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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️
Title:- Ethan and Jemmy

Ethan opened the door with his left hand and
gestured for Beth to leave but instead, Lauren
walked in looking sad.
She seems to overhear their conversation. Beth
was shocked to see Miss Lauren.

“We need to talk”
Lauren said cleaning a little drop of tears in her

What are you doing here?”
Ethan was surprised.

“I came to have some words with you…
She replied.

“Good evening, Miss Lauren”
Beth sent her greetings.

“Evening, Beth…
Why are you here?”

“Ethan and I are neighbors, we live next to each
She replied.

Can you excuse us?
Lauren said.

Beth quickly walks out of the house. Ethan
looked at Lauren. She looked angry and pissed.
Lauren closed the door herself and took a seat.
Ethan just watched her.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?
Ethan asked and sat down beside her.

“Beth is clearly in love with you”
She started.

“Yeah, am aware of that, but you and I know my
heart lies with you”
He replied.
“Why the sudden visit?”

“Have you dated once?
She suddenly asked leaving Ethan confused.

“Why the sudden question?
He asked.

“I just want to know more about you”
She replied.

“Okay? This is unusual…
Coming to my house and claiming to want to
get to know me more.
What’s going on?”

“Yeah, it’s a bad idea…
I need to go”
She said and stood up.

Ethan pulls her back.
“C’mon, don’t go…
I actually need to tell you something”

“Am all hears”
She replied.

“I once had a girlfriend three years ago but she
was murdered and I ki||ed her”
Ethan said as a tear fell from his cheek.

Lauren wasn’t surprised. Ethan also noticed it.
“It would have been better if I heard it from your
mouth first instead of from someone else”
Lauren said.
“You kept this from me, Ethan… Why??

“I wanted to tell you, but I was just… I don’t

“You made me divulge all my secrets and flaws
to you. You made me believe I could trust you”
But you couldn’t do the same”

“Am sorry… For hiding it from you
I have always wanted to tell you but you might
not trust me again, believing I ki||ed my

“Do you truly ki|| her?”
Lauren asked.

Ethan sighed and looked at her. He nodded.
“I did murder her”
He said words by words.

“You did murder her”
Lauren asked again to be sure.

Ethan nodded.

Lauren stood up and walked out.
“Lauren, wait…
Ethan called but she didn’t answer.

Ethan sighs and cleans his face with his palm.
“I knew this was going to happen”
He muttered.

(Luke’s residence)
“I think Ethan has given up on his thr_@t”
Lucy said as she walked into the living room
with a glass of wine.

Maybe he is facing some problems right now”

Lucy laughed.
“I guess so… But for now, Linde Plc is ours”
I knew Ethan Baker would be a small issue”

“Yeah… He is just a common thr_@t.
Luke replied.
“Also, I didn’t know Lauren was enjoying Linde
Plc all this while. I did little to no work yesterday
and the money the company made was

“I knew your lazy @zz won’t contribute anything
to the company… All those promises and oaths
you took in front of all the employees on your
swear-in day, I knew they were all false and fake
Lucy said.

Luke laughed.
“Yeah, you know me already…
Also, I have full access to the company’s bank
account and I can…

“Wait, please don’t tell me you make use of the
company’s money?”

“Yes, just some million dollars”
He replied.

“Omg, you are crazy”
Lucy was shocked and covered her mouth.
Their father walked in.

“That’s why I can never trust you with my
assets, you can even sell them all before I die”
Mr George said and walked to them.
They both kept calm.
“Stop all those stealing acts of yours or I pull
you down from the CEO’s position”.
He said and walked back to sit down.

“How about Lauren’s case Dad?”
Lucy asked.

“Am working on it.
The world already knows she is pregnant and
Alex is the father.
But that’s not all”
Mr George smiled.

“What are you planning Dad??
Don’t keep us in the dark”
Lucy said and walked to him.

“Lauren is going to feel it.
Alex is not there because I forced him there, we
had a deal”

“And what is his mission?”
Luke asked. He seems more interested.

“Falling in love with him…
From there, by marriage, all properties become
his and thereby giving us a hand in her assets”

“So why did you allow me to fight and struggle
for Linde Plc?”
Luke asked.

“Well, I see you are in a rush and you were not
patient enough”
His dad replied.

“Is this plan going to work?
Lucy asked and folded her arms.
What if Alex backstab us?”

“He can’t.. he knows the consequences. We
signed a deal and he knows what will happen if
he breaks it”
Mr. George replied.

“Okay then,
Lucy just nodded.

~(Linde Plc)~
(Recovery department)
“You are in love with him?”
Is that part of the plan?”
Lizzy asked.

“Am sorry ladies, I failed you”
Beth said sadly.

Everyone sighs.
“The plan was to bring and lure Ethan Baker to
the recovery department but instead you fall in
love with him?
What kind of love charm did he use on you?”

“It’s not easy, Ladies
I tried my best but still, he didn’t yield. I don’t
think he is going to leave the administration
Beth replied.

“So what’s going to happen now?”
Lizzy asked.

“I think it’s not going to work.. let’s just wait till
the company employs a male worker for us later
in the future”
Beth suggested.
Everyone looked unhappy.

(After work)
🎲 Administration office 🧩
Ethan packed all his stuff into his office bag.
His mind was somewhere else. All he could
think of was how Lauren was doing now, he
replayed how yesterday went with Beth trying to
seduce him and Lauren walking in to save him
from Beth.
“Hey, are you okay?”
He felt Jessica’s hands on his shoulder.

“Yeah, am fine…
He replied.

“Are you sure cos your phone was ringing and
you didn’t pick”
Jessica said.

Ethan checked the caller. It was his sister,
He rejected the call and placed the phone in his

“Are you not going to pick that?”
Jessica asked.

“It’s my sister, she has been really disturbing me
with calls, and I don’t have time for a long
conversation right now”
Ethan said tiredly and hung his office bag
across his shoulder.

“Wait a minute…
You had a sister?

I do”

“Wow… I would love to meet her”
Jessica replied.

“Well, that’s if she is back to the city cos she is
not in town right now”
He said.

“Anytime she is…
Give me a call”

“Why do you want to meet her so badly?”

“Who won’t want to meet the sister of the
handsome Ethan?”
Jessica asked.

Ethan just laughed.
“I will be on my way now, please…
Am tired and I need to get home to rest”
He said and walked out. Jessica sighed.

Ethan walked out of the Linde Plc building. His
phone rang.
“Oh gosh, not again… Hannah”
He muttered and checked the caller. It was an
unknown number.
Ethan was wondering who it could be.

He picked it up and placed it against his ear.

πŸ“ž”Ethan Baker speaking”
πŸ“žCan we meet now and talk?
Ethan heard a lady’s voice.

πŸ“žAm sorry who is this?”

πŸ“ž”The stripper at Dex Lounge”
She replied.

~Tasty and crispy restaurant ~
Ethan and the dex lounge stripper sat down and
had a conversation.
“Don’t you have a name?
It’s so weird knowing you as a stripper”
Ethan asked.

“Am Jemina Carson by name… But am called by
the name Jemmy in short”
She replied.

“Alright, Jemmy…
I was expecting your call after the last time we
met. Why did you choose to call now?”

“Well, let’s just say have been busy running
away from the shadow of Mr George”

“Am sorry about that…
I understand”
Ethan replied.

“Yeah, I called you here so we could help each
Jemmy said.

“How can we help each other?”

“I have a plan that can help the both of us”
Jemmy whispered into his ears.


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