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HomeLOVE & LUSTLOVE & LUST - Episode 11 & 12

LOVE & LUST – Episode 11 & 12

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๐Ÿ”žโค๏ธ LOVE & LUST โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ž
โŸจ …. Forbidden Romance …. โŸฉ

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CHAPTER 11๐Ÿงธ12

By, Adinu Cindy




Ten minutes later, a student came up to the teacher and showed her the results. She smiled and said.

“And the leader of Team three is. None other than,,,, Lyric Dunlop” The lecturer said and all the students began to cheer happily.

“Yaaay. We’re safe”

“Yh. Tessa would have been a saucy leader assuming she was chosen”

“I really can’t stand her…”

Tessa’s eyes widened in shock. “You can’t do that. No!” She screamed, her eyes getting watery already.

“The decision has been made and there’s no going back. Just accept the fact that you lost to her and go sit your @zz back down” The lecturer scolded, she was already getting annoyed.

Tessa was dumbfounded, like all the words she was supposed to say has been blown out of her head. She just stood there with her fists clenched, jaws dropped and mouth slightly opened.

“You can close your mouth now. There’s no fly around to play in there” Lyric said in all feistiness and walked to the front of the class were the other team leaders were standing.

“Wow. Faith keeps bringing us together.” Floyd whispered into her ear. She hit him playfully on his shoulder and chuckled.

Floyd glanced at her once more and smiled to himself.

Tessa folded her fists tightly, her neck veins showing themselves as her body shook in anger. She felt like str@ngling and murdรฉring someone at that moment.

Mona Lisa and Quincy walked to her and stood by her sides.

“Aren’t you gonna f@int?. Trust us we’ll carry you. You don’t even have weight. A book is even heavier than you” Mona Lisa joked.

“School clinic right?” Quincy winked.

Tessa pushed the two of them out of her way and they started laughing again as she left the hall angrily.

She didn’t even take permission from the lecturer before leaving. She just marched out of the hall, slamming the door h@rshly behind her.

“Whoa! The almighty Tessa is pissรฉd” A certain girl laughed to herself and returned back to her work.

“Now that all the Team Leaders has been chosen. I’m pleased to inform you all that next week we’ll be having a sing off at the studio. The best team wins a sum of 500$” The lecturer informed and all the students began to jubilate.

“I must get the prize”

“No. I must, i need to get a new dress for my dog”

“All i’m waiting for is to hear Floyd’s voice. I’m getting wet already, just thinking about it.

“Good day class. We meet next week” The lecturerer smiled and with that said, she left the hall.

Immediately the lecturerer left, North stood up from her seat and ran to meet Lyric and Floyd who were having a conversation. She stood in between them, disrupting it.

“I can’t believe you won over that bully. You even made her extremely pissed. My best friend is amazing. I thank the heavens for making us meet. I’m on cloud nine right now. Saranghae unnie as Koreans would say” North gushed blissfully and planted a kiss on her cheeks.

Lyric pushed her away and ran out of the hall as if a ghost was after her. North shot her a reproachful pout and said.

“Hey!!. Wait for me. Friends aren’t supposed to be left behind” She ran after lyric, totally forgetting her backpack and the books she scattered on her table.

Nylons of chips are on her chair, her backpack is not zipped, her books are laying untidily on the table. Just everything is messy.

We can say she and Lyric must be blood sisters in another world, cause they both have *messiness* running through their veins.

Floyd smiled as he watched their retreating figure. “Cute” He thought.

His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. One could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him.



The broad daylight did not reach the room. Instead, it was the hanging lights above them that lit the two tiered hall almost like a cake mould.

The room was filled with murmurs and whispers that floated above the heads of students and through the roof.

They were indistinct conversations between one friend and another, quite unable to comprehend the word silence, although, when you thought about it, nothing ever was silent in the room.

There was the constant whizz of the printer, the constant tap of the keyboards, the constant scratch of a pen on paper, the constant flick of a book.

Lyric walked into the library and her eyes brightened at all the books she saw placed neatly on their shelves.

They don’t have any lectures till 1pm, so she decided to stop by and use her time wisely by reading some books.

“Stray kids history? This is going to be interesting” She thought, as her fingers traveled through a particular book on the shelf.

“Sir, can i take two other books to add to this? And also, can i get a private area to read. I want to be alone” Lyric asked and the librarian nodded with a smile.

“Thank you sir! God bless” Lyric beamed before scanning and picking the books that caught her interest.

Her eyes landed on a book. BTS History was written on it and she smiled widely. “Gosh! Finally, i get to read this book” She gushed.

The book was the only one laying on its shelve, she picked it and placed it on the table were she dropped the first book she picked.

She turned to the other side to get the last book, and surprisingly, she returned to find that a book was missing.

She frowned and turned around, trying to spot anyone with it. Her eyes widened, when she saw Floyd resting on the wall, flipping through the book she was looking for.

“Lyric?” Floyd muttered, looking also surprised.

They both paused for a second, looking into each other’s eyes. Floyd didn’t even know were the courage came from, he touched her cheeks and stepped back afterwards.

Despite his palms softness, it was tingled lyric’s skin so much that she began feeling over the edge, her cheeks flushed red instantly.

“Ohh uhh.. Am surprised to see you here. Did you perhaps follow me?” Lyric cleared her throat.

“I love reading so i sometimes drop by to grab a book or two” Floyd replied.

“Really? You love reading K pop histories too?” Lyric asked and he chuckled.

“Well, even though I’m an idol. I love other idols too. Their fame makes me curious” Floyd said.

“You can have the book” Lyric said and handed it back to him.

“No thanks. I can always come back for it. It’s not running away, is it?” Floyd said and Lyric nodded with a smile.

He dipped his hand into his backpack and brought out a pineapple juice. It is still very cold, which means he just got it from the vending machine.

“Care for pineapple juice?” Floyd asked and she nodded.

“Sure!. I can never say no to pineapple juice” She smiled and he gave it to her.

Lyric plunged the straw into the juice box and took a sip of it, then placed it down.

“See you later. I have something to attend to at home” Floyd said. She wanted to ask if he wasn’t going to be attending the next lecture, but instead she ended up saying.

“Bye then. Thanks for the juice”



Lyric could be seen sitting before a huge table as she smiled while staring at her phone. She has finished reading all the books she got from the shelf.

She smiled as she rubbed her thumb on the picture she was staring on her phone.

It was a picture of a guy, he was looking so kinkily handsome in his black pants and loose transparent white shirt, showing off his abs and fair skin.

His hair fell beside his ears and he’s wearing fashion shades, and his right hand is stuck in his pocket.

“When will he ever notice me? That f**l doesn’t even know how i feel about him. All he cares about is himself” Lyric whispered sadly.

A message popped up. She tapped on it, it was a message from Floyd.


Lyric stared at her phone, utterly confused. She stood up and returned the books in their respective places, not without thanking the librarian once more.

“Thank you sir!” She said and left.



Emerald shut his laptop and arranged the files on the table. After doing that, he put on his ear pods and placed his head on the table.

He was so exhausted and needed a bit of rest.

He didn’t even get to relax a bit, before a knock suddenly came up. He groaned and quickly pulled out the ear pods from his ears.

“Come in” He muttered and the door creaked open. His secretary stepped in, adjusting her oversized glasses as usual.

“Sorry to disturb you boss, but Mrs Dunlop is here to see you. She said it’s very important…” Beauty, his P.A said and he nodded.

“Let her in” He ordered.

Beauty nodded and stepped out of the office. In a matter of seconds, the door was swung open once again, this time revealing a pair of smooth long legs.

Then out of it, came Aneesa, she was dressed in a white shirt which was fitted in the black straight skirt she was putting on.

She was so sรฉxyโ€ฆ

She had an intimidating facial expression, but despite it, she looked so so ศ˜รซxยฅ!!.. A charming she-d*vil we could say.

“Do you need something??” Vincent asked as she approached him. She pulled out the chair in front of him and sat down comfortably like she owned the office.

This left emerald speechless, that he could only stare and wait for her to give him an explanation.

“Is that the first thing you can say to me after seeing me for the first time today? Are you m@d at me?” Aneesa whined and stood up. She went to him and sat on his laps.

Emerald rolled his eyes and looked away from her, pretending to be m@d at her. He didn’t like the fact that she visited without informing him.

Aneesa’s hands suddenly went to his shirt in the front and began unbuttoning him till she got everything out of the buttonholes.

Emerald turned to her, and their eyes slowly met.
“You’re that obsessed with it?” He whispered.

“I just love touching you abs. I love how your body feels on my palms” She whispered back and immediately pulled him closer, kissing him shortly.

Emerald quickly reciprocated the kiss and took over. He groped her @zz and squeezed it as the kissing became more intense.

Aneesa Mรต@ษฒed in between the kiss and that made emerald stop. He let her sit on the chair and stood up, walking to the window.

“What’s wrong?” Aneesa asked, twirling the chair around.

“Nothing. It’s just that we have sรฉx all the time without protections. I’m afraid that one day you might…”

“Get pregnant? That’s impossible. I’m no longer a teenager. I take my pills all the time. Stop being worried about that and focus on finding a way for my daughter to like you” Aneesa said, and he chuckled.

He turned and caught her staring, he placed his palms on his face, staring back.

“Am i that ศ˜รซxยฅ? Is that why you’re cr@zy about me Is that why you want to get married to me?” He asked, but she didn’t even budge. She’s far gone, lost in him.

He smiled and walked up to her. He tickled her, and she jumped.

“You frightened me!”

He carried her and dropped her on the desk, going between her legs.

He came for her lips as expected, and she embraced the kiss immediately, hanging her arms on his shoulders.

His hands went to her bare thighs, and immediately he touched, she broke the kiss.

“Don’t stop touching” She whispered and reclaimed his lips.

He dipped his hands deeper, and his eyes flew open when an idea popped in his head.

“She’s so gonna be glad to see me. I’ll try to impress her by picking her up. She’ll think she’s a queen” Emerald broke the kiss gently and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be right back” He yelled as he got his jacket and ran out of his office.

“Hey! Where are you off to? Finish what you started” Aneesa yelled behind him, but he was already gone.

“That j**k turned me on and left” She sighed.



Lyric opened the rooftop’s door and peeped left and right before going in. It was empty, just the wind blowing papers around.

“F.. Floyd?” She called, looking around.

Someone pushed her roughly from behind and she jolted.

“Happy De@th day bitรงh..” Someone whispered into her ear.

She frowned when she recognized her voice. Tessa stepped back and she immediately turned to her.

A gasp escaped her lips when she saw her hands, Floyd’s phone was with her. And the worst part was that she was holding a knife, pointing it in her direction.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Lyric frowned and tried to walk away, but Tessa blocked her way.

The knife grazed her hand a bit,, and it began to bleed.

“Today, am going to end you. You shouldn’t have bothered coming to this school. You could have just stayed away from my man. I just h@te you so much,, so darn much” Tessa smirked and began walking towards her.

Lyric began staggering as she looked around, her blood dripping to the floor as she walked. Her eyes widened when she saw she was at the edge already.

“No… No!!” She began shaking her head and tried to go the other way but tessa blocked her path again.

“You really thought you can run away from me huh?” Tessa laughed m@dly.

“Greet Satan for me. I’m sure he’ll be really glad to have you” Tessa said and stabbed lyric deeply in her stomach.

After doing that, she ran away from there. She didn’t want to risk getting seen by anyone. Lyric’s de@th would look like a suicide.

“Arrrgh…” Lyric cried out as she tried pulling the knife out of her stomach. She slipped and before she knew it, she fell, her hand dangling on the railings.

A tear slipped from her eyes. She never expected a de@th like this and least of all, for it to be this soon.

She still has a lot of things to do. To tell her mom she loves her even though they don’t get along all the time.

To confess her feelings to her crush… the one nobody knows about..๐Ÿฅบ

“Goodbye world…” She sobbed as her hand became slippery and loosened from the railings.



Ashton’s eyes snapped open from a long restlessness, as his alarm clock chimed on his bedstand.

He’s laying on his comfy bed, as tired as hรฉll from yesterday’s party. He probably has a hangover rn.

He tried to stop the clock in his half-awake state, looking at the clock; it read 12:40pm in the afternoon.

“Aigoo! I really overslept…” He mumbled, as he tried to push himself up and prepare for the day’s work.

Once he got up, he opened the curtains and felt the sun’s rays beem through the blinds and touch his eyes. He felt that it’s going to be a wonderful day.

He yawned and stretched the upper part of his body, then looked in the direction of his bathroom.

He dashed into the bathroom to take a quick shower, he was in such a hurry.

Ashton returned back with a towel wrapped around his waist, his long hair dripping water to his six packs.

He opened up his gigantic closet and started rummaging through it for nice clothes

“f-__-k…. $h|t!” He cursed as it became hard to pick one out of a lot.

He finally settled in for a white baggy pants, then a white shirt and his white crocs that shined brighter than the sun itself.

He applied a bit of cologne and by this time, his long inky hair looked like it was combed by his fingers and swept back away from his face.

He just looks so good to be true, you’ll be utterly impressed.

Once he was done dressing up, he stepped out of the room, only to meet somebody he never knew he’ll see again.

The maids were placing lunch on the table for her.

“Eomeoni? โŸจMother?โŸฉ” He said.

“Nae adeul โŸจMy sonโŸฉ” Sasha, his mom called with tears in her eyes. She stood up and wanted to touch him, but he stepped back.

“Haji anhda โŸจDon’tโŸฉ” Ashton begged and climbed the stairs back to his bedroom. He entered his room and locked the door.

“Jebal adeul. Yongseo haejwo โŸจ Please son. Forgive me…” Sasha blinked back her tears, sitting back on the chair.



“Make sure you take good care of yourself my dear Raspberry. Grandma loves you so much. Even though i’m not here with you,, i’ll forever be in your memories and heart. Don’t miss me too much,, i’ll be watching over you…” Grandma Freya said to raspberry and tapped her shoulders lightly.

Raspberry shook her head and bursted into years. She tried to grab her grandmother, but her hands just went through her.

She’s a ghost!!!

Grandma Freya smiled and pushed her into the light. She began to fall.. fall… fall..

“Grandma! Grandma!! Aaahhh!!!” Raspberry swimmed up into consciousness as if to a surface, which she then broke through, looking around with her eyes open.

She sat upright, and sighed exasperatedly.

She looked outside the window, and the familiar form of brightness began to loom through it. She pulled her knees up to her skinny chest, and sobbed silently.

“I can’t breath. I need air…. air” She stuttered as she crawled out of the bed in a hurry.

Once she got up, she opened the windows a bit wider, and felt the sunlight touch her eyes. Tears were still streaming down her face.

Her door swung opened, Kingsley entered, looking so worried. He ran to her and touched her face.

“Are you okay? I heard your voice from downstairs!!!” Kingsley asked, but all she could do was to sob.

She moved closer to him and hugged him.

“I had a dream. I saw my grandma. Ras… Raspberry that’s what she called me. That’s my name…” She bursted into another round of tears.

Kingsley couldn’t hold himself back. He placed his hands on her hair and patted it softly. Her long blonde hair felt so nice in his hands.

He’s never done this before. She made him do this. She keeps making him do things he’s never tried out before.

“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay…” He hugged her back.

โžช… ๐—ง๐—•๐—–๐Ÿ’…โžช

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