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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Melting His Icy Heart…)

Chapter 25&26

THEME; Making Him Fall.


Gbemi Writes ✍️

Unedited chapter ? expect some errors ❗❗❗


As soon as Logan made it to the hospital, Ben was waiting for him at the entrance.

“Why are you here? After all you said you aren’t interested” Ben mock slightly.

“Am not in the mood for your jokes” Logan warned.

“I am too. They are in there conversing with the devils and just as that nurse told me they are all freaking hot” Ben said really hating the fact that those kids are all hot.

“Now, hang on a sec. I understand that am here for Whitney but what are you here for ?” Logan asked.

“Whitney’s friend” Ben replied.

“I don’t know how it happen but I think she’s the girl have been waiting for my whole life” Ben answered and that got Logan laughing.

“Weren’t you the one who told me weeks ago that you will never ever fall for any one. How words change” Logan mock before going into the hospital.

Ben led him to where the programme was being held and Logan wouldn’t deny that the guys with them are exactly how Ben described them.

“You want to take us out?” Elizabeth said to one of the three guys standing with them.

“Of course. Perhaps a karaoke will do the trick” the guy replied staring at Whitney who was quiet.

“They plan to take them out on a karaoke. What do we do? They might fall for those freaks” Ben said in agitation.

“Not the Whitney I know” Logan replied as he clench his fist before moving towards them.

“Well hello. Good seeing you here” Logan said as he put his arm around Whitney who was startled to see him.

“And who might you be?” One of the three guys asked Logan.

“A friend” Whitney answered hurriedly but Logan had some thing else in mind.

“Honey, it’s unfair of you to go around telling your friends that am just a friend to you when you know am more than that” Logan said suddenly and that got Whitney starring at him.

What has gotten into him? She thought as she tried to pull out of his hold but he tightened his hold on her.

“You see, am her fiance. She tends to be shy to tell people about us ” Logan told the guy that asked with a fake smile on his face.

“Fiance? Isn’t she young for an old man like you?” The other asked which got them laughing.

“Being twenty seven isn’t what I will call old” Logan answered wishing he could smash one of their doll face.

“Twenty seven to us is what we refer to as old. Don’t tell me you prefer older guys, Whitney?” The third guy mocked and feeling protective of Logan, Whitney held onto Logan arm.

“Yes. To me older guys are more handsome and realiable and besides you guys date older women, so what’s wrong with me doing it?” Whitney asked giving them the shut up they deserve.

Logan felt giddy with excitement. Hearing the way Whitney defended him made him feel so proud.

“Let’s not fight guys” Eilzabeth said when she felt the animosity brewing between them.

“Why would I fight? My mother taught me that it isn’t right to hurt an older person” The first guy who was starring at Whitney spoke still mocking Logan.

“So, does your offer to go to Karaoke still stand?” Elizabeth asked.

“It still stand only if he doesn’t want us to go” the first guy said glaring at Logan.

“Why would I stop my girl from having fun, I might as well have fun too” Logan added.

“You don’t mind that my friend and I tag along right?” Logan asked which got the guy angry.

“I don’t ” He answered as he walk off while his two friends followed.

“Am sorry for what he said” Whitney apologised.

“Why should you be sorry? It’s his freaking mouth that won’t stop blabbering ” Logan replied which got her laughing.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Elizabeth asked suddenly and that got Whitney doing the intro.

“So you are the guy who have completely fallen for my best friend?” Elizabeth teased and that got Logan starring at Whitney.

She had had to make up that lie since Elizabeth kept asking about him.

“Yes. I am and I don’t know when she will return my love for her” Logan replied starring at Whitney who was also starring.

His intent look got her looking away. She didn’t know why but his words felt some how real to her, she thought as she felt hot.

“Gosh! You didn’t tell me that he’s this charming and handsome” Elizabeth teased.

Ben cleared his throat loudly which got the three of them starring his way.

“Is he your friend?” Elizabeth asked.

” Yes. A close friend of mine “Logan replied.

“And since am a close friend of Logan, you should know that am not a playboy” Ben replied.

“Like I care. Let’s go” Elizabeth said as she pulled Whitney off while Ben and Logan followed.

“Do you think she’s playing hard to get?” Ben asked Logan.

“I don’t know. You are the expert when it comes to this stuff” Logan replied making Ben feel worse.


While two of the hot guys had fun singing with Elizabeth and Ben.

Whitney, Logan and the first guy who showed an interest in Logan sat watching them.

“Won’t you take the mic?” The guy asked wanting to stir up trouble again.

“Why aren’t you doing it?” Logan asked in return.

“Cause I want to talk to Whitney” The guy answered.

“What do you have to talk to me about?” Whitney asked.

“It’s personal. Can’t he give us some space?” The guy said glaring at Logan.

“No. Sorry dude but my girl has got nothing to say to you” Logan replied which angered the guy.

“At this rate people might think that we are really a couple” Whitney whispered to Logan.

“Isn’t that the deal we made?”

“It isn’t. Am only to pretend to be your fiancee for your mom sake while you do it to help me get Romeo” She whispered in return.

“Ahh…Romeo. I doubt that he was on your mind when you agreed to come here with these moron” Logan let out in anger.

“I might be in love with Romeo but that doesn’t stop me from having fun” Whitney softly replied.

“Fun? You call these fun?” Logan asked.

“It might not be the kind of fun you are used to but it is to me. We only live once and it’s only right that we enjoy our youth. You should too” she advice which got him snorting her way.

“Talking about youth to say that am old?” Logan asked.

“I didn’t mean that. To me you aren’t old, you are handsome, cute and if you smile more am sure you can get a lot of girls lining up for you. So you aren’t old” She replied and Logan couldn’t help but to smile.

“See! You look very handsome when you smile,so smile often ” she said.

“And what do I get in return if I smile often?” He asked.

“What do you get as in how?” The confused Whitney asked.

“Will you be my girlfriend for real then?”he asked suddenly.

“Is that another plot from Ben up coming movie? I won’t let you get me this time” she said as she went back to eating the pizza they ordered.

“Am I allowed to talk to you now?” The other guy who have been watching the two for a while asked.

“What do you have to say? Am all ears” Whitney said but he shook his head.

“I will wait outside for you” he said as he left the room.

“Are you really going to go with him?” Logan asked.

“He only wants to talk and that’s all, I will be back soon” She said before leaving the room.

As soon as Whitney got outside, the guy took hold of her hand and pulled her into a dark corner where he tried to force a kiss on her.

“Are you crazy! Let go of me!” She yelled as she fought him off.

“Have been eyeing you for a long time and you pretended not to know and now you tell me you are with that guy. Someone older than you? I might as well get what I want from you and leave the rest for him” he said roughly still trying to force a kiss on her.

Suddenly he was pulled away from her and when she open her eyes it was to see him lying on the floor while Logan stood over him.

“Guys like you are always up to no good” he said as he gave him a kick.

“Since am older than you, I have a right to hit you right. Want me to show you how an older man hits a child?”Logan asked and the guy shook his head.

“Then get lost while am being nice” Logan growled at him which got him running away.

“Are you okay?” Logan asked Whitney who was still shaken up.

She nodded in reply but when she tried to walk, her leg failed her.

“Let me carry you” Logan offered and when he was about to do just that Whitney screamed at him to watch out but he couldn’t have dodge the bottle which the guy broke on his head.

Letting out a sigh, Logan turned towards him and gave him a beating which got him losing conciousness.

“Are you okay?” Whitney asked as soon as he finish the beating.

“I don’t know ….my head feels fuzz………” He manage to say before fainting on the floor….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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