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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 11 & 12

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Subtitle: Drips Of Pleasure.


By, Summer Gold R.




Christian met Angel beside his car,she already
dressed up,she saw him and let out a smile
which he saw that it’s only a sad smile.

“Are you okay?” Christian asked and moved

Angel sighed and shook her head.

Christian ruffled her hair.

“I should have punched that idiot more than
once but I was in a hurry to get you out of there”
He said and Angel chuckled.

“Didn’t know you can throw a fist” She said.

“Don’t mess with someone I like” Christian
smirked and opened the door for her,she entered
and he also came in.

“Do you want me to take you somewhere you
can clear your head?” Christian asked and Angel
shook her head.

“I’m sorry,I just want to go home. Maybe next
time” She said and Christian nodded.

“Next time” He muttered and started the car


Royal was still standing there,he already started
smoking another round when Spice came over
to him.

“Hey,is Angel okay? Where is she?” Spice asked.

Royal grabbed her and pulled her against the
wall before slamming his lips on hers,she
smiled and reciprocated immediately. Royal
kissed her deeply and wetly,his eyes wasn’t
close anyway then all of a sudden he saw the
guy who was in the pool with Angel pass by.

He quickly broke the kiss and went after the guy,
the guy looked beck and saw Royal coming,he
took to his heels and started running, Royal
followed him,since he’s a fast runner it was
quite easy,the guy pulled a bench on the way for
Royal as he ran. Royal jumped and landed on
the guy’s back,he fell roughly on the ground and
groaned out.

“Who the f-__-k are you!” He shouted.

Royal threw a punch on his mouth and one of
his teeth removed,his front tooth to be precised.

“Ahh!!!” He cried as mouth rushed out from his

“Next time you see a girl,you keep your distance,
bastard” Royal said and threw his cigar smoke
into the guy’s shirt.

He could hear the guy screaming as he walked
away but he didn’t stop.

Owen and Ryan came over to him.

“What happened earlier?” Ryan asked.

“Don’t worry,I took care of him already. He was
trying to touch my sister” Royal said.

“Oh no,I don’t even think I know the dude” Owner

“Where’s she?” Ryan asked.

“Don’t worry about it,she left already” Royal
replied and they returned back to the pool.



Royal entered the living room after the long
party night,he was quite surprised to see his
father still sitting down on the couch,and as if
he was waiting for him,he stood up on seeing

“Hey dad” Royal said.

“Are you for real right now? You’re just coming
home?” Robert asked,he was looking quite

“What are you talking about?” Royal asked.

“Angel told us what happened,like how could
you even do that? You left your sister and
allowed another guy bring her home? You didn’t
even care to call if she’s back and now you’re
coming by this time? Just because she’s not
your blood?” Robert asked.

“Am I supposed to be a babysitter…….”

“We already talked about this!!” Robert snapped.

“Kendall and I are getting married! And that
makes Angel your sister! She’s your
responsibility and you should protect her,you
don’t have a choice! Stop this cold attitude of
yours and get used to the change already boy!
She was f-__-king crying while telling us what the
hell happened at that party!” Robert yelled at

“Honey please that’s enough,I thought we talked
and I told you not to say anything” Kendall

“Well I need to talk some sense into him at
least” Robert said and walked in angrily.

Kendall sighed and faced Royal.

“I’m sorry,I know you’re trying your best so don’t
mind your dad,Angel isn’t a child either. But she
really sees you as a brother now,maybe that’s
why she’s hurt,but don’t worry she will be fine”
Kendall said and rubbed Royal’s shoulder.

“Goodnight” Royal muttered and went upstairs,
he entered his room.

Angel came out of her hiding place,she actually
heard everything and somehow she felt bad
that Royal was scolded because of her.

She sighed and walked to her room,she fell on
the bed and groaned.

“I shouldn’t have told him” She bite her lips and
closed her eyes.

She opened again and took her phone,she
texted Christian because she’s bored.


She texted and dropped her phone,almost a
minute later,her phone buzzed and she checked

Christian: *NO,STUDYING*




Christian: *NOT TO ME*



Angel stared at that message not knowing how
to reply,she smiled and suddenly wish Royal
cares like Christian does.

Angel: *THANK YOU 💖*



“Hey bro” Ryan entered Christian’s room and
met him still awake.

“You’re back” Christian faced him.

“Yeah,so you took Angel home?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah” Christian replied.

“I guess you like her after all” Ryan teased and
Christian scoffed.

“Why do you look happy?” He asked.

“Come on dude,you know why. I almost thought
you wouldn’t like any girl again after your
invisible girlfriend….. ” Ryan stopped and

“How many times do I have to tell you that you
shouldn’t call her invisible anymore” Christian

“What else should I call her? I don’t even know
her face……”

“Because we didn’t attend the same highschool,
we weren’t together” Christian said and Ryan
doesn’t look convinced.

“At least a picture of her would be enough” He
said and Christian sighed.

“You dated yourself bro,she didn’t like you to
begin with and she cheated” Ryan said.

“She liked me,we both liked each other”
Christian muttered.

“I don’t want us to talk about her though,it still
felt like yesterday,you had a mental break down
because of her,reason why I don’t want to fall in
love,girls are. something else” Ryan said and
then continued.

“As far as I am concerned,you weren’t like this
before,I don’t know what really happened
because you never told me but still that girl…….”

“Stop it Ryan…..she’s dead” Christian muttered
and Ryan sighed.

“Goodnight” He mumbled and walked out of
Christian’s room.

Christian fold his fist trying to control it but in
the end,a tear dropped from his eyes which he
quickly wiped. He dropped his phone and stood
up,he walked to the table and took his pill bottle,
he dropped four in his palms and swallowed
then drank water. It’s an antidepressant.

He’s been on those pills ever since what
happened in highschool,about six years ago. He
had a mental breakdown and since then he
became the lonely Christian he never was back
in years.

His phone buzzed and he went to it,Angel just
sent another message since he haven’t replied
to the one earlier and it must have showed her
that he read it already. He climbed on the bed
and started texting back.



Angel and Paige walked toward the restroom
together,they saw Spice and her friends coming
and Angel scoffed,Paige looked at her.

“Seems you don’t like her” She said.

“Maybe I would if my brother likes her” Angel
said and Paige chuckled.

“Don’t worry,I don’t think she’s expecting
anything either. Everyone knows Royal is a
playboy,fall in love with him at your own risk”
Paige said.

“But then,I forgot to ask. Are you okay now?
About yesterday” Paige said.

“I’m fine,you don’t have to worry” Angel smiled.

“Well I was worried,but when I saw how Royal
dealt with the crazy guy,I became glad at least”
Paige said and Angel looked at her.

“What do you mean? Dealt with him?” She

“He didn’t tell you? Sloane and I saw the guy,one
of his teeth was gone and he had a burn on his
chest also,we actually laughed” Paige chuckled.

Angel swallowed.

“He didn’t tell me” she muttered,remembering
how she had ignored him since morning till they
got to school. She sighed out loudly and they
entered the restroom building together.



Christian was the only one in the court,he was
throwing the ball alone repeatedly into the hoop
without missing at all. He’s a very good
basketballer but he’s not even in the team
because he prefer being alone.

The ball landed on the floor and he took it
again,he went farther from the hoop and threw
from there,the ball went straight inside the
basket and he smiled happily.

The door suddenly opened and he turned at
once to see Royal who also stopped the
moment he saw Christian,Christian looked away
from him and went to pick the ball again.

Royal turned to go out of the court.

“When are you going to tell my brother?”
Christian called him back and Royal turned to

“Tell him what?” He asked.

“That you and I……were best friends in
highschool” Christian said.

“Wouldn’t it more fun if you tell him yourself?”
Royal asked blankly.

“You think he will still want to remain your
friend if he find out you were the reason why I
got a mental breakdown?” Christian asked.

“Reason why I said it will be more fun,tell him
yourself” Royal said coldly and walked out.

Christian scoffed and threw the ball into the
hoop aggressively at once.



Drake finished washing his face and looked into
the mirror,he brushed his hair backward with his
hand and sighed out loudly.

He was about going out when suddenly the
door opened and Ginger came in,Drake was
quite surprised to see her in there.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

Ginger closed the door and walked over to him,
she caressed his cheek and Drake swallowed.

“I know you want me” Ginger said in a flirting

“Seriously?” Drake asked and she nodded.

“Well,you must have heard. Royal and I aren’t
together anymore” She muttered and smirked at


“He’s all over Spice now,and I h@ťě it” Ginger

“You still like him?” Drake asked.

“Once Royal is done,he’s done. I just have to
accept that,but I want to punish Spice badly”
Ginger said and Drake raised his brows.

“How?” He asked.

“Don’t worry,you will know after you agree. Are
you in?”

“What do I get in return?” Drake asked and
Ginger smirked.

“Wh@ťěver you want” She said and Drake
grabbed her waist.

“What else? I want you” He said.

Ginger pecked his lips.

“Then you have me” She said.



Spice smiled the moment she saw Royal
standing alone,staring at nothing in particular.
She tiptoed to him and hugged him from the
back,Royal said nothing,he knew it was her.

“What are you doing here alone?” He asked.

Royal turned and faced her.

“What about you? What are you doing here?” He

“I don’t know,I just…….maybe because of you”
She smiled and Royal cracked.

“I wonder why you still stick with me tho,you
know the type of person I am” He muttered and
sat down,Spice sat down beside him.

“I don’t Care” She said.

“You should stay away now that I haven’t f-__-ked
you,it’s for your own good. I’m quite crazy you
know? I don’t have feelings” Royal muttered.

“I don’t care about the feelings either,I just want
to be around you” Spice said and Royal

“That’s not gonna end well” He said and stood

“If you keep on coming,then I won’t warn you
anymore,we can be f-__-kmates too. Think about
it well” He smirked and walked away.

Spice bite her lips and exhaled.


“Are you going to keep on avoiding me?” Ryan
asked,leaning against the wall as he watched
Alice picking something from her locker in the
locker room.

“What do you want?” Alice asked without
looking at him.

“I want to kiss you again” Ryan replied and Alice
looked at him.

“That’s what you want?” She asked.

“What else?” Ryan asked.

“You’re so straight forward I see” Alice scoffed
and made to walk away.

Ryan grabbed her hand and pinned her against
the wall,Ryan smiled at him.

“You sound like a jealous girl,because I made
out with some girls at the party…..”

“Not like I’m your girlfriend” Alice muttered.

“Exactly what I was thinking,so why are you
jealous?” Ryan asked.

“I had a crush on you okay? You know that but I
guess you don’t want me so it’s fine,I got over
you already” Alice said.

“Really? You got over me? So fast?” Ryan
grinned and Alice frowned.

“You think this is a joke?” She asked.

Ryan released her and moved back.

“I don’t like forcing people” he said with a smile.

“I h@ťě your smile” Alice muttered.


“Because…….because it makes me want you
more” She muttered and grabbed his shirt,she
pulled him closer and slammed her lips on his



Royal came downstairs,his headset hanging
around his neck,Pepper ran to him the moment
he stepped into the living room.

The dog yiped,hoping up and down around him.

Royal carried her and she started licking his

“Hey!! What the f-__-k!!” He shouted and threw her
on the floor.

“Pepper!” Angel rushed out and ran to Pepper on
the floor,she carried her and faced Royal.

“She was just playing with you,why so harsh”
She said.

“Can’t it play without licking my face?” Royal

“that’s how dogs show their love okay? And I
take care of her a lot,I brush and bath her,and
besides,she doesn’t just lick anyone’s face,it’s
because she finds you cute,so don’t be harsh to
her,she’s not me” Angel said,rubbing Pepper’s

“What do you mean by she’s not you?” Royal

“You can be harsh to me all you want,it’s like
you take pleasure in doing it” Anger muttered
and dropped pepper.

She left Royal and went into the kitchen,she was
actually making some food.

“What are you doing?” Royal entered.

“Cooking,don’t worry I’m making yours too. I’m
not that bad” Angel said.

“I’m not hungry” Royal muttered and walked to
the fridge.

“You’re eating this anyway” Angel said and
crossed her arms.

Royal brought out a drink and uncapped it,he
took a sip.

“Why didn’t you tell me you dealt with the guy
last night?” Angel asked.

“Not necessary” Royal muttered and made to

“You should let’s get along” Angel called after
him and he stopped.

Angel came to his front.

“I’m sorry about last night,I’m the reason why
you got scolded” She said and Royal looked at
her blankly.

“You should try smiling at me sometimes,It’s so
sad that I’m still lonely even though I’m no
longer alone” Angel mumbled with a pout.

“I already told you…….” Royal tried talking but
Angel was faster.

“You’re not a gentleman,you’re not a babysitter,
what else?” Angel asked and left his front.

“I need some spice” She muttered,looking
around. Royal’s eyes followed her.

“Oh that’s it up there” She pointed but she’s too
short to reach,she looked at Royal but kept
quiet. She sighed and turned back,she began
jumping but all of a sudden she felt her legs
leaving the ground and she gasped.


“Two seconds” Royal muttered.

“Oh” she said and immediately picked the spice
bottle,Royal dropped her and she lost her


Before she could fall,he grabbed her hand and
pulled her up,her face hit his chest and she held
his shirt tightly to balance.

Royal stood still,waiting for her to move away
but she didn’t move.

“Hey” he called,she didn’t move.

“Are you okay Doll?”

Angel suddenly hugged him and he stopped.

“Don’t push me away……please” She muttered,
sniffing in his sweet fragrance.


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