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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IN CHAOS – Episode 15

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After landing more three punches to his both eyes Jude was left unconscious. Feeling that he has beaten him to his satisfaction, Nicholas stood up away from him and began leaving the bar as Mason trailed behind him. The people in the bar were all silence due to the aura Nicholas was carrying.

Entering the car,he removed his nose mask throwing it to the back seat of the car and look at Mason who was staring at with smiles on his face.

“What”? He questioned but Mason smiled further.

“I wish you were my blood,my father will be resting his body in the mortuary” he said as Nicholas laughed hard.

“You are wishing your dad death at this rate”? He stressed the death.

Mason nodded before answering. “Do you know my prayer to God everyday morning, afternoon and night”?

“Is that God should send him as a gift to Satan” he added too. Nicholas couldn’t hold his laughter anymore as he laughed out his brain till his eyes were red.

“I don’t know you have this crazy side bro”! He complimented him.

“I’m cool but my dad is blind to that” he said as Nicholas nodded.

“By the time I become successful, he will ever regret of disowning me” Mason said with determination in him as Nich smile at his boldness.

“I gat you bro. Feel free to tell me what you want and I will get it for you” he assured him.

“Thank you so much Dude but please add Ɓîtçhes to the picture next time” he appreciated.

“You are really crazy”! Nicholas ignited the engine as the drove out from the vicinity of the bar. They were driving when the ambulance rushed passed them, they smirked at themselves before playing a song by Eminem.
Pa Oh was tidying his work because it was almost time to leave my a co worker told him that their manger seek his presence.
Shutting down his laptop,he adjusted his tie before going into the manger’s office.

“Sir you called for me” he said immediately the man gestured him to sit.

“Yeah” he responded with a smile.

“I know you must have seen your transfer letter and the country in which you are been transferred too”? He asked as he nodded.

“You know Mr Pascal, you are a very important and intelligent worker in this company and because of your charisma,I had to consider you first when the head office in Australia brought the transfer letter you were the first person that i thought of. And I’m happy that you got the chance to join others aside India”he said as he leaned further.

“I very grateful sir. Thanks for considering me Worthy of this promotion ” he bowed.

“The main reason why I called you here is that the company out of its kindness decide to sponsor the flight of you and your family and also a house will be provided with a private car also” he announced as Mr Pascal knelt on the floor feeling overwhelmed by what he heard.

“No stand up Mr Pascal… I’m not God. Stand up okay”!

“I’m very grateful to you Sir! I don’t know that the company value me like this! Like I am a nobody in this company but…you value me. I’m very much grateful to you and the company and please pass this information to the head office that my family and I are indebted to them” he said emotionally wiping the tears from his eyes.

“I will pass the information to them” the manager said.

“Remember you will be leaving by the end of this month. Prepare yourself very well and work like never before” he advised.

“Thank you sir” he greeted as he left the office. With that happiness he rushed to the toilet as he stood in front of the mirror talking to himself when blood slowly rushed down his nose. He used his finger to touch it to confirm what he saw,his eyes widened in realization as he shook his head in negativity.

“No! It can be” he swipe the blood with a tissue paper disposing it on the toilet and flushed afterwards. He ran back to his office and quickly parked all his things and left the company to the hospital.

At the hospital Mr Pascal was waiting patiently for his turn as the last patient came out from the doctor’s office and he dashed into the the doctor’s office.

“I’m not attending to anyone again” the doctor said.

“Doc is me” he said as the doctor looked at him.

“PA oh! You’re here”! He said a bit surprised seeing him in his office this late.

“Yes! Doc I noticed something this evening. I think that sickness is becoming worse” he said with a shaken voice.

“What do you mean”? The doctor asked.

“A drip of blood rushed down from my nose a few minutes ago and…I don’t want to believe what I’m thinking” he stammered.

“Pa oh calm down. You are just exaggerating things. I will run a test which you the results will come out tomorrow. Do not be afraid Pa Oh” the doctor said but Pa Oh wasn’t buying any of it.

“What if my thoughts was true”? He asked again.

“There is till a cure Pa Oh. Don’t stress yourself and do not allow your family to see you like this because they will suspect you” he advised him as he nodded.

“Okay. Thank you doc” he greeted and left his office.

On reaching his house,he adjusted his shirt and breathe out before pushing the door the doctor. As usual Arya was reading a surgical book,Mulan was memorizing a script while Rishi was sketching somethings on her book.

“I have a surprise”!! He shouted as everyone averted their gaze fro what they were doing to him.

“Welcome dad” they choursed their greetings.

“Honey welcome” Mishiti greeted as she hugged him.

“Thanks sweetie” he reply and planted a kiss on her cheeks while she blushed.

“Dad where is the surprise”? Arya.

“The head office of my company decided to sponsor our flight to Australia”!! He announced as his family widened their eyes in astonishment.

“What”!!! They gasped.

“Nott only that. We already have a special house and a private car waiting for us there. God is already blessing us” he added

“Yesss”! Arya screamed joyfully as she hugged her father.

“Your company is good dad! I was worried how are we going to pay for our flights but God has answered our prayers” Mulan said as his father nodded his head in agreement.

“That means I will have the chance to display my designs to the the Australian” Rishi gushed feeling heavily.

“One more thing when Aray will be done with her examination very one should began packing your luggages because we will vacates two days after her examination” he said as they nodded their head in agreement.

“Sweetie please get my dinner” he requested as his wife danced to the kitchen. Seeing the happiness in the airade him feel relaxed but remembering his encounter earlier is wanting to spoil his mood.

“Should I tell them”? He asked within himself.

“No. Not now. You will ruin their happy mode. Remember you are not sure of what you are thinking” his subconscious told him as he shrugged his shoulders.
In the board room Emmanuel was seen explaining things using projector.

“Our current product looks attractive for the young people since the young people are the major consumers of our products. That means will be have a billion dollars as the profit after lunching our products. The product was produced using the feed back of the young people to give them what they actually wanted. Imagine this product making outside Australia,what do you think will be our profit”? He asked professionally.

“Estimated profit for a year is a one hundred billion dollars” he said as they shareholders began applauding him as he finished his presentation.

“I believe what he said! We will gain more profit” first man said.

“He said right” second man.

“Lunch the produce today Sir Joseph” the first man said.

“In an hour we will be launching it out. According to my son,we will be having more profit than before” he said proudly.

“Dad can I go I have lessons in ten minutes” he whispered to his Dad.

“Just give me five more minutes” Sir Joseph pleaded.

“But I’m done here. You can take care of the rest” he added.

“You have to greet the shareholders before leaving and that is final” he said and stood up from his chair shaking the shareholders.

“Your son took after you” a man said as he shook hands with him.

“I’m proud of that. Emma say a ‘Hi to him” he nudge him as he forced a smile while shooking hands with him.

By the time Emmanuel could finished greeting and saying some business related work with them his last lecture of the day was over. Running on the hallway like mad man,on reaching the door to the lecture hall he saw his course mates leaving the hall.

“What are you all leaving” ? He asked panting heavily.

“Lecture are over” the girl said and left. Emmanuel fell on his butt as hot tears began streaming down his eyes. That was his favorite course,he didn’t get the chance to stay in that class because of his father.

“f-__-k you Dad”!! He screamed madly as tears left his eyes. His phone rang without checking the ID caller,he answered the call.

📱”Emmanuel rushed back to the company a group of Chinese men are here to sign a deal with us.

The response of Emmanuel left everyone in shock.

“Do I look like I give a f-__-k”?

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