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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️


🎲🎲 Ethan’s apartment 🧩🧩
Ethan was on a video call with Hannah as he
came out of his kitchen with a bowl of coco
pods soaked with milk.
“What’s with the wound on your face?
Did you fight?
Hannah asked seeing the scratch he got from
the torture

He replied sharply.
It’s just a scratch… I slipped and fell to the

Hannah looked at him with a look of “I don’t
believe you”.
Am your older sister… You can’t deceive me”
What happened?”

Ethan made a sigh.
“Luke’s men abducted me”
He confessed.

Who is Luke?

“Mr. George’s son…
But it’s fine… Am handling the situation, I will be

“That bastard dare lay a hand on my brother.. I
shouldn’t have left you alone”

“No, it’s okay…
I don’t need your pampering talks right now
I will be fine, bye”

” No wait,
Ethan almost hung up.
“I already got $30,000 right now”

Ethan seems happy.

“Yeah… Soon enough, I will make up the rest of
the money and we can pay our debt”

Ethan smiles…
“Once I also receive my first paycheck, I will
send some money”

“Wait, what?
You got the job?”

“Yeah… I thought you knew about it”

“No, I don’t…
Wow, that’s cool,
Am happy for you brother, finally, you can save
us from these wretched lives we’ve been living”

“Alright, goodnight…. I have to eat dinner now,
my cocoa pods are getting too soaked up.
He said and hung up the call.

He sighed and walked to his small table and
chair beside his bed, sat do, and pounded on his

Suddenly, his phone beeped. A text message
came in. He stopped eating and checked
through the message.
It’s a Credit Message from his bank. Soon later,
Ellie’s message came in.
✉️”Manage my small token as a gift, since you
need money” ✉️

He quickly checked the Credit message. $25
grands ($25,000) was added to his bank

“Omg, Ellie…
$25 grands?”
Ethan was shocked but happy at the same time.

His mind widens up for a while.
Why would Ellie do this for me?
Does she have some feelings for me? Different
questions ran through his mind.

🎲(🧩🧩LINDe PLC)🎲
Two Rolls-Royce vehicles drove into the
compound with a Range Rover behind.
Suddenly, different men in suits came out of the
vehicle rushing over to the Range Rover to guide
Lauren out of the vehicle.
As soon as she was out. The cars drove to the
garage and a few men followed behind her into
the building.

Everyone was shocked Lauren Quinn came to
work today after all that had happened to her in
the past few days.
She walked to the lobby where Ellie rushed to
“Good morning, Miss Lauren…
Ellie bows in respect.

“Morning Ellie…
You are surprised right?”

“Yeah, I am
Ellie smiles.
“I knew you would come around”

“Thanks for believing in me…
So walk me through everything you have done
for the last two days”
Lauren said as she walked to her office with
Ellie behind him.

🧩At the administration room 🎲
“Miss Lauren is back”
Jessica said rushing in.

Stephan quickly adjusted his tuxedo. Ethan just
nodded and noticed Stephan’s nervous
“Are you okay?
Ethan asked.

“Yeah… Am fine
Mind your business”
He frowns his face.

“Ignore him, he kinda has a crush on Miss
Jessica said.

“Hey, watch how you speak, I never said I do”
Stephan replied. Jessica just smiled as Miss
Lauren walked inside.

“Good morning Boss…
Stephan and Jessica both stood up and bowed
in respect.

Miss Lauren replied and looked at Ethan.
Stephan and Jessica noticed Ethan wasn’t
Jessica looked back at Ethan and whispered to
Be on your feet”
She said giving him a warning look.

Ethan was already lost in admiration. All he
could see was the beautiful breathtaking
woman standing in front of him.
Stephan gave him a little kick.
“Hey, the boss is here”
He brought back Ethan to reality.

Miss Lauren walked to him and touched his
“Are you okay?
Miss Lauren asked.

“Yeah, am fine…
How are you feeling now? I heard why you
couldn’t make it to the office yesterday”
I understand some people can be sad
sometimes and…

She looked at Jessica and Stephan who were
already thinking how Ethan got to know why
Miss Lauren wasn’t at the office yesterday.
She quickly closes Ethan’s mouth to stop him
from talking further.

“See me at my office now”
Miss Lauren said angrily and walked out.

~At her office ~
“What have I done wrong? Boss
Ethan asked as he walked in.
Lauren who was thinking of what to do with
him before he came in, walked to him and hit
his chest.

“What was that for?”

“Do you want to lose your job?
Lauren said angrily to him.
“Will you be the first man who was hired and
was fired in two days?

Ethan was confused.
“What then have I done to warrant you relieving
me of my job? ”

“Your mouth is so loose…
So just because you know my ups and downs
now? Because you know my flaws?

“I don’t still get why you are angry”

“Back at the administration office, Do you want
them to know what’s wrong with me?”

“Oh… Am sorry about that, I thought everyone
knew about that.
I was only feeling bad for you and I know it’s
hard you are going through all this all by
yourself and …

“I don’t need your sympathy
Miss Lauren shouted at him.
“I don’t ask for your pity, am fine on my own” I
didn’t give you a job just because of this”

Ethan held her right hand.
“Why do you prefer to be alone? Why don’t you
want friends? Why ain’t you happy I at least,
cared about you?”

“Like I said… I don’t want your sympathy”
Can you leave my office right now before I
change my mind and get you fired?”

Ethan smiled and walked out slowly. He held
the office door.
“I don’t have any sympathy for you or I want to
be your friend because of what you are going
I just feel you need me. We need each other”
He said and closed back the door.

Lauren drew her hair backward with a sad face
and wanted to cry remembering what she was
currently going through again.
“Who the hell is he?
She muttered.

🧩Back at the administration office 🧩
Ethan walked in to see surprised Jessica and
angry-looking Stephan.
“What did you just do?
Stephan folded his arms.

“Ignore him… Are you okay?
Hope Miss Lauren didn’t fire you”

Ethan scoffs and smiles.
“She can’t fire me, she needs me”
But someone like Stephan here can easily get
fired cos he has no importance here and he is a
liability to the company”
Ethan said those words which angered Stephan.
Stephan reacted and wanted to hit Ethan in the
face but Jessica stopped him.

“Don’t cause any nuisance here, we are at a
Jessica said to Stephan and then faced Ethan.

“Why the f-__-k will you say that? Stephan has
been a good man to the company and he is one
of the pioneer employees of Linde Plc”
Jessica added.

“And who cares about that?
Ethan said and adjusted his shirt walking back
to his seat.
Jessica sighed and folded her arm looking at
both of them. He could see the hatred between
She wondered about the short period Ethan
resumed work and had already had Stephan on
his bad side.

For hours, they kept giving themselves a daring
scary look.
Some hours later, Miss Ellie walked in.
“Hey, Ethan
Are you ready for lunch?”

Ethan looked at Ellie and faked a smile.
“Hey, I thought we already had that yesterday”

Can’t we have another lunch together today?”

“Look, Ellie…
Am kind of not in the mood to have lunch now,
am sorry
Maybe some other time”
Ethan said.

“Is everything okay?”

Jessica and Stephan just looked at the two of
them hearing their conversation.
Ellie walked to him.
“We are having lunch together now and there is
nothing you can do about it”
Ellie said with a sound of authority.

Ethan rolled his eyes and stood up, took his
phone, and walked out with Ellie.
Jessica looked at Stephan.
“What just happened?”

“It seems Miss Ellie likes the arrogant Ɓîtçh”
Stephan replied.

🧩Linde Plc Cafeteria 🧩
Ethan and Ellie sat down at a table.
“Ain’t you enjoying your stay here?
What’s wrong?”
Ellie said when she noticed Ethan wasn’t
touching his meal.

Am okay”
Ethan replied. Ellie dropped her meal spoon and
held Ethan’s hands.

“Am here for you if you need anything

Ethan nodded.
” Thanks for the money you sent”
It helps a lot”

“Don’t thank me…
A friend needs to help another friend”

🧩🧩After work….( Evening)🎲
Ethan rushed out of the building to catch up
with Lauren but was too late. Lauren’s car had
already driven off.
He sighs and watches her car drive out of sight.
“I guess she is still angry at me”
Ellie came out a minute later,
“Get inside the car, we are heading home”

(Lauren’s residents)
Lauren got home and walked into his living
room. She collapses tiredly on her couch and
“Today has been a hell of a day”
She brought out her diary book and pen she
kept beside her couch. She opened to today’s

📖”Asthmatic, suicide scandal, pregnancy and
about to lose her job,
Lauren is through a lot 😩” 📖
She wrote in her diary.

She covered her diary book and kept it back
where she kept it before.
She stood up and walked to her bedroom ready
to crash on her soft bed and get a quick nap.
She got to her bedroom and put on the light. She
flinched when she saw a man who was only in
short lying on her bed. The man looks mature, a
bit cute, and handsome.
He was sipping a wine and was having a phone

“Who are you?”
Lauren asked. He drops his phone on the bed.

“Lauren Quinn, I suppose that’s your name
He asked back with a question.

“I said who are you?
What are you doing in my home? In my
bedroom, on my bed”
Oh, are you one of those housebreakers? You
guys break into one’s house and steal things?”

It’s hurt you don’t know who I am, it’s not your
fault you could compare me to a petty thief”
He said and stood up from the bed. He sips
again from his glass of wine and drops it on the
table beside the bed.

“Then who are you?”
Lauren asked again. He walked to her slowly as
Lauren also moved back slowly you get any
closer to me, am going to call the cops”
She said getting scared.

“And why will you call the cops on your

Lauren scoffs.

“Yeah…. Am Alex, your husband ”
He replied and put his two hands in his pocket.


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