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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 8

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( When Love Heals… )

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel


(?????? ??????)

“No!! Help me!! Ahhh!! Mummy!!!”

Calvin kept hitting the door violently and as if God heard his pleas, a female cleaner was coming to clean the restroom so she opened it from outside.

The door is actually faulty and tends to lock on it’s own. Immediately the female cleaner opened the door, Calvin bolted out of the area while pulling up his trouser

The cleaned stood there, utterly confused by what just happened.

Upon running, Calvin bumped on Nelson who was coming out of the principal’s office. That’s when he stopped running as he placed his hand on his knee, breathing heavily.

“Cal? Why were you running? Thought you went to clean your shirt so why is it dirty” Nelson asked.

“Those.. Those girls… They’re cràzy!! They almost ràped me!!” He shouted out.

“Huh?” Nelson furrowed his brows but his eyes widened in the next minute.

“Wait! You almost got ràped by girls?!” Nelson said and Calvin nodded, still breathing heavily.

He then narrated everything to Nelson.

“Dude!! Why did you run away? You got the opportunity to f_ck free p@zzies and you ran?! Why does good things only happen to you!!” Nelson lamented.

“Do you want me to díe?! Bro they were more than 20!! I love women but still! I’m the only son of my mom.. Besides when I’ll díe I want it to be honorable…not on p**sy!” Calvin said and Nelson sighed.

“How I wish I followed you!” Nelson muttered.

“Anyways let’s head to class.. I already got our locker keys and timetable, we’re having biology this morning” Nelson said and they began heading to their class.

They walked in the class and the once rowdy class became a bit silent as they stared at them

? A new scholarship badge!

? They’re so handsome! Unlike last year’s own

? What’s up with the stained shirt?

Calvin went to the back and sat while Nelson sat in front.

“Biology… My worst topic” Calvin sighed and closed his eyes.

The class immediately became noisy again when Aubrey and Drake stepped in while holding hands.

“Meet me after school babe, let’s have some fun” Drake whispered to Aubrey who blushed and giggled.

She released him before she went to her seat.. She immediately frowned when she saw a guy sitting on the seat next to her.

“Who gave you the permission to place you poverty reeking butt next to me.” She spatted and Calvin opened his eyes.

He was surprised to see her standing in front of him.

“Are you deaf?! Poor things like you doesn’t deserve to be near me. Get up!!” She hit her hand on the table and Calvin smirked.

Every body was already looking their way to know what will happen. Aubrey was none other than the daughter of the senator and she was a big and arrogant bully but her arrogance tripled when her and Drake became a thing.

Apart from Drake and her only friend Alice, she doesn’t associate with anyone else.

Calvin sat up right and checked out the table and chairs before he sat down.

“I don’t see your name nor face on this seat so it’s now mine… You don’t like it, well I don’t give a $h|t about it” Calvin said and the class gasped.

“What!!” Aubrey exclaimed in anger. She quickly raised her hand to slap Calvin but he caught it halfway.

“Instead of trying to use those hands on my cheek.. Why not use it on something more sweet,, like my Ďïčk” Calvin smirked

? Ooohhhhh!!!!

The class exclaimed loudly..

Drake immediately stood up from his seat in anger and marched towards them but before he could get to them, the teacher walked in.

“I want order in the class everyone!” He said.

Drake folded his fists and glared at Calvin who just winked annoyingly at him. Drake hissed and went back to his seat.

The teacher looks at Aubrey who slowly sat down next to Calvin, literally fuming in anger. She gave Calvin a side glare while Calvin just smirked.

Dream who was sitting at her own corner smiled widely as she stared at Calvin. She couldn’t explain how happy she felt when Calvin walked in their class earlier.


“So Flynn tell me.. How’s your wife?” Franklin asked as he ate his meal.

The three friends decided to meet up at a three stars restaurant to have their breakfast.

Flynn chewed slowly on his meal as he recalled the kiss of last night then how she was avoiding him this morning because of that.

“Not bad” He muttered

“First time you’re saying not bad when I ask you about a lady. Is it what I’m thinking?” Franklin wiggled his brows

“You’re thinking too far.. We’re just cohabitating that’s all” Flynn muttered.

“Poor girl.. Getting married to you is like marrying an iceberg” Frederick finally talked.

“What about you huh? It’ll now be like getting married to Alaska” Flynn said and Frederick shot him a glare.

Franklin chuckled.

“You two should really grow up yunno” He said.

“So will you guys attend tomorrow CEO’s gathering party?” Franklin asked.

“You know I normally don’t but I have to. Need to finalize things with my investors” Frederick said.

“Same here” Flynn muttered.

“Great! Then I guess I’ll tag along tomorrow then since I’m the host for this year” Franklin smiled

“In two days from now you’ll be fully 27 Fred” Flynn said

“Yeah, I know” Frederick said.

“Let’s throw a big party then we’ll invite some hot Șëx¥ strippers to-”

“Frank, please stop trying to convince me to celebrate my birthday.. There’s nothing to celebrate in it, absolutely nothing Frank” Frederick cut him off.

They could already feel his mood changing..

Frederick doesn’t celebrate his birthday for two reasons, one for the reason everyone knows; because Tatiana broke up with him on that day and secondly because his mother díed on his birthday… His 18th birthday.

“Alright then” Franklin simply muttered

They finished having their breakfast before Frederick left for his company. He got down and as usual, his company workers began greeting him which he replied some with a nod.

He got in the elevator which took him to his office and upon arriving there, he met Catalina.

She had her head down on her table as she slept soundly while letting out some cute soft snores with her mouth slightly opened.

Her hair covered part of her face as she slept and she looked so cute like that.

Frederick sighed and grabbed a glass of water on her desk before emptying it on her head.

“Ahh!! Who’s it!!” She exclaimed loudly, jolting out of her sleep. She looked up and was met with Frederick’s cold look.

“Are you nuts!!” She exclaimed.

“Next time you sleep off, it’ll be hot pepperish water that will befall on your face” Frederick muttered and walked in his office

Catalina clicked her tongue in her mouth, cracking her knuckles to cool down her nerves


“Hey! Calvin!” A voice called when Calvin and Nelson were about to leave the class

Calvin turned to see Dream running to him.

“Hey! It’s me, the girl you saved from those bullies earlier” Dream smiled.

“Oh yeah, Dream.. Never knew we were classmates” Calvin smiled

“Meet my pal, Nelson. Nelson meet Dream” Calvin presented

“Wassup pretty” Nelson winked and she just smiled.

“We were heading to the cafeteria, mind tagging along?” Calvin said and Dream quickly nodded.

They began heading out when Drake and another guy suddenly blocked their way.

Calvin smirked and dipped his hand in his pocket.

“Let it be the last time you’ll ever disrespect my girl again… Got that?” Drake said.

“You ruined my shirt” Calvin said.

“Oh so you were that guy. You should feel blessed, who knows that might be the first and last time you’ll ever get close to a car that luxurious in your life up close” Drake smirked arrogantly.

“Of course, I accepted the fact that I’m poor what about you… Will you one day settle with the fact that you’re an imbecile of the highest order?” Calvin smirked.

Drake frowned and raised his fists up but his friend caught it

“Enough Drake, if you two fight that’ll be your fifth detention this week” Caleb said

Caleb was Drake’s friend. Drake slapped Caleb’s hand off and marched away.

Caleb looked at Calvin before following Drake.

“You shouldn’t really be provoking Drake that way, he’s a Reynolds… His brother owns one of the most successful company in Australia and also has a big share in this company” Dream said.

“That doesn’t give him the right to taunt me” Calvin shrugged


Catalina was busy typing on the computer with her earpiece plugged in as she listened to music while shaking her head as she worked.

The music finished playing and then switched to “High school” By Nicki Minaj ft Lil Wayne

The song wasn’t her favorite but she loves the beat of it and she used to dance it in the house so out of instinct, she stood up and began dancing it.

“Are you-” Frederick paused when he saw her dance to a music only her was hearing. His eyes widened

“Has she finally run mad completely” He thought

Her stiff dancing was so funny that he didn’t know when he smile. A chuckled left his lips when she balled her fists like a microphone and began rapping Lil Wayne’s part

“What the hell are my eyes seeing” He said inwardly

His smile fell and his eyes widened when Catalina suddenly switched from clow and funny dancing to Șëx¥.

She heaped her hair up in her hand and swept it to the side as she bit her lips s*xily, whining her hips. When the beat came up intense, she bent down and began twerking.

She was still twerking when her gaze traveled to the door only to see Frederick standing there.

“Ahh!!” She jolted up and her phone fell off her hand, cracking even more.

She bit her lips and looked down as her cheek flushed red in embarrassment. Frederick cleared his throat.

“I have photo$h00t for the business magazine cover of the month. Let’s go” Frederick said and led the way.

“f_ck you Catalina!! You ridiculed yourself!!” Catalina said cringing hard in embarrassment.


Flynn walked in the mansion. He actually forgot a flash drive which contained some documents he had to use for today so he came to collect it

He walked in the living room and paused when he saw Thalia sleeping on the couch. Her gown was slightly raised, exposing her thigh.

Flynn walked to her and crouched down to her level then he noticed the gown..

“So careless. What if another man walked in and saw you like this” He said as he pulled the gown, covering her thigh properly.

He now stared at her sleeping face and he didn’t know when his hand touched her cheek.

His mind drifted to his father’s last word and he sighed. Honestly, he would have divorced her the following day after his dad díed but he doesn’t know why he can’t bring himself to do so..

With that act they pulled up in front of his dad, he indirectly made a promise to his father to love her. How will his father feel when he sees they’ve broken up

“Should I really trust you?” He said inwardly.

He has never really picked interest in relationship nor having romantic feelings for someone but with what happened to Frederick, that just gave him more reason not to trust the opposite s*x

He was there. He witness the various stages of that heartbreak Frederick went through before becoming the cold person he is now and it’s something he doesn’t want to go through.

Loving someone wholeheartedly for years only to be broken at the end is something he doesn’t want to experience

“Maybe I should give it a try” He muttered and leaned in then placed a kiss on her lips.

Thalia’s lid shook and she slowly opened her eyes. Flynn pulled away.

Her eyes widened and she touched her lips. When did he get here?

“Umm…” Thalia looked away.

“Tomorrow is the CEO’s gathering, will you be my date?” He asked.

“I wanted us to talk,, about us” Thalia said instead. She slightly shifted away from him.

“You forced me to marry you because of your father… I get it and I’m not longer mad about it. But, you can’t keep me forever with you… I have dreams and goals I want to achieve in life. Please, let’s file a divorce” Thalia said calmly.

Flynn looked at her for awhile.

“No” He muttered and Thalia’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean by no!!” Thalia flared up

“I said what I said… No one is divorcing no one, marriage is for better for worse… No turning back, you want to achieve dreams and goals, fine but you can perfectly do it as my wife” Flynn said

“This is not fair!! This is human right violation!! You’re-” Thalia stopped talking when Flynn brought his face closer to hers.

“What were you saying?” He smirked and Thalia gulped.

“Your face is too close” Thalia said slowly.

“Really? Then how about like this” Flynn brought his face closer and she shifted away.

He brought it closer and she kept shifting till her head landed back on the pillow with him hovering above her.

“What are you doing…” She gulped down as he began leaning closer.

As he was about to claim her lips.

“Boss.. Here’s the flash you came to take” Ellis said and Flynn paused then looked at Ellis who was slightly glaring at him.

Flynn faced Thalia and leaned to her ear.

“We’ll continue this discussion once I get back home” He whispered and released her then walked to Ellis and took the flash

They both passed each other bombastic side eyes before Flynn left. Ellis looked at Thalia who placed her hand on her chest

“What’s wrong with him?” Thalia thought.

“Why do you always allow him to do wh@ťěver he wants with you?” Ellis said jealously and Thalia looked at him.


“Nothing” Ellis simply said


Frederick was sitting on a stool as two make-up artists worked on him. One was busy with his makeup while the other was doing his hair.

He was putting on an expensive black loose shirt with only two buttons who were buttoned with black pants and shoes.

He was wearing a golden necklace, resting on his muscular and broad chest and also assorted golden watch. His hair was styled in a way to make it look messy and some strands fell on his face, making his Șëx¥ eyes and lips stand out.

“Time for the $h00ting!”

Catalina could be seen sitting beside a female as they discussed.

“So you said that Boss won an award as the most handsome business of the year so he features on cover in some business magazines?” Catalina asked.

“Does that even make sense?” She raised a brow and the female chuckled.

“Gosh… Mr Reynolds should really sign in for modelling, just look at how handsome and Șëx¥ he is” The female looked front at where the $h00ting was taking.

Frederick was busy taking various poses as they took the pictures.

Catalina looked front at him.

“Yeah, it’s true… He is handsome, just a bit” She muttered and she began starring at him

Frederick looked her way and their gaze locked. She quickly adverted her gaze. When she thinks of the embarrassing thing she did earlier, she couldn’t look him in the eye.

Frederick’s lips slightly raised as he looked front. Catalina looked back at him but he didn’t look at her again, though he could feel her gaze on him.

The lady just looked at them at intervals and smiled to herself.

“Cat-Cat?” A voice called behind and Catalina’s eyes widened.

She could recognize this voice anywhere, even in her dreams. Like flash, she quickly turned and her eyes widened more

Not far from her stood a tall, very handsome man dressed neatly and expensively. He too held a look of surprise on his face.

“Max!!” Catalina exclaimed happily too and turned to him.

“I know it was you… Only you can have such a very stupid head” Marcel said

“f_ck you Mango brain” Catalina said

Marcel is Catalina’s friend. Him, Jolie and Catalina have been friends since they were young but Marcel got a scholarship to study in a modeling school for 4 years so he traveled abroad. They lost contact since then.

“Gosh! I missed you so much!! I thought you weren’t longer in Aussie”

Catalina chuckled and they began discussing..

Frederick looked their way and saw Catalina’s attention wasn’t longer on him but on a certain unknown guy.

He frowned.


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