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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️
Chapter title:- Ethan’s father

~(Still at Alex’s apartment)~
Marcel wanted to open his mask. He was about to when he remembered the promises he made to his father.
He stopped and sighed.
“You are going to know who I am soon enough, and since you know my secret now, am going to make sure the secret didn’t pass through these walls.
“Am going to take your life”
Marcel said and pointed his gun at him.

Ethan held Marcel’s hands.
“Don’t ki|| him please, he is still my dad”
Ethan said.

“Those words hurt Marcel to his body’s bone. He couldn’t believe Ethan would still love Alex after everything he has done to him”.
What about me?
Your real father who came to save you”
Marcel thought.

“Please …
Ethan pleaded again.

Marcel sighs and drops his gun.
“He is going to die anyway” He won’t last for more than thirty minutes”
He thought.
“Let’s get you home”
He said. Ethan is still in his arms. He walked out of the living room.

~(Ten minutes later)~
The cops have surrounded the whole building. They storm Alex’s house immediately breaking down the door but found only Alex in the living room.
*Someone needs medical attention”
Alex managed to say.
The cops walked to him, put him in handcuffs, and dragged him out of the house.
Some cops searched the whole house for Ethan but they found nothing.
Lauren and Ellie stayed outside.
“There is no one in here except for him”
One of the cops said.

“My son isn’t in there?
Lauren said with a worried look.

“Yes, but they are going to find him”
The cop replied.

Detective Lewis walked to Lauren and Ellie. He looked at them and sighed.
“Just like you just heard, I think those people left Alex and ran away with your son.
Maybe they knew we were coming”
Alex was shot in the shoulder and he has lost a lot of blood”

“Then ask him where they went, so we could trail them”
Ellie said.

“Alex is not in a good state to talk, he is half dead, and right now he needs medical attention”
Detective Lewis replied.

“Gosh, I wonder what my son is going through right now”
Lauren said… Ellie consoled him.
I can’t just believe Alex could do such a thing to my son,
How dare he?”

“Don’t worry about that, ma’am…
He is already being arrested”
A cop said.

~(White House)~
(Eight hours later)
Ethan bath slept, and rested for eight hours at Marcel’s place. Marcel still refused to remove his mask.
Marcel walked to the living room. Four men were standing keeping watch of Ethan.
Ethan sat down at the diner table as he enjoyed his meal. He hasn’t eaten that kind of meal for a long time.
A smile was on his face.
Marcel walked to the diner table and sat down opposite him. His mask was still on his face.

“How are you feeling now?”
He asked.

“I feel good, thanks”
Ethan smile. Marcel smiles also rubs his hair.
“Thanks for saving me, Mr Marcel”
He said and Marcel was shocked.

“Am not Marcel”
Marcel replied.

Ethan smile.
“Stop the pretense, Mr. Marcel, I knew you were the one when you stepped in to save him”

Marcel sighs.
His son knows who he is.
“Alright, can you promise me one thing?”

“Yeah, am going to keep your secret, don’t worry Mr. Marcel”
Ethan replied already knowing what he wanted to keep a secret.

Marcel smile.
“Good boy”
He removed his mask and adjusted his rough hair.
“Never mention my name to anyone okay?”

Ethan nodded as he finished up his meal.
“Am also going to return the favor, for saving me twice.
You’ve been my angel”

Marcel blushes a little like a lady.
Rest a little and let’s get you home. Your mom will be really worried about you”

Ethan nodded and stood up rushing to the TV in the living room.
Marcel smiled seeing his son running around the house. It sparks some joy feelings in his heart.
He licks up his lips as he puts his hands in his pocket.
“I miss you, Lauren…
How I wish I could get my freedom fast and be with you both as a family”
He thought and pictured a happy family of himself, Lauren, and Ethan.
“Ethan Baker”
He muttered. “I miss the old him”
He wanted to walk away when Ethan came and old his hands.

“I have a question bothering my mind”
Ethan asked.

“What is it, son?
Marcel said and shot his mouth immediately. He knew he mistakenly said that.

“What happened to my dad?”
Ethan said.

Marcel wanted to hit himself but kept calm.
Why does he like to call Alex, dad, doesn’t he see that it hurt me very much?
He thought.
He forced a smile on his face.
“He has been taken to the hospital”
He replied.

Ethan nodded and walked back to the TV.
“I guess he doesn’t remember Alex saying am his dad”
He breathes a sigh of relief but some part of him wants Ethan to know he is his father.

(Royal London’s hospital)
Alex opened his eyes slowly and felt his hands handcuffed to the hospital bed iron part.
He sighed and looked around. Lauren and Ellie who had their hands folded were staring hard at him. He also saw Det Lewis who was just smiling at him…

“Welcome back to earth”
Det Lewis said.

Alex sighs.
*Where is Ethan?”
Lauren asked.

“I thought he would have gotten home by now”
Alex replied.

” What do you mean?
Ellie asked.

“Someone came to rescue him from Mr. George’s hands. Mr George and his children had to leave your son to him cos all guns were pointed at him”.

“What do you mean?
No one can ever point a gun at Mr George. He is a powerful man”
Det Lewis said.

“That’s what I thought… But this man did.
He came in with his men and overpowered us. One of his men shot me also.
To cut the story short, the man has your kid now”
Alex explained.

*Are you sure you are telling the truth? Or you are just playing us”
Ellie asked.

“At this stage, I have no reason for keeping the truth from you guys.
I have repented and I realize and regret my actions, so right now the best thing that can make him happy is finding Ethan safe and sound”
Alex said.

“Thanks for your information…
You will be discharged soon, the cops will take you to LPD”
Detective Lewis replied.

Lauren’s phone vibrates. A text entered.
πŸ’Œ”Your son is home safe”
You can come right away”πŸ’Œ
The text reads.
Lauren screamed.

“What happened?
Ellie asked. She showed the text to them.

“C’mon… Let’s go”
Det Lewis said and walked out. Lauren looked at Alex.

*I can’t believe you did this to me”
Lauren said and walked out with Ellie and followed Det Lewis.

“Am sorry”
Alex muttered. He rested back his head looked at the handcuffed hands and sighed.
His mind went back to the man in a mask.

~(Lauren’s residence)~
A car stopped in front of Lauren’s mansion.
Marcel and Ethan came out of the car.
Marcel sighed and looked around. “Your mom should be coming right now”

“Thanks for everything… And I promise you I will keep your secret safe”
Ethan said as he adjusted his πŸŽ’ backpack.

“Thanks… I will be on my way now”
Be safe”
Marcel replied and walked into his car. He noticed Lauren’s car and a cop’s car heading towards their way.
He quickly stepped in and drove off.

Ethan just stood there till Lauren’s car got to the house gate.
” Hi, mom”
Ethan smile.
Lauren and Ellie rushed out of the car. Lauren rushed to her son and carried him up, embracing him.
“Omg, Ethan …
Thank God you are safe and okay”
Am not going to leave you again, not anymore, and am going to sue that school”
Lauren began to lament as tears dropped from her eyes. She dropped Ethan to the ground.

Ellie hugged him also and rubbed his blonde hair.
“Am glad you are okay”

Lauren noticed new clothes on him.
“Where did you get this?”
She asked.

“The person who saved him bought me some new clothes”
He also fed me and bath me”
Ethan said.

Lauren looked at Ellie both wondering who could show that kind of kindness to a kid he barely knew.
Det Lewis walked to them…
“Hey, kid … Are you okay?

” Yeah, am fine…
Ethan nodded.

“Do you know who saved you?”
Det Lewis asked.

“No, just a man in a mask
Mom, I just want to rest please”
Ethan said knowing Det Lewis would try and question him again.

“C’mon baby, let’s go inside…
Lauren said and carried him in her arms. Ellie faces Det Lewis.

“Det Lewis, thank you so much for your time and your effort to make sure we find Lauren’s son”
Ellie thanked him.

“It’s our job, Ellie… am just looking for strong evidence to bring down Mr. George”
He smiles.

“Yeah, so can we question the kid some other day? He needs to rest now”
Ellie said.

“Yeah, I understand
I will be on my way now”
Det Lewis said and joined the other cops in the vehicle before driving off.

“We will be in touch”
Ellie muttered and walked inside to join Lauren and Ethan.

Earlier ago, Marcel had parked his car some distance away from Lauren’s residence. He was watching them the whole time and couldn’t control his joy when he saw Lauren hug Ethan.
“It’s going to be okay, boss.
Just a little time”
One of his men said.

“Yeah, just a matter of time.
I can’t wait to be them again”
He replied and ignited the car engine before driving off also.


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