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HomeLOVE IN CHAOSLOVE IN CHAOS - Episode 19 & 20

LOVE IN CHAOS – Episode 19 & 20

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“EMMANUEL”!!! They shouted in horror

Noah can been seen stamping his feets on the floor with his two hands folded under his jaw as he was waiting for the doctor is come from the ward same with Nicholas who was resting his body on the wall with his two hands inside of his pocket.

Shortly Mrs Isabella Emmanuel’s mom ran into the hospital with her entourage trailing behind her.

“Where is my son”? She asked but it was as if the two boys in front of her planned it because they totally called her a fool by keeping silence.

“Aren’t I talking to human beings”!! She yelled gaining the attention of other patients and doctors who was staring at her as if she was newly mad.

As Noah was about to reply her,the door to the theater was open as the doctor came out with a tired expression on his face. He was the same doctor that have been treating Emmanuel since he became a teenager seeing him lying on the bed with the same results everyday feels tiring to him.

Mrs Isabella ran to him and held his arm but he was disgusted by her action as he slowly removed her hands from the pretentious woman before him.

“I’m sorry…I was…” He cutting her off immediately.

“I know! The wound wasn’t deep and he didn’t loss too much blood. Thanks to his friends who brought him here immediately it happened” the doctor said as he pointed at Noah and Nicholas.

Isabella stare at them in a disgusting manner before flashing them a fake smile which the doctor saw and roll his eyes in anger.

“A pretended” he said in his mind.

“Can I see him now”? She asked.

“No! He needs to have his rest for today maybe you can come tomorrow by then he must have waken up. He needs rest after having a stressful week. Please consider that. I will like to speak with Sir Joseph” he said.

“Is there a problem “? She asked.

“Not at all” he said and left her.

“What an attitude”she sneered facing Noah.

“What happened to my son since you are the closest to him”? She ask hoping that he will reply her since his father and her husband has a strong relationship.

“I can’t remember you having a son Mrs Isabella” he spat and walked away leaving her there with her mouth wide open like a fish.

Nicholas smirk from where he was standing. He hope that Emmanuel who stand up for himself the way Noah just did.

“It won’t be good allowing a fly to have a dwelling place in your mouth Isabella” Nicholas whispered behind her as he walked away.

Isabella was startled at first she held her hand on chest. This was her first time of being close to Nicholas. That kid always have a way of scaring the $h|t out of everyone.

“Who the hell is he”? She thought. Glancing at the door to the theater room where Emmanuel was, she walked out.

On her way to the exit of the hospital,she met someone who she immediately faked a smile upon seeing her.

“Isabella”! Ruthie (Camila’s mom) gasped immediately she saw her.

“Hey Ruthie what are you doing here”? She asked as the share a hug.

“I’m here for a check up” Ruthie replied.

“Oh! I see. I came here to check on my son” she said.

“Is everything alright with him? Ruthie asked with true concern making Isabella to furrow her eyebrows.

“Is she trying to act the victim here or me”? She asked.

“No! He just go into home accident. Nevermind! She waved her hand.

“Okay! See ya later” Ruthie said and hug her again as the left. Immediately Isabella got to her car,she spray a sanitizer on her hand wiping off the invisible bacteria on it.

“She smells at lot” she muttered

“Please drive me out from here” she ordered as the driver ignited the engine driving out from the hospital environment.

Ruthie couldn’t wait to enter the doctor’s office as she strip her body naked allowing the cold water to hit her skin as she began scrubbing her body. Thanks to her friend who is also a doctor her. Allowing her to make use of her toilet.

“I need to wash off every virus and bacteria Isabella has off my body”! She groaned in distain.

“Such a show off, despicable and selfless woman” she spat in irritation.

Arya and her mother was seen packing their clothes into their different bags as they are set to begin their journey in two days time.

“Arya make sure you take all your books along with you”! Her mother shouted.

“Yes mom”! She shouted back.

Arya was going through a particular textbook when she saw a picture. She gasp that has been the picture she has been looking for since the pass eleven years now. It was a picture with her and two handsome boys beside her.

She remembered the one of the boys who was not looking at the camera but he was looking at her with a smile on his face.

“Og my gosh”!

“Mom”! She screamed as she ran out from her room. She fell on the floor but stood up immediately. Ignoring the pains on her ankle.

“What is it Arya”? Mishiti questioned. Instead of answering handed a picture to her.

“Mmmm. Their faces looks familiar especially the one that is looking at you but I can’t remember you know them”? She asked.

“Mom how could you forget so soon. They are Emmanuel and Noah my best friends in elementary school” she said.

“Huh! My babies! I don’t know you have their picture. I have missed them badly. I wonder how they are doing especially Emmanuel. I hope his father isn’t stressing him more than he used to”? Mishiti said sadly.

“You are right his father is so mean. But I’m happy that I will see them in Australia after a whole eleven years” she giggled.

“How do you know that they are Australian”? Her mother flickered her hand on her forehead.

“Ouch! Mom. I have faith that I will see them” she she said.

“Faith I see” her mother mimicked.

“Hello my ovaries”! Pa Oh said as the turned their attention to him. He was holding two nylons containing goodies and so drinks.

“Welcome dad”! Arya greeted him taking the nylons from him.

“Welcome honey. How was your day at work”! Mishiti asked as she hug him.

“It was good. No work today” he replied sitting on an available couch.

“Okay. Let me get your food” Mishiti said and left for the kitchen.

“Dad do you remember this boys”? Arya asked as Pa Oh collected the picture from her.

“You me… Emmanuel and what is that quiet boy’s name. Noah”!

“So you remembered their names perfectly”? She gasped.

“I’m not an old man in vain” he replied.

“I can’t wait to see them. It’s been long” she said slowly.

“Yes dear is been long already. Time flies more than you can imagine my daughter. It is left for you to make good of your time to be happy,shed tears of defeat, to shed tears of victory and to fall in kove with the person who feel tue same for you. Time is so short for you to waste any opportunity,my child” the way he advised was something that Arya couldn’t fathom.

She knows her father as someone who always admonishing and advising people but today’s own was different.

“Dad is everything alright”? She asked.

“Yes everything is alright.” He replied with a smile.

“Okay. Your sister informed me that she will be sleeping over at her office. She has to finish a particular celebrity’s wears before traveling” he announced.

“Alright dad!

“Isn’t your brother coming home”?

“Maybe he is saying his final goodbyes to his friends. Boys are their talks” she replied.


Soma was so happy as she walked on the street leading to her house. She was happy because of two things. Firstly, examination has ended and this semester has ended meaning that she some few weeks to work. Secondly, she received her pay in her six partime jobs. She got a sixty thousand dollars with her. She can’t wait to give her step father a gift thousand dollars so that he will know that she’s serious in paying her mother’s debt.

As she hummed a song,she noticed that same unknown person trailing her and a thought came to her mind,what if the unknown person knew that she received her pay today and wants to steal it? She thought as she increased her pace. The person also increased his pace also.

She began running until she stopped at the small gate of her residence. She entered and locked the gate immediately while panting. After searching for the unknown person with her eyes around her vicinity, seeing no trace of him she entered the house.


“Mom”! She called but no response. She entered the parlour and lo,her mother was about giving up the ghost. Her stepdad was choking her on her neck while punching her stomach. Her lips are swollen with blood dripping slowly from it.

“Mom”! She screamed in horror as she take the flowers vase which was on the table and hit him on his head.

“Aaah”! He groaned as the he left his hold on her neck. Staggering,he turned and look at her with blood dripping from his head.

“Did…you just hit me”!! He shouted as she flinched.

“Do you have my money with you? And if you try to mess up right now,I will ki|| your mother in front of you and no one not even the cops will don anything about where is my money”? He extended his hand as she slowly dipped her hans into her bag bring out the sixty thousand dollars and gave to him..

“How much is here”? He asked.

“Sixty thousand dollars” she replied slowly walking to where her mother was.

“Sixty thousand dollars! Two months and you are done with your mother’s debt” he staggered and left the parlor.

“Mom are you okay”? She broken down seeing her mom fighting for her life.

“I’m… sorry” was what her mother said and her head went limp.

“Mom! No please don’t do this to me! Mom!

“Somebody help”!!! She screamed in horror and in tears.

Mrs Susan went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water when she felt someone behind her. She thought it was her son who always play his prank on her.

“Julius is night already stop this play and go to sleep” she ordered.

“Maybe Julius will be six feet below of you if you don’t cooperate with me Mrs Susan” a voice said as the bottle of water fell from her hand.

“Who…are you”? She stammered.

“My identity doesn’t matter Mrs Susan. The less you know me the more you’d have a long life” he whispered to her ear as he point his silencer gun beside her forehead.

She froze instantly as she began trembling.

“What do…you want”? She managed to ask because she totally lost her voice.

“Is something simple. Don’t give Emmanuel Hernandez an F in your course if you want to lose your lovely family in a fire outbreak” he thr_@tened.

“Are…you one of his friends…in school”? She asked out of curiosity.

“Do you think testing my patience is of a good to you Mrs Susan”? He asked feeling angry as placed his hand on the trigger.

“The less you know of me the more you’d have a long life. If I was his friends,I wouldn’t come to you in your house like this. Mrs Susan are we having a deal here? Give Emmanuel and A+ or you loose your family. You have only thirty seconds to think about it and it starts now” he said as his wrist watch staring counting.

“I will do it… please don’t anything to my family” she pleaded.

“You took a wide decision Mrs Susan but you are going to sign your signature in this sheet of paper as reminder when you forget the deal you made”. He brought out a paper and a pen from his pocket and gave it to her.

She signed it immediately and handed it back to him.

“I have done…it” she said.

“Good night Mrs Susan and don’t try to report to the police if you don’t want to lose your paralyzed husband. I’m not his friend neither I’m his father but I’m someone that can make you shiver in death” he said.

“The less you know me the better for you Mrs Susan ” he jumped out of the kitchen.

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