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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 33

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(When Love Heals…)

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel





Frederick smiled as he stared at the beauty sleeping in his arm. Her hair covered part of her face and she pouted her lips as she slept, just like a baby..

Frederick brought his hand to her face and removed the hair on her face, tugging it behind her ear. He leaned in and made to kiss her forehead but Catalina raised her head up and their lips met.

They slowly broke the kiss and Catalina grinned as she stared at him.

“Good morning heartbeat” Frederick muttered.

Catalina smiled and hugged him, resting her head on his chest..

“Good morning King” She mumbled

“How was your night?” Frederick asked, stroking her hair.

“It was heavenly… I didn’t know that was what I’ve been missing for so long if I knew I could have gone for a lot of night stands” Catalina said and Frederick frowned immediately.

“Was just joking! You should see the look on your face” Catalina laughed shortly.

“Better… Because you belong to me and only me, my name should be the only name you should Mõ@ɲ… I’m the only one allowed to make you feel that way” Frederick said, grabbing her waist.

“Okay.. Enough of being naughty! I’m hungry” Catalina sat up on the bed, rubbing her tummy

“Let’s go and eat then but first let’s shower” Frederick said and stood up.

Catalina got down the bed too and her knee immediately began wobbling. She was putting on one of Frederick’s shirt.

Frederick stared at her and chuckled before carrying her in a bridal style, heading to the bathroom.

“You do realize you made one of the things I wrote in my wish list come true right?” Catalina said.

“Yep… Making love for the first time with someone who loves you” Frederick said and she smiled.

“Awwn… You didn’t forget! Marry me Mr Reynolds!!” Catalina gushed funnily and Frederick laughed.


Ellis could be seen sitting in front of two cops, in the interrogating room. Both his hands were handcuffed and his shot arm was already treated.

One of the cop slammed his hand on the table, glaring at him..

“You’re gonna tell us everything you know about Franklin Coleman and his mother right this instant!” The cop said menacingly.

“We also found some texts you sent to Thalia Lambert phone and that means you’re the unknown man who’s after Flynn Lambert life. You’re the man they filed a complain against” The other cop said.

Ellis stared at them and hissed angrily.

“You’ll pay for this Franklin, you’ll seriously pay” He said inwardly, anger bubbling inside him.

“Alright, I’ll talk… I’ll tell you all the places I think they might be hiding at the moment” Ellis said

The cops looked at each other before facing him. Ellis heaved in a deep breath before he began speaking.


“I’m off for school mom… Bye! Take care!” Calvin waved as he left the house.

He got out and met Lloyd waiting in his limousine, waiting for him. Calvin walked to the car and the driver opened it, he went in.

“Uhh good morning.. Dad” Calvin said slowly, everything still felt so weird to him.

“Son!” Lloyd patted his back.

“You really shouldn’t have come all the way here for me.. I would have taken the taxi” Calvin said.

“It’s nothing… I just want to spend some time with you. I’ll also come and pick you up after school” Lloyd said and Calvin smiled widely.

The drive to his school began and in few minutes they got to his school.. Calvin got down the car and almost immediately camera lights began flashing on him

“What the hell!” He muttered covering his face

*Are you Calvin Watson, the daughter of the woman who’s indecent video got leaked?*

*The rumors has it saying that you’re the son of Lloyd Thompson, vice president of Russia.. Is it true?*

*How old are you? The media wishes to know everything about you*

The reporters kept firing the questions at him

Calvin covered his ears before rushing in the school.. Immediately he stepped foot in the school compound, students immediately swam round him

*Yesterday someone took a picture of you with the Russian’s vice-president.. Are you related to him?*

*He even defended you last time when Drake tried bullying you*

*You’re so cute.. Can I have your number*

*I made cookies for you Calvin!*

“What the hell is happening..” Calvin said and ran out of the crowd, they immediately began pursuing him till he ran in class and slammed the door.

“Is this how it feels like to be popular… Gosh, I think I don’t like it” Calvin scratched his head while going to his seat

The teacher hasn’t yet arrived.

He sat down and looked at the empty seat beside him before furrowing his brows.

“Where’s Aubrey?” He wondered, looking around the classroom.

Caleb walked in the class with a huge pink teddy bear in his hand. He walked to Dream’s desk and dropped it on her table.

Dream who was busy writing on her notebook stopped and looked up at him

“For you” Caleb winked and went to his seat.

? Someone is having an admirer..

The whole class began gushing. Dream slowly took the teddy bear and looked at Caleb who sat and opened his textbook

She looked back at the teddy and saw an etiquette on it.


She smiled and looked at Calvin who was also looking at her while wiggling his brows funnily before pointing at her then at Caleb, making a heart shape with his hand

She squeezed her face funnily too and shook her head.


Aubrey walked out of the biology teacher’s office with some files at hand. He asked her to come and collect it so that she’ll distribute it to the class.

She was still walking when she heard someone sniff.. That made her stop

Her gaze turned to the empty hall way, she saw Drake sitting there with his head bent down.

She furrowed her brows as she walked slowly towards him.

“Drake?” She called and Drake looked up with teary eyes.

His eyes widened and he looked away, cleaning his tears..

“What’s wrong?” She asked and immediately sighed

“Why I’m I even bothering to ask..” She muttered and made to leave but Drake grabbed her hand. She turned to him.

“It’s my mother.. They’re sometimes that I wish she was by my side, they’re some times that I miss her so much. When I think that she díed because of my father’s stupid mistake that just gets me more mad…” He teared up again.

Aubrey looked at him and dipped her hand in her pocket. She brought out a handkerchief and placed it in his hands.

“You shouldn’t dwell on the past for too long. I know it hurts but life still goes on. I’m sure that if she was still alive, she wouldn’t have love to see her son this way,, a bully who derives pleasure in making people suffer” Aubrey said and turned then left.

Drake watched her till she was out of sight. His gaze went to the handkerchief in his hand.


“Wifey! What are you doing!!” Flynn exclaimed worriedly and rushed to Thalia.

Thalia who was standing on a stool, trying to get something turned to him and blinked..

“I was trying to grab the jar of cookies” She mumbled.

“What if you fall there and hurt the baby!” Flynn said, carrying her in his arm.


“No buts! I already told you that wh@ťěver thing you need,, just ask me and I’ll get it for you… All you have to do is just to lay down” Flynn said, placing her on the bed.

“But what is the use of the trip if I’m going to stay in the room all day” Thalia pouted.

Her phone began ringing and she made to take it but Flynn helped her with it.

“Hello” She picked

Her eyes widened..

“Are you sure?”

“Okay thanks a lot” She said and hung up then turned to Flynn with a surprised look on her face.

“It’s the police, they said they already caught the unknown man and it’s none other than Ellis… ” Thalia mumbled

“I kinda figured it out… Only one man on this earth h@ťěs me because you choose me” Flynn said and sat down on the bed, then took her phone from her.

“It’s time for your nap” Flynn said

“But I just woke up from a nap minutes ago” Thalia whined but Flynn pushed her head back to the pillow them covered her with the duvet.

Thalia sighed

“I’m never getting pregnant again!”


Tatiana stopped her car in front of Frederick’s mansion and she looked at it with a smile on her face.

“Now you own a mansion of your own… You completely changed, not longer the daddy’s boy I know,, sooo my taste” She smiled and checked her phone.

A frown settled on her face when she saw the top trending news at the moment.. The rumors of Lloyd having a son and another daughter

Her mind then drifted to when her father told her about them.


“Baby, please understand me… Me taking them in doesn’t mean it’ll change my love for you.. I love you too baby” Lloyd tried to appease Tatiana who’s rage seemed unquenchable after he broke the news to her

“I’m never accepting them in dad!! Never!! You cheated on mom and you seriously think I’ll take in those bastards as my siblings… That’ll be over my déad body!” She shouted at his face and stormed out of the area.

Lloyd sighed and sat down on the couch


Tatiana angrily switched off her phone before getting down her car. She checked herself, fixing her short gown before wearing her shades, knocking on the gate

“How may I–Miss Tatiana?” The guard gasped

Who doesn’t know the popular model who is a brand ambassador in many brands.

“What -”

Tatiana scoffed and walked in before the guard could finish speaking.

“Miss! Miss!” They went after her.

“Touch me and you’re déad” She glared at the guard who couldn’t help but relent to her thr_@ts.

She knocked on the door and rung the bell, fixing her hair as she awaited for Frederick to open the door.

“Who’s it? I’m coming!” She muttered and soon the door open but instead of seeing Frederick, she saw Catalina.

A glare settled on her face as she stared at Catalina who was also looking at her too.

“She’s pretty… Who’s she?” Catalina wondered.

Tatiana looked at her from head to toe and couldn’t deny the fact that she looked so beautiful.. And she was putting on men’s shirt, meaning it must be Frederick’s shirt.

“Umm… How may I help you miss?” Catalina said.

Tatiana rolled her eyes and made to walk in but Catalina blocked her path.

“I asked you a question.. And I’m expecting an answer from you” Catalina said.

“Since when did sluts have the right to talk. You’re obviously one of his Ɓîtçhes so step aside” Tatiana pushed Catalina but Catalina pushed her with more force that she staggered backwards, almost falling down.

“Looking at your dressing you’re the real slut here..” Catalina smirked.

“How dare you!!” Tatiana raised her hand to slap Catalina but someone caught her hand.

She looked behind Catalina to see Frederick, gripping her wrists tightly as he glared at her.

Her eyes brightened.. She couldn’t deny how handsome he grew and also more muscular.


Frederick threw her hand away harshly and held Catalina’s waist.

“Since when did trash began talking… How dare you raise your saggy hands on my heartbeat” Frederick said.

“Frederick, it’s me Tatiana. I’m back” Tatiana smiled.

“So? Should we clap or roll a red carpet for your arrival? Like you were even needed in the first place” Frederick rolled his eyes.

“Will you do us the pleasure of leaving? You’re causing sight pollution” Frederick said and Tatiana folded her fists tightly.

“I came back all the way for you Frederick! And I’m having you no matter what!! And you,, I know who you are and know that I’ll never accept you as my sister, I’ll never love you!?” Tatiana said in anger.

Catalina scoffed

“Like I needed your love or your opinion..” Catalina smirked.

“I’m so horny heartbeat” Frederick grabbed Catalina’s àss as she wrapped her hands round his neck.

“Kiss me” She muttered and Frederick slammed his lips on hers, holding her possessively.

Tatiana folded her fists so tight as she glared dagger at them, anger bubbling inside her like a volcano. Never in her life has she been rejected and mocked upon like this way.

“Mhmm” Catalina Mõ@ɲed in Frederick mouth and they broke the kiss.

“So are you gonna leave or you want to watch live pórn” Catalina said and winked.

Tatiana immediately stormed out of the area. Almost immediately, Frederick and Catalina bursted out in laughter.

“Told you she was going to come” Frederick laughed.

“We really fit each other… Match made from heaven,, marry me Mr Reynolds!” Catalina said in a baby voice.

“Stop looking this cute! You’re making me fall over and over for you” Frederick chuckled and cupped her cheek.


“Thank goodness I arrived earlier… The poison would have gotten to your heart” Franklin sighed, dressing her wound.

“What are we gonna do now son? I’m sure all our account has been frozen” Cora sighed and winced abit.

“I was smart enough to burry 10 millions beside our house. I’ll just discreetly go there tonight then dig it out and we’ll use the money and fly out of country for now” Franklin said.

They began hearing noises outside and that immediately alerted them. Franklin peaked out to see the cops have arrived.

“$h|t! Ellis ratted us out” Franklin whispered and gestured for Cora to leave through the back door.

They both tip toed and discreetly left but when they stepped foot out, cops immediately located them.

“There they are!!”

And almost immediately the mad chase began. Franklin held his mother’s hand as they ran aimlessly with bushes surrounding them.

Cora’s pace showed down due to the amount of blood she lost so she was feeling weak

“I don’t want to dié.. I don’t-” Cora’s eyes widened they were both pulled into a cat which drove off immediately.


“Let us go! Who are you! What do you want from us!” Franklin screamed and struggled as they were guided in a mansion.

They were blindfolded so they didn’t see where they were going.

They suddenly stopped and their blindfold were removed..

Franklin slowly opened his eyes only to see Tatiana. She was sitting on a sofa while sipping her wine with a smirk on her lips.

“Ta…tiana” Franklin stuttered.

“Just look at you… The almighty Franklin became a rat who’s wanted by the police force,, so funny” Tatiana laughed.

“Anyways, I want help from you… You see there’s this unwanted seed I want out of my way and a little birdie also told me you want it too” Tatiana said and sipped from her drink.

“It’s none other than Catalina… Catalina Watson” Tatiana smirked


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