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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 37

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(When Love Heals…)

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel





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Tatiana pulled the trigger

Catalina gasped loudly as her eyes widened. She quickly released the gun and shifted away.

Tatiana stared at Catalina with wide eyes then her gaze slowly went down to her tummy, her shirt was getting soaked with her own blood

She just shot herself!

Tatiana’s palm flew to her mouth as she coughed out blood, slowly going down to the floor. The gun fell off her hand

Catalina quickly rushed to her and began checking her pockets. She immediately brought out a remote control and then pressed the red button on it.

The time bomb on Calvin immediately stopped at just 12 seconds. A huge wave of relief washed through her.

“Catalina!” Frederick ran to her and hugged her tightly.

He broke the hug and cupped her cheek, checking her out.

“Thank goodness you’re okay!” Frederick muttered and hugged her again.

Catalina smiled and hugged him back. They broke the hug and smiled at each other.

“Bro..” Catalina then rushed to Calvin who’s face was still so pale.

Well he couldn’t blame him, he vividly escaped the clutches. Catalina began untying the bomb on him then dropped it down before hugging.

“Cal!” She quickly hugged him tightly, tearing up on his chest

“Words can’t explain how scared I was…” Catalina cried.

Calvin slowly hugged her back, placing his head on her shoulder.

“Me too” Calvin muttered.

He slowly smiled in relief…

“This is not the end of it! You guys are not done hearing about me!! I will come back!!” Cora screamed crazily as she was taken away by the cops, her and her son.

“Fr… Frederick pplease.. Help me” Tatiana said weakly, crawling towards Frederick.

She made to hold his leg but Frederick shifted away with a disgusted look on his face.

“At first I had second thoughts of forgiving you but now, never… You’re the person I h@ťě most in this world! I h@ťě you so much Tatiana!” Frederick spatted angrily at her face

Tatiana looked at him and slowly tears escaped her eyes.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics took her away together with Calvin so as to treat his injured leg.

Frederick and Catalina followed them..


“Let me go! I did nothing! I was getting what I rightfully own!!” Cora screamed as she struggled with the police who dragged her in a cell.

Franklin was taken to another cell and unlike his mother, he didn’t even struggle. To him it was unbelievable, to think that one day his life will end up behind bars was something he was expecting

He walked in the cell and the cop locked it..

“By next two weeks I’m sure the court will summon your case for judgement. You two better get ready to spend the rest of your life behind bars.” The cop said and left.

“You two?” Franklin wondered and slowly turned.

His eyes widened when he saw Ellis sitting on the floor while twirling a knife in his hand.

“Finally they found you” Ellis chuckled and slowly stood up, taking predatory steps towards Franklin

“Ellis I can explain everything… There’s no need for all these” Franklin said backing out till his back hit the bars.

“Because of you I’m here and you think I’ll forgive..” Ellis said and let out a short laughter.

“Brace yourself up coz this night’s gonna be a long night” Ellis said and Franklin shook his head in fear.


Lloyd could be seen sitting beside Tatiana’s bed while crying. Two cops were in the room and two other cops were guarding her room incase she’ll try to escape.

“What possible wrong did I do? I loved you wholeheartedly, I never for once maltreated your mother… Did you honestly had to repay me back everything with this… I’m a human, humans make mistake.. Why did you have to ruin your life by ki||ing Sarah, why?” Lloyd said

He didn’t even bother fighting back his tears as he let it flow. At that moment he felt betrayed, angry and very disappointed in Tatiana.

“I’m sorry.. Dad” Tatiana said weakly and slowly stretched her hand to touch Lloyd but he stood up, shifting away from her.

“Sorry won’t repair all the damage you’ve done. Though it really breaks my heart but you’ll have to pay for everything you’ve done” Lloyd said, cleaning his tears.

And like that he turned and left the ward.

“Dad! Come back! Dad!!” Tatiana called but Lloyd never turned back.

Tears slowly escaped her eyes.


“God knows how scared I was… I thought something bad happened to you, that I’ll never get to see you again.. I was so scared babe!!” Aubrey cried loudly.

They were both hospitalized in the same ward so she literally ran to him when she heard he’s in the same hospital as her.

His wound was already treated and he was receiving a blood transfusion since he lost too much blood.

Calvin smiled and cupped her cheek, cleaning her tears.

“I’m fine okay? Stop the tears cutie” He muttered, cleaning her tears.

Aubrey sniffed and nodded cutely.

“Aww… Isn’t love so beautiful, poor me the single” Thalia gushed.

“Krmm..” Flynn cleared his throat loudly

“So I’m a decoration to you right?” Flynn raised a brow.

“You’re just my baby daddy” Thalia smirked and Flynn glared at her.

Calvin chuckled.

“I’m really happy you all came to check up on me” He spoke up.

“C’mon.. It’s nothing, you’re still my baby bro” Jolie hugged him tightly.

“I know.. I know.. Now can you release me, you big B-__-bs are suffocating me!”

Jolie released him and smacked his head.

“This kid! You’re still naughty even in front of your girlfriend!!”

A knock suddenly came up and they all turned to the door to see Drake standing there.

“Um,, can I come in?” He muttered

“Sure bro” Calvin smiled.

“Caleb told me you got into some serious $h|t so how are you now?” Drake muttered

“Well I haven’t really tasted all the p@zzy in this world so I can’t die yet” Calvin smirked

“What!” Aubrey exclaimed and stood up from the stool she was sitting on

“f-__-k you!” She spatted and began leaving the ward.

“Wait babe,, no! I was just joking! Babe!” Calvin stood up and began limping after her while taking the blood bag he was being transfused with.


“We miss you so much mom… I hope you’re not too bored wherever you are. Just be patient, we’ll one day meet again and I promise you that when that time comes, we’ll form that perfect family” Catalina smiled and placed the bouquet of flowers she came with.

She knelt and did a short prayer before standing and leaving. Frederick could be seen outside, leaning on his car as the cool breeze disheveled his hair.

“Why don’t you usually love coming in with me?” Catalina asked as she approached him.

“My mom was buried here too and I don’t really love visiting her grave coz I’ll end up crying my eyes out” Frederick said.

“Crybaby” Catalina teased and Frederick chuckled before opening the door for her

She got in, same as him. Frederick ignited the car’s engine and then drove off.

“Oh I wanted to hand you this” Frederick handed her a paper with one hand

Catalina took it and slowly read it. Her eyes immediately Widened.

“What I’m I reading!! You fired me!! What the f_ck!!” She began glaring at him.

“Well yeah,, you don’t expect my future wife to be a mere secretary. You once told me you had dreams too and I want you to pursue it” Frederick said and Catalina blushed

“You… You really called me my future wife?” Catalina smiled more.

“Did I say so? No I meant to say my future mistress” Frederick said sarcastically

“That’s not funny!”


“The balloons goes there and the table over there” Calvin instructed the men who kept arranging the hall.

Tomorrow was the day… Catalina’s 25th birthday and they were planning a surprise for her.

“The chairs, place them over there please?” Calvin said, pointing at a direction

“And me? Where do I go?” Aubrey asked, coming to him

“You go right here” Calvin pulled her closer and then claimed her lips, his hand resting on her àss.

She smiled and wrapped her hands round his neck, kissing him back too. They broke the kiss shortly..

“They grew bigger, are you sure I’m the only one pressing it?” Calvin asked naughtily, squeezing her butt.

“Go get a room you two and stop oppressing us” Dream muttered, approaching with Caleb and Drake.

“Yeah, I might be tempted to take her back” Drake teased.

Well he broke up with Clara last week. Well she was the one who broke up with him

“You can still try.. If you wanna loose the remaining teeth I spared” Calvin smirked.

“So why did you call us to come?” Nelson asked, approaching with Alice whole holding hands.

“Frederick gave us a task and I wanted us to discuss on it” Calvin said.

“What’s that?” Caleb asked.

“Okay, so here’s how it goes..” Calvin muttered and began explaining


“So I’ve come to conclusion and I hereby declare Cora Coleman and Ellis Rosholt guilty as charged and hereby sentence both to 20 years imprisonment” The judge said and hit his hammer.

Tears couldn’t stop pouring down her eyes as the cops came and took Cora away together with Ellis who had no emotions on his face.

As for Tatiana, she already received her judgement two days ago and was also sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

Wondering where Franklin is? He was slaughtered to dad by none other than Ellis, reason why Ellis received 20 years instead of the 7 he was to receive.

The police took them out and the camera lights couldn’t stop flashing on their faces as they were taken in the car which drove off, heading to their final destination-



Frederick could be seen sitting on bed while pressing his phone. Catalina finished dressing into her nightie and then looked his way

She couldn’t help but frown, since morning he was in his phone. Catalina walked to him and laid down next to him, looking at him.

“Did he perhaps forget about my birthday?” Catalina wondered and then made to peep at his phone but Frederick quickly turned it off.

“What are you hiding from me?” Catalina frowned.

“C’mon, I’m hiding nothing from you..” Frederick held her waist, pulling her closer to him.

“Did you forget what time tomorrow is?” Catalina asked.

“It’s time for you to look for a job” Frederick smiled and Catalina frowned.

“He forgot?” Catalina muttered but just shrugged… Not like she used to celebrate her birthdays.

“You didn’t even notice what I was putting on?” Catalina pouted.

Frederick smiled and got on top of her before pecking her lips..

“Of course I did.. You look so Șëx¥ that I wanna rip that off your body and eat you up” Frederick whispered to her.

Catalina smiled and wrapped her hands round his neck.

“Then what are you waiting for?” She smirked and Frederick immediately slammed his lips on hers..

His hands immediately went under her nightie, groping one of her br**sts.

“Fred…” She Mõ@ɲed in his mouth.


“Can’t believe you’re craving for tomatoes and mayonnaise” Flynn made disgusted faces as he watched Thalia spear the mayonnaise on the tomatoes before eating it with delight.

“It’s really good! You should have taste!” Thalia brought it to his face but he shook his head immediately

“Oh okay… You don’t know what you’re missing” She muttered and rested her head on his thigh.

Flynn began stroking her hair. He smiled as he watched her eat her weird combo

“Thank you” He suddenly muttered and Thalia looked at him, blinking cutely.


“Thank you for coming into my life. Sometimes I just ask myself what would really have happened if we didn’t meet” Flynn said and Thalia smiled.

“I love you” She smiled.

Flynn smiled and rubbed her tummy.

“I love you two” He muttered

His eyes suddenly widened..

“The baby… I think it kicked” Flynn said and Thalia raised a brow.

“Kick? But the baby doesn’t even have a body yet” Thalia muttered

“When I say the baby kicked the that means he kicked. I’m the only who planted the seed there” Flynn smirked.


Flynn immediately kissed her before she could protest. Her eyes widened but she slowly gave in the kiss.


The hall was full to the brink with all the invited people. Calvin went and peeked but immediately ran back.

“They’re coming! They’re coming!” Calvin said and everyone immediately hid

“Where are you taking me?” Catalina giggled.

Frederick slowly untied the blindfold from her eyes and almost immediately every jump out of their hiding

“Happy birthday Cata!!” They all exclaimed.

“Aww… You really shouldn’t have” Catalina gushed.

“Before we start, Frederick has something to tell you” Calvin said and Catalina turned to him.

Frederick smiled and took her hand in his..

“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you these before all these started and now is the perfect occasion. Heartbeat, I’m not really good with words but I always make sure I show you to you how much I love you. At a period when I thought that life was nothing but a color of gray you came and painted my whole world… You healed me and made me the person that I am today. I want to always wake up with you in my arms, let’s make more memories together, let’s grow old together. Catalina will you make me the happiest man on earth by being fully mine?” Frederick said and slowly went down on one knee

He brought out a black box from his pocket and opened it, an expensive shiny diamond ring stood proudly inside it.

“Will you marry me?” Frederick muttered

Catalina’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her lips..

“Say yes!”

“Say yes!”

“Say yes!”


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