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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️
Title:- Little mathematicians

~(Lauren’s residence)~
Lauren walked into the living room. Ellie was helping Ethan dress his wounds.
She covered it up with a new band-aid.
Ellie said and smiled.

“Thanks, Aunty Ellie…

“Can you get up now and let’s go?
You are late already”
Lauren said.

“Am coming, mom”
Ethan replied. He got down from the chair and rushed to finish up his breakfast on the diner table.

“Oh gosh, you are not done with your breakfast yet?”
Lauren asked.

Ellie walked to Lauren.
“So, have you seen Mr Ethan lately?

“Why do you ask?

“C’mon Lauren… Do you know why am asking
You two have been too close these days, right?

Lauren called surprisedly.

“Stop pretending, Lauren…
Isn’t that the reason for going to the date in the first place?
Mr. Ethan is perfect for you, you are both single parents”

“You’ve said this countless times, Ellie
Fine, I heard you… I think I might like him but Ethan whom I once loved still occupies my heart”.

“It’s simple, Lauren… Chase him out of your heart and accept a new Ethan into your heart”
Ellie replied.

Look, am just trying to give us time, trying to see if maybe things will work out between us.
And if it does, we are good to go”

“I understand, you don’t want to rush into things
You two have to understand yourself but please make it quick, I can’t wait to be the bridesmaid”

“Omg, Ellie…
What’s getting you in a hurry?”

Am late”
Ethan said from the diner table. He has been watching them talk for minutes.

“Omg, Ethan, am so sorry”
Lauren said and walked to him.
Ethan held his mom’s hands and took his backpack. They walked out including Ellie as Ellie closed the door behind them.

(Luke’s residence)
Jack suddenly walked into his living room.
“Hey, learn how to knock”
Luke said.

“Am sorry about that… I just don’t knock anymore.
I love to catch people unaware”
Jack replied and smiled.

“Old habits die hard…
What do you want? ”

Jack was surprised.
“I can’t believe you would say that”
Well, I got what you both want”
He said and gave him the drive. “I can do anything to impress Lucy”

“What’s this?
Luke stares at the drive.

“The video clip”

Luke quickly sat up.
“I thought our discussion was to ki|| Harry”

“Yeah, but I did the job you both can’t do. You once abducted him and gave him the torture of his life so you can retrieve this from him but I did it in less than twenty-four hours”
Jack said and folded his arms.

“The agreement was to ki|| Harry”

“There wouldn’t be a need for that anymore since I brought you what you want”
He replied.

” What if there is a copy somewhere?

“There isn’t…
I made sure the drive has the only video clip in it”

Luke sighs.
“It would have been better to just end his life”

“Well, I thought of it. I just want to avoid bloodshed for now and I don’t want to increase my ki|| count.
Just last month, I had a ki|| count of twenty people”

“Gosh, I knew you to be so brutal”
Luke said.

“Your sister made me one, she is my mentor”
He replied and they both laughed.
“So, I heard you were once the CEO of Linde Plc. I heard you didn’t use up to eight months before you were removed from the position”

“Well, those times, I had a strong contender and I couldn’t win”
Luke said.

“Against Lauren Quinn?
Lauren isn’t a strong contender, she is the softest enemy you have had”
I remember vividly, when we invaded her mansion years ago, made it look like she wanted to commit suicide”

Luke smile.
“We messed with her kitchen and hacked into her CCTV system, and also, we hit her with a gun when she called the cops”
Gosh, we have done a lot of bad things,

“Yeah, so what happened? How do you lose Linde Plc to her”
Jack asked.

“Ethan Baker was backing her up”

“He is dead now, why don’t you try again?
Lauren Quinn has no one to fight for her now”

“My dad had promised to get it for us when the time is due.. but for now, we have to let her enjoy it”
Luke replied.

“Okay then… But If you need my help, am here for you”

Luke nodded. Lucy walked in with some shopping bags.

Jack smiled as soon as he saw her.
“I guess someone visited the mart today”

You again”
Lucy groaned.

“What’s wrong?
Don’t you want me here?
Jack said and stood up. He walked to her and wrapped his hands across her waist.
“Have missed you”
Jack tries to kiss her but Lucy moves her head away a bit.

“Am tired, Jack…
Can you leave me alone for now?”
Lucy said and walked inside with the shopping bags.

“Lucy, did you buy what I texted you?”
Luke asked.

“Yeah, they are with me”
Lucy replied from the bedroom.

“Your sister doesn’t want me anymore… Why?”

“Do you expect things to be the same way you left them five years ago?
You left her for a long time, jack
She can’t just accept you back like that”
Luke replied.

“Let me go talk to her”
Jack said ready to follow her to the bedroom.

“No, please…
Luke quickly stopped him.
“Maybe some other time, am not in the mood to hear some uncomfortable MΓ΅@Ι² sounds”.

“Gosh, Luke…
Just go get a girlfriend, your sister is going to leave you soon”

~(West Sussegz, high school)~
“Good morning, class…
A man suddenly walked in.

Ethan and Katherine looked at themselves.
When do we have a new teacher?
Katherine asked. Ethan just shrugged.

Mrs Welson came in a little seconds later.
“Morning, class… This is Mr Saltzman, your new mathematics teacher
Mrs Welson, the class teacher said.

Everyone groaned with an unsatisfied look on their faces. Mrs. Welson faces him.
“You can take them now, I will be at my office”
She said and smiled before walking out and handing the class to him.

He cleared his throat.
“Just like Mrs. Welson said, My name is Marcel Saltzman, and I am your new mathematics teacher”
So, your previous mathematics teacher submitted your continuous assessment scripts to me before he left
Till now, I don’t know why he left this high-paying job.
He said and everyone laughed.

A joy was in his heart. He felt he had made the class lively again.
“So, it was said that many failed his class and just two people passed.
Katherine Baker and Ethan Quinn”
He read out their names from the list. He began to distribute the CA script.
“But things will be different now, everyone is going to pass during my tenure”
He said and gave Ethan his script before smiling like a happy father.

“What’s your grade?
Katherine asked.

Ethan shows it to her.
“An A+, 81/100 was written in bolding on his script.

Katherine was surprised.

“Can I see yours?

Katherine shows him her script. She also had an A+, 81/100

“Why do we have the same exact score?
Ethan asked but Katherine shrugged.
Marcel looks at Ethan again. He couldn’t believe his son would be smart like him.

“Alright, for today.. we are going to deal with algebra”
He said to the class and wrote it boldly on the board.

~(White House)~
“Omg, I thought we agreed it’s when you get your freedom”
The house manager asked as he sneaked Marcel back into his bedroom.

“I can’t just wait to see him..”
Marcel replied.
“Am sorry”

“Just be careful, your dad must not get to know or else you are stuck with him forever.
You are not going to see your son nor your sister”

“I understand, and am willing to take the risk”

“Fine, do wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you like but please don’t get caught”
The house manager replied.
So, how was it? You should have let me know you’ve been planning this before I even suggested the idea.

Marcel shrugged.

How do you get rid of the previous mathematics teacher? And why did you choose to teach mathematics?”
You could have chosen some other random subjects”

“Well, I offered the man a lifetime offer he can never reject and he accepted.
The reason I chose maths,?
That’s because I loved mathematics right when I was little and today I am happy my son is going to love maths like me”
He had the highest in a maths CA test today”

The house manager smiled.
“I guess your son also loves mathematics”

(Lauren’s residence)
“I h@Ε₯Δ› mathematics!
Little Ethan shouted from his reading table. He dropped his pen angrily on his homework book.
He couldn’t solve a mathematical calculation.

Lauren walked in.
“Baby, what’s wrong?

He called.
“Am sorry for shouting. This mathematics homework is really giving me headaches”

“Let me have a look at it”
Lauren walked to him. She took the book from the table and took a glance.
“Who in the hell gave you this hard question?
A third grader like you can’t solve this”

“Our new maths teacher”
Ethan replied. Lauren looked at him and back at the maths problem.

Is Ethan baker alive?πŸ€”πŸ€”
Who is Marcel?

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