan groaned painfully and the metal rod left his hands. Santario looked at him, then back at Mariano.

He smiled at him before winking.

” Thanks, kiddo ” He said, before facing Ethan again. This time, he dropped the knife and took the metal rod. He hit it on Ethan and he fell to the ground. He went closer and resumed hitting him with it, not caring if he ( Ethan ) was gonna dié.

” I can’t watch this” Max and Camelot left the room.

When Ethan was weak enough, Santario stopped and took out a rope. He tied Ethan to a chair before blindfolding him.

” This is what you always do to me as a child, now I’m returning the favor” Santario whispered to him and stepped back.

He nodded slightly at Mariano who stood up too and took his gun. He checked the number of bullets in it, then checked his pocket to see how many he had left. He nod in satisfaction as he walked closer to Ethan.

” Good evening father. Allow me greet you, since the last time I did was 15 years ago” He said as he bowed dramatically. Eduardo chuckled.

” Don’t worry, I won’t bother to bury you. I’ll feed your body to the fishes in the sea after this, but before that, did you ki|| the Richardson?” He asked and Ethan laughed at the question but his laughter turned into a groan when a bullet penetrated his leg.

” I’m not here for jokes, Father” Mariano said again.

” I ki||ed the Richardson, and so? Frida asked me to do it and I did, cos she promised to help my company. You knew about this, but didn’t say anything, does that make you less of a criminal than I am? I’m sure Menodora must be mad at you. The look on her face says it all”

” Yeah, that was the act I asked her to put on cos I want you to believe so… I know you’re smart but you’d never have figured that out” Mariano replied as he sat on the bed.

” Two people ki||ed the Richardson and you need to tell me which part you played. Was it you who shot the bullets, or was it you who inaugurated the accident?” He asked.

” And you think I’ll tell you that?” Ethan laughed.

” There’s no need anyway, I’ll find out from Bills tomorrow. I heard he’s gained consciousness fully so I’m sure he remembers everything. Goodnight father, Sleep tight” Mariano said and the next thing heard was the sound of gunshots. He didn’t ki|| Ethan at once, he shot every part of his body before aiming at his skull, ki||ing him finally.

He wiped Ethan’s blood which was smeared on his face as he loosed the rope Ethan was tied with. He made to carry the dead body out of the house, but Santario volunteered to do it. Mariano nodded and in no time, Santario was out of the house with Ethan’s dead body. Max and Camelot were asked to clean the room while Eduardo and Mariano left the place.



Menodora got the door after hearing the doorbell and there she met Charles. She let him in, then a little girl followed.

” Good morning Sir” The girl greeted Eduardo who was sitting on the couch with his eyes fixed on the movie he was watching. He tore his gaze to the girl and smiled at her.

” Oh! Kiddo” He smiled before waving at Charles who bowed. Charles sighted Mariano descending the stairs and he kept staring at him until he got to the sitting room.

” Good morning Sir” He greeted, and Mariano smiled. He walked towards the little girl who looked so innocent and held her cheek with his both hands.

” You look cute, what’s your name?”He asked and she smiled cutely.

” I’m Lovelyna and thanks so much for taking care of me and my brother”

” It’s nothing ” Mariano smiled.

” You’re very handsome, are you single? ” She asked and Mariano chuckled, ruffling her hair.

” Thanks for the compliment and I’m his girlfriend, Menodora” Menodora replied from behind.

Eduardo chuckled softly.

” She’s jealous of a kid right now?”

” Wow, you’re so pretty” Lovelyna smiled and it was Menodora’s turn to touch her face.

” You’re very cute too for your age” Menodora pulled her cheeks slightly as she made her sear. She then went to the kitchen at once to get her something to drink.

” Cute uncle, my brother requested me to ask you if you could come to our place this evening” Lovelyna said and Charles blinked twice.

” Is something going on?”Mariano asked.

” No sir… I was just kidding, didn’t know she’ll take it seriously” Charles said and Mariano nodded.

” If that’s the case, I’ll come then” He smiled at Lovelyna and she smiled back.

Soon Dorian and Santario left their room and Charles moved his gaze to them.

” You’re Santario, right? I heard a lot about you” Charles said but being the type of guy Santario was, he didn’t say a word as he went to Mariano.

” I’ll be going out” He said and Mariano nodded.

He then looked at Dorian ” Don’t stress my baby ”

” Yeah, yeah I know. I’ve been hearing it for quite a while now” Dorian said sarcastically as she sat beside Eduardo. Santario chuckled and left.

Menodora came back with the pineapple juice and gave it to Lovelyna.

” Wow! How did you know my favorite drink?” She asked, inhaling its scent.

” I think we have something in common then” Menodora stroke her hair gently.

Mariano just kept observing Charles’ restless expression.



The day went on in a blur, Charles and his sister finally went home with Mariano promising them to come visit as requested by Lovelyna.

Mariano drove out with Eduardo in Eduardo’s car while Santario drove alone as they headed to Hoffman’s estate. The girls were asked to stay back to keep Rose company.

Eduardo input the passcode and they entered the house fully. They met Tessa just leaving her room.

” See who we have here” She said and Mariano went to her and hugged her tight.

” I’ve missed you” He said in the hug.

” No, you didn’t. If you did, you would have been coming here to see me” Tessa rolled her eyes and wanted to break free, but Mariano tightened the hug.

” How can I forget you, Mom? You took care of me throughout high school and college, so I dare not! I had to take care of some stuff that’s why I couldn’t come” She replied and she hugged him back.

” How have you been? Heard you finally became a good son” She said and Mariano nodded as he disengaged from the hug.

” How do you feel now to be someone’s son?”She asked.

” I already considered myself someone’s son ever since you showed up so the feeling is the same” He replied. She made to protest but was interrupted.

” I see I don’t even exist “Eduardo said and she looked at him.

” And why did you hide the fact that you went after the man who made your Dad that way?” She said instead. Eduardo blinked twice and itched his head nervously.

” You shouldn’t mind, you can just pretend like I don’t exist ” He forced a smile and made to enter his room when he sighted his dad coming out of his room.

” Who is he?” Tessa asked, as she stared at Santario. Mariano made to reply but was interrupted by Eduardo’s voice.

” Dad?” Eduardo ran to him. Tessa followed, Mariano did the same, so did Santario.

” He’s the attorney Bills Ruby is looking for?” Santario asked and Bills stared at him. He made to speak but it was difficult, still he tried.

” Ru… Ruby, di… Didn’t ki|| Ma… Marlo but h… He is the cause of the aaac…ci… dent” He stuttered with difficulty.

Mariano smiled and held his hand, leading him to the couch.

” Dad, you’ll just have to nod to my questions. This brilliant kid just has this guess in mind and I believe I’ll be right cos I’ve never guessed wrong” Mariano said and Tessa laughed.

” It’s been long I heard you so proud ” She chuckled.

” Where’s Steve?” Eduardo asked and she frowned at him.

” You expect him to be home? Of course he went to work in your stead” She scoffed.

” Are we on a war front or something?” He asked teasingly cos he knew his mom was being serious.

” Steve is the cause of this, why didn’t that big mouth just keep mute?” Eduardo breathed out.

” We’ll deal with it later, pretty Tessa” Eduardo winked at his mom who rolled her eyes instead.

” Though I don’t remember the night I came to the Richardson’s house but did I see you by chance? Did I tell you about an accident? Yes or no” Mariano asked and Bills nodded in agreement.

” I’m sure you are the only one who took my words seriously cos you are his lawyer so you went after them secretly right?” He asked again and Bills nodded.

” Wow… You’re good, Man “Eduardo gave Mariano a thumbs up.

” Truly there was an accident and you made to go help Marlo, your boss but you saw someone else holding a gun, you had to hide cos you were scared, and there, the person ki||ed Marlo and his wife” Mariano asked and Bills nodded.

” The ki||er wasn’t Ruby mankind, right? But just because you tried running off with your car after Marlo and his wife were ki||ed, someone saw you and that’s how you also got into an accident that night, right?” Mariano asked and he nodded.

” So in one word, Ruby mankind sent the truck but Ethan ki||ed Marlo and his wife. After he left, you still went back to check on the Richardson but someone sighted you which is Ruby Mankind. He thought he ki||ed the Richardson and seeing you witnessed it, he aimed at you too” Mariano said and Bills nodded.

” Right now, Ruby still thinks he ki||ed the Richardson but Ethan did it, and that’s why he’s after your life. Tch! thought he was clever” Mariano chuckled. ” Didn’t Know he’s got a brain full of $h|t!” He tutted.

” When and how did you get your facts together? ” Santario asked.

” I wasn’t given a scholarship for nothing” Mariano teased and checked the time.

” It’s late and I need to fulfill my promise to Lovelyna” He muttered and faced Bills again.

” I’ll bring Menodora to you when everything is settled. You should get enough rest, Dad, and you too, Mom ” He said and Tessa smiled.

” And thanks for the info, Dad. Bye ” He waved and left the house with Santario. Eduardo made to leave but Tessa held his shirt.

” I’ll be back “Eduardo struggled and finally freed himself from his mom and ran out. He met Mariano and Santario in the car already.

He joined them and they left the place to Charles’ place.


Mariano dropped at the exact place described to him by Lovelyna. He looked around, then shook his head in pity.

” How could he work for Nathan and still live in such a shabby house” Eduardo wondered aloud.

” I guess this was what his money could afford cos he spent everything on his sister’s medical bills” Mariano said

” Ah, I forgot he told us that” Eduardo muttered as they entered the house.

They got in, though the inside wasn’t that bad for a kid like him. He made his presence known but was surprised Lovelyna wasn’t coming out. He believes she’s the type of child that’d run over when she hears his voice.

” It’s a trap” He said and turned to the door at once. There, Ruby entered with Charles who was smiling.

” I’m sorry dude, but I’m always on the side with more money, I really don’t care about my life anyway” Charles said and Mariano balled his fist.

” Wait, let’s get this straight. You mean you set me up because of money? Wow, this kid is a monster” Mariano scoffed unbelievably.

” I told you, dawg! He’s a ki||er in the making ” Eduardo went to Charles and punched his face. Blood left his mouth.

” It’s a pity he is as greedy as me, so I offered him double of your amount” Ruby laughed, walking in fully.

” It’s also a pity that you think you ki||ed Marlo, but no, Ethan did. The property you all are fighting over is with Bills and guess what, Menodora has already signed those documents. I thought you were clever but now I know you’ve been walking around with an empty head” Mariano said mockingly.

” What? You think I’ll believe it? I ki||ed Marlo and I was also responsible for Bills’ accident” Ruby said and this got Eduardo angry. He made to charge at Ruby, but Mariano stopped him.

Ruby shot his gun and the bullet got Mariano’s stomach. Blood left the spot immediately.

” You motherf_cker!’ Santario shot at Ruby too and it got the same knee as before.

” You ungrateful bas.tard. You wanna make me cripple?” Ruby groaned. Charles just stood somewhere watching them.

” This is fun ” He chuckled.

Mariano held his bleeding stomach as he stared at Ruby with anger in his eyes.

” If ki||ing you will cost my life, then I’m ready to do that but then, I’ll drag Charles with me” Mariano said and before Charles could process his word, he felt a sting in his chest a blood began leaving his chest profusely.

He just got shot!.

” I have a sister… please save me” He begged, blood leaving his mouth as he struggled towards the door but on getting there, he went mute.

” Eduardo, Santario… this is my fight, leave it to me. I’ll be mad if you get wounded again” Mariano said, not minding the blood leaving his wound.

Santario blinked, confused. Ruby made to laugh but Santario aimed at his chest.

” Arghh!!” He screamed. Santario quickly covered Eduardo cos he knew Ruby was gonna $h00t none stop. Mariano’s eyes widened and he quickly stood as a shield for Santario and Eduardo.

Countless bullets penetrated his chest and stomach but before he went down, he aimed at Ruby’s skull twice before falling to the ground same time as Ruby.

” Mariano!!” Santario and Eduardo both rushed to him, but his eyes were closed already.

” You foól!!”Santario yelled, $h00ting at Ruby’s dead body continuously as tears left his eyes.

” Wake up Mariano! You can’t f_cking die like this. Dora is waiting for you. I heard your conversation with the doctor about her pregnancy. I’m sure she’s not aware, please she needs you” Eduardo cried.



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