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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Bijoux and the girls sat in the general room after their performance. They were on break and needed to get back on stage after few minutes.

Gladys was moody, cos all her thoughts were on what Jesse told her. She was frustrated, but Jesse’s mind was made up.

” I should chill, he’s not my boyfriend” She muttered and the door opened, Jesse walked in.

Bijoux smiled secretly.

” Gladys, your customer is here” Crystal said.

” I’m not here for Gladys, I’m here for everyone of you” He said.

“What’ll happen to the other men?”Camilla asked.

“We need to be at everyone’s service”

” I handled that already” He replied.

Gladys didn’t say a word as she watch the scene.

Jesse opened the door wide and all the girls, except Gladys looked out and their eyes widened.

There were different girls in the club, each of them having s*x with the men available.

” Wow..”Crystal exclaimed.

” So, what’s your take?”

” I’m in.., let’s see what you’ve got” Cassie replied and went to Jesse. She went on her knees and held his Ďïčk from his trousers.

” Gosh..” She exclaimed and turned to Bijoux.

“He’s huge.” She said.

Bijoux rolled her eyes.

“I know.. ” She replied and Camilla chuckled.

“He’s the owner of the diçk you couldn’t get enough of?” Cassie asked, bringing out Jesse’s Ďïčk.

Gladys glared at Bijoux before storming out of the room.

” I’m sure she’s jealous” Crystal said and Jesse held Cassie’s hands from his diçk.

” You’re slow ” He said and the girls started undressing.

” I’ll start with you” He said and immediately held Cassie to himself, engaging her into a hot kiss as they approached the bed.

Crystal went for his Ďïčk, stroking and sucking it. Bijoux immediately went naked too and sat on Jesse’s face giving him her p@zzy which he didn’t hesitate to eat.

” Suck her B-__-bs” Jesse told Bijoux and she nodded, Mõ@ɲing senselessly as he ate her.

Cassie came closer and Bijoux took her Ɲīpplës into her mouth.

Jesse rubbed Cassie’s ćƖĩť and started fínģƐŕing her as Bijoux sucked her B-__-bs.

” f_ck!” She Mõ@ɲed.

It went on for few minutes and Jesse took turns in sucking each and every one of them, using his both hands to finger them.

” I’ll start with Crystal” Jesse said and Crystal immediately turned her àss to him. He pushed his Ďïčk into her hole and started f_cking her while the other girls fingered themselves, waiting for their turns.

” I h@ťě you Jesse” Gladys muttered tearfully as she watched them.



A knock came up and Dorian went to get the door, her eyes widened when she saw it was Menodora.

” Dora!” She screamed and hugged her.

” Gosh, you look so beautiful tonight” She added, still hugging her.

“I’m glad you’re safe” Menodora hugged her back. The hug lasted for two minutes before they both disengaged from it. Dorian’s eyes landed on Mariano who stood behind Menodora and She pulled Menodora even closer.

” Who’s he? Your boyfriend? He’s cute” She whispered and Menodora chuckled.

“He’s not my boyfriend, but the flirty jerk I live with” She whispered back and Dorian’s eyes widened.

” Oh my f_ck!” She exclaimed.

” You’re cute, Mr flirty jerk” She said dramatically.

“Hmm… I’m cute and irresistible ” He winked and Menodora scoffed, entering the house fully.

Dorian chuckled.

Mariano went in too and they all settled on the couch. They started talking which he found boring.

He took his phone and start manipulating to ki|| boredom.



” How’s Mariano doing right now? Gosh, I wonder why that cràzy brother of mine decided to bring that up. Don’t tell me he did that because of Dora?? Wait, does that mean he likes her?” Eduardo wondered aloud and took his phone at once. He dialed Steve number which he picked up immediately like he’s been expecting his call.

? Dora, how did you know her?

? Are you still mad at me? Steve asked calmly.

? Just answer my d@mn question.

? I won’t tell you a thing if you don’t tell me if you’re angry or not.. I can’t talk to someone who’s màd at me..

? I’m sure you went to school to study but unfortunately, common sense is far from you.. like how could you? Mariano took you as the younger brother he never had. He treated you well, Most times, he cancels his tight schedule and makes time just to see you whenever you claim to be lonely and bored. Unfortunately, we found out he’s treating his mother badly. We know nothing about the grudge he’s holding against her, but you decided to bring the topic up, so Dora would be màd at him?

? I’m sorry okay?” Steve said and Eduardo laughed dryly.

? Sorry? Do you know why she’s staying with him? She was kidnaped and shot, he was her savior and that’s why, if anything happens again in the future, you and I will be the least thing on her mind..

? I’m sorry.. I’m very sorry.. Steve muttered but Eduardo ended the call.

” He sounds so angry”Steve said when the call got disconnected.

” I should see him tomorrow” He inhaled.



” I’m gonna miss you” Dorian pouted cutely, hugging Menodora again.

” I’ll always call you” Menodora smiled, disengaging from the hug.

” No don’t, I’ll do the calling.. uncle Carlos will come visiting.. I’m sure he’ll be monitoring my movements, so we need to be careful and you too, you should stop coming here, It’s not safe” Dorian said and looked at Mariano.

” Please take care of my baby sister”

” Hey.. it’s just five months difference. How many times will I tell you that?” Menodora snapped which made Dorian laugh.

” It’s been long I heard you say that” Dorian chuckled.

Mariano just watch them do their thing.

” We’ll be on our way now, bye” Menodora said and left with Mariano.

” Bye..” Dorian shouted, smiling at them as they entered the car and drove off.

” Seems like he’s a nice guy” She smiled, going back into the house.


” I asked you to go out with me, not visit your friend” Mariano said as he drove.

“You followed even when I said I wanted to go see her”

“Yeah, your charm I guess..”

“Do you perhaps like me?” She asked.

” Like you? I have no such words in my dictionary” He smiled.

“Jerk ” She muttered and looked out of the window while Mariano chuckled, adding to his speed as they drove home.



” Boss, I saw the girl we kidnapped the other time leaving her friend’s house, she was with a guy this time”

“Really?” Santario asked .

“Yes boss..”

“Did you see the guy’s face? His plate number? Was it the same with the one you saw the day she was shot?” He asked.

“No boss.. I’m sure he has plenty of cars, so what should we do?”

” I’ll need to get her friend here, so she’ll tell me the whereabout of Menodora, she thinks I’m dumb?” Santario laughed.

” Should we go drag her here?”

” No, I’m her uncle Carlos for the main time, so chill” Santario said and his phone rang. When he saw the caller, he excused himself from the boys. He took few steps behind before picking the call.

? I heard Bills has been on life support for 15 years now after the incident. I’m not sure of the hospital he got admitted to, so leave the girl you’re searching for and go find Bills, make sure you disconnect his life machine the day you set eyes on him.

? Boss…

? Like I said, don’t harm Menodora, I’ll be needing her alive, she’ll be of use to me and maybe after that, I’ll ki|| her..

? Alright boss.. Santario said and the phone went off.

Santario walked back to his boys and sat with them.

He took a cigarette, lit it and began smoking, puffing smoke from his mouth and nostrils.

“ Ruby knows about Menodora already, so our Target has changed but, you must monitor her movements cos we need her alive”

” Who’s the new target? ” Attirn

” Attorney Bills, I heard he survived the accident 15years ago, we need to find him and ki|| him for real this time”

” Okay boss” The boys bowed.



Gladys didn’t take part in anything happening in the club until her closing hours. She changed back into her normal clothes and took her backpack.

She left without telling anyone cos she was moody.

She was still walking out of the club when someone pulled her back, she turned and noticed it was Jesse. She rolled her eyes, released her hand, then walked away.

Jesse didn’t bother to call her back as he watch her go, he chuckled and left the clubhouse too.

” He’s so good in bed” Camilla and Cassie said at once.

” I know right” Crystal agreed.

Bijoux rolled her eyes at them, going back into the club.



” Thanks for today anyway” Menodora said and Mariano held her face in his hands.

” What?”She asked.

” You’re pretty” He said and her heart fluttered.

“Let me go, jerk ” She removed his hands from her face and he chuckled.

” I’ll be in my room” She said and started leaving.

“What are the three things you badly wish for?” He asked and she stopped walking, gently she faced him.

” Huh?”

” Anything.. but just three”

“Any conditions?” She asked and he grinned.

“You don’t trust me?”

” I don’t..” She replied and he laughed.

“That’s your headache though. If you don’t have any, then I’ll be in my room” He said and turn to leave but she spoke up.

” I would’ve love to go back to school.. I think that’s all for now, I’ll think of the remaining two later” She said.

“Alright ”

” Alright? Is that it? ” She grimaced.

” Yeah, just Alright” He replied.

She shook her head and left for her room.

He chuckled softly before heading to his own room.



” Arghh!! I wanna dié, tell Mariano to ki|| me!” Rose kept shouting and crying loudly.

She’s been doing that for while now. Camelot and Louis tried to keep her calm, but it was late cos that moment, Mariano entered the room and she kept mute immediately.

He looked at her with distain when Steve’s words echoed in his head.

He took predatory steps to her and when he got to her, he grabbed her hair.

He slapped her across the face, bursting her lips.

” Because of you, I am tagged a bad son! Why in the world was I born by an animal like you?” He yelled, tears leaving his eyes.

“I h@ťě you… I curse the heavens for giving me a mother like you” He shouted again and she started crying again.

” I’m sorry Mariano, I’m sorry for everything”

” You’re sorry? Will your sorry erase the memory which is still very much vivid in my head?” He shouted.

” I should ki|| you.. You don’t deserve the air you breath ” He said and wanted to hit her again, but someone pushed him away and stood between them.

He looked up with bloodshot eyes and saw Menodora in tears.

” Please stop! ” She cried.

” Move ” He warned.

“I can’t!”

” Leave, Dora” He said again and made to push her out of the way, but she hugged him instead.

” Can you please stop beating your mother and forgive her for wh@ťěver she did? Please Mariano… That’s my second wish” She sobbed on his shoulder and he clenched his jaw as he balled his fist.

She was asking for the impossible..


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