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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Enchanted Hearts… )

By, Ricky Gold



It was night as Angelo was serving the last customers who huriredly left after eating.

He changed into the normal wear and walked towards the boss office. J knocked on the door.

“Come in”he heard a voice answered from inside. He twisted the door knob and walked in and met his boss counting the money.”

“Sir, I’m done and I need to go home”Angelo said waiting fo his reply. His boss stared at him for a while before throwing some cash at him.””

Jeremy sighed and picked the money on the ground and stared at it for a while.

“Sorry sir, the Money is not complete”Angelo replied as the man glared at him.”

Will you get out of here or do you want to get fired”the man yelled as Angelo turned and walked out of the office.”

“Life is really hard for me”he muttered and left the shop. He met a black car and a girl cane out of the car.””

He smiled and pulled her into a hug

“I mis you so much, brother”Angel said”””

“I miss you too,how are you and Mon fairing”Angelo asked as Angel sighed””

“Still the same, I hope you are not planning to come back”Angel muttered as Angelo held her hands.””

“I don’t plan on coming back soon, twinnie until that monster is dead”Angelo said.””

“I love you so much brother, please stay safe”Angel replied as tears rolled down her checks.””

I love you too, stop crying”Angelo said wiping her tears slowly”

“I have to go now, bye”Angel waved at him and entered the car. Angelo waved at her till the car drove off.””

He took one glanced at the car and walked away.

Avery came out of her hiding place and sighed sadly. She actually saw them together but could not hear what they discussing.

“He even have a girlfriend, it hurts” she muttered staring at him till he was out of sight.””


Marissa was reading her books and Mr Adams is not around, he travelled for a business trip which will lasted for three days.

The door barged open and Mrs Monica stormed in with an angry look as Marissa flinched in Fear.

“What are you doing here”Marissa asked as Mrs Monica landed a hot slqp on her checks

You have grown more wings by talking back at me but tonight you are leaving this house”Mrs Monica yelled as Nora came in with two boys.”

“Drag out of this house”she ordered as Marissa widen her eyes in shock.

Before she knew it, she was carried by one of the boys and throw outside with all her bags and books.

“Why are you doing this to me. What have I done to deserve this” she asked as hot tears rolled down her checks.”

“You don’t belong here even if my husband is your late father’s brought, I don’t care. Leave this house and never returned, wretched orphan”Mrs Monica fired as Nora came out of the house with a wicked look. “”

“Leave our house please, I can’t stand a pauper like you being in our house and let me see how far you will last I’m Wilford College. I will deal with you”Nora thr_@tened”

“You all will regret this”Marissa yelled and took her bags and walked out of th compound with a heavy heart””

She walked on the lonely street and wasn’t looking well until a car hitted her and she fell down unconscious.

Richmond walked out of the restaurant with Xavier heading towards the car

“When is the next concert holding, I can’t wait”Xavier asked”

“Thursday, it will be a blast as usual”Richmond replied.”

“I have to go now,take care”Xavier said and entered his car driving off.

Richmond felt his phone rang and he looked at the caller ID, it was an unknown number. He furrowed his brows and hesitate for a while before picking the call.

“Long time dear enemy “the voice on the phone said as Richmond clenched his fist.”

Candy or wh@ťěver your name is, how did you get my number” Richmond asked”

“I have my ways of doing things, I can see that you are interested in that girl Marissa”Candy stated as Richmond felt his heart skipped a bit.””

I hope you are not planning something stupid”Richmond gritted his teeth in anger”

“Bye, see you tomorrow at school” Candy hanged up the call as Richmond sighed before putting back the phone on the pocket.””

He entered his car and drove but on the way, he hit someone as stepped on the brakes as the car halted

“Did I just got someone” he asked to no one in particular and came out of the car. He gasped in shock staring at Marissa who was lying unconscious on the ground with a bag beside her.””

He quickly carried her into his arms and move inside the car even her bags and drove off with a great speed.


Marissa groaned in pains as her head was pounding hard. She snapped her eyes opened and discovered that she’s in another environment.

She spranged up immediately and got out of the bed

“Where am i” she sked to no one in particular as the door opened and Richmond came in with a soup in his hand””

“Richie””she called out in whisper

“Thank God, you are awake. I’m sorry for hitting you” Richmond said as Marissa sat on the bed

Thanks for saving me”Marissa replied as memories flashed into her head

“This is a hangover soup, it will help you relieve the pain” Richmond said and handed over the soup to her.””

Marissa gulped everything at once and hand over the plate to him.

“How is it” he asked dropping the plate on the table near the bed

“A little bit bitter”Marissa replied and wiped her mouth with the small tissues””

“What happened to you last night, what are you with your bags” Richmond asked. Marissa sighed and explained everything to him.”

“You must have been going through a lot”he said with a pity as there were silence between them.””

Then, can you live with with me”Richmond dropped the bombshell as Marissa stared at him.”

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