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HomeLOVE & LUSTLOVE & LUST โ€“ Episode 19 & 20

LOVE & LUST โ€“ Episode 19 & 20

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๐Ÿ”žโค๏ธ LOVE & LUST โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ž
โŸจ …. Forbidden Romance …. โŸฉ

๐“ฃ๐“—๐“”๐“œ๐“”; ๐–€๐–“๐––๐–š๐–Š๐–“๐–ˆ๐–๐–†๐–‡๐–‘๐–Š ๐•ฎ๐–—๐–†๐–›๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ๐–˜!

CHAPTER 19โ˜ƒ๏ธ20

By, Adinu Cindy


“Grab my hand,, lemme help you” Emerald and
Floyd said in unison.

Lyric stared at both of them with dilated pupils.

“Wait,, did i miss something??”

“Isn’t Emerald supposed to be her step dad? But
why does it look like he is Floyd’s competition?”

“What the hรชll is going on?”

“So tell me-” Tessa’s words were on the tip of
her tongue,, but they got stuck there,, frozen in
place by the bewildering sight before her.

Her hand clenched into a tight fist,, her knuckles
turning white with rage.

๐Ÿ’ญ What’s so special about this Lyric girl? Why
is everyone after her?? Why are the hottest guys
in the country always after her?? Why can’t they
just look at her? Isn’t she more prettier?* Her
subconscious went haywire.

Lyric who was still stunned just blinked rapidly,,
her features frozen in astonishment as if time
itself had come to a standstill.

Meanwhile,, Emerald and Floyd’s eyes were
locked in a fierce, unwavering glare, like two
opposing armies meeting on the battlefield.

Emerald opened his mouth to speak but
hesitated when it dawned on him that people
were actually watching them.

His eyes widened and he immediately took a
step back.

“What in the world am i doing? Have i totally
lost my mind?” He murmured to himself,, the
words barely audible even to his own ears.

His eyes fell upon the crowd,, and has he had
thought, they were all staring at them in

“Sorry, but i just remembered i left the gas
cooker on at home and my cat is in the kitchen!”
Emerald uttered and scampered off,, his arms
flailing as he ran like a ghost was chasing him.

“WTF! Was he expecting us to believe that sh!t?
His excuse was so lame”

Lyric beheld Emerald’s figure until he
disappeared from her view,, a look of
annoyance on her face. She faked a smiled and
finally faced Floyd.

“Thanks..” Lyric placed her hand in his,, and he
gently lifted her to her feet.

She nearly collided with his broad chest,, but he
steadied her with a firm hand.

“Sorry. I gotta go get a change of clothes. As
you can see,, this one has already been ruined”
Lyric chuckled and with that she ascended the
stairs to her room,, a heavy feeling of despair
weighing on her heart.

Knowing her too well,, Raspberry and North
exhaled and went after her. She wore a mask of
calm,, but her eyes betrayed the pain she felt

“I think our job here is done girls. Let’s go to a
place where we’re needed..” Tessa cackled and
exited the premises with Quincy and Mona Lisa.

Minutes later,, The music was turned back on,,
everyone resumed dancing and partying and
acted like nothing ever happened.



A guy could be seen sitting in a huge pool with
two ladies at his sides,, as they caressed his
bare chest. One of the girls was busy teasing
herself under the water.

The guy smiled handsomely and the silver
earring he was putting on on his left ear shun
brightly as his hair stuck s*xily to his face.

He turned to the one on his left and slammed
his lips on her,, sucking and nibbling on her
lower lips like an hungry lion.

“Are you really gonna d!tch us?? You don’t have
to attend that school yunno. Please,, just forget
about school and be with us forever” The girl at
his right said,, twisting his hair with her hand.

“Blame my dad for that.. I don’t really wanna go
there too. He just can’t stand the fact that i’m
not like him” He said with clenched jaws.

“I’m gonna miss praying with you” The other
one said,, caressing his ร‡0รงฦ™.

“f-__-k. Let’s go in for another round. You just
turned me on” He said.

“Yaaaay!” The girls screamed.

He smiled and kissed one while the other
caressed chest. They came out of the pool and
were about to go in,, when one of his
bodyguards showed up.

The man bowed and spoke.

“You called for me,, Young master. I was busy
with the other task you gave to me. So i wasn’t
able to come in time. I apologise” The man
bowed again.

The guy simply rolled his eyes and a cunning
smirk appeared on his face.

“I need you to spy on someone. I need to know
everything about the person. Full name, Age,
Residential address, Relationship status… just
every single god-damned thing” He uttered and
pointed at the table under the Cabana.

“I left an envelope there. Inside it,, are pictures of
a guy and a girl…”

“So i should find out everything about the girl
and…” The man disrupted ,, but couldn’t finish
cause the guy landed a deafening slap on his
face, leaving the girls stunned.

“Never interrupt me when I’m talking. You get
it?? Now,, listen carefully. You’re gonna find out
everything about the guy. And make sure you
don’t return if you don’t have enough
information on him. Now beat it f**l” The guy
spat as he left with the girls.

“Yes. Boss” The man replied behind them.



“Where have you been son?? I was worried sick.
You left the house very early in this morning
without telling me a thing” Sasha asked when
Ashton came in.

He was looking confused,, and he didn’t reply till
he fell on the couch.

Well,, i’m sure you’ll be wondering how they’re
on talking terms. Let’s go back to how
everything started…



“Ashton. We really need to talk. You can’t just
ignore me like a plague” Sasha rushed into
Ashton’s room, and Ashton looked up from the
horror novel he was reading.

He’s a great lover of horror books.

“But i don’t wanna. Please,, leave my room this
minute” He replied sharply.

“I know i haven’t been the best mother you’ve
ever wished for. But,, it’s not my fault yunno.
Ever since your sister passed away, i haven’t
been myself. Sometimes,, i don’t even think
before acting…”

“I know it was tough. But you could have taken
me with you. I’m your child too. Why couldn’t
you just be there for me. It hurts mom.. it hurts”
Ashton cried out.

“Mianhae โŸจI’m sorryโŸฉ. Please forgive me. I
promise to be a better person. I promise to make
up for lost times. I love you so much son.
Please find a space in your heart to forgive me”
Sashsa said in tears too.

Ashton stood up and ran into her arms. They
both embraced each other in tears.



“Anything the issue?” She asked.

“I don’t know mum. I’m just a bit confused” He
replied, sitting up.

“Wait… Don’t tell me you crashed the car!” She

“Of course not mum. C’mon!!!” Ashton groaned.
He explained everything to her,, and a smile
spread across her lips as she rushed to sit
beside him.

“You didn’t tell me you were in love. My baby is
in love!” Sasha said surprisingly.

“TF. I’m not in love with anyone mom. She’s not
even my type. I haven’t been able to stop
thinking about her because of what she told me
the first day we met. And that’s all to it” Ashton

“I am your mother dear. Once you have a
problem with love,, just come to me. What do
you think i’m here for?? Your father and i are
here not only to take care of you,, but to be there
for you always. Even at times like this.” Sasha

“Don’t talk to me about that jรฉrk in human
clothing. He’s not my father. My father will
never hit his wife over little things. My father will
never leave without getting in touch with me. I
h@te him… i despise him” He shouted,, and
Sasha faced him swiftly.

“Stop it! don’t say that about your dad. He’s just

“No mom. He has no excuse for treating us like
thrash. He’ll definitely pay for this. He will…”
And with that said,, Ashton ran up the staircase,
straight to his bedroom.

He entered and slammed the door behind him.

“What’s happening? Why is everything in my life
going wrong..” Sasha sighed.



A pink shiny Lamborghini stopped in front of
the restaurant which had a huge logo ‘JR’. The
door opened and a pair of smooth long legs
descended the car.

She shut the door of the car as she stared at the
restaurant in front of her. With a smile on her
face, she catwalked her way to the entrance.

The door was opened for her by the guards, and
immediately she stepped in, the male
attendants started gasping non-stop,, one
started drooling.

“f-__-k!, First time I’ll be seeing her in person!”

“I’m so ho*ny!”

“So hot!”

“Her body!”

“She’s an angel sent from heaven!”

“So ศ˜รซxยฅ!”

“I’m in love!”

Tessa smiled arrogantly as she entered the

The elevator stopped at the last floor, and she
came out.

The male attendants over there won’t stop
drooling too, their mouths dropped open.

They greeted excessively as she walked to the
center of the room where a gigantic table was
placed. It was filled with so many delicacies
and neatly decorated for the most perfect date

After the party,, Tessa received a call from
Floyd. He asked her to go out with him for
dinner,, that he has something important to say
to her.

Tessa didn’t even waste time. She just changed
into something sรฉxy and left the house in a

The waiters in the restaurant stared at her as
she took a seat,, especially the males.

She was putting on a white short sleeve mini
dress which ended just beneath her a*s with a
designer’s belt round her slim, yet tender waist.

“Bring out the wines. I’m gonna try out every
single one of them. Everything must go
perfectly. Floyd must fall in love with me
tonight..” Tessa said, crossing her legs and
batting her artificial lashes repeatedly.



“Arghhh!!!!” Tess yelled as she pulled the sheets
and trashed everything that was on the table.

She picked the wine bottles and started
throwing each and every single one of them
against the wall.

The room scattered within minutes.

The chief attendant dialed the security’s line.

“Security, your presence is needed. One of our
customers has gone nuts” She cried as she
watched Tessa display different levels of

By this time,, she had already taken off her
shoes and her dress was now stained with wine.

“You’ll pay for standing me up!!!!!!!! Floyd,,, you’ll
pay!!!!!!!” Tessa screamed loudly,, then
accidentally stepped on broken bottles.

She slipped and came crashing to the floor with
a hard thud.

“Miss are you okay? Miss….” That was the last
thing she heard before passing out.



The hall looked like a local market, noise
everywhere. Some girls could be seen snapping
pictures, Raspberry was busy watching Tiktok
videos, while North was tryna read.

Why won’t the hall be noisy when the MUS105
lecturerer didn’t come?

“Go Quincy!!”

“Go Quincy!!”

“You’re hรณt!”

The girls and some guys kept chanting when
Quincy was busy twerking to the music “Up” by
Cardi B.

“I’ve never seen Quincy act cr@zy like this
before? Is it because Tessa isn’t present?” Floyd
asked, watching Quincy who was whining like a

“I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking you
that question. It’s like we’re in the wrong school”
Dwayne said, pressing his phone.

Lyric who went to use the restroom came in and
was shocked to see Quincy twerking in front of
the class

“Can you twerk like this?”

One student commented. Lyric shook her head
and made to walk back to her seat but Quincy
blocked her path.

“Hey b!tch. Why don’t you come show us what
you can do with that fl@t @zz of yours. Huh?”
Quincy scowled.

“I’m not interested” She muttered and was
already going back to her seat,, but Quincy
grabbed her hand.

“I don’t take no for an answer. Let’s get it over
with. Right here.. right now” Quincy said.

“Yes Lyric!!”

“Dance!! Dance!! Dance!!”

The people began chanting..

Lyric sighed exasperatedly and packed her hair
in a ponytail. She walked to the front of the
class and began dancing,, surprising everyone.

She whined sรฉxily,, making all the guys drool.
Floyd was of no exception,, he began imagining
things in his head,, but mentally slapped
himself at his cr@zy thoughts.

“That’s what i’m talking about!!. Shake wat your
momma gave you sweetie..” Raspberry clapped

Hardin who was sitting at the back couldn’t get
his eyes off Dwayne who was busy glancing at
North every now and then. He turned and then
glared at North.

“There’s no way i’ll let him go like the first one. I
won’t let it repeat itself again. Never!!!. North.. or
South better watch your back,, cause i’ll hit you
were it hurts the most” He said inwardly.

North felt eyes on her so she turned to see
Hardin glaring at her. She frowned and tapped
berry on the shoulder.

“I don’t know why Hardin has been glaring at
me. It’s like i offended him,, but ion remember
doing so..” North said,, but realized that berry
wasn’t even listening to her.

She was lost in the world of dancing and
twerking. North sighed and palmed her face.

After 2 minutes,, Lyric stopped and people
clapped for them. Beads of sweat was dripping
from her temples down to her cheeks.

And her clothes was wet. She swept her hair to
the back and turned to Quincy.

“I can’t believe i am about to say this. But nice
job,, you really impressed me with your dancing
ski||s” Quincy muttered to her hearing.

“I owe you one” Quincy added.

Lyric narrowed her gaze and shook her head
before going to her seat as a smile escaped her

“Was i blind or did i just see Lyric smiling at

“Thought i was the only one that saw that..”

“This is cr@zy..”

“The VC is coming!!” A student who was looking
out for any lecturer who will pass their hall

Everyone began running to their respective
seats. The VC opened the door with an angry
look on his face.

He was surprised to see everyone’s books in
front of them. They were reading with serious
looks on their faces.

“Where was the noise coming from then??” He
wondered and closed the door behind him.


Floyd couldn’t hold his laughter anymore.

“So they can be this quiet?? OMG!!” He laughed
and Dwayne chuckled.



Lyric turned and smiled when she saw it was

“Go on without me girls,, i’ll meet you at the
cafeteria” Lyric said and Berry and North left.

“Didn’t know you could dance like that. You left
me wondering if you’re the same Lyric i know.
Or are you an imposter??” Floyd smiled,, still
surprised about what happened earlier in their
lecture hall.

Lyric simply hit him playfully on his shoulder
and was about to speak,, but her phone
suddenly began to ring. And her heart skipped a
beat when she saw *Eomma โค๏ธ* written on the

She swiped right to accept the call.

“Hello. Is this Miss Lyric on the line?” An
unfamiliar voice said and Lyric furrowed her
brows in confusion.

“Yes. Who’s speaking??” Lyric replied sharply.

“My name is Christopher. I’m calling from
Heather clinic. Sorry ma’am,, but i have bad
news for you. Your mother didn’t survive the
surgery. She just passed away…” The man
broke the devastating news.

Upon hearing the news of her mother’s passing,,
Lyric felt numb and empty,, as if life had been
drained from her body.

As the reality of her mother’s de@th set in,, she
felt a crushing weight on her chest,, like she
couldn’t breathe. Her phone slipped from her
hands and landed on the ground.

What followed was the sound of the broken

โžช… ๐—ง๐—•๐—–๐Ÿ’…โžช

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