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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LONELY HEARTS – Episode 43

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( his soulmate)

*written by : king provy
Chapter 43&44
It took 30 minutes for yeon to drive up the mountain ,yeon stop the car in front of a huge old mansion . Who’s gate is covered with weeds , tall grasses were all over the compound . they both stepped down ,Su-Bin glance around and walk close to the old rusted gate .
“So familiar” she muttered while staring at the gate ,she place her hand on its old rust steel and she saw a memory flash of a car driving into the mansion . The mansion looks beautiful with maids and guards roaming around ,Su-Bin wince and step back while massaging her forehead because of the sharp pain she felt .
“Are you alright ” yeon ask and she smile and nodded
” Let’s go in “she said . He push the gate open and the both walk in slow and steady while scanning the whole premises which is deserted.
“I don’t think anyone lives here ,this place looks looks like ghost house ” yeon said ,they both stood in front of the mansion entrance door which is made of steel . One could tell that the door was beautiful back in the days but now it’s just an old red rusted steel , Su-Bin heart slam hard in her chest as she stared at the door .
“Ahhhh” she wail and held her head ,more memories started flooding in but it came with migraines.
“Su-Bin you don’t look okay ,why don’t we visit a hospital “he suggested but she grit her teeth and shook her head negative.” No we have come too far to go back ,am fine it’s just that …I..I think am getting back my memories “she said with her eyes close,he exhaled and hug her tight white smoothing her hair .
” Tell me what do you see ” he ask ” I can see a man and a woman smiling and there’s a girl in front of them ,they look happy . Yeon they are my parents I…I can see them now “she open her eyes tears roll down her cheek ,he pull back from the hug and place his forehead on hers .
“We are in this together Su-Bin you don’t have to cry but first let’s get answer ,let’s find out what this Mr Wang knows ” yeon said and they kissed passionately
” And what are you 2 rats doing here” a husky voice came behind and they broke from the kiss , a fat man holding a old wooden gun stood there pointing his gun at them with a frown on his face . Clearly he doesn’t look pleased to see them ,yeon quickly push Su-Bin behind himself
“Please put down your gun ,we mean to harm ” he said calmly but the old man scoff
” This isn’t a place where you kids make out ,this property isn’t were you come and play your love games . Get out before I shot you 2 “he thr_@ten and yeon bite his lips and glare at the gun which is pointing directly at his face
“Can you please move your gun from my face ” yeon said
” And what if I don’t huh ,you wanna act tough huh am gonna f-__-king blow your brains “he said and place his fingers at the gun trigger
“B-Bryan I don’t think this is a good approach ” Su-Bin said behind yeon
” You should listen to your girlfriend ,now get out before i ..”before he could even complete his statement yeon speedily grab the gun and elbow the man’s stomach
“Ahhh bloody Çüñť ” the fat man wail and fell on the ground , yoen pointed the gun at him and he flinch
” Bryan stop don’t shut ”
“I wasn’t gonna shut him Firefly ” yeon said not taking his eyes off the fat man who sat on the ground , Su-Bin walked close to him and knelt down in front of the fat man who just stared blankly at her .
“Sir please we aren’t here to cause trouble ,my name is Su-Bin and this is my boyfriend Bryan , we are looking for a man by name Wang “she said politely
” And what do you want from him ” he responded while glaring at her from head to toe
“Will you stop acting like $h|t and tell us where to find him “yeon said harshly
” Bryan show some respect ,he’s an old man “Su-Bin scolded and yeon rolled his eyes
“And please put the gun away it’s giving me the creeps ” she added and with out questioning he tossed he gun away and the fat man exhaled heavily .
“Please sir where can we find Mr Wang ” she ask hoping he will give possible answers
” And I said what business do you have with him ” he replied icily ,she took a glance at yeon who had the look that says should i beat him to talk . She imhale and deep her hand into her shirt and she pull out the Nam medallion
“Maybe this might trigger you ” she said ,his eye widen the moment he saw the medallion . He took a close look at it then he look up at Su-Bin face ,his mouth fell open while still staring at Su-Bin who is also staring at her waiting for his answer .
“young Miss is this really you “he gasp out shock and pull her into a surprise huge ,yeon hard expression soften and he puff out in relief ..

Meanwhile the mirrow at the dowager room glowed and she stepped out of it majestically like a model ,she glance around the huge room with an unreadable expression .
She slowly walked close to her reading table where lots of files were gathered , she pick up one of the file and just then someone knocked and she put down the file.
“Come in ” she said and the door was unlocked and Mun walked in and bow ,she didn’t bother to turn she just stood backing him .
” My queen the private investigator gave said I should give this to you “he said and she turn to him ,he came close to her and handed her an envelope . She tore the envelope open and pull out 3 papers, she read the papers one after the other and then she took out photos which were also inside the envelope . There were photos of Su-Bin and yeon , Bora and Su-Bin and also pictures of Su-Bin at her work place . The dowager chuckled and drop the pictures on the table beside her along with the papers and the envelope , she return her gaze to Mun who is staring at the floor .
” I have a job for you ” she said and mun look up at her and she smirk dangerously ,she pick up Su-Bin picture and handed it back to Mun who gladly collected it .
“I want you to terminate the girl ,make sure she dies and if you get the job clean then you shall be rewarded “she said and mun smile
” Don’t worry my queen I will get the job done but what about the crown prince rite ceremony ,it’s tonight ” Mun said and the dowager clinch her fist behind her back, her jaw tighten . She chuckled and turn around then walk close the to her bed
” The ceremony will push through but that little Ɓîtçh will have to die , get the job done tonight and make sure it’s smooth and have no trace left behind ” she said and signal him to go away and he left ,she twist her lips while staring at Su-Bin picture ..

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