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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 34

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(When Love Heals…)

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel





“It’s none other than Catalina… Catalina Watson” Tatiana smirked.

Cora and Franklin looked at each other before looking at Tatiana.

“Have a seat please… From now on, you’ll be living here” Tatiana said and the two did as told.

“So back to what you said… Did you just say Catalina?” Cora asked.

“Of course! I won’t let her stand in the way of me and Frederick getting back together even if it means eliminating my step sister… She has stolen my father’s love and I can’t let her steal Frederick from me too” Tatiana said and looked at Franklin.

“Like I said I am going to help you but under one condition… Don’t you dare touch a single hair of Frederick, I know all your plans towards him and if you want me to help you out that’s the condition I’m giving you” Tatiana said.

Franklin folded his fists tightly, looking displeased with the condition but at the end he relented.

“All my plans have been ruined… There’s nothing I can do now” Franklin muttered and slowly nodded.

“Okay, I accept your condition.” Franklin said and Tatiana smiled.

“Good! That’s why I love doing business with you” Tatiana smirked and sipped from her drink.

“So what will be the plan now?” Cora asked and Tatiana just smirked.

“You already know me,, I love doing my things in a flamboyant way and that’s how their déad will be” She bit her lips as a vicious look settle on her face.


“Really! You and your boss are now a thing? Gosh, I’m so happy for you Cat!”

“Thanks JoJo” Catalina smiled as she ate her popcorn

She was on a video call with Jolie as she waited for Frederick to finish the video conference he’s having.

“So tell me,, have you guys already… Done it?” Jolie winked and Catalina’s cheek immediately flushed red.

“See? You’re blushing! So it already happened.. C’mon tell me!” Jolie whined.

“It was… Not bad” Catalina just shrugged, feeling embarrassed.

“I think we’ll be coming back after some weeks… You’ll tell me everything in detail” Jolie smirked.

“Baby, who are you speaking to?” Catalina heard a voice behind Jolie

“Oh it’s Cat-Cat!” Jolie said and soon, Marcel’s face came to view as he stood behind Jolie

“Sup Cat” Marcel winked.

Catalina gasped…

“Did I just dream or you called JoJo ‘babe’? Is it what I’m thinking!!” Catalina’s eyes brightened.

Jolie chuckled.

“Well yeah,, we decided to just give each other a chance” Jolie said

“That’s not really what happened.. You literally begged me so I took pity on you” Marcel smirked and Jolie turned to him with a glare on her face.


Jolie’s eyes widened when Marcel slammed his lips on hers, preventing her from talking.

Marcel immediately stretched his hand and disconnected the call. Catalina blinked as she stared at the screen of her phone.

“What just happen?” She wondered and shrugged before standing up and leaving the living room for Frederick’s room.

She got there and he was still doing the video conference. Catalina pouted and walked to him. She inserted her face inside Frederick’s shirt and wiggled till her head pop out, in such a way they were now wearing one shirt.

“What are you doing?” Frederick whispered to her.

“I’m bored! You said we’ll watch a movie together but you’ve been on this conference for like forever!” Catalina whined.


“Boss… Are you still with us?” Frederick heard the voice coming from his laptop’s screen.

“Uhh… We’ll continue tonight by 9pm” He said and disconnected before looking at Catalina who grinned.

“You little witch.. Come let’s go” Frederick said and Catalina smiled more widely


“For the first time in my life, I understood everything” Calvin said, stretching his arms.

“We got paired together for our upcoming project.. So,, will you come sleep over my place?” Aubrey said

“Sure thing” Calvin pecked her lips and they smiled at each other.

“Will you two stop oppressing us the single?” Dream rolled her eyes.

“Speak for yourself coz I’m proudly taken by my baby” Nelson wrapped his hand round Alice’s shoulder.

She rolled her eyes and slapped his hand off her.

“Ouch! That’s not fair!” Nelson pouted.

“Just because we kissed and I confided in you doesn’t make us a couple” Alice rolled her eyes again.

“Ouch, my heart” Nelson said dramatically and Alice hissed while the rest chuckled.

“I really hope hope your surgery goes well.” Aubrey smiled.

“It’s in two days right?” Dream asked and Alice nodded before she sighed.

“I’m so scared..” She sighed

Nelson held her hand and kissed it..

“You shouldn’t be… Even if there’s side effect, at least you’re safe from danger. Don’t worry you’ll have all of us by your side” Nelson said and Alice smiled.

She stood on her toe then pecked his lips.

“Thank you” She muttered and Nelson looked away, trying hard not to blush.

“Enough of this oppression! I’m going to prepare for my date!” Dream rolled her eyes and left while the others laughed.

They were still walking when Drake suddenly blocked their path.

“What do you want! Wanna pick a fight huh?” Alice said, already ready to fight.

“I’m not here to cause trouble.. Just wanna talk with Calvin privately” Drake said and Calvin looked at him in surprise.

“Me?” Calvin muttered and Drake nodded. He walked away while Calvin followed him.

The stopped by the school’s parking lot and Drake faced Calvin. He dipped his hand in his pocket as a short moment of silence issued.

“I’m… Sorry” He muttered and Calvin raised a brow.


“I’m sorry.. For everything I’ve done to you,, I just wanna turn a new page to my life and I wanna start from the person I hurt the most and that’s you… I’m really sorry,, truth is that.. I was jealous of you. You had no money then but your family looked so perfect and you were so happy, people love you so much and you didn’t need money nor fame to stand out… I really envied you and I guess I took it out on you in the wrong way” Drake muttered while looking down.

Calvin heaved in a deep breath as he stared at Drake.

“Let me be honest with you.. I had no grudge against you for how bad you treated me but when you included my mother and sister into it, that was the height of it. It almost destroyed my family and I’m not sure I’ll forget that one but I’ll try and forgive you” Calvin said and Drake nodded.

“Sorry once more.. Don’t worry, we have just few months to graduate from high school and after that I’ll just leave your life for good” Drake said


Calvin made to talk but the car honk interrupted them. He turned to see Lloyd and Aubrey waiting for him

“Guess I have to go now” Calvin said and faced Drake.

“We’ll talk more some other day… See you around in-law” Calvin said and stretched his fist front.

Drake looked at it and smile slightly before they bumped fists. Calvin turned and left like that.


Thalia who had her eyes closed, slowly opened one eye. She looked at her side to see Flynn was also having a nap beside her.

She opened her eyes are grinned before slowly getting off the bed. She tiptoed her way to where her sneakers were and wore it before leaving the room as quietly as she could.

She began walking to the exit of their apartment and when she made to open the door, another hand grabbed her hand.

She traced her gaze up and it landed on Flynn

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“C’mon hubby! I wanna see the eiffel Tower up close!” Thalia whined.

“I already told you we can come back here some other time! You’re gonna stress the baby too much” Flynn said.

“What! I’m just three weeks gone, the baby is still just a foetus! Besides I’m the doctor here not you, I know about all these things” Thalia said.

“I’m the one who planted the seed in there so I know better” Flynn smirked

Thalia frowned and immediately dashed off. There’s a door at the back of the apartment which she can leave through it.

“Wifey! Thalia! Stop running,, the baby!” Flynn shouted after as he chased her.

Thalia looked back and stuck out her tongue at him. She wasn’t longer looking front so she mistakenly tripped and fell flat on her tummy.

Flynn’s eyes widened as his face became pale.

“My… My baby” His eyes rolled in it’s socket and he went down.

“Ouch..” Thalia winced and sat up, rubbing her forehead.

She looked back and her eyes widened when she saw Flynn on the floor

He passed out…


A man could be seen lurking around The Watson’s residence he walked to the back of their house and placed a bomb in a discreet area.

Almost immediately his phone began vibrating and he immediately picked.

“Boss… The bombs has been placed at the four corners of the house” The man said.

Tatiana smirked

“Good job… Let’s wait till tonight”


Dream walked in the hall and looked around. She spotted someone who raised his hand up and it was none other than Caleb

She smiled and tugged her hair behind her hair before walking to him.

“Hey” She waved before taking the seat next to him.

“You look cute” Caleb smiled.

“You.. You think so?” Dream smiled, touching her hair.

“I can’t lie to you” Caleb said and she smiled.

“Thank you” She muttered and carried her bowl of popcorn before facing front

Caleb stared at her and smiled before holding her hand. Dream looked at their hands before looking at him.

She smiled and interlocked their fingers. They both faced back the front..


“Finally done!” Aubrey smiled and faced Calvin who was already sleeping. She shook her head and sighed.

“You dummy” She smiled as she brought her hand to his cheek, she rubbed it and brought her lips to his forehead.

Her parents left for a meeting and will only be back tomorrow afternoon. Aubrey stood up and threw Calvin’s arm round her shoulder.

With great difficulties, she lifted him up and headed to her bed with him.,

“Aah!” She shrieked when she hit her foot on the bed stand and they both went down on the bed with her on top.

“You heavy duck!” She mumbled and made to stand up from him but he gripped her waist, caging her against him.

Calvin’s eyes slowly opened and he smiled.

“Dummy? Heavy duck? That’s not a way to speak to your boyfie” Calvin spoke, starring at her lips.

“I said what I said… What you gonna do huh?” Aubrey said and Calvin switched position with him on top earning a gasp from Aubrey.

His hand slowly traveled through her exposed thigh since she was wearing a gown. Aubrey’s eyes widened and she placed her hand on his chest with the aim of pushing him off but couldn’t.

It was like her strength left her body.

“Cal.. Calvin” She stuttered.

Calvin slowly brought his head down and their lips met. Her hands immediately went to his hair as they kissed passionately.

Calvin’s hand left her thigh and cupped her cheek as they kissed slowly. Aubrey’s hand slowly held the hem of his shirt and when he made to pull it off, Calvin quickly broke the kiss.


“I want you Calvin… Now” Aubrey muttered, gripping tightly onto his shirt.

“I don’t want you to regret it a second time..” Calvin said softly and Aubrey smiled then cupped his cheek.

“I trust you and I love you… That’s enough for me” Aubrey said and without wasting time she reconnected back her lips to his.

Calvin raised his hand and his shirt left his body. He slowly pulled off her gown and his eyes met with her br**sts, she only had her P@ŋtîēṣ on.

He smiled and reconnected back their lips as they went down on the bed together.


“Ma’am, it’s time”

Tatiana smirked.

“Carry on with the plan… And make sure you see three corpse leave the house” Tatiana muttered and hung up.

“Rest in peace… Dear sister” She muttered and began laughing to herself.


The man hung up and then looked at the house in front of him. He brought out a small controller from his pocket and pressed the button on it.

The countdown began immediately


Once the time ticked “1”, a loud noise was made as the Watson’s house blew up into pieces..


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