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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 14

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( When Love Heals… )

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel





Before Belinda could say anything, Catalina landed a deafening slap on her cheek and Belinda could swear that she heard her ancestors whispering in her ears.

Catalina blessed her other cheek with another slap and Belinda staggered back. She sprained her ankle and fell on the floor.

“Argh!!” She held her sprained leg.

“Babe, I sprained my ankle!!” Belinda began crying..

Catalina made to hit her again but Frederick held her hand and brought it down.

“No.. Don’t hit her more than that, that will be anímal abuse” Frederick said and Belinda’s eyes widened.

“Let’s go” Frederick said and Catalina smirked scornfully at her before leaving

“Frederick you can’t leave me like this!! Fred!! Babe!! Ahh!!!” She screamed madly.


The students were in the class, waiting for the teacher who was still to arrive when Alice walked in with Aubrey who looked pale and weak

Almost immediately, the class began booing and jeering at her. Some began throwing things at her.

? Miss slutty!!

? How much for a b|__wj_b!!

? What about a threesome!!

Alice frowned and walked to one of the guys who said that. Not caring whether he’s a boy or girl, she punched his face really hard that his lips got bursted.

Immediately the class became quiet..

“Anyone else who has something to say?” She said and nobody talked, instead they faced their desks.

“Good” She said and went to her seat.

Aubrey slowly walked to her seat too and when she glanced at Drake’s desk, she saw Clara sitting on his thigh, they were both kissing each other so hotly and Clara Mõ@ɲed when he slipped his fingers inside her P@ŋtîēṣ.

He looked so unfazed of her presence. Aubrey felt new rounds of tears about coming up so she tore her gaze off them and slowly took her seat.

She looked at her side to see Calvin, he had his head down. He actually saw her coming in but decided to just ignore her.

Calling him nobody and a disgusting monger just because he was poor really hurt him.

So that’s how she thinks of him? All because she’s rich and him not??

“You’re Calvin right?” Aubrey said slowly and Calvin slowly looked up at her.

“About all what I called you yesterday.. I’m sorry, I can be rude and all that but I don’t mock at people’s financial situation. My family was once there so I know how it feels like. I just said it out of anger” She said and looked away.

“Okay” Calvin simply muttered and looked elsewhere.

Aubrey looked at him and sighed then bent her head down…


“Ahhh!!! Yeah!!”

“f_ck” Flynn groaned as he pulled out of her and the released his Com on the sheets before collapsing beside her.

He pulled the sheet and covered their sweaty body with it. Thalia kept breathing heavily, trying to recover from the land of pleasure she just visited.

“Are you gonna now tell me that I took advantage of you?” Flynn smirked and looked at her.

Thalia looked at him and rolled her eyes then looked away.

“It was just s*x… We both satisfied our desires, no strings attached.” Thalia said and Flynn frowned.

“I h@ťě it when you say it like that” Flynn turned her face to him and pecked her lips.

She just stared at him. Flynn smiled and tugged a piece of her hair behind her ear. This smile was different from usual Ç0çƙy and playful smile he always puts on.

It was sincere and… Heartwarming.

“Do you know you’re the first woman I’ve ever kissed talk less of going intimate with” Flynn said and Thalia’s eyes widened.

“Meaning you were-”

“Yeah… A virgin, I know. Fred and Frank used to taunt me with that, I’ve never really picked interest in any lady until I met you” Flynn said and placed back his head on the pillow.

Thalia just stared at him with wide eyes as she blinked occasionally.

Flynn picked his phone and checked the time only to see he was two hours late. His business partners must have waited for him for a while now.

“I’d have help you clean up but I’m sure it’ll only end up with you screaming my name and I’m quite late.” Flynn stood up and began dressing back up for work.

He hung his tie round his neck and turned to see Thalia who was just starring silently at him.

“What could be going on in her mind” He chuckled and leaned to her.

“Bye wifey!” He pecked her lips and leaned to her ears.

“I.. Love.. You” He whispered and pulled away.

Thalia’s eyes widened so much as she watched him leave like he said nothing.

Were her ears malfunctioning?

Was she hallucinating?

“He did… He really said,, that he loves me” Thalia muttered with a shocked look on his face.


“You should really slow down. That’s not how a lady should eat in public” Frederick said as he watched Catalina eat like her life depended on it

“I didn’t come here to impress someone.. They should call me wh@ťěver they want, I don’t care so long as I know who I am then that’s enough for me” Catalina said with a mouthful.

Frederick smiled and shook his head..

Catalina’s phone rang and she wiped her lips before bringing out her phone. Frederick couldn’t help but notice how old and cracked her phone was.

“Max?” She picked.

“From the noises you’re making I can guess you’re eating. Was calling to know if I can take you out for lunch” Marcel said, coming out of the modelling he works in.

“Oh, sorry.. Boss already took me out” She said and Marcel frowned.

“He did?” Marcel said, jealousy clearly evident in his voice.

“Yep!” Catalina said and Marcel frowned more.

“Cat? Remember I once told you that I have something important to tell you?” Marcel said and Catalina hummed in reply.

“Can I come and pick you over? Let’s discuss” Marcel said.

“Sure, I close at 8pm today” Catalina said and Marcel smiled.

“Bye.. Love you” Marcel said and Catalina smiled.

“Love ya best!” She said and hung up then kept her phone.

She looked up only to see the deep frown on Frederick’s face as he ate her food.

“Why the long face?”

“That Max or wh@ťěver is his name… Are you two close? Like more than friends?” Frederick asked while frowning.

“More than friends? Wait are you trying to ask if we’re dating? Oh no! Not at all… We’re just good friends and besides, my friend loves him.. I can’t ruin our friendship that way” Catalina said and Frederick just nodded.

“I’m I cràzy or do I sense jealousy in that voice of yours?” Catalina rested her chin on her hands as a smirk played on her lips.

“You’re cràzy” Frederick quickly said and Catalina chuckled.

“Was just kidding” She said and resumed her meal.

Frederick looked at her and sighed..

“What the hell is happening to me?”


Calvin could be seen reading his book in class. It was break and everyone already left for lunch.

He suddenly yawned out loud and sighed..

“I don’t get a single thing in this. All I see are letters and equations which makes no sense. I thought we were calculating just numbers in mathematics, how did x and y get involved in it?” He lamented and he heard a chuckle.

He looked up to see it was Dream.

“Dream?” He called and she came and sat next to him.

“What a dummy you are” She pushed his forehead gently.

“It’s hereditary.. My older sister h@ťěs maths and so do I” He said.

“Alright, let’s do this.. I’ll help you in your academics and at the end of this month, you’ll give me wh@ťěver I ask of you” Dream said and Calvin’s eyes brightened.

“Really?” He asked and Dream nodded with a smile.

“Thanks so much cutie” He touched her hair and Dream looked down as she blushed..

“He called me cute” She said inwardly.

“So when shall we start?”


“Lia? Lia!”

Thalia jolted out of thoughts and blinked severally.


“You seem quite lost and distant today? What’s the matter?” Ellis asked.

“Oh.. Uh..” Thalia bit her lips and looked down then tugged her hair behind her ear.

Ellis’s eyes widened when he spotted an hickey on her neck.

Without wasting time, he grabbed her arm while his other hand touched the hickey.

“Who gave this to you?” He asked and Thalia frowned.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“You and Flynn, you both already had s*x right?” Ellis asked and Thalia blushed then looked away, confirming his speculation.

“That’s not even my main concern.. Ellis, earlier he said something quite shocking.. I don’t know if it’s my imagination or not but I think he said,,, he loves Ellis.” Thalia said and Ellis’s eyes widened.

“Ellis what do I do now?” She said.

“Don’t love him back” Ellis said without hesitation.

“What?” Thalia raised a brow and Ellis grabbed her arms, making her face him.

“You already gave your body to him and that’s what he wanted and for that he’ll tell you everything you wanna hear for you to offer yourself to him anytime he wants. He doesn’t love you, he’s just using you and that’s the same thing he did with your friend!! He used her to satisfy his s*xual needs and when he got tired of her… he kílled her” Ellis said and Thalia’s eyes widened.

“He… He kílled Liv?” She stuttered and Ellis nodded.

“Don’t fall for him, you’ll only end up like your friend and he’ll replace you with another woman. Divorce him and leave him” Ellis said, his face so close to hers.

Thalia’s eyes remained wide.. Flynn kílled Liv??


Immediately it clocked 8pm, Catalina began packing her things since she knows that Marcel will be outside waiting for her.

Frederick got out of his office with his briefcase.

“You’re heading home already? Mind if I drop you off” Frederick asked and Catalina shook her head.

“Thank you boss but Max is surely waiting for me outside” Catalina said politely

“Oh…” Frederick simply said.

“Have a nice night boss” Catalina smiled and left.

Frederick just sighed and walked out. He looked at Marcel’s car who was already driving off with Catalina.

“Where are you taking me to?” Catalina asked as she looked out of the window.

“You’ll see?” Marcel said as he drove.

It took them 10 minutes to arrive to their destination. They both got down and Catalina smiled as she stared at the fountain.

That’s where her and Marcel first met…

“You still remember.” She gushed as they went to sit on the bench beside the fountain.

“Of course I do! How can I forget” Marcel smiled and sat down too

They stared at the fountain and they could see two kids, a boy and a girl playing around it… Just like them back then.



They said at the same time. Catalina chuckled.

“Go on” She muttered.

“Cat… It’s been long I’ve been meaning to tell you this but I was scared of how you’ll react and now I can’t keep it in any longer” Marcel said and took a deep breath.

“Cat, I love you” Marcel looked at her and Catalina’s heart skipped a beat.

She chuckled nervously.

“Of course I know.. And I love you too”

Marcel shook his head

“You don’t get what I mean. Cat, I love you..more than just friends. I loved you since we were teens and till now, nothing changed. I don’t really care about your phobia, just give me one chance and I’ll make sure you never regret it.” Marcel said and took her hand slowly, she jolted at it.

“Just give me one chance…please” Marcel said sincerely.

Catalina stared at him and she gulped hard..


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