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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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( Enchanted Hearts… )

By, Ricky Gold



Marissa was surprised but she reciprocated back and kissed him as she wrapped her hands around his neck.
Maybe she should give a chance.

The whole crowd screamed and was so happy for them. Richmond break t up kiss as they stared at each other with emotions.

“I’m sorry for what ever that happened, it’s because of me. I h@ťě seeing if ignoring me and it saddens my heart. Can you please give me a chance again. A chance to come into your life please”Richmond pleaded as Marissa smiled and placed one of her finger on his mouth as Richmond felt shivers ran through her spine.””

This beauty standing in from of him doesn’t know that she’s seducing him so much.

“Stop talking ok. I understand what ever that happened and I have decided to give you a chance. I mean make me fall in love with you”Marissa stated as Richmond was shock, he didn’t believe it”

“Did I just heard you well, OMG I’m so o me happy””Richmond replied and swept off her feet on the air before dropping her down.”

? Awwn that’s romantic

? When will I find my own love

? They are making me jealous

The last statement got two of them laughing as they walked towards where their friends was sitting.

“Hey guys”Richmond said shaking them one after the other.””

“Finally, you have been caught in the web of love”Xavier chuckled.””

“I can’t continue being Cold hearted and lonely, I have to move on luckily I found this damsel”Richmond said kissing Marissa on the lips.””

Then, Barbie and Gary appeared as there were surprise look on their face

“What the hell, cat and rats”Vanessa exclaimed “”

“She’s now my girlfriend and I love her so much”Gary said kissing her as they smiled within themselves””

“Wow, you people are getting me jealous”Karina muttered and went and sat on top of Huston and began to kiss him all over the face.””

“Oppression everywhere”Vanessa replied as Alec grabbed her hand and took her away same as Keith and Jocelyn who left kissing each other.

I’m the single one here”Xavier replied as Whitney laughed.”

“What of me, am I becoming invisible here”Whitney replied””

“Maybe we could date each other”xavier replied as Whitney jokingly glared at him.

“Get lost”she said and walked away so as Richmond stood up and walked up to the stage.

“What’s he planning to do”Marissa muttered, her eyes focused only on him””

Richmond took the microphone and paused for a while and began to speak.

“There’s this girl that I love, at first I h@ťěd and maltreated her so much. It all started with a hatred but I found myself getting addicted to her. I’m tightly enchanted with her, She’s my beautiful addiction and I can’t be ok without her beside me. I love you so much Marissa Hampton. Will you be my girlfriend”Richmond brought out a flower and went on his knees.”

Marissa stood up with tears on her face as she climbed on the stage and walked towards him.

“Yes, I will be your girlfriend”she replied and pulled him up and crashed her lips on hers

? Finally they are dating

? I’m so happy for them

They break the kiss and walked out of the stage as Candy smiled watching them from where he was sitting but inside his mind he was happy.

“I can’t believe this that you finally let go of her. I thought you are playing with her feelings”Louis said joining him.””

“That’s what I thought too, I want to toyed with her feelings but I fell in love with her” Along the line, I can see Richmond loves her and she even risk her life for him that’s why I wanted them to be together”Candy stated”

“You made the right thing bro, you will find someone very soon”Louis replied as Candy sighed.”

It will be hard to erase his feelings from her.


Susan stepped out of the plane looking pretty as the men around turned to stare her

She was putting on a mask and removed her black glass and flaunted her hair backwards.

She walked to her car but along the way, she bumped into someone and it was no other person but Benita as she gasped in shock.

“I can’t believe that she’s in Washington”she muttered still shocked””

“Hey watch where you are going”Benita snapped and left with her bodyguards trailing behind her.

Susan smirked staring at her till she was out of sight.

“I’m back and that’s is to take everything away from you”Susan said and the driver opened the car and she entered. The driver entered and drove off with full speed.””

Back at the party, everyone was dancing with third partners as all the boys and girls were dancing with their loved ones.

Richmond and Marissa are not left out as they stared at each other.

“I love you”Marissa said as Richmond was shocked””

What did you just say”he asked”

“I really loves you, I’m sorry if it takes long”Marissa said as Richmond pulled her into a hug.””

Thanks for loving me”he muttered as then the music stopped and they retired to their seats.”

Vivian walked to the stage looking beautiful with the silver dress she’s wearing.

“Time for action”she muttered and turned on the projector as Xavier who was about leaving the party froze on his spot as he turned staring at it.””

Xavier hitted his hand on the wall with anger written all over his face.

“How can she be awake, I thought that she was supposed to be dead by now”Xavier yelled as his phone rang and he looked at the caller ID before picking it up.

? The girl have to die by all means, ki|| her like you did to Lyla”the unknown voice said”

? You don’t have to worry, I will do it”he replied

? Let it be today”the voice replied”

“You can’t be the one to tell me what to do, get that in your head”” Xavier replied and hanged the call. He looked around for anyone and saw no one before walking away.”

Everyone gasped in shock staring at Xavier in a disgusting manner.

? I can’t believe this all this while

? I felt pity for Richmond

? His best friend is his enemy.

? So Xavier is the one that shot Richmond on the concert day but Marissa took the bullet instead.

Xavier knew that his game was up, all he knows that Richmond won’t be alive tonight, he wasn’t even feeling remorse.

“Human being are unpredictable, it’s a saying that your best friend is your enemy. Xavier, how could you be cruel to hurt him. So you are actually the one that ki||ed Lyla”Vivian yelled at him.””

Richmond stood up as hot tears rolled down his checks, he was so sad as his heart was shattered into pieces.

He walked towards him and landed a hot slap on his face.

“How could you be so cruel, I trust you my best friend. I didn’t know that you are a devil in human form. Why”Richmond yelled in tears and made to slap him but Xavier caught his hand”

“I actually h@ťěd you from the very day you propose to Lyla. She’s mine and you took her away from me”Xavier yelled.””

“I didn’t took her away from you, she didn’t loves you and that made to planned to ki|| me”Richmond yelled as then everyone gasped in fear the moment Xavier brought out a gun from his pocket.””


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