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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE AND DUTY – Episode 4

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?(Unforseen Love Story)?

Episode 4



By : Kebby NG Media Services


“Iris is my fiancee and I love her. I would not have proposed to her if I didn’t study her. I have known her for four years and I can say, she is a good person.

I am assuring you that she is a good person and you will love her just give her a chance”. Elias tried to persuade the twins

“We gave her a chance but she blew it” Draco said

“Give her another one, guys I would not want a situation where my siblings and wife will quarrel each day” He said

“Then don’t marry her” Draco said

“I love her”. He blunted

“You really want to marry that witch?” Diana ask

“Diana watch your language we are talking about my fiancee” He scolded with a frown.

“And we are your siblings.” Diana replied

“For once just try to see things from our point of view and stop justifying that girl called Iris” she added.

“Maybe I will when you stop acting all rude towards her and for your information I am pushing through with the wedding” He said and turned to walk away

“And we are not attending that wedding” Draco said

“With or without you I will marry Iris and you both will accept her” he replied

“I will take you guys to school after breakfast so hurry” He added with an expressionless face

“Breakfast is ruined” Draco uttered folding his hand on his chest

“Diana” he called giving her the ‘are you eating or not look?’

“Same here I might just puke” she said and pushed the plate on the center of the table with the tip of her finger

“Good I will go get some files and we are leaving” With that been said he walked away

“What just happened?”Diana asked no one in particular as she found everything unbelievable.

“Our loving brother just turned into a villain” Draco replied

“We are leaving, now!” Elias said as he walked towards the door.

Diana shook her head sadly while Draco sigh before they followed him.


“Good morning Romima” Tina Romima friend not best but just friend and secretary greeted as she walked past her desk

“Morning” she replied her greeting.

“There is something you should know before you go into your office” Tina blunted making her stop on her track with her hand on the door knob

“Which is?”She urge her to go on.

“Your brother came here yesterday and forced his way into your office” She reported

“What? And you let him in? Why would you do that?!” Romima bombard her with questions.

“Well, not really” she played with her fingers nervously, “I tried to stop him but he forced his way in and dropped something on your desk, he said if anyone tried to move it except you that…”. She trailed off.

” Speak Tina! “Romina demanded.

“It would go off.., that’s it is a bomb” She completed

“And you believed him?”Romima scoffed and walked into the office.

Just like Tina said a box was on her desk, she opened it and it exploded filling the floor and table with dust.

“That bastard”. Romina mumbled as she dust her skirt which was now covered in dirt.

“That brother of yours is unbelievable Tina said as she coughed

Romina phone rang and it displayed “BASTARD” in a capital letter it was Neil.

“The devil is calling” Romima said before picking up

” Got my surprise?” Neil ask over the phone immediately Rachel picked up

“Yes and I was not surprised that you still act like a kid, what was I expecting from my bastard little bro?” She ask rhetorically

Neil wanted to yell that he was not a kid but he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.

” Well I would not lose my guard if I were you, it just a sand today tomorrow it might be a bomb” he said

” I will wait for that day and I should remind you that you will have no company to claim if you bomb it” she said

” You are right but I won’t be the only person you won’t either” he said

” I have an important meeting, I will chat with you later” she said before ending the call

As soon as Tina saw that she was done talking she said. “He keeps playing stupid games look at what he wrote” She gave Romina a piece of paper that was found in the box.

* Watch your back*

“Get the cleaner and the next time you let Neil in here don’t bother to inform me just type your resignation letter cause you will be fired”. She said

” I didn’t let him in he forced his..”

Romima interrupted her. “I don’t care Tina”

“Sorry ma’am” She bowed before leaving.

Romina stared at the paper again before typing something on her phone.

She did a quick check on everything doctor Nathan sent and found out that Elias is getting married.

“He will get me out of this mess” she muttered to his picture before pressing the minimize button on her phone.

She dialed a number and placed the phone on her ear as soon as it started ringing.

“Ma’am” a hoarse voice spoke

“Do you still do your thing?” She asked

“Yes who is the target?” The man asked

” A groom” she answered with a smirk

“Send the usual” the man said and she ended the call.

She sent his name, picture, his wedding location and time to the number she just called with a sum of five million dollars.

‘Once mom is save Neil will be out of the picture’ She thought with a smile

“Ma’am”A lady knocked on the door

“Come in” she said and the lady walked in with a mop and bucket.

“Make it fast.” Romina said before she walked out of the office.

“Tina send the documents that needs my signature to the board room I will be staying there until she’s done cleaning” She said with her hand placed on the laptop

“Okay”. Tina nodded as she arranged some documents

***** Two weeks later

Iris was checking herself out in the long mirror in front of her. She was dressed in her white ball wedding gown.

“Excuse me miss have you seen my fiancee?”Elias asked standing by the door

“Elias you are here”. She smiled staring at him through the mirror. “How do I look?”

“Do I know you? I am looking for my fiancee and you are much more beautiful than her” He said pretending not to know her

“Quit the joke”She said turning to face him. ” Tell me, how do I look?”

“You look adorable babe” Elias complimented as he moved closer to her

“Thanks sweetheart”She blushed

“I can’t believe I will be getting married to this angel in front of me” He said

“You better believe it” She utter hitting his chest playfully

He was about to say something when his phone rang.

He picked it up after excusing himself.

“Doctor we have an emergency” one of the junior doctor panicked over the phone

“I am on my way” he said and turn to Iris

“I’m sorry babe but I need to go there’s an emergency in the hospital” He said

“I hope there won’t be any tomorrow” she said with a frown, obviously angry

Elias didn’t understand why she was angry when he was going to save a life. She was aware of his profession before she accept his proposal now she’s mad at him for wanting to save a life.

“Babe”He call seductively

“Just go” she said literally pushing him away

“Are you angry?” He ask

“I might be if you stay here longer” she replied

He wanted to kiss her but she turned away, he sigh before muttering. “I love you.”

She refused to turn around until she heard the door lock


“How’s Mom?”Romina ask nanny Gloria as she bump into her. Nanny Gloria was coming from Nikita’s room( Romina’s mom)

“She’s okay, just the usual” She shrugged

“Did doctor Nathan drop by?” She ask

“Yes and he was surprised that the NEW DOCTOR has not resumed” she said emphasising on the word new doctor

“Didn’t I tell you about that incompetent doctor?” She asked.

“Yeah I remember, I will just go and prepare your lunch” She said and Romima mouthed a thank you

“Is everything ready? ” Romima ask over the phone as she walked into Nikita’s room

” Yes ma’am” the man at the other side of the line answered

“I want a clean and nice Job” She said

“Sure” the man said and she end the call.

“It’s just a matter of days mom, he will be here and you will be fine”. She said to her mother

‘How sure are you that he is not like Nathan?’ Her subconscious ask

“I just want to have faith in him” She replied in a calm tone but within seconds her expression changed. “But if he isn’t I will chop off Nathan’s ball”

She turned to Nikita. “It’s fair right, he played with me once I should teach him a lesson if he repeat it. I have your support, don’t I mom?”

She knows she won’t get an answer but she likes talking to her.
T. B. C?

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