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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Locked behind bars?
Episode 3
?Authoress Hen R ica?


After work that day,I quickly contacted Donald and told him everytthing.. He told me to come over to his house so that we can map out a good plan on how we were going to kidnap Rebecca with ease”

I had a hot bath and flagged down a taxi to Donald ‘s residence..when I got there,I was surprised to meet everywhere deserted and the gateman was not around so I pushed the gate and rushed inside”

I got to the main house and I was shocked to meet five of Donald’s boys inside..they were all holding dangerous and sophisticated weapons..I already know Donald was capable and that was why I told Rebecca to meet me at B.J hotel..

I choosed that location because the hotel has gone out of existence many years ago and it was the only place that we could ki|| Rebecca and get her blood and private parts without any body’s knowledge”


Agatha,I wasn’t expecting you..I thought your services were over because I already have that bastard police around my finger”He said jerking me out of my thoughts”

You are not serious Donald,you haven’t paid me my 1.2 million naira and you are already talking of Services.. Common take the chemical you asked for”I said angrily and shoved the hanky and the sleeping chemical into his palms”

Lets go before that idiot starts suspecting”donald said with a smirk”

I and the other boys went outside then we drove to b.j hotel..
Whetn we got there,I God myself behind a cement block while Donald’s boys surrounded the whole place with their knifes and machetes ”

I signalled Donald to stand beside the entrance with the poisonous hanky..we waited for that stupid Rebecca to come for about an hour.. When she finally arrived,Donald pounced on her and pressed the handkerchief to her nose..Hahahaa”

After Rebecca passed out,I instructed Donald’s boys to drag her body into the car and we sped off..Hahhaha all my dreams already coming to reality, I don’t care if the police find out because by then,I would have been in Paris enjoying my life..yesss..

I carried rebbeca inside my car and drove off..its time for full vengeance..she ki||ed my best friend bright for no reason..after the ransom of 10 million naira I paid into her account for her to sphear my friend’s life..she still had the guts to tell the police about our drug business..

As if that wasn’t enough, she ki||ed my friend.. She took away the only joy from my life and she expect me to let her go free..never..not when I am still alive”

I will ki|| her with my bare hands, remove her blood and sell her rotten private parts to black market..yessss..I remember how I begged her to sphere Bright’s life but she went ahead to ki|| him..Rebecca must dieeeeeeee…

I opened my eyes slowly and I noticed that I was in a very dim room..I couldn’t raise my head up to observe everywhere because of the excruciating pains I was experiencing.. The pains was too much that I couldn’t even feel my legs nor my hands”

I began to wonder where and how I got here..everywhere looks so strange..I couldn’t see anything.. God I commit my life into your able hands..God please help me from the evil eyes of the devil..please Lord ”

I was still crying and praying to God when the door opened and a dark guy dressed in an overall black jacket walked in”

Wow,see who we have here”the guy said and I was shocked to hear his voice..he is the same Donald bello..the same man that has been terrorizing this town..nooooooo..

Please sphear my life.. Please Donald..I promise to leave and never cross your path please..I don’t even know how I got here..please”I said admits tears”

Common shut up you old hag”I heard a familiar voice said and I turned to the direction to see my colleague Agatha standing by the door way” betrayed me?”I asked shocked and surprised at the same time”

I said shut that trash you call aMouth,now Donald give me that knife let me deal with this fool”she said angrily and dragged the knife from Donalds hands”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh”I screamed terrified as Agatha brought the knife closer to my chest..
Friends betrayal?..

Guys,are you thinking what I am thinking?,is Rebecca going to die or would the police come to her rescue??..

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