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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 43 & 44

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( Drips Of Pleasure…)


By, Summer Gold R.

Complete my requirements if you need the next chapter…..



“I’m in love with her” Royal repeated.

“Who?” Robert asked.

“Angel” Royal said and Angel gasped.

Robert stood up with an angry look on his face.

“Are you insane?! What the f-__-k do you mean by you’re in love with your step sister?!” He yelled.

Royal bite his lips without saying a word.

“Answer me boy!” Robert shouted.

“You asked for the truth” Royal muttered.

“What the hell” Robert mouthed looking at Royal unbelievably.

“Does she know about this?” Kendall asked and Royal shook his head.

“She knows nothing about this,it’s just me…..”

“Get out of my sight” Robert cut him off.

Royal went upstairs and Angel went after him.

Robert sighed out and sat down.

“It’s okay” Kendall pat his back.

“What do you mean by it’s okay? You’ve been suspecting this right?” He asked.

“I never knew it was something like this,trust me” Kendall said.

“I don’t know what to say” Robert said.


Angel entered the room with Royal.

“Why did you do that?” She asked.

“I don’t think I can keep it any longer” Royal said.

“Then why telling them I don’t know about this? Why? We both know I fell in love with……”

“Stop it Angel” Royal cut her off

“That’s just the truth,now what is going to happen? What if he decide to separate us?”

“Maybe that would do” Royal said

“What?” Angel’s eyes widened

“It’s never going to work anyway,those two are getting married no matter what,I’m literally going crazy just by thinking about it,so this is the only way” Royal said.

“You mean you’re making up your mind to leave me if it ever happens? That’s selfish,are you even thinking about my feelings at all?” Angel asked.

“You should go,Dad will be furious if he finds you here” Royal muttered and went into the bathroom.

Angel bit her lips sadly,trying to control her tears before storming out of the room.



Mrs Otello entered the dinning room and found only Christian who was just about to start eating.

“Where’s your brother?” She asked and Christian looked up.

“I have no idea” He said.

“Why would you eat without knowing where your brother is?” Mrs Otello frowned and Christian sighed.

“Mom,he’s not a kid…..”

“Go get your brother young man” Mrs Otello snapped and Christian hesitated.

“Don’t tell me you fought again boy”

“No we didn’t” Christian stood up and went upstairs,he opened Ryan’s door and looked around the room,he entered fully and closed the door. Ryan came into the room after that,he was in the closet room.

“Dinner is ready,must I come here to call you?” Christian asked.

“I’m not hungry” Ryan muttered,falling on the bed.

“Why?” Christian asked.

“Because I am not hungry,what other reason?” Ryan asked.

“You know mom is gonna throw a fist thinking it’s my fault or something…..”

“It’s not your fault that I’m not hungry,stop making it a big deal. Close the door when you’re out” Ryan said.

“Why are you sounding so angry? Don’t tell me it’s because of that $h|t in school…….”

“$h|t? How the f-__-k am I supposed to think straight when I’m in between your unnecessary arguments and fights?” Ryan frowned.

“Ignore it…. ”

“That’s why I’m ignoring you right now” Ryan scoffed.

“The only reason why you’re angry is because you think Royal might decide to stop talking to you,not that you’re really worried about me” Christian said and Ryan looked at him.

“For real? Like…are you really blurting that out of your mouth? I can’t even count how many f-__-king times I’ve asked you what the héll’s good between you and him but you never said shít and now you’re…..get out of my room” Ryan said.

“Why asking me? Why not ask him? Aren’t you best friends?”

“I’m not interested in asking again okay? Just go!” Ryan snapped.

Christian left the room.



Royal was the only one in class,he was listening to music loudly with his headset and his eyes were closed. He didn’t know when Ryan came in and sat down on the desk in front of him.

Ryan removed his headset and he opened his eyes with a frown until he saw Ryan.

Royal grabbed his headset back from him and tried using it.

“Why are you here alone?” Ryan asked.

“Because I want to be alone,what else?” He asked and Ryan sighed.

“Let’s go eat together,I’m hungry” Ryan said.

“Go alone dude,I’m tired as you can see” Royal muttered and used his headset,Ryan removed it again.

“Hey!” Royal yelled angrily and hijacked it from him.

“What exactly are you angry about?” Ryan asked.

“This is not because of you or anything,stay away” Royal snapped.

“I don’t know how to stay away if you keep acting this way tell me what’s wrong at least,I’m your Friend” Ryan said.

“If you’re not gonna listen that I want to be alone then let’s stop being friends” Royal said.

“Are you crazy?” Ryan asked.

Royal sighed out and looked at him.

“I’m not in the mood for this,I don’t want to talk to anyone,is that too hard to do? And at this period,you should be worried about your brother,not your friend” Royal said.

“Right,I should,but crazily I’m not” Ryan muttered and sighed out.

“So what if you find out everything was my fault?” Royal asked.

“It’s all in the past,so stop acting like a dummy and let’s go get something to eat” Ryan grabbed his hand.

“Stop it!!” Royal yelled and throw his hand off.

“Stop it” he repeated coldly and used his headset,he closed his eyes back.

Ryan sighed and stood up,he walked out.

“Hey Ryan” Alice joined him.

“Hey” Ryan muttered and Alice looked at him.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Sure” Ryan said.

“Well,you don’t sound like you are” Alice said and touched his head.

“I will talk to you later” Ryan pulled her hand down and walked away.

“What’s going on?” Alice mumbled,staring at Ryan till she couldn’t see him again.



“Angel have been acting so weird all day” Paige spoke up as they ate silently.

“More like she’s looking sad” Sloane said and Paige sighed.

“I tried talking to her but seems like she want to be alone,she’s not responding” She muttered.

“Same here,I wonder what happened to her” Sloane said.

“Maybe there’s something wrong from home,I’m not seeing Royal around either” Paige said.

“You might be right,but at least she should tell us what’s going on. I don’t like the way she’s so moody” Sloane muttered.

Paige drank her juice and groaned loudly.

“I’m sure she will talk to us when she’s ready,I hope it’s not going to take too long tho” Paige said.


Angel opened the door to the restroom and met Alice in there.

“Oh sorry,didn’t know someone was there” Angel said and Alice smiled.

“It’s fine,I’m just arranging my hair” Alice said.

Angel walked to the second sink and started splashing water all over her face.

“You look like you cried a lot” Alice faced her and Angel looked up.

“Maybe I did” Angel muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Alice asked and Angel sighed.

“Hey” Alice moved closer to her and pulled her into a hug.

“Are you okay?” Alice asked,patting her hair.

“I’m okay now,but it might just get worse soon” Angel mumbled,Alice broke the hug and cupped her cheek.

“Hey,you’re running temperature” She said.

“No,I’m fine” Angel shook her head.

“Do you want ice cream?” Alice asked.

Angel nodded,Alice smiled and held her hand,they both walked out of the restroom.

Spice and Poppy were also coming into the building,Alice ignored them totally.

“Did something happened between you and your friends?” Angel asked curiously.

“I should be asking them that tho,coz I have no idea” Alice said.

“Oh” Angel muttered.


“Do you feel better now?” Alice asked,watching Angel as she ate the ice cream from the cup.

“Yeah” Angel replied and Alice sighed out.

“I have less than two months in this school” She said and Angel immediately looked at her.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Oh right you’re a junior,our final exam should be here soon,I can’t wait” Alice said and Angel swallowed.

Does that mean…..Royal….NO. Don’t think about it.

“So tell me what’s wrong” Alice said.

“I just feel….bad. It’s a bad day for me” Angel replied and Alice pat her hair.

“You will be fine,I understand” She said and Angel smiled.

“You’re quite nice,never imagined you to be” She said.

“Of course I’m nice” Alice chuckled.



“You can’t possibly skip dinner again Royal,you didn’t eat breakfast,how sure am I that you ate in school?” Kendall complained.

“I will eat when I’m hungry” Royal said.

Angel took her lips in,she was sitting on the dining already but she couldn’t eat either,her eyes were on Royal.

“Do you want something else?” Kendall asked Royal who was about leaving.

Royal haven’t replied when Robert came in.

“Hey honey” Kendall went to hug him.

After they broke the hug,Robert dropped something like a file on the table and looked at Royal.

“For you” He said.

“Me??…..what’s this?” Royal asked.

“What you were expecting before you started growing that $h|t in your mind of course,what else?” Robert snapped.

Angel dropped her spoon,Royal took the file and opened it,his eyes widened and faced his dad back

“Dad….Russia ??……”

“You should get ready to leave immediately after your final exam is over” Robert said and Angel’s eyes widened.


“If you say one more word,I will make things faster,you might have to write your final exam over there” Robert snapped and walked out of his sight.

Royal gulped into nothing.

“No” Angel muttered inwardly,tears rolling down her eyes.


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