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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LONELY HEARTS – Episode 81

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??lonely hearts ??

( his soulmate)

*written by : king provy

Chapter 81&82

It was an extremely rainy night , the entire city of Corea was on stand still as sky rain cat and dog .
Yeon sat on a roof top of a building , he wasn’t putting on his mask . His hair and cloths were drench wet ,his eyes were shut and he breath slow and steady .

” It’s been 3 long weeks and she’s still in coma , 3 miserable weeks of my life . The doctors are saying she might not wake up anytime soon but does she really deserve all of this . My joy , my pain , my hatred my everything hover around her “yeon thought and clinch his fist then he open his eyes.
” How long am I going to wait , her birthday is in 2 months time . Gush I just pray she wakes up before then “he said to himself , he felt the presence of someone and he look up only to find Bora standing there holding an umbrella .

” Here you are ,I have been searching everywhere for you “she said gazing at him , he look away from her .
“Why are you here Bora ” he ask and she giggle .
” Lee is worried sick about you , you have been acting weird lately . Yeon you aren’t the only affected by all this , I pains my heart to see my bestie sleep in that room with an oxygen mask on her face “Bora said .
” The doctors are not sure of her medical state , they are not sure if she will even wake up . ” He said and Bora scoff.
” We aren’t humans yeon ,we are supernatural beings so we should start acting like one “she said .
” What do you mean by that “yeon ask now staring at her but her gaze was far ahead ,she frown and clinch the handle of her umbrella .
” Science is the shortcut of fantasy , back then they were supernaturals who could run extremely fast and others who could fly but now science have develop cars , airplane and many more just to catch up with the fantasy world “she said , yeon was confuse on what she’s driving at .

“I don’t understand your point ” he announced ,she shrug and turn to him .
” Since science isn’t reliable at the moment why don’t we use magic to bring her back ” she finally said, yeon was perplexed at the moment while staring at her face .


Deep inside a place fill with unending darkness and far ahead is a glimpse of light , the sound of foot step was all that could be heard .
Su-bin stared at the light ahead as she walk towards it ,but how long have she been walking . She could hear voices of people but could not see them , her lungs were dry and yarning for water . Her limbs were weak due to the long walk but she’s not willing to give up .
“How long will I keep going , why is it so hard to get to the light . This feels like an unending journey to salvation ” she thought .

” I don’t know how long I have been here or how long I have been walking but I heard someone said it’s been 3 weeks . Oh yes I know am in coma , even in this state I can still hear the voice of people outside ” she said and look up at the empty darkness above .

” No matter how long it take I will wait for you my love , please wakeup soon ” she could hear yeon voice , his voice is enough to keep her going despite how tired she was . Her lungs hurt badly and her heart throb fast ,she could hardly move .

“Ahhhhh ” Su-bin wince and fell on her knees ,she place her palm on the dark floor while panting fast and sweat mix with tears drop on the floor .

“How long ,how long will I go . I Most see you again yeon, I most stay strong for you and our baby “she said she look down at huge stomach ,she touch her stomach and smile sadly .

“Don’t worry baby mommy isn’t gonna give up so easily , we are in this together . We will both return to him “she encourage herself ,she stagger back to her feet and exhale heavily .

“Hahahaha ” a tinny laughter echoed around her ,Su-bin frown and glance round the darkness .
She’s sure that laughter didn’t come from outside it came right inside this dark place .
” Whose there ,show yourself” she said and position herself for what ever is to happen ,her eyes roam around the darkness . Cold wind blow and Su-bin her dance to it’s rhymes .
“Look straight to the light ” the wind whistle In to her ears and she look straight to the glimpse of light and just then the light explode and the darkness got replace by a bright light , Su-bin shut her eyes due to the brightness .

” C’mon open your eyes already , you’re spoiling all the fun “someone said and Su-bin slowly open her eyes and the first thing she saw was a huge rock and on top of the rock is a girl .

Due to her body size she might either be 10 or 8 years old ,she smile at Su-bin who just stared blankly at her . Su-bin glance round and she gasp , she’s no longer in the darkness now she’s in a colourful garden.

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