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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE AND DUTY – Episode 15

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?(Unforeseen Love Story)?

Episode 15



By : Kebby NG Media Services


“I asked a question guys! Where did you get this?” Iris repeated starring at the VR disgustingly. “We bought it,” Diana answered.

“Are you kidding me right now? Where did you get the money?” She asked. “We don’t work do we?” Draco asked.

“We don’t,” Diana replied. “So it couldn’t have been from our salary,” he said. “Neither do we have a brother to give us allowance,” Diana added.

“We actually had one but you kidnapped him,” Draco said. “We got the money from your account!” Diana yell.

“What do you do for a living?” Draco asked. “Excuse me?” She snapped.

‘Do you sell human organs or run some drug syndicate?” Diana asked. “You have so much money in your account,” Draco blurted.

“How I get my money is none of your business and you are going to stop spending my money,” she said in a strict voice but they only stared.

“It can’t be!” Diana suddenly exclaimed. “Don’t give me that creepy look,” Iris retorted.

“Did you sell Elias? Or was it his organs?” Diana asked. “Stop making things up! I didn’t kidnap your brother and I don’t do illegal stuffs,” she spat.

“Why should we believe you, you depend on Elias before he went missing. You suddenly became rich after his disappearance,” Draco stated.

“I don’t owe you guys an explanation so back off!” She scream and made to walk away when Draco blocked her way.

“You got into a fight? Look at those bruises,” he clicked his tongue in pity. “Just want to say bruises suit you,” he said and went to the room.

“You did it intentionally didn’t you?” Diana asked. “You think I hurt myself? Stop thinking like a kid, what am I saying? You are a kid,” she spat and Diana frowned.

“First, I am not a kid. Second, I don’t give a d@mn about your bruises, I was talking about breakfast. You did not prepare ours intentionally,” she said glaring at her.

“What if it was?” Iris scoff. “I knew it, you didn’t prepare ours because you are a terrible chef,” she said.

“I once prepared your dinner remember and you compliment it,” Iris smirked in victory.

“Wh@ťěver I said that night was a slip of tongue and I am sure Elia helped you,” she said and disappeared into the room before she could say anything.

“Should I consider letting them go?” She asked no one as she dragged her feet to her room.

She thought of checking up on her mom but seeing the bruise on her face, and getting worked up is the last thing she wants.

She sat in front of the dressing mirror staring at the small cuts on her face, as she raised her hand to touch it the image of what happened earlier rushed to her memory.

It hurts like it just happened and tears thr_@tens to fall from her eyes. She went to take her bath, then applied an ointment on it before taking some pain ki||er.

Her mind drifted to the account the twins were spending from, it was a joint account with her ex boyfriend.

He has been sending money to her for the past years, she refused to spend it. He has not shown his face to her why show his money, she wondered how much is really in that account.

‘Those brats said its much, could it really be? Should I convince them to let me use the money in search of their brother?’ She thought and shook her head in disagreement instantly.

“I would rather beg than use his money, those brats should spend it all,” she said out loud.


“Your mom?” Elias asked and she nodded. “You don’t have a mom…. my apologies, I didn’t meant that, I meant….. she is missing,” he blurted

Everyone in town knows that story, the CEO of RGC died in a car accident design his wife body was not found.

“She is not missing,” she stated. “If she is not missing then why are you searching for her?” He asked.

“I had to do that to clear peoples of doubt of me being irresponsible,” she answered. “I don’t understand you,” he stated looking all confused.

“My mom fell into coma after the accident, I took her to a hospital immediately I found her unconscious body. The doctors tried to retrieve her but they could not.

I had to sent for our family doctor, he suggest we bring her home. She has been in a bed for four yesrs, breathing with the aid of machine.

She looks more like a corpse and it break my heart, I know you can save her. I need you to, I need my mom to stand on her feet again,” she explained.

He felt sorry for her, it must have been so hard pretending to be fine when you just a to break down and let it all out.

“Why did you kidnap me then? You could have approached me, and I would have agreed to help, this is not necessary,” he motioned at the room as he said his last sentence.

“I don’t trust you, only two people is aware of my mom’s condition apart from me, our family doctor and my nanny. I was afraid of letting someone else into the picture, I had no idea if I could trust you.

What if you spill my secret? It would not be cool, I was desperate and kidnapping you was the only way I could think of to save my mother’s life and kept my secret,” she replied.

He continued eating not saying a word. “Aren’t you going to say something?” She asked. “I’m short of words,” he replied.

“Are you going to help my mom?” She asked. “Is there another way to get out of here faster?” He asked and she shook her head to say no.

“Then it’s a yes,” she said and he nodded. “We should hurry with this, I have some works to finish,” she said rushing the food.

He smiled as he watched her devour the food, he ate silently as the thought of seeing his siblings flash in his mind.

He was determined to do everything in his power to treat the woman so that he can leave that place.

After dinner Romina took the plates to her room, she sat on her reading table and brought out a white $h|t of paper. She designed a wrist watch on it, she sighed after finishing it.

“Good,” she muttered with a smile as she stared at it.

Romina took her breakfast to Cisco’s room with her mother’s medical history, he was already up when she go there.

He helped her with the tray of food, he dropped it on the table, “good morning,” he greeted.

“Morning,” she replied. “Here,” she gave him her mother’s medical history. “This should be of help,” she said.

He opened the book and a smile curve on his lips, at least it won’t be another boring day.

“It has everything you need to know about her health and it is up to date,” she said and he nodded, she dropped a bag on the bed.

It contained snacks and drinks, “what is thud for?” He asked. “I have a great deal of work at the office, I can’t guarantee coming home early. This should help in case of late dinner,” she explained.

He found himself saying, “don’t over work yourself.” She smiled and said, “see you when I return.”

“Aren’t you going to have breakfast?” He asked pointing at the food. “No, I’ll grab something on my way to the company,” she said and rushed out of the room.

He sat on the bed sadly, it felt strange that he will be eating alone and he didn’t understand why.


Romina make sure to finish all her works early, she needed to finish the design so that she can make the watch.

“Coffee,” Nora offered. “On the table,” she said and Nora dropped it.

“What is that?” She asked. “A watch,” she answered. “Are we releasing a new edition? Why are you designing it yourself?” Nora asked?

“This is for a friend or two,” she replied giving it the final touch. “Those friends must be special, you have never designed a watch for me,” she pouted.

“You are my Secretary not my friend,” Romina corrected. “I love you as a friend, how can you say I am just a secretary?” She frowned.

“Get back to work Nora or I’ll confiscate your salary,” she thr_@tened and Nora rushed out of the room.

Romina had a satisfactory smile on her lips as she stared at the design, she went to the building room.

That is where they build their robots, the workers bowed as she entered. “Please continue your works,” she said and they resumed their works.

Ronina met with a guy named Steve, he is one of her best employee in that department.

“Miss Zaragoza,” he smiled. “Hey Steve, I need your help,” she said.
T. B. C?

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