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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 3 & 4

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Subtitle: Drips Of Pleasure.


By, Summer Gold R.


Like I said,this is a new story but it doesn’t
mean you shouldn’t do the necessary,complete
my requirements or don’t expect the next
chapter tomorrow.

And then work on the comments please,it’s not
encouraging at all.


Ginger entered Royal’s room and met him
already took off his shirt,he was holding a pack
of cigarette trying to take one out but Ginger
hugging him from behind made him stop.

“Boo thing” She called segzually,rubbing his segzy
abs,He’s so f-__-king fresh and just touching him
alone makes her horny.

“Can that wait for later?” She asked and kissed
his back.

Royal pulled her hands down and faced her,his
cold eyes scroll over her body.

“Why are you still dressed?” He asked and
Ginger smiled.

“Sorry daddy” She whispers,she started by
packing her hair first.

She was wearing just a short gown and she
took it off,she took off her pantie and winked at
Royal who dropped his cigarette and once.

“Get on the bed and turn your back” He said
more like a command,that’s just like him,he’s so
f-__-king possessive when it comes to having s*x
and his favorite style is doggy,since he started
f-__-king Ginger,he have never for once tried
pleasuring her,he just ask for her back and bang
her crazily that sometimes she finds it hard to

That’s right,He’s a rough f-__-ker and she’s
obsessed with everything he’s doing to her.

“f-__-k” Ginger Mõ@ɲed as she turned her back,
she placed her head on the bed giving her Pů$$¥
a very more wide opening,she was dripping wet
even when Royal haven’t started anything yet.
She bite her lips with her eyes closed and after a
minute,she felt him behind her as he grabbed
her @zz cheeks.

Without any words,his Ďïčk went right into her

“f-__-kkkkkk!!!” Ginger groaned and held the bed

Royal went in further,putting in his whole size
almost hitting her womb.

“Ahh!!” Ginger screamed breathlessly.

Royal let out a soft tiny groan which was
almost unheard before he started f-__-king her
slowly at first but then his segz beasts took over
and began his hard bangs.

Ginger’s groans and screams filled the room.



“Oh baby”

“Oh my gawd!”

Her eyeballs moved up,her mouth wide opened
as Royal f-__-ked her mercilessly. He would
spank her every second,her butt cheeks already
turned red.

“Yesss daddy!!”


Angel just finished eating,she groaned out after
drinking a whole glass of water.

“Gosh I’m full” She said and turned to Pepper on
the floor who also just finished the one she
gave him.

“Are you okay now?” She asked and carried her.

“What should we do next? Let’s take a walk
around” Angel muttered and left the living room,
she got outside and the fresh breeze hit her
face,she dropped Pepper on the floor and the
cute puppy started walking behind her.

“Wow” Angel muttered,admiring every part of
the house.

“Oh my gosh! It’s a pool!” She screamed and ran
toward it immediately,she always loves to swim
but they don’t have one in her old house.

“Gosh,this is so perfect,what do you think
pepper” She turned only to see that the puppy is

“Pepper!” Angel called and ran back,she found
Pepper just coming,walking slowly.

“Learn how to walk faster girly” Angel scoffed
and carried her,that was when she saw Ginger
going out of the mansion,she was arranging her
hair as she walked,nobody has to tell her that
something happened upstairs.

“So she’s his girlfriend” Angel nodded and
returned back into the house,as she climbed the
stairs she decided to check up on Royal,she
dropped Pepper in her room and left. She just
guessed which room might be Royal’s own and
she knocked.

“Come in” His cold sweet voice replied and she
opened the door right away.. Royal just finished
taking his bath and already changed into a
more homey wear.

He gave her an unreadable look as she entered
and Angel bit her bottom lip.

“Hi” She said,closing the door behind her.

Royal didn’t reply nor move.

“I don’t know if you….know my name” Angel
said gently.

“You can tell me if you want to” Royal said and
sat down.

“Oh sure,I’m Angel” she smiled and Royal

“Royal” he muttered.

“I know,I heard you’re twenty one and in your
final year in school,that’s amazing” Angel said.

“What about you?” Royal asked.

“I’m nineteen,second year” Angel replied.

“So that means you’re a little sister” Royal said,
looking away. .

“What,you won’t want a kid sister?” Angel asked.

“I never wanted one,but don’t worry,feel free
around” Royal said and Angel smiled.

“Don’t worry,I will be the cutest sister also” She
said and Royal looked at her.

“Do you always smile this way all the time?” He
asked and Angel took her lips in.

“Actually,not really…….”

“You don’have to smile so much around me,I
don’t like it also” Royal said and gave her a one
side smile which disappeared almost

“Oh…..I see. But smiling once in a while isn’t
bad” Angel said.

“There’s nothing to smile about” Royal said and
Angel came over to his front.

“I think there’s something to smile about now”
She said and Royal raised his brows.

“Me” Angel pointed to her chest.

“Like my name,I’m an Angel so don’t worry I will
make you smile” She smiled.

Royal scoffed.

“You might not believe me now,but soon. See
you later” She waved at him and ran out.

Angel entered her room and fell happily on the
bed,she never imagined they would converse so

“He’s cute” She grinned and hugged a pillow to



Royal was on the bed operating his laptop when
suddenly his phone buzzed,he took it and
checked,it’s a text from Ryan but then he called
him this time around.

“Hey dude,are you coming?” Ryan asked.

“To where?” Royal asked,using one hand to
scroll through the laptop.

“Club house of course,it’s boring without you
come on” Ryan groaned.

“I wasn’t planning to…….”

“Who cares? Just come” Ryan snapped and
Royal sighed.

“Fine,I’m coming” He muttered and hung up.

He climbed down the bed a minute after and
walked to his closet,he searched for outfits to
put on,he was still doing that when he heard his
phone buzzed again.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone” Royal
exhaled and walked to the phone,it’s from his
dad this time.


“What the f-__-k is he saying?” Royal roughed his
hair and threw his phone on the bed looking
pissed. He started getting dressed anyway.


Angel was busy watching a movie in her room,
the sound of her phone buzzing nade her loose
concentration,she took it and saw a mesaage
from her mom.

💌 Robert just told Royal to take you with him if
he would be going out,so feel free and have fun

Angel smiled and bite her lips. Seems like things
will be fun than she imagined.

She got up immediately and almost rushed to
get dressed but suddenly changed her mind,she
left the room and went straight to Royal’s room.
She knocked and opened after hearing Royal’s

She could see that he’s getting dressed,
obviously going out.

“Uhm,I just want to say… You don’t have to take
me with you if it’s not covenient for you” She

“Go get dressed and meet me downstairs” Royal
said and walked back into the dressing room.

Angel grinned and quickly rushed out,she
entered her room and went to open her closet.

“What should I wear,what what” She uttered,
searching immediately. She finally settled for a
crop top and a jean mini skirt,adding a
matching boots to it,she took a jacket just in
case there’s cold but she didn’t wear it. Her skirt
only covered just the upper part of her thighs,
extremely short.

She brushed her hair and the long curly hair
dropped behind her, she applied a light lip gloss,
she was looking so d@mn segzy and her perfect
model shape made it more hot,she used a
necklace and smiled at the mirror.

“Good to go” She said and took her phone.

“I will be back Pepper” she rub the puppy’s fur
and then left the room.

Getting downstairs,she met Royal standing and
pressing his phone,obviously waiting for her.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him,now she
needs no one to tell her that her step brother is a
drip lord,Greek god,fashion king,visual king and
more. Like how can he be so hot? Tall,segzy,
handsome,just perfect. He was dressing like a
total bad boy,this is the first time she’s actually
noticing his long hair which he packed to the

Royal turned and saw her.

“Ready?” He asked and Angel nodded,he didn’t
look at her the second time before going out,
Angel quickly followed her.

“I wanted to take the bike,but with what you’re
wearing…’s a no” Royal mumbled and Angel
bit her lip.

They got to the house garage and Royal entered
the red sport car looking so smart and new.

“Get in” He said and Angel entered the front seat
with him.

Royal started the car and drove out.



Royal pulled over in the school parking lot and
they both came down of the car,it’s about 9pm
already,totally late that Angel wondered when
they will go back home,not like she’s scared

She walked behind Royal whose two hands
were inside his pockets,she followed till they got
to the entrance of the frat house.

“Don’t go too far out of my sight,I’m not used to
being a babysitter” Royal told Angel and went in
before she could answer.

Angel sighed and also entered,welcomed by
loud screams of girls calling Royal.

👥 He’s here!!!!!

👥 My Fashion king!!!

👥 He’s so hot!!!!

👥 I love you Royal!!!

Angel stood there,watching as the girls started
flirting even though he haven’t sat down yet.

“I didn’t expect anything less” Angel mumbled,
looking around to see if she will get a perfect
place to sit because it’s obvious her almighty
brother wouldn’t have her time tonight.

“Hey dude” Royal sat down beside Ryan who
was busy making out with a girl.

“Finally you’re here” They shook hands.

“Hey Royal” Two girls came at a time,one sat
down beside her while the second sat down on
his laps and touched his cheek.

“What do you think?” She winked,her B-__-bs
were clearing showing in the top she was
putting on.

“Like what you see?” She asked,bringing her
chest closer.

“No I don’t,get down” Royal said coldly and the
girl stood up feeling embarrassed.

“C’mon dude,that was harsh” Ryan chuckled.

“Got a smoke?” Royal asked and Ryan offered
him,he took one and lighten up instantly,he
started smoking.

Angel was still looking around when a girl came
to her.

“Hey beauty” She called and Angel turned.

“Oh…Hi” She smiled.

“I see you’re new here,wanna join me and my
friend?” She asked.

“If you don’t mind” Angel said and she smiled.

“Let’s go” she held Angel’s hand and they
walked over to a seat,only a guy was sitting
there and they joined him.

“I’m Sloane,meet my bestie,Dylan” Sloane

“Angel” Angel said.

“You do look like an Angel” Dylan said and
Angel smiled.

“Bet all the senior guys are busy f-__-king around
now,thank your star they didn’t notice you”
Sloane said and Angel chuckled.

Dylan poured her a glass of wine

“Thanks” She said.

“So you’re a new student?” Dylan asked.

“I haven’t even applied yet” Angel said.

“So,how come you’re here?” Sloane asked.

“Came with my brother” Angel said.

“Brother? Who??”

Angel’s eyes fell on Royal who was busy
smoking as he chat with Ryan,their eyes
followed her and Sloane gasped.

“Royal?!” She almost screamed but then covered
her mouth with her palm.

“I never knew he’s got a sis,so you just got here?
Where were you before?”

“Bristol” Angel replied.

“Wow,you’re so lucky,having a brother like Royal
us like an achievement for me” Sloane said.

“Seriously?” Angel chuckled.

“Of course,He’s the most popular,and obviously
handsome” Sloane said and Angel smiled
looking at Royal,Ginger just sat down on his
laps and kissing him like a crazy Ɓîtçh,Angel
rolled her eyes.

Royal didn’t reciprocate as Ginger kissed him,
after she was satisfied,she broke the kiss and
he continue smoking again.

“You came here alone Right? Or with your
sister?” Ginger asked.

“With her” Royal mumbled.

“What sister are you talking about? Royal have
a sister?” Ryan asked in shock.

“Yeah,she just returned” Royal said,,he’s not
even in the mood to explain anything,where
would he start from? That his dad want to get
married and his step mom have a daughter? He
doesn’t talk to that extent.

“Wow,introduce her to me” Ryan grinned and
Royal scoffed.

“I know you don’t mean that” He said.

Ginger poured a drink for herself and pecked
Royal’s lips.

“It’s getting too much” Royal muttered.

“I can’t get enough of you sorry” Ginger said and
kissed him again.


Drake was busy glaring at Royal h@ťěfully from
where he was sitting down with his two friends.
In terms of popularity,after Royal and Ryan,
Drake is next but he h@ťě Royal to the moon and
back,even though they’ve never for once speak
to each other.

He dislike him so much and the fact that he’s
crushing on Ginger who’s on the other hand
crazy for Royal makes things worse.

“She’s really going crazy for him” Jace chuckled
as they all stared at Ginger who’s not even
giving Royal a breathing space.

“I know right,Drake might die at this point” Otto
teased and Drake glared at them,he gulped
down the whole wine in the glass.


Who’s in for a game?? 🎤

One of the seniors suddenly announced and
everyone focused on him.

🎤 This might be an opportunity for you girls to
get a perfect make out with your long time

👥 Wow!!!!

🎤 Here’s the game….you girls who are
interested,you will write your name down In a
paper and drop it into this basket,then we get
three handsome dudes here to pick one
randomly,if they pick your name then……..enjoy

👥 Wow!!

👥 I’m interested!!

🎤 Okay let’s see the handsome guys here,
number one choice?

👥 Royal!!

👥 Royal!!

👥 Royal!!

The girls continue chanting.

🎤 Okay number two??

👥 Ryan!!!

👥 Ryan!!

🎤 And there?!!

👥 Drake!!!!

🎤 Good start writing your names into the love
basket then.

The girls started immediately.

“Are you doing that?” Alice asked Spice.

“Yes I am” Spice replied.

“Me too,I want to have a taste of Ryan” Alice
smirked naughtily and Poppy chuckled.

After minutes of dropping names,it finally came
for an end.

“Guys,pick up”

They gave Drake the basket and he took one,
Ryan also took one and then Royal.

“Drake open first”

Drake opened and everywhere was silent
waiting for him to announce.

“Ginger” She called and everyone screamed.

“Never” Ginger scoffed.

Ryan opened his own too.

“Alice?” He called.

“That’s me!!” Alice screamed happily and
everyone laughed,including Ryan.

Royal was the last to open and everywhere was
dead silent until he spoke up.

“Spice” He said.

👥 Whoa!!!

Spice smiled.

“That’s never going to happen” Ginger said
loudly and they all kept quiet.

Royal said nothing.

“It’s up to Royal to accept or not,So,Royal would
you make out with Spice or not?”

“Royal No” Ginger said to him.

Everyone was dead silent,Angel was also Part
of those waiting for what he would say.

Royal’s eyes fell on Spice who was giving him
the seductive look and he smirked.

“We might need a room” He blurted out and
everyone gasped.

Ginger’s eyes widened


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