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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A water was poured on Benita who woke up immediately and made to get out of the chair only to realise that she was tied.

“Who the hell did this,get me out of here”she yelled on top of her voice as Joshua came out.

“Shut up your mouth before the boss arrives else you will be ki||ed”Joshua said putting fear inside her.””

A loud heels was heard as someone emerged dressed in black and black looking gorgeous together with the mask she’s putting on.

Susan smirked on seeing Benita who was tied on the chair.

“Long time Benita Cardinal”Susan said and sat down on the chair crossing her leg.””

“Who the f-__-k are you, let me go while I’m still being nice”Benita yelled.

“I h@ťě noises”Susan sighed as Joshua brought out a gun and handed it over to Susan as Benita kept mute.

“Do you want to know the reason why I kidnapped you”Susan asked””

No, not at all”she stammered”

“How does you feel after taking someone child years ago and even had to ki|| the mother of the child”Susan said as Benita froze on her spot

f-__-k, where the hell did she drives to, I swear that I will ki|| her with my bare hands”Richmond gritted his teeth in anger stopping the car when no sign of Benita cars were seen.”

He came out of the car same as the cops as he walked towards a burnt car. He came closer and discovered that’s her car.

“No one was found in the car, maybe she escaped before the car could exploded”one of the cops explained””

“Maybe sure you do everything possible to find her whether dead or alive”Richmond replied and entered his car driving off while the cops investigate the area.””

Avery smiled as she got down from the bed and the door open and Angelo came in with a tray of food.

“Good morning wifey”he winked at her as she blushed greatly. He dropped the tray on the small table and walked towards her.””

“Good morning darling, I miss you”Avery replied as Angelo pecked her lips lightly.

“Same here, I’m glad that we are together”Angelo said””

“Yes, I can never leave you”Avery replied and they kissed each other.”

They were still kissing when Angelo’s phone rang and they break the kiss.

“I have to use this phone, babe. My sister just called”Angelo said and grabbed his phone.”

“Sure, there’s no problem”she replied as Angelo picked the call and the next thing was a scream from his mouth.””

“What’s that”she asked as Angelo began to shake””

“My father”he stammered””

“What happen to him, you are scaring me”Avery asked with curiosity””

“He fainted and was admitted into the hospital”Angelo replied sadly.””

“Let’s get dressed and hurry to the hospital”Avery replied and grabbed his hand walking upstairs to their room.””

Back at the uncompleted house, Benita was short of words and didn’t know what to say.

Who the hell is this woman and how did she know about what she did in the past.

“I don’t know what you are talking about”Benita replied stubbornly.””

“Maybe I should remind you what about happened””Susan replied and the memories of the past were seen”


Benita and Susan were rushed into the hospital after they were in labour Mr John Cardinal was panicking greatly.

Soon then cry of a baby were heard as his heart leaped up in joy. He was so happy after getting married to the two sisters because he loves them so much.

He can’t wait to see his children.


“Where is my baby”Susan asked standing up on the bed””

“I’m sorry ma, he died”the doctor dropped the bombshell and Susan gasped in shock.””

“What the hell, no this can’t be Happening to me”Susan cried as the door open and Mr John walked in and on seeing Susan crying, he rushed to her”

“Don’t tell me that I lost my child. Why me””Susan cried as Mr John understand what happen and slowly pulled her into a hug.”

“What of my other wife Benita”he asked””

“She delivered a two children”the doctor replied and John felt at ease but he’s hurt seeing Susan lost her child.””

After they are discharged, Benita keep on consoling Susan who was crying silently.

“Stop crying sister, I’m sure that there are other children coming in your womb”Benita replied innocently.””

“It hurts so much”Susan cried resting her head on Benita’s shoulder as Benita smirked darkly as she remembered her plan with the doctor earlier.””

(Flashback earlier)

“I’m sorry miss, you lost your child”the doctor said as Benita scoffed loudly””

“Then, if I lost it, get another child””Benita snapped”

“What do you mean ma”the doctor asked””

“What i mean Is that exchange my dead child with my sister two children. I will pay you 5 million”Benita asked”

“But ma, I can’t do such thing”the doctor replied in fear””

“Okay I will pay you 10 million for it. Deal or no deal” Benita said as the doctor nodded his head.””

“Deal”he replied as Benita smirked “”

(Flashback ends)
❤️ Still in the same flashback ❤️


Little Avery was sleeping, Benita sighed as she was feeding little Richmond who was eating the food slowly and soon he fell asleep. Right now, two of them are in the house together as Susan went out of the house to grab someone.

She remembered how Susan was told that she lost her child and smiled evily.

“I can’t believe that my sister’s children have grown so big. I am so smart and wise, I actually planned with the doctor to exchange my dead babies with her two children. Gosh, I deserve the best actress of the year”Benita said loudly””

Susan who was coming in froze on her spot after hearing what her sister just said as she walked in fully with tears rolling down her checks.

“You steal my children”she asked in tears as Benita chuckled standing up””

“I’m sure that you heard me right, I steal your children because I don’t want you to be John’s favorite. I want you to feel the pain of being childless”Benita said””

“How could you be this evil, I trusted you so much”Susan yelled and slapped her””

“Too bad, you are dying right now”Benita brought out a gun from pocket and Susan shivered in fear.””

Before she could talk, Benita pulled the trigger and she fell on the ground and died.

“It feels good to wipe you out of this Earth sister, greet the devil for me””she laughed and carried her lifeless body into the car and drove off after cleaning the blood in the room.

She stopped beside a bush and dumped her body on the road before driving back home and she wiped everything in the camera.


“You ki||ed me Benita. You ki||ed me Susan your sister”Susan yelled and removed the mask on her face as Susan smirked””

“It’s me Susan your sister and you know what, I’m alive and back to be with my children”Susan said as Benita felt her leaving her slowly””


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