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HomeLOVE & LUSTLOVE & LUST โ€“ Episode 29 & 30

LOVE & LUST โ€“ Episode 29 & 30

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๐Ÿ”žโค๏ธ LOVE & LUST โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ž
โŸจ …. Forbidden Romance …. โŸฉ

๐“ฃ๐“—๐“”๐“œ๐“”; ๐–€๐–“๐––๐–š๐–Š๐–“๐–ˆ๐–๐–†๐–‡๐–‘๐–Š ๐•ฎ๐–—๐–†๐–›๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ๐–˜!

CHAPTER 29๐Ÿ’ž30

By, Adinu Cindy





Yo.u.. y..ou..” Lyric’s phone slipped from her hands and landed roughly on the ground.

What followed next was the sound of the shattered screen. Her phone just broke,, AGAIN!!!

“Heey, it’s not what you think. I can explain!” Emerald pleaded,, while moving closer to Lyric.

“Don’t even think of coming closer! What’s there to explain you disgusting bastard?,, you took advantage of me. You took away my innocence” Lyric’s eyes were already teary,, as she stared disappointedly at them.

She knew Tessa h@ลฅฤ›d her guts,, but did she really have to go that far. What happened to her love for Floyd,, did it just fade away like dust??.

“I can-”

“Paaaa!” A resounding slap landed on Emerald’s right cheek,, before he could complete his statement. He looked at her with widened eyes,, holding his already red cheek.

Lyric sighed and turned back to Tessa,, with a scowl playing on her face.

“And you,, aren’t you supposed to be in love with Floyd?. Wasn’t that the reason why you stabbed me and pushed me off the roof. I nearly d!Ed just because of your stvpid obsession for him. You couldn’t even wait for him to love you back,, you had to jump to another man for a humpy dumpy ride” She scoffed.

Tessa’s brows creased in a frown.

“Just stop it. Don’t say such words to me,, just stop” She said with a calm demeanor,, trying to keep her almost flaring temper in check.

“Ohhhh,, you feel hurt,, you’re bothered. You shouldn’t be,, you’re used to this type of life afterall,, running from one bed to another. Usn’t it?” Lyric spat ferociously,, $h00ting daggers at her.

“Lyric,, calm down….” Emerald muttered and held her arm.

“Calm down. Never tell a lady to calm down!?” Lyric snapped and yanked his hand off her. A heavy slap was what followed…

“How dare you!! How dare you tell me to calm down?!” Lyric yelled at him,, and ran her hands in her hair,, fuming heavily.

“I’m not even angry that you f-__-ked another girl after that night. But does it have to be hee??,, my f-__-king enemy huh??” Lyric yelled and slapped him again.

“I’m sorry,, i didn’t mean to-”

Lyric slapped him again,, more harshly and mรกdly this time around.

“Keep your apologies for your despicable self. We’re done,, it’s f-__-king over between us,, am outta here” She stepped on her phone,, and stormed out of the house.

Emerald ran after her,, after coming back to his senses. He held her hand,, as she tried to run out of the house.

“Let go of me right this instant! I h*te you.. i f-__-king h*te you Emerald Fernandez” She took his hand in her mouth and bite it really hard,, just like how an hungry lion would do to it’s prey.

“You id!ot. I’ll make sure you go on your knees for me,, and i swear it,, even when you do,, your life will be a leaving h*ll. You will suffer greatly” She spat at him.

“Taxi!” She waved as she got to the gate. She entered the vehicle,, and the driver drove off in an instant. Lyric threw her head against the soft leather seat as usual,, bit her lips and could only sob.

“Where to ma’am??” The driver asked. She turned her head sideways,, and parted her lips to speak.

“Home.. Please take me home..” She choked on her tears.



Raspberry descended from the staircase,, yawning loudly. She’s just waking up and the first thing that came to her mind was a cup of hot coffee.

“Daaamn” She yawned again and walked into the kitchen. She fixed herself a cup of coffee and was about taking a sip from it,, when someone suddenly snatched it from her.

She frowned as she turned,, only to see Kingsley standing there,, drinking her coffee. Berry snarled and balled her fingers into a fist.

“Thus is so refreshing” Kingsley smirked and Raspberry immediately raised her knee to his middle,, kneeing him on the groin.

“f-__-k” Kingsley dropped the cup on the table and went down on his knees in pain.



“Didn’t know you knew how to cook!!” Raspberry said when Kingsley put on an apron and washed his hands.

“Shh. Just sit and watch the expert perform magic” He replied and she rolled her eyes.

“No! I don’t want you to brag about cooking for me. Let’s do it together” Raspberry quickly said and stood up.

“You don’t-”

“Is this your way of wooing me?? With food huh??” She pouted,, and he laughed,, going to her.

“Stop acting cute,, i might lose my mind” Kingsley said,, leaning closer.

“If you lose your mind,, i’ll really love that” Berry said,,, leaning closer too.

“You really don’t wanna see that side of me,, princess” He replied and went back to the cooker,, Raspberry felt her cheeks flush red. Is she blushing?

“Wait.. what are you planning on cooking?” She asked,, still blushing.

“Your favourite. Pasta and meatballs,, with turkey” He replied and Berry licked her lips.

“Wo-ha. Yaaay” She jumped happily and surprised him by pecking his lips. Kingsley stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her.

“Are you gonna ask me to forget about this too?? You should know it’s impossible” He said,, brushing her hair slightly with his fingers.

“That was a kiss for.. for. Daaamn,, i have no excuse” Berry bit her lips and looked away shyly.

“Gawd,, you’re so adorable. if you keep up with this,, i might end up eating something else. Or do you want that??” Kingsley smirked and she slapped his hand playfully.

“Ok fine,, i won’t disturb you anymore so go on!” She said with a silly smile,, walking back to her seat.

Kingsley went to the fridge and brought out the turkey. He placed it in a bowl and began washing it. After he was done,, he placed it in a pot,, seasoned it and put it on the first burner.

He placed another pot filled with water on the fire,, and two minutes later,, he poured the spaghetti inside. He closed the pot,, partly and looked up,, only to see Raspberry staring at him dreamily.

“Take a picture,, it’ll last longer” He said,, but she didn’t even budge. She’s in her own world,, having wild thoughts.

He smiled and walked up to her. He tickled her,, and she jumped up.

“Do you wanna d!e??!”

Kingsley simply ignored her and claimed her lips immediately. He can’t get enough of her. Her scent,, her lips,, her attitude,, just everything is driving him crรกzy.

“I think i’ve fallen for you berry. Please let me into your life. I promise to be loyal,, to always love you and most importantly,, to always be by your side” He muttered into her ear and pecked her lips once more.

Raspberry nodded and he smiled as he went back to what he was doing.



๐ŸŽถ The club isnโ€ฒt the best place to find a lover,, so the bar is where i go.. ๐ŸŽถ

๐ŸŽถ Me and my friends at the table doing shots drinking fast,, and then we talk slow ๐ŸŽถ

๐ŸŽถ You come over and start up a conversation with just me. And trust me,, iโ€™ll give it a chance now ๐ŸŽถ

๐ŸŽถ Take my hand, stop.. ๐ŸŽถ

Dwayne whined his waist and danced crรกzily,, as he listened to โ€œShape of Youโ€œ By Ed Sheeran. North couldn’t help but drool as she watched him. Her boyfriend is very.. very hรณt.

๐ŸŽถ Put โ€œVan the Manโ€ on the jukebox,, And then we start to dance and now Iโ€ฒm singing like.. ๐ŸŽถ

North’s phone suddenly vibrated in her bag,, and she brought it out only to see that Lyric had sent a message to their group chat.

๐Ÿ“Œ Hey girls. I’m sorry i didn’t wait to say goodbye,, but i just couldn’t stand it anymore. My baby’s father is none other than Emerald Fernandez. Yes,, the guy that almost became my step father. I really didn’t mean for it to happen. It was a drunken mistake. But,, i won’t deny the fact that i have always been in love with him. From the very first day i set my eyes on him,, my heart skipped a beat for him. I just couldn’t control myself,, i didn’t know what to do. He knows nothing about my pregnancy,, and i am not planning on telling him. I’ll be leaving for Paris in a minute,, and won’t be coming back anytime soon. It was nice meeting you all,, i love you girls. Please don’t h@ลฅฤ› me for doing this. I can’t stand the humiliations,, it might k!ll me. I hope y’all will be able to forgive me. Until we meet again Saranghae,, as Koreans will say ๐Ÿฅบโฃ๏ธ” The message read.

After reading the message,, North bent down and broke into tears,, she was shaking as she wrapped her arms around her body,, crying her eyes out.

“Heey..” Dwayne quickly put off the music and ran to her. He carried her up and let her sit on his bed.

“She’s gone. She’s really gone for good. And it’s all his fault.. Emerald Fernandez is a bรฉast in human form. He’ll never ever be happy. Everything in his life will turn to ruins” North spat and Dwayne cleaned her tears with his hands.

“It’s okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Please stop crying,, i h@ลฅฤ› seeing you this way. It weakens me” Dwayne assured her and pulled her into a tight embrace.



“Hope you’ve taken your medications grandma. And don’t forget to drink lots of water. Remember what the doctor said” A lady said on the phone as she chatted with her grandmother.

Her grandma chuckled on the phone.

“I already did dear. Don’t worry about me,, i’ll be fine. Just make sure that you and Rose are okay” She said and the Lady turned to look at her seven years old daughter that was asleep.

“Sure granny. We’ll be fine” The lady smiled.

“Okay then. Take good care of yourself.. I have to go to sleep now,, don’t think about the past okay?” Her grandma said.

The lady sighed sadly.

“I will try” She smiled.

“I love you!!! Bye!” The lady said and blew kisses to her before hanging up.

She kept back her phone before looking out of the plane’s window.

“We’ll soon arrive” She said inwardly.

“I miss Paris already. But New York is fun too. I’m gonna finally see my babies after seven years. Daaamn!!” She squealed.

Thinking about them now,, she quickly brought out her phone to check her messages on Whatsapp. A smile found it’s way to her lips when she saw messages from them.

๐Ÿ“Œ Can’t wait to finally see you boo. It’s been seven good years. I teared up on our graduation day,, cause you weren’t there. And i also want to see my baby,, not you,, i mean Rose โฃ๏ธ

“Awwn!!!” She gushed,, stumping her feet loudly on the ground.

“Shh!!” Everyone around her screamed at the same time.



The plane finally landed,, and the lady grabbed her daughter’s hand as they descended the staircase. She restyled her hair and smiled as the breeze hit her face.

“Finally! Home sweet home” She smiled as they walked through the crowded place.

A black limousine car was already waiting for them at the entrance. Lyric dragged her luggage and held Rose’s hand with the other. They were about to cross to the other side the road,, when someone suddenly bumped into them.

“I’m so..” The remaining words got stuck in her oesophagus when she recognized the person. Seems like her past has gradually began to torment her.

“Lyric…??” Emerald’s pupils filated,, his gaze left her and immediately went to the little girl that was standing beside her.

Rose remembered him from the pictures her mother had showed her when she kept asking her about her father. She smiled and ran into his arms.

“Daddy..” Rose gushed happily and Emerald’s eyes widened to the size of a watermelon.

โžช… ๐—ง๐—•๐—–๐Ÿ’…โžช

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