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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 35

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(When Love Heals…)

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel





A car roughly drove in the scene and before it could come to a halt, Catalina rushed out of the car. Frederick followed suit.

They saw the news about an explosion and she immediately recognized it to be their house.

Catalina’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth as she looked at their house who is nothing more than burnt ashes and planks.

A crowd could be seen gathered around the house as they looked at the burnt house

? What exactly happened here?

? Have no idea… I heard the house blew up.

? What!!

Catalina pushed through the crowd and made to pass the boundaries when the police stopped her..

“Miss you can’t go further in… The place is under investigation” The cop said.

“Investigation? This is my house!! What if-”

Catalina paused and her heart fell as she watched the cops bringing out a burnt body from the house.

“Here’s the only body we saw in the house..” The cop said.

Catalina shook her head as he stared at the body which was covered with a white piece of clothing.

Catalina pushed the cops aside and rushed to the corpse..

“Miss!” The cop made to go after her but Frederick stopped him.

Catalina knelt down in front of the body and with shaky hands, she held the the cloth before pulling it off and the face of the body came to view.

“No… No…” She shook her head as tears began pouring out of her eyes.

It was none other than Sarah’s body.. Half of her face was completely burnt but with that she could still recognize her.

“Mom no!! No!!” She cried loudly as she hugged the body to herself. Her shoulder shook as she cried..

If someone told her that she’ll wake up to a day like this then she wouldn’t believe it.

Frederick folded his fists as he swallowed the lump on his throat. His heart was aching so much, it’s happening… It’s happening again.

He suddenly had a flashback of how he found his mother’s déad body and tears couldn’t help but stream down his eyes.

Calvin pushed in the crowd and when he saw Catalina crying loudly, his knees immediately gave up. He knelt down as he shook his head in disbelief.

“No… This isn’t real, I’m dreaming right? Please tell me it’s a dream… It’s a dream right?” Calvin began laughing while looking up at Frederick.

Frederick cleaned his tears and crouched down, hugging him to himself.

“I’m sorry” He muttered..

Tears immediately found it’s way out of Calvin’s eyes. He stayed still in Frederick’s arm as he stared at Sarah’s body.

“Mom…” Calvin called out with a broken voice.

Among the crowd, stood Tatiana. She was putting on a black hoodie with a face cap, covering her face.

She came personally to watch three déad bodies leaving the house but to her dismay it was just one.

“That Ɓîtçh! How did she escape déad!” Tatiana thought inwardly

She looked at Frederick’s direction and just at that moment, Frederick looked up and their gaze locked.

Her eyes widened and she quickly left the crowd…

“Miss, we need to take the corpse away” The cop made to pull Catalina away.

“Don’t touch me!” She pushed him away in tears

“Miss please…”

“I said-”

“Sis..” Calvin held her hand. She looked at him and broke down in more tears..

“I’m sorry.. If I stayed back then maybe I could have found out and avoided this to happen.. I’m sorry” Catalina cried loudly

Frederick looked at them and sighed.


“f_ck!!” Tatiana flung the face cap away in anger in moment she stepped in her room.

“That Ɓîtçh!! How could she cheat déath a second time!? Argh!!” She screamed angrily, scattering her hair.

“What happened, did you succeed” Franklin spoke, entering her room with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

Tatiana snatched the glass and gulped down the content at once. She angrily smashed the glass on the wall.

“Our plan was a complete failure!! She and the brother survived, only the mother didn’t” Tatiana said.

“f_ck!” Franklin cussed.

“And not only that,, I think Frederick saw me.. But I don’t think he recognized me” Tatiana said and ran her hands through her hair.

“What do we do now?” Tatiana sighed.

“Relax okay? Let’s just think of another plan… Since we can’t get to her through the indirect way, let’s get to her through the direct way” Franklin said, slowly massaging her shoulder.

“What do you mean?” Tatiana asked.

“We can lure her into her trap by using her weakness” Franklin said, as his hands went under her hoodie, cupping her B-__-bs.

“Frederick?” Tatiana raised a brow.

“Yes but…” Franklin drawled, turning her to him.

“There’s nothing like family so let’s use… Her little brother” Franklin muttered

Tatiana thought for awhile and smirked then nodded

“I now have an idea we could get to her. This one surely won’t fail” She giggled and wrapped her hand round his shoulder.

“You deserve a treat for that” She smiled s*xily and slammed her lips on his. He immediately reciprocated the kiss.

They both staggered till they reached the bed and she pushed him, he fell on it. She pulled off her hoodie and straddled him, unbuckling his belt.

Tatiana pulled down his jeans and brought out his throbbing member, stroking it slowly and without wasting time she shoved it in her mouth sucking it like a professional.

“$h|t…” Franklin cussed, grabbing her hair as he shoved his member deeper in her throat

“Mhmm…” She gagged on it and brought it out, before spitting on it, rubbing it fast.


Catalina and Calvin leaned on the wall as they waited for Frederick and Lloyd to come out

Silence issued among them as they were both lost in their own mind.

They ran some tests and it was really confirmed that the body belonged to Sarah.

Calvin’s phone began ringing again and he checked it to see it was Aubrey, she’s been calling him non stop but he doesn’t really feel like talking to anyone for the moment so he rejected the call and switched off his phone.

At last, Frederick and Lloyd came out…

“Everything has already been set. Left to us to choose a suitable date for the burial.. You guys can come live with for now on, I’m… I’m really sorry for everything” Lloyd muttered.

Catalina just nodded and they all left the place


“Is it possible for someone to look cute even in a patient’s uniform?” Nelson gushed

“Stop teasing me… If you know how nervous I am” Alice muttered

Today was the day, the day for her surgery. Nelson cupped her cheek and kissed her lips.

“Everything will be okay… I am right here if you need me” Nelson said and Alice smiled.

She cupped his cheek and pulled him down for a deep kiss. A knock came up and they had to break the kiss.

“Miss Alice, the Operating room is ready.” A nurse spoke.

Alice looked at Nelson and pecked his lips one more time before leaving the ward. She got out and smiled when she saw her mother and father waiting for her outside

They both hugged tightly before she got on the stretcher and laid down. Nelson held her hand and kissed it before the nurses took the stretcher away.

He sighed worriedly as he watched her. He brought out his phone and his eyes bulged out when he saw the news.

“Oh no… Aunt Sarah!”


“Here’s your room sir” The maid showed him the room and Calvin nodded before walking in.

He looked round the room with a poker face. The room was so spacious and comfortable, exactly the type of room he always dreamt of sleeping on, but now it’s just not the same

Everything suddenly feels so empty to him. He looked round his neck to see the necklace on it and a sad smile settled on his lips

He could still remember it like yesterday. Sarah bought a necklace for Catalina as a gift but he felt jealous and wanted his own too so Sarah had to look for the exact type and he bought his too and since that day he vowed never to take it off.

A drop of tear fell from his eyes as he thought of all the moments they spent together. They weren’t that rich but they were happy but now he was sure nothing is gonna be the same again.

“Mom.. I miss you, come back please..” He cried loudly

The door to his room swung open and Aubrey rushed in while breathing heavily.

Calvin turned to her with teary eyes and without wasting time, she ran to him in his arms.

“I’m sorry… You’re not alone, you’ll never be… You have me okay?” Aubrey said, already tearing up

Calvin slowly hugged her back..


Catalina could be seen sitting outside, by the fountain. Tears couldn’t stop coming out of her eyes as she stared at nothing in particular while rubbing the necklace round her neck

Frederick who was standing by the entrance walked to her. He sat down next to her and slowly took her in his arms.

Catalina got startled since she spaced out for awhile but when she realized it was Frederick, she placed her head on his chest.

“Had it being I stayed at home… Maybe,, just maybe I could have done something” Catalina muttered slowly

“Shh… Don’t say that, things happen and sometimes we can do nothing against.. I’m really sorry Heart” Frederick muttered.

“Cry it out.. Cry till you can’t no more, you’ll surely feel better” Frederick said.

“But if I do will it remove this void inside my heart?” Catalina asked but Frederick just kept quiet.

She closed her eyes and buried her face on his chest.


The burial ground was full to the brink with people who came to attend the saddest burial of the month. Everyone was clad in black.

The moment the news reached to them, Thalia, Flynn, Marcel and Jolie flew back to the country.

At last, the burial ceremony ended and everyone began departing with a sullen look on their faces.

“I’ll get going now, need to check if Alice has finally woken up” Nelson said and they nodded.

“I’ll just take a walk. We’ll catch you guys home” Calvin said and Catalina nodded

She left with Frederick and Lloyd.

Calvin and Aubrey began their walk while holding hands.

“How are you feeling?” Aubrey asked

Calvin made to reply when a car suddenly stopped in front of them and two hefty men came out of the car.

“You’re coming with us” They brought out their gun.

Calvin and Aubrey looked at them with wide eyes and they both turned to run away when the man fired the gun and it hit Calvin’s thigh.

“Argh!” Calvin cried out, falling on the ground.

“Run away Aubrey.. Run away!” Calvin said.

“No Calvin, I can’t- ahh!!” Aubrey gasped when they hit her head.

She slowly went down. Her vision became blurry as she stretched her hand towards Calvin but before she could reached him, she blacked out falling on the ground.

“Aubrey? Aubrey!! Let me go!! Aubrey!??” Calvin shouted as men took him in the car.


The men got in and the car zoomed off immediately


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