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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Melting His Icy Heart…)

Chapter 39&40

THEME; Making Him Fall.


Gbemi Writes ✍️


“How’s it going? Did the video pull up likes like
you wanted?” Susan asked her sister Darcy.

“It did! The likes are amazing and am sure that
when I submit it for the bid, it will be excellent.
That Whitney lady did well by pulling that scene,
it’s just so real and romantic” Darcy said which
got Susan letting out a sigh.

“Are you okay?” Darcy asked knowing about her
sister feelings for Logan.

“It felt like a real wedding. I really thought I was
getting married to Logan until Whitney showed
up” Susan said sadly.

“I think it’s time you let go of your feelings for
Logan. Am sure that you will be able to find
some one who will love you for you” Darcy said.

“You think so? I don’t even think that am
capable of loving some one else” Susan said

“You can and you will. Am thinking of
expanding in Australia after the bid, you should
come along with me. A new city which is far
from Logan will certainly give you the peace
you need” Darcy suggested.


“You said what?” Mary let out in shock.

“You heard me perfectly” Romeo said and that
got Mary hitting his desk in anger.

“You can’t break it off with me. You belong to
me!” Mary said.

“Belong to you? I doubt that” Romeo replied.

“You can’t do this to me. Without my help you
won’t get the necessary treatment for your
cancer and you will lose your position at work

“I don’t care. Am willing to throw all that away if
it will get you out of my life” Romeo said in

“This is because of her right? You are doing this
just to get that filthy Whitney!”

“I am. It’s never been hidden to you that it’s
Whitney I love, you’ve known about it from day
one so don’t you yell at me” Romeo said as he
got out of his seat.

“You can’t do this to me Romeo, you just can’t”
Mary said as she quickly walk round his desk to
take hold of his hand.

“If you choose to stay with her then you will lose
every thing but with me you will get to have
every thing. Don’t you know that if you stop your
treatment your cancer will worsen? Don’t do this
Romeo, don’t put your life at stake just so you
can stay with Whitney” Mary pleaded as she
tried to convince him.

“Am willing to take a risk for Whitney. Have
been too hesitant and I even pushed her away
but I can’t do it anymore. If I don’t have enough
money to get cured and I end up dying, I will
know that I spent a bit of time with the girl I
love” He told her with intent.

“You really want to push through with this
right?” Mary asked.

“Have made up my mind” Romeo answered.

“You are a fool!” Mary said before leaving his

Since he’s told Mary about it, it’s time for him to
speak to Whitney.

He began his search for Whitney but she was no
where to be found.

His search got him to the hospital entrance
where he saw a land rover pulling to a halt in
front of him.

“We are here” Logan said to Whitney who
quickly pulled off the seat belt.

“Thanks, I will see later” she said wanting to
leave but he pulled her back.

“A goodbye kiss ” he said softly and that earned
him a smile from her.

Leaning towards him, she wanted to give him a
kiss on the cheek but he turned to her and kiss
her on the lips.

“That’s cheating!” Whitney said when he let her

“Cheating is allowed when it comes to kissing
the girl I love. Isn’t that Elizabeth out there?” He
said and when she turn to take a look he quickly
gave her another kiss on the cheek.

“Logan!” Whitney said as she touch her face.

“Get going or you will be late for class” he said
as they both got out of the car.

She blew a kiss his way before running into the
building failing to notice Romeo who was

But Logan did notice Romeo and for a while
both men stared silently at each other.

“Whitney looks happy. Did you do some thing to
make that happen?” Romeo asked knowing
what Logan answer will be.

“If you’ve been standing here for a while then
you would have seen what happened between
us and yes. Whitney is happy and that’s
because we are finally together” Logan said and
that got Romeo clenching his hand in anger.

“Are you saying that you two are dating?”
Romeo asked slowly.

“We are and so I suggest that you move on from
her just like she did with you” Logan said as he
turn to leave but what Romeo said next made
him stop.

“I broke it off with Mary ”

“You did what?” Logan asked.

“I broke things off with Mary and since am free
now, I intend to win Whitney’s love” Romeo

“A love which is no longer yours since Whitney
is now in love with me ” Logan stated.

“I don’t care. You knew Whitney was in love with
me and yet you went after her so you won’t
mind if I do the same right?” Romeo ask.

“You will only be wasting your time” Logan
replied with conviction.

“We shall see ” Romeo added before going into
the hospital leaving Logan starring after him.

Later that day, Whitney got back home feeling

Just to get her professor to let her write her
exam, she’s been following him around the
whole day.

She went straight to the sofa to lay on it feeling
very tired to say hello to Logan.

“Tired?” Logan asked as he approach her.

“Very” she answered.

“Then you should get some rest” he said and
that got her turning to stare at him.

“The thing is that am too tired to walk, why don’t
you take me to my room” she said as she raise
her hand towards him.

Chuckling softly, Logan bent towards her and
immediately she wrap her legs around his waist
and held onto his neck while he carried her up
the stairs.

“You feel nice” she muttered as she snuggled
close to him.

“And you feel soft” Logan replied before giving
her a light kiss on the throat.

She shut her eyes feeling at ease but as soon as
they got to the room, the ease she felt flew out
through the window.

“Why am In your room?” She asked as he slowly
let her down.

“Erm….since we are together now it isn’t right to
use separate rooms which is why have decided
to let us share my room” he said having a
innocent look on his face.

“What dirty thing do you have in mind?” Whitney
asked as she move away from him and towards
the door.

But as soon as she open the door to leave, he
got there to close while leaning against the
door having a naughty smirk on his face.

“Don’t you dare, Logan” she said knowing what
he was thinking.

“Logan!” She yelled when he began to pursue

She kept running from him until he manage to
capture her.

The both of them fell on the bed with Logan on
top of her while she layed below starring at him.

“What are you up to?” Whitney asked a smile
appearing on her face.

“What do you think am up to?” He asked in
return as he kiss her expose throat which kept
giving him a turn on.

“Have been celibate for seven years and it’s only
right that you put me out of my plight” he added
lightly and that got her gulping down nervously.

“I think it’s a bit early to get into that and….”

“Why? There’s nothing bad in us making love ”
he stated.

“But still I….”

“Kiss me ”


“Kiss me or should I take the lead?” Logan
suggested and not giving her time to give a
reply, he kissed her softly on the lips.

He moved away to stare down at her and when
she said nothing, he kissed her again and this
time Whitney couldn’t help but to wrap her arms
around his neck, pressing his body close to her
while he deepened the kiss.

His hands went to her B-__-bs and she couldn’t
help but to gasp into his mouth as he kept
ravishing her lips.

He move away to pull off her top when they
heard the door bell.

“Let’s ignore it” Logan suggested as he went
back to kissing her but when the door bell kept
ringing consistently, Whitney had to stop them.

“Fine then, I will go check it out. Wait here for
me” Logan instructed before leaving the room.

The bell kept ringing as he got downstairs and
as soon as he open the door, Susan gave him a

“I can’t do it, Logan. I just can’t get you out of
my head” she said softly.

Logan pulled her away front him ” Are you
drunk, Susan?” Logan asked.

“Am not…well I only had a little but am sober
enough to stand on my own” she said just as
she staggered and would have fallen if Logan
hadn’t held onto her.

“Oh! Am really drunk” she said as she grin up at
him foolishly. ” I love you Logan, I love you so
much” she added and before Logan could stop
her, she gave him a kiss on the lips.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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