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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

🎲🧩Linde Plc 🧩🎲
Ethan walked into the office building 🏢. He noticed he was being followed. He looked back but saw no one. He just shrugged it off and continued walking.
Beth smiled and waved at him from a corner

“Good morning Beth, I see you are early to work”
He said and walked to her.

Thanks for yesterday”

“Well, thanks for the dinner also”
Ethan replied.

“Can I come over again after work?”

Ellie walked into the building holding a pile of books and documents. She saw Ethan with Beth and made a sad face.
She began to watch them talking and noticed Beth was blushing and was flirting with Ethan. She quickly walked to them and pushed her.

Why not? We are neighbors”
Ethan said and suddenly Ellie came from nowhere and pushed Beth.

“Omg, am so sorry”
Ellie apologized. The books and documents fell and spread over the floor.

Beth was also on the ground.
“Am so sorry”
She helped Beth back up.

“You should have watched your road”
Ethan said.

“I’m sorry… I wasn’t looking.
Miss Lauren wants these books at her office immediately and had me rushing”

“It’s okay”
Beth said and walked away.

Ellie smiles seeing Beth walks away.
“So ??
Are you heading to the office?”


“Alright, let’s go…

“Let me help with some of the books”
Ethan said and picked some for her. He noticed all the books were novels.
“What do you think Lauren wants to do with this?”

“I have no idea…
Ellie replied.

(Lauren’s office)
Ethan came in and brought out his phone. He quickly took a snap when Lauren looked up.
“Hey, what was that for?”
Lauren asked.

“Can I have your phone?”
Ethan asked back.

What are you doing?”

“Am helping your social life, c’mon… Hand me the phone”

“There won’t be a need for that”
I don’t need a social account”

“Oh really??
What if your investors are trying to reach you on socials?”

“Ellie already handled that… We also communicate with them through Instagram”.

What if they need to speak with you directly?”
Ethan asked.
A knock sounds on the door.
Ethan quickly grabs her phone and moves back a bit.
Ellie came in as Ethan walked out.

“What’s going on?”
Ellie asked.

“He took my phone… He insists I have a social account which I don’t think it’s necessary”
Lauren replied.

“I guess Ethan is changing you these days”
Ellie said.

“In what way?”

“Never mind…
Ethan brought some books here right, so here are the rest”

“Yeah thanks for this”
Lauren replied.

“So what do you want to do with all this book?”

“I don’t think you need to know”

I can’t just bring some random books to your office without knowing why…
And it seems they are all about novels, romantic novels especially”

“Alright, fine…
I just want to know how to plan a date”
I promise to take Ethan on another date and I don’t know how. I also don’t want to ask him for help, it will…

“Yeah I understand”
Ellie replied and felt pained and heartbroken.
“Ethan was the one who took you on a date the last time?”

Can you help me now that you know what I want to do with the books?”

So you intend to find something relating to how a romantic date is being planned from some novels?”


Since you have me now, I don’t think we will be needing the novels anymore”
Ellie replied.
“I guess I have to ki|| the feelings I have Ethan then”
She thought.

“So are you going to help me instead?”

Ellie managed to say.

Some hours later ~
Two cops walked into Linde Plc, holding handcuffs. A random staff walked to them.
“What can I do for you officers?”
He asked.

“Can you show us the way to the administration office?”
One of the cops asked.

But is everything alright?”

“Please can you show us the way?”
The cop said with a strong face.

“Alright, follow me”

Jessica walked out of her office door when the staff came to her with two cops behind.
“Miss Jessica…
The cops right here are asking for the administration office”
The staff said.

” Okay…
Is there any problem? Officers”
Jessica asked. The staff walks away leaving the cops to her.

Is this the administration office?”

As soon as she said that, the two cops rushed inside. Stephan and Ethan were still busy with office work on their table.

“Which one of you is Ethan Baker?”
The other cop asked.

Ethan waved his hand.” I’m Ethan Baker… Is there any problem?”

“Yes, you are being arrested”
The other cop walked to him with handcuffs.

Stephan and Jessica were surprised.
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
Jessica asked but the cops didn’t seem to mind her questions.

“Ethan Baker… You have the right to remain silent or anything you say now can be used against you in a court of law. You also have the right to an attorney and if you don’t have one, one will be provided for you”
The cop said and held Ethan’s both hands circling them with the handcuffs.

Stephan just smiled.
“I guess you’ve done something bad again”

“Can I at least know my offense?
Ethan asked as he was being dragged out.

“Don’t worry, Ethan… Hang in there”
Jessica said before they walked out of sight.

“I told you Ethan Baker is a bad person… Now do you see…

“Will you just shut the f-__-k up?”
Jessica interrupted him shouting angrily at him.

Stephan put his both hands up to his head height, revealing his two palms.
I’m not going to say any other thing. I’m just going to watch till he destroys Linde Plc”

Jessica sighs, trying to calm down her nerves before going to miss Ellie and Lauren Quinn to tell them about Ethan’s arrest.

~Briston Police Department (BPD)~
Det Lewis came in and was surprised to see Ethan Baker being handcuffed. He sat on one of the seats near the prison cell.
“How did he end up here?”
Det Lewis asked one of the cops.

“Captain Dwayne orders his arrest”
The cop replied.

Why? What offence has he committed? I always see him as a good guy”

“I think he was arrested for murder”
The cop replied.

Another police officer walked to Ethan and stood him up. He dragged him to a prison cell and pushed him inside locking the iron gate.
Det Lewis was surprised.
He added and walked away to make a phone call to Lauren Quinn.

(Some hours later)
Ethan was dragged into the captain’s office. Mr Dwayne folds his hands expecting Ethan to come in.
Ethan was pushed inside the office still in handcuffs. His face was quiet.
He didn’t say a word since he got here.
“Welcome, Ethan Baker… You can have a seat”
Captain Dwayne said trying to be nice.

The cop beside Ethan sees he isn’t ready to sit and that sounds like a disrespect for his boss. He pushed him down to have a seat.

“Why am I being arrested?
Ethan finally said something.
“Have been arrested and kept in that trashy cell for hours without no one telling me my crime”

Captain Dwyane sighs.
“The reason you are arrested is because you committed a murder some years ago”
He said. Ethan looked shocked. His mind went blank and all he could see was the captain’s face.
He regains himself seconds later.

“What did you just say?

“You heard me right”

“Wha… Whe..
He stutters. He relaxes for a second and continues with his words.
“How am I the murderer? Was I framed?”

“You murdered your fiancee three years ago”
Well, the police now have a piece of concrete evidence against you, so I don’t think you are escaping this”

“Can I see the evidence you cops find?”

“No, it’s confidential for now to protect both the evidence and the witness”
You shall know in Court”

Ethan just shakes his head. He doesn’t know what to do.
So why did you call me here?”

“Yeah, I forgot…
Someone in the high class wants to have some words with you, I think they are happy you are arrested also,”
He said and looked at the cop in front of him.
“Let them in”

“Alright Sir”
The cop said and walked to the door.

Linde Plc
(Lauren’s office)
“Yeah I heard about his arrest”
Lauren said over the phone with Det Lewis.
“Why was he arrested?”

Ellie came in.
“What? For murder?
How is that possible? Ethan has never murdered someone”
Lauren’s heart began to race.

Ellie was surprised.

“Yeah… Do you know Ethan Baker so well? ”
Det Lewis asked.

“Yeah, for some months now”
Lauren said with a sad face.

“Well, I think he committed that crime three years ago”
He replied.
The phone fell from Lauren’s hands. It seems she is unable to breathe.

Ellie rushed to her.
“Lauren… Are you okay?”

Lauren was finding it difficult to breathe.
“No, I’m not… I need my inhaler, please”
Check my table drawers”

Ellie quickly rushed to the drawers, opened it, and checked through. As soon as she saw it, she grabbed it and rushed back to Lauren, giving her the inhaler.
Lauren inhaled the content till her mind began to relax.

Ellie breathed a sigh of relief.
“I think we need to see the doctor… I don’t think your health is stable right now, especially with the baby you are carrying in you”
Ellie said noticing the baby bump.

“No, we have to visit the BPD now, Ethan needs our help”
Lauren replied and managed to stand up.

“Really?? Lauren…
Your health is at stake right now, we need to visit the hospital. Ethan’s case can be sorted later”

(Back at BPD)
Two people walked in.
“Nice to see you again”
The captain said with a smile on his face.

“Nice to see you also”
Ethan heard a female voice. He looked back and sighed disappointedly seeing Lucy and Luke.

“Not again”
Ethan mittens. Luke smiled and walked to his front. Ethan looked up and stared at his dress, admiring the tuxedos he wore.
“What do you want this time?

“We came here to see you?”
Luke replied. Lucy stared at Ethan scanning his face.

Is this the so-called Ethan? The one who backs Lauren Quinn? ”
Lucy asked.


Lucy smiled and walked to him. She caresses his shoulder.
“You didn’t tell me he is this cute and handsome”
Lucy said admiring him.

“Well, so nice to meet your ugly face”
Ethan also said.

“Hey, calm down…
You don’t have to call me ugly, I don’t look back”
She replied obviously flirting with him.

Captain Dwayne made a cough.
“Alright, I think am going to excuse you all now”
He said and walked out of the office.

After he is gone, silence rules for a minute. Ethan used that period to picture everything that has happened so far.

“So you guys are behind it?” You are the reason am being arrested”
Ethan asked and scoffed.

“Well, you find out soon enough”
That’s great”
Luke replied.

“Why did you do this? What do you want from me?”

“You brought this upon yourself”
Lucy replied.
“But we can save you”

Ethan laughed.
“So you made fake evidence to get me arrested just for me to beg and fall at your feet for my release?”

“Hmm… That’s also right
But that’s not why we did that”
Lucy replied and held his chin, putting his face up.
“We did this because we want a leveled ground”.

“And what’s that? What do you want?
Ethan asked and later smiled. He moved his head from Lucy’s fingers.
“You want back the videos I have of you, right?”

“Nice guess…
Can we have it?”
Luke asked.

I am not giving it back, never”

“Oh I see you are so stubborn”
Giving it back is going to get you released today. The cops will forget about the murder case and you are a freeman”.
And also, note this…
“It’s just you, my sister and I that knows what really happened to your fiancee
She died in your hands the night you stabbed her”

Ethan became scared. “How come they get to know about that?”
He thought.

Lucy and Luke.
“We also know your secret, Ethan”
Lucy smile.


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