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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Gladys walked into the dressing room hastily like she came for war. Though her mom was still at the hospital, she had seen her s*x tape on her mom’s phone.

” Filthy witches” She muttered as she came across Camilla. She landed her a resounding slap at once.

” You bitçh, what was that for?”Camilla yelled.

” What’s happening here?”Cassie appeared too.

Gladys faced her and slapped her too. She gasped as she held her cheek.

” Cràzy bitçh ” Cassie made to return the slap but someone held her hand from behind.

She turned to see who it was and she scoffed before snatching her hand.

” What happened here?” Bijoux asked.

Crystal walked in last, staring at each of them confused and lost..

Jesse chuckled as he watched them from a corner.

” Where’s Frida?” He wondered.

” I just asked what happened!” Bijoux yelled.

“Who among you sent my s*x tape to mom? I’m sure it’s you and I promise to ki|| you myself” Gladys shouted and made to attack Cassie again but Crystal blocked her way.

” What makes you think she did it?” Crystal asked.

” Then, did you do it?” Gladys and Crystal chuckled shortly before landing her a slap.

” Are you nuts? I really h@ťě wrong accusations cos if I were the one, I’ll say it to your face.. I h@ťě pretenders” Crystal said and Gladys ruffled her hair.

She was frustrated already.

Jesse kept smiling from his spot till he sighted Frida entering the room.

” This is fun ” He muttered, seeing the shock look on Gladys’ face.

” Mom.. “Gladys called shockingly with widened eyes.

She left her mom still unconscious in the hospital, then how come she’s right there in front of her?

“Finally, the thief’s been caught red handed” Crystal said and left the room.

” Mom, I can explain, it’s not…” Frida slapped her across the face, hushing the rest of her words.

” Mom!” She shouted.

” How dare you work here behind my back? How dare you work here like some prostitute?” Frida yelled and Bijoux chuckled briefly.

” Prostitute? She must be outta her mind” She mumbled.

” Prostitute? Isn’t it the same job you made Dora do, huh? Now, how do you feel when your daughter does it?” Gladys yelled. ” If someone treated me the way you treated Dora, how will you feel?” She yelled again.

Frida was trying hard to fight her tears but couldn’t cos it kept dropping down.

” I’m working here and if you don’t want it, you should close it down cos as long as I am concern, I’ll GLADLY keep coming here” She fired, emphasizing on the “ Gladly ” before leaving the place.

Frida glanced at Bijoux who shrugged.

“See me in the sports hall” Frida said as she left the room. Bijoux followed soon after.

Jesse connected his earphone as he left his seat.

? Get ready.. he said into his phone and ended the call.


Jesse sent as he proceeded to the sports hall.

He stood at the door and watched Frida read the message.

” Who’s this? Why’s he asking me of a dead person?” Frida wondered, ignoring the message.

She faced Bijoux again, then landed her a slap across the face.

Bijoux puffed out air from her mouth and touched her hurting cheek.

” So how do you feel when your child does prostitution? She’s a waste of sperm seriously. She wanted your club to boom because Dora left not knowing Dora never slept with any of the customers” Bijoux laughed dryly.

” What? ”

” Yeah, you actually gave birth to a prostitute. She’s so good at it, guess she’s been doing it low-key even before she joined us. Can’t believe she f_cks better than I do” Bijoux said daringly and Frida made to slap her again but she held her hands.

” Just because we’re all orphans doesn’t give you the right to see us as trash” She said as she brought down Frida’s hands.

Jesse was starting to get impatient, so he took his phone again and texted Frida again.


Frida’s phone vibrated and she checked it. Frustratedly, she dialled the number.

? Who are you? And what do you want from me?” She shouted.

Bijoux scoffed and went back to the clubhouse house. Jesse made sure she didn’t see him.

? The girl who just left your sight is gonna die if you don’t give answers to my questions.

? I don’t know where Bills is, why don’t you ask someone who knows? Frida snapped.

Jesse laughed and ended the call.

He laughed loudly, even though it was an angry one.

Larry walked to him and bowed.

” ki|| the girl immediately she set to leave” Jesse muttered and left the clubhouse.



” I said ki||ed him, not make him comatose!” Santiago shouted at the three boys who had their heads bent.

” Who saved him? Who the hell told those reporters not to reveal the hospital’s name? ” He asked again, but the boys said nothing.

Charles glanced at the time and inhaled.

” What? You look impatient” Santiago brought him back to reality.

” Nothing boss. It’s just… My mom is sick and I need to go see her” He replied.

” Find the hospital and end his life else, I might as well end your lives” Santiago thr_@tened.

The boys bowed and left the mansion.

” How did he survive?” Drank asked Charles who kept mute.

” I’ll go home now” Charles said after a while and left hurriedly.

” What’s up with him?” Garrie wondered.



” Where have you been?” Menodora asked immediately Eduardo walked in.

” I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.. did you eat dinner already?” He asked.

His eyes met with the breakfast he made and he frowned.

” You didn’t eat breakfast too?

” I wasn’t hungry.. so tell me, where were you?” She asked again.

” Oh, I was with Mariano” He replied and she went mute.

” Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. You should be happy I found him on time else it would’ve been another story entirely ” He added.

” You didn’t reveal the hospital to the reporters, why?” She asked.

” For security reasons. No one knows of his whereabout except me and Monica. If you wanna know, I can tell you too” He smiled.

” Should we eat out, since you don’t like the meal I made?” He asked.

” I…

” Let’s go shopping first. You need to wear something new and nice” He held her hands.

” But you just got back….you must be exhausted” She said, but he chuckled and took her out of the house.



Menodora left the room she was using, all dressed. Eduardo waited for her at the dining.

He already made breakfast.

Steve’s been coming to visit Menodora daily after she told him she was living with Eduardo.

” You look beautiful” Eduardo complimented and she smiled slightly.

” Come, I made breakfast” He said and she nodded.

She sat on one of the chairs and he sat next to her.

They started eating in silence until Eduardo had to break the silence.

” Are you sure you wanna see him?” He asked and she nodded slowly.

” He wouldn’t know I came. I might h@ťě him but I still feel bad for him” She replied and he nodded in understanding.

After few minutes, they were done eating and he cleared the table. She left for the kitchen where Eduardo was doing the dishes.

” Aren’t you taking me there?” She asked.

” You want me to come?” He asked and she nodded.

” Few minutes then” He said as he continued with the dishes.

After he was done, he had a change of clothes and they both left the house together.



Menodora walked into the ward and met Mariano still unconscious.

He looked really pitiful.

” You foól ” She muttered as her eyes itch.

” If I knew It’ll be this hard to forgive, I never would have ask you to forgive your mom when I know nothing about you.. so please, pretend I never asked you that, then that way, I won’t feel much pain.

” I’m not sure I’ll be able to forgive you… I really h@ťě you right now” She said in tears.

Few drops of her tears fell on Mariano’s face and his fingers moved.

Menodora didn’t notice.

Mariano slowly opened his eyes until he was fully awake. His blurry vision became clear instantly when he saw her.

” Dora..” He called in a whisper and she sniffed when she heard her name. She looked at him and was shocked to see his eyes wide open.

She wanted to leave but he held her back, a single tear dropping from his eyes.

” I’m sorry ” He muttered.

She released her hands from his and rushed out of the room, bumping into Monica.

” Menodora?” Monica called but she didn’t turn back till she left the hospital completely to Eduardo’s car.

She entered, still in tears, leaving Eduardo confused.

” Did something happen to Mariano?” He asked and made to leave the car, but she held him back, stopping him from leaving.

” I want to leave here” She said, and he stared at her for a while before nodding. He ignited the engine and drove back to his mansion.


Menodora entered her room and sat on the bed. She intended to forgive him but then whenever she remembers the night he R@P£D her, she starts having other thoughts.

” I think it’s better we stay apart” She muttered, but her mind was still with Mariano.

The way he cried immediately after regaining consciousness made her sad somehow.

The door to her room opened and Eduardo came in. He met her still in tears and he sighed.

He sat next to her without saying a word for few seconds.

” Ermm…I’ve been thinking lately and I’ve come to a conclusion that, Mariano actually forced himself on you” He said and she looked at him.

” I actually heard you say it. I mean, the day he got shot, he came here and I didn’t want to interrupt so I followed him after he left to make sure he doesn’t ki|| himself” He said.

” But trust me, Mariano is not like that” He added.

” I’m not taking sides okay? And I’m not saying what he did is right, I’m not saying you should forgive him too, I’m just saying he’s really not that type of person. ” He assured and she sniffled.

He held her cheeks and smiled at her.

” You look beautiful when you frown, Mariano was right ” He said, still holding her cheeks while She scoffed.

Her drew his face closer, and her eyes widened.

” I know you love Mariano, you just haven’t realized it yet” He said.

She scoffed, and slapped his hands away.

” I don’t” she rolled her eyes.

He chuckled.

” Then can I kiss you even though you don’t like me?” He asked and before she could put his words together, he kissed her.

The door opened and Steve entered. His eyes widened and he took long strides to them. He pulled Eduardo away roughly and punched him.

Eduardo fell to the ground and immediately he made to stand again, Steve went to him and punched him the second time.

” Stay away from her” He yelled while Menodora watched in confusion.


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