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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 19 & 20

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Subtitle: Drips Of Pleasure.


By, Summer Gold R.



Royal broke the hug almost immediately and
Angel kept staring at him with her puppy face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,get rid of
the costume and meet me in the car” Royal said.


“No buts” Royal cut in and walked out of the

Angel bit her lips hardly trying not to cry as she
also left the class,she sniffs and turned to the
direction leading to the dressing room.

“Twinkle” she heard Christian’s voice and
stopped walking without looking back,Christian
ran to her and came in front of her.

“Are you Okay?” He touched her face and a tear
dropped from Angel’s eyes.

Christian said nothing and just pulled her into a
soft hug.

“Angels don’t cry” He muttered,patting her back
until she was calm.

They both walked to the dressing room

“I will stay here and wait for you,go on” Christian

“Thank you Chris” Angel muttered and went

Five minutes later,she came out.

“I’m here” She said and Christian faced her with
a smile.

“You’re going home then?” He asked and Angel

“I will text you tonight” Christian said.

“Will be waiting” Angel smiled and waved at him
before walking away.



Angel walked behind Royal as they entered the
house,he didn’t say a word to her throughout the
ride home.

Getting home,it was empty as usual,their
parents are not home. Royal suddenly stopped
walking when his phone buzzed in his pocket,he
brought it out and opened the message,from his


Royal read the message and faced Angel.

“Be ready by 7,the dinner” He said sharply and
went upstairs.

Angel sighed out loudly,Pepper ran to her and
she immediately carried him up.

“Missed me?” Angel chuckled as Pepper rubbed
around her body,she went into the kitchen and
opened the fridge,she took a bottle of water and
grabbed some snacks also before going

She entered her room and dropped Pepper.

Angel fell on the bed loudly and tiredly,she
sipped from the water and her mind went to

“Why did I said that?” She mumbled and took
her lips in,she took off her shoes and adjusted
on the bed properly,she lay on her back and
started eating the cookies but she couldn’t stop
thinking about Royal.

“How long will he be mad at me?” She asked
herself and sighed again.



Royal was already in the car waiting when
Angel appeared from the entrance,Royal smiled
a little seeing how she dressed. It’s a long dress
this time around,the wind was blowing the dress
as she walked together with her hair,she look
like a goddess.

“Finally some clothes” Royal chuckled,staring at
her till she got to the car,she opened and

“I’m ready” Angel said softly,avoiding Royal’s

“You look pretty” Royal said and Angel looked at
him immediately.

“Huh?” She asked again to be sure.

“I said you look pretty” Royal repeated and
Angel couldn’t believe her ears. Her cheeks
turned red and she took her lips in before she
finally answered.

“Thank you” She mumbled.

Royal said nothing more and drove out at once.

It took about thirty minutes before they arrived
at the restaurant,they both stepped down from
the car and Royal turned to Angel,she walked
closer to him gently.

“Are you okay?” He asked and she nodded.

“Then why are you quiet?” Royal asked again.

“Because i don’t want you to get mad at me”
Angel replied and Royal sighed out.

“I’m not mad at you Angel,I was just a little bit
pissed off” Royal said.

“I would prefer Doll though” Angel mumbled and
Royal chuckled.


“Yes” Angel nodded.

“Let’s go in” He held her hand and Angel smiled,
looking down at their hands.

They went straight to the reserved room as
instructed,Kendall and Robert were already

“Oh baby,you look beautiful” Kendall said,
looking at Angel.

“Thank you Mom” Angel said and hugged her
and then Robert.

Royal sat down and Angel also joined him.

“You are right on time” Robert said and Royal

“Then…..let’s eat” Kendall smiled.

The chefs came in just a minute after and
began setting their table in a stylish way
according to what they’ve ordered.

“Whoa” Angel muttered staring at the delicacies.

“Foodie” Royal said and Angel looked at him but
he looked away.

“Don’t pretend,I heard you” Angel said and Royal

After everything the chefs left the room and the
family started eating,it started with silence until
Robert broke it.

“How are you coping with London and new
school Angel?” He asked and Angel smiled.

“Amazing,it’s really amazing” Angel replied.

“Bristol is like a Village compared to London”
Royal said.

“That’s not true!” Angel snapped at him.

“Don’t deny it doll,you’re an example of a village
girl” Royal teased.

“You know you’re lying right now right? What
else do you have to compare?” Angel asked.

“Here,we don’t like to argue” Royal smirked and
Angel frowned.

Robert and Kendall chuckled.

“You’re such a bully son” Robert said.

“Yes he is” Angel scoffed.

“Don’t worry Royal,Angel deserve such once in a
while,she’s a brat” Kendall said.

“Come on mom” Angel groaned.

“Don’t worry,she will stop being a brat as long
as I am here” Royal said and Angel scoffed.

Robert laughed.

“Let’s eat please,no more talking” He said.



“No one is home” Ryan said as he stood in front
of the Roberts mansion,he dialed Royal’s
number and he answered.

“Hey,where are you dude?”, Ryan asked.

“A restaurant with my family” Royal replied.


“Are you in my house?” Royal asked.

“Outside,I will see you tomorrow then” Ryan said
and hung up.

He turned back and started walking home
again,it was so boring staying home that was
why he came here. Christian is busy being alone
as usual and he wouldn’t want to disturb him
most of the times.

As he was walking,he saw Alice coming out of a
supermarket. He smiled and went after her,he
already got to her side before Alice turned.

“Ryan!” She screamed and Ryan looked around.

“I don’t want everyone to know my name” he

Alice immediately hugged him.

“I missed you today” She said and Ryan


Alice nodded before she spoke up again. “you
were amazing today during the training,I
couldn’t take my eyes off you” She muttered.

“You were looking so hot today also” Ryan
whispers into her ear and she blushed,she broke
the hug.

“Why didn’t you take your car?” She asked.

“Same question goes to you” Ryan said.

“I just decided to walk” Alice muttered.

“I will walk you home then” Ryan said and Alice



After some minutes,they stopped in front of
Alice’s house.

“Then should I start walking everyday?” Alice

“You will walk alone then” Ryan said and Alice

“Geez you’re not romantic at all” She scoffed.

“I’m not a romanticist” Ryan chuckled and
slowly held her hand.

“But I also can if you want” He winked and Alice

Ryan smiled,staring at her lips. He gently
pushed her to the wall and pressed his lips on
hers,he broke it shortly after and touched her

“Goodnight” He smiled at her and walked away.

Alice touched her chest,her heart was beating so

“What is he doing to me” she swallowed and ran



Angel have been hearing the door bell
repeatedly that she wonder who was there,she
finally opened the door and she was surprised
to see Spice,she frowned inwardly.

“Hey Angel” Spice smiled at her and Angel
returned a fake one.

“Looking for my brother?” She asked.

“Yes,I’m here for Royal,is he home?” Spice

“No he’s not” Angel lied.

“Oh” Spice muttered.

But then,Royal showed up and Spice looked at

“Why did you lie?” Spice asked and Angel

“I don’t think you’re in any position to ask me
that,this is my house not yours” Angel said.

“Hey,you’re so rude” Spice snapped and Angel

“What’s going on here?” Royal moved closer to
them and Spice told him what happened.


“I don’t want her here,is there a problem with
that?” Angel cut Royal off.

Royal sighed and grabbed her hand,

“Stay here” He told Spice and dragged Angel
away,he released her hand when they got to
somewhere private.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Royal asked

“I h@ťě her” Angel blurted

“Why?” Royal asked.

“Because she gets your attention every time,how
many times do I have to repeat myself?
Honestly I don’t know why I’m feeling this way
either,but I just…..want you to stop looking at
other girls……”

“And focus on you alone? Do you even know
what that means?” Royal asked.

“Angel,I like you okay? You’re cute and amazing
like a kid sister that you are to me and I like it…..

“Liar” Angel snapped and Royal groaned.

“Don’t start what you can’t end Doll,so stop at
this point,please” Royal said.

“And don’t h@ťě Spice,she’s………” Before he
could finish,Angel went on her toes and pressed
her lips on Royal’s own.


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