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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 26

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( When Love Heals… )

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel






Frederick sneezed, rubbing his nose which was already red. His eyes was even watery as he blew his nose with a tissue

“Jeez! What did you do that when you know you can’t stand the rain, now you caught the flu” Catalina scolded him as she placed the wet piece of clothing on his forehead so as to cool down the fever.

They were currently in Frederick’s room and it was midnight in Spain.

“I had to fulfill your wish list” Frederick smiled faintly and sniffed

“How did you know I have a wish list! Who told you!! Wait,, what I’m I even asking, it’s obviously Calvin” Catalina rolled her eyes and sighed then made to remove the cloth on his forehead but Frederick held her wrist.

“You haven’t yet answered my request” Frederick said and Catalina took in her lower lips.

“Uhh… What request?” She asked.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked

“I should go now.. You have to sleep and..ahh!!” A gasp escaped her lips when Frederick flipped her over with him on top

“What are you doing! You’re not feeling fine” Catalina said and Frederick cupped her cheek then smiled.

“I can see it in your eyes… You do feel something for me but you don’t want to admit it. It’s okay, I’ll wait but for now… You’re my girlfriend” Frederick said and laid down then pulled her face to his chest.

“I didn’t even say I wanted to be your girlfriend” Catalina frowned.

“I don’t care… I’m your boss and you follow my orders” He said and Catalina chuckled then shook her head.

“You just chuckled… Is that a yes?.” Frederick asked, bringing his face closer

“Fine! I’ll be your girlfriend,, just sleep now” Catalina said and pushed his face off.

Frederick smiled and hugged her tighter.

“I love you.. I love you… I love you” He bit her ear.

“Stop that tickles!” Catalina laughed.


Calvin and Aubrey stopped in front of his house. He stared at the house with a dull look on his face, unsure if he should go in

Aubrey squeezed their intertwined hands and he looked at her. She smiled slightly and nodded.

Calvin sighed before opening the door. Well Alicia succeeded in bringing down the video before it left the country but unfortunately the damage has been done already

“Mom?” Calvin called and walked in to meet the living room dark. He turned on the lights and no soul could be seeing in the living room.

“Maybe she’s in her room.” Aubrey muttered and Calvin nodded before heading to her room

“Come” Calvin said and she followed him.

They got to her room and Calvin knocked but got no response.

“Mom” He knocked again and could hear some noises like someone was struggling.

His eyes widened and he quickly opened the door.

“Mom!!” He screamed when he saw Sarah hung herself. He rushed to her and lifted her up.

“Quick get the knife in the kitchen!” Calvin said and Aubrey nodded then dashed off.

There weren’t too many rooms so she quickly found the kitchen and collected the knife before rushing back to the room.

She quickly cut the rope and Calvin brought Sarah down, laying her on the floor.

“Mom!! Mom!” He shook her and placed his head on her chest to listen to her heart beat.

Sarah suddenly began coughing and she opened her eyes, holding her throat as she coughed. Aubrey sighed out in relief.

“Mom..” Calvin hugged Sarah with tears in his eyes.

“I’m alive? Cal.. Calvin” She muttered with wide eyes.

Calvin released her.

“So you were really going to take your life away?? If I arrived a minute late you’ll-”

“I’m sorry son.. I’m sorry,, how will I be able to look at you and Catalina from now on. I’ve brought nothing but disgrace to you, I ruined your life… I’m sorry” She cried and made to hold Calvin’s hand but he shifted away.

“Why? Upon all the decent jobs out there it had to be that… Why mom!!” Calvin shouted.

“I’m sorry,, I had no choice.. She destroyed my life completely” Sarah cried loudly.

“She?? Who?”

Sarah cried for a while and cleaned her tears..

“Back then when I was young, I succeeded to go to college through scholarship. That’s where I met a man,, we fell in love with each other at first sight and we became a couple. He was ready to marry me but his family was against since I didn’t come from a noble background. We still continued our relationship in secret and that’s how I got pregnant for your sister. His family forced him to marry a woman but that didn’t stop us from continuing seeing each other and when his wife discovered her husband cheated on her with me, I was pregnant with you then. She decided to make life hell for me by paying a man who fired me from my job and she made sure no other person will hire me. I was in need of money, I couldn’t leave you and your sister die because of hunger so I had no choice than to… Than to…” Sarah broke down in tears.

Calvin’s knee gave up and kneeled down.. So he has a father? His father might be alive somewhere.

“My father… I want to know my father’s name, what is he doing.. Is he alive?” Calvin asked

“No!!” Sarah shook her head immediately.

“I won’t tell you who he is. You can decide to h@ťě me all you want but I can’t tell you,, I don’t want to get associated with him. It’s too dangerous” Sarah shook her head.

She made to touch Calvin but Calvin immediately stood.

“Calvin I’m sorry.. I’m-”

Calvin left the room before she could finish speaking. Aubrey looked at her one last time and sighed before she followed Calvin

Sarah bent down her head as she cried her eyes out..


“Be gentle Ɓîtçh” Drake hissed and glared at the nurse who was treating his wounds.

Thankfully for him he didn’t in cure any internal injuries. Caleb could be seen sitting in front of him while Clara clung close to Drake

“Don’t you think this is too much? Bullying him would be understandable but did you really have to go to the extent of including his family!” Caleb shouted

“Who do you think you’re shouting at? Do I look like I care? I don’t care wh@ťěver happens to him and if you’re not okay with it, the door’s that way” Drake said and pointed at the door.

“You’re sick! And you’re not longer the Drake I became friends with, all I see in front of me is a monster!! From now on I cut every ties I have with you” Caleb said and stormed out of the clinic

“Bàstard!!” Drake kicked the nearby bed.

“Calm down baby, you still have me by your side” Clara rubbed his shoulder and kissed his cheek.


A man could be seen sitting on a chair in his office, traces of white hair could be seen on his head and beard symbolizing his age.

He was seen watching the video one of his men sent to him, apparently it’s a trending video in Australia till it was brought down

He smiled as he watched the video… He could recognize the woman in it even in his dreams.

“Sarah, Sarah… So that’s where you’re hiding with my children, finally found you” He said and smiled brightly

He clicked a button and a lady wearing a corporate dress walked in. She did a short bow before speaking

“Mr Vice president, you called for me?” She spoke respectfully.

“Book me a flight for tomorrow at 9am.. I’m flying back to Australia” He said.

The lady nodded and left. He faced back his phone and began starring at Catalina and Calvin’s pic till a call suddenly came in.

“Daughter?” He answered it


Flynn kept tapping his feet on the floor as he checked the time. He sighed and shook his head.

“Wifey!!” He whined.

“I’m coming!” She exclaimed and ran downstairs.

“I’m done!” She smiled cutely and twirled around.

They were both wearing matching outfit. White shirt and blue jeans with white face caps

“How do I look?” She asked

“Beyond perfect” Flynn pecked her lips and held her hand.

“Let’s go!” Thalia smiled and held his hand and like that, they both left the house.

“So where are we going to?” Flynn asked as they walked out of the house without taking the car.

“I thought we should tour the city and just enjoy each other’s company” Thalia smiled and hugged his arm.

Flynn looked at her and smiled before looking front, wearing his face cap well such that it covered his eyes.

“Are you naturally this cute or did you make special efforts today” Flynn said, his eyes looking front.

“Awwn” Thalia gushed and rubbed her cheeks which were already turning red.

Her phone suddenly beeped and she brought it out to see another message from the unknown number.

Her heart skipped a beat as she read.

**?????? ??????? ?’? ?????????? ??? ? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ????**

Thalia looked up and looked around with fear in her eyes.

“Wifey.. What’s wrong?” Flynn asked.

“No it’s-”

Her eyes widened when she saw a red dot on Flynn’s chest.

“No!?” She quickly hugged him tightly.

The man who was standing by the roof smirked and left. Thalia hugged Flynn tightly while trembling as tears escaped her eyes

Flynn looked at her worriedly and confusedly.


“They went to the party together and he even introduced her as his girlfriend huh?” A man said on the phone. He was sitting on a swivel chair.

“Yeah, I think they’re finally dating”

The man smirked and nodded.

“Good.. That’s all what we wanted, for Frederick to trust Catalina unconditionally so that we’ll be able to blackmail Catalina and she’ll do the job for us… ki|| Frederick” The man said.

“Keep me updated on everything happening there.” He added and hung up.

Almost immediately, Cora walked in the room. She sat on the bed and crossed her legs, starring at her manicured nails.

“So our plan starts soon?” Cora said

“Yeah,, mother” The voice said and the swivel chair turned to face Cora, revealing none other than-



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