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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LONELY HEARTS – Episode 31

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( his soulmate)

*written by : king provy

chapter 31&32

it was already late midnight and yeon was still awake ,he stood outside the mansion with a cup of Budweiser in his hand ,he sip from it time to time while roaming around the pool side .his phone started ringing and he took it out of his pocket
“what’s it ”
“is that how to talk to your mother ” the dowager voice rang out of the speakers as soon as he answered the call and he let out a tedious sigh
“good evening mother ” he greeted
“where the hell are you huh ,Lee told me you left with out informing him of where you’re heading to .yeon you’re a prince and you shouldn’t be moving around with out your guards ” she scolded
” sorry eomeoni “he said and she sigh
“anyways Duri got attacked by an unknown figure ,I have asked my men to gather information about the mysterious man ” she said and yeon went mute for a while
“yeon are you still there ” she called and he exhaled , he calculated fast and it down to him that his mother might be suspecting him .

“she’s a crafty old witch ” yeon thought
” yes eomeoni, why was he attacked because I know full well Duri might have done something wrong “yeon said trying to wave things to his favour
“well it’s better if I don’t say much ,make sure you get home as early as possible”she said and he frown
” why ”
” what do you mean why huh ,get your @zz home as soon as possible “she said and the line went dead ,he brought down his phone and scoff .

meanwhile outside the mansion stood the dowager who is staring at yeon through the open gate bars .
“why isn’t he wearing his mask ” she thought ,she watch him return back into the house and she turn and walk back to her black Jeep parcked across the road . call her manipulative snake ,a crafty old woman she doesn’t care .she’s more smarter then 50 men put together ,she knows every asset own by her children within and out of the country .she didn’t become queen by being a weakling or a fool she became queen by manipulating her way up to the throne, up to her late husband heart .
the dowager sat inside her car and at the driver seat sat mun who didn’t dare say a word
“take me to the private meeting venue it’s time to talk about who my next heir will be “she said ..
meanwhile inside a huge hall filled with men and woman of honor ,this people sat patiently waiting for someone and soon the dowager walk in along with mun who lead her to the center of the hall where her glorious throne is sited.she sat down and look scornfully at her audience
“good evening your majesty ” mrs Bong her personal assistant greeted with a bow .

” let’s go straight to the point ,I have 2 sons and as we all know one have to become king .so who do you all suggest will be a good candidate between them “the dowager said and the people started murmuring among themselves while she listen to their noise .
“my queen prince Duri is your first son so the throne should be passed to him ” dr Kim woo said
” no Duri isn’t the best candidate ..” mr lang snap ” then who huh ,you think yeon is better than Duri c’mon Lang ” mrs yang another member of the table of honorable people said glaring at Mr lang
” prime minister sun Yun why are you silent” the dowager ask and the old white haired man look up and all eyes were turned to him ,he held his eagled craft walking stick up and slowly stood up from where he was seated
“prince Duri is smart yes but troublesome ,he is inconsiderate and only cares about himself and on the other hand we have prince yeon who we all know is a timeless bomb. ticking with out control ,he can blow up anything but yet he can control rising situations and provide positive solution just as he had always done through out the years .so between prince yeon and Duri I will rather prefer prince yeon to be king because Duri won’t be able to handle the kingdom ” prime minister sun Yun said
” this will cause another civil war between brothers ,yes yeon is better candidate but if yeon should become king then what do you think will be the reaction of Duri ” the eldest member of the council Mr Sean said .

“why don’t we cast out votes ” Mrs bong suggested and the dowager nodded
“if you know you are in support of Duri to be king please indicate yourself with hand up “she said and among the 20 members of council men 7 lifted their hands up while the 13 others stared blankly at them .the dowager smirk knowing full well Duri have already been kicked out
” if you’re for prince yeon kindly indicate yourself” she said and the 13 lifted their hand up
“then it is settle, prepare a conference meeting by 10 Am tomorrow I shall announce our crown prince “she concluded ..

**next day

at the Sun mansion gwan scattered her entire wardrobe searching for what to wear
“f-__-k why can’t I find something nice to wear ” she scream out in frustration
” can you stop shouting ,geez you have over a millions dresses in that wardrobe why don’t you just pick one out of the million “hwan who is seated on the bed said and gwan shot her a glare
“I wanna look presentable in the eyes of yeon ”
” like he is even gonna notice you “hwan said and gwan angrily slam the wardrobe door shut
“what did you say huh ” she grit her teeth but hwan hiss and wore her airpud ,she grab her phone and walk out
“oh yes run along like a dog you are Ɓîtçh ” gwan yelled ,that’s just how hwan is she doesn’t engage herself in irrelevant argument .
“ashhhh h@ťě that girl ” gwan spat and resume searching for what to wear ..

hwan made her way down the hall way of their big expensive mansion and just as she got close to her father study she heard voices coming from inside and she pause .
” the queen wants yeon to became king ,that’s gonna be a big problem because Duri won’t seat back and watch his younger brother become king ” a calm female voice said and hwan who is eavesdropping gasp

“what the hell ,the dowager wants yeon to become what about Duri ,how will he feel ” she thought

” don’t get yourself too entangle with the royal house Dee ” prime minister sun Yun voice echoed ( Dee is his wife neckname )
“that will be enough , the queen will announce yeon as crown prince by 10am so get ready my love ” he said with a dismissing tone .
hwan heard approaching footsteps and she quickly ran off
“$h|t I need to inform Duri ,why will the dowager be so wicked to take away his birthright “she said with a frown ,she quickly dialed Duri number but he didn’t pick
“geez that Ďïčk head ,how am I even gonna get to him ” she grumble ..

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