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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Enchanted Hearts… )

By, Ricky Gold



Vanessa realised herself and pushed Alec away as he held himself from falling down while glaring at her.

“Thank your stars, that without me being here you would have hitted your head on the ground”Alec said””

“I didn’t call you on the first place to help me so get that in dumb score, jerk”Vanessa said and made to leave but Alec put his leg and she stumbled on it and fell on the ground.

“That’s serves you right”Alec winked at her going out of the library.””

“”You are dead once I lay my hands on you”Vanessa yelled and chased after him as the students stared at them in shock.””

? Are you seeing what an seeing

? Isn’t that Vanessa and Alec

? I thought they h@ťěd each other

? They are playing like Cat and rat

“It seems these two are getting closer to themselves” Jocelyn chuckled””

“Yes, I thought am the only one seeing them”Marissa replied””


Angel entered the house and scoffed loudly glaring h@ťěfully at the girl who was sitting on the couch with a glass of juice in her hand while her two legs are dropped on top of the table.

“Do you think that here is your father’s house, get off your filthy leg from the table right now”Angel yelled walking towards her””

“And what if I don’t, what will you do”Lauren asked as Angel snatched the glass cup from her hand and smashed it on her head.””

Lauren screamed loudly holding her head while Mr Wilson rushed downstairs with a great speed

“What Happen, darling are you hurt somewhere”Mr Wilson asked checking if Lauren is hurt while Angel folded her fist in anger””

“She hit the glass cup on my head. I’m having head ache right now”Lauren said faking up tears as Mr Wilson turned angry immediately””

“How dare you did that to her, do you want to ki|| her”Mr Wilson yelled walking towards Angel and unfortunately for Angel, a loud slap landed on her checks””

“The next time you lay your hands on the future wife of your brother, I will deal with you. I won’t even mind if you are my daughter, as for your brother Angelo, I will find him where’ever he is. He must marry her”Mr Wilson yelled”

Tears rolled down Angel’s face as she stared at her father h@ťěfully” Her mother is not around.

“What kind of a father are you that is deprived his son joy. How can you force him to get married to the one he doesn’t have any feelings for”Angel yelled in tears””

“What is love, as soon as they get married. He will learn to love her”Mr Wilson fired back””

“I h@ťě you so much, you don’t deserve to be my father”Angel yelled””

“The feeling is mutual, daughter. One day, you will realised that am doing a good thing for you all” Mr Wilson said and stormed upstairs with Lauren behind him.””

Lauren turned back and laughed at Angel before heading upstairs.

Angel folded her fist staring at them till they were out of sight.

“I can’t sit here and watch that slut get married to Angelo, I won’t”Angel muttered hitting her hand on the couch angrily.”

Angelo was washing the plates in the kitchen when his boss called him and he rushed out bumping into Wesley his rival.

“”Watch where you are going”Angelo said and walked away while Wesley folded his fist.”

“Enjoy your happiness while it lasts”he muttered””

Angelo arrived and met his boss while was waiting for b. He turned the moment he heard footsteps.

“Quickly serve table 27″the boss said as Angelo nodded his head and grabbed the menu walking towards the table.””

“Hello, ma’am what will you like to have”Angelo said as the lady smiled and removed the mask on her face.””

Angelo gasped staring at Avery which smiled at him.

“What are you doing here”Angelo asked surprisedly””

“To see you of course, I miss your cute face”Avery replied as Angelo chuckled and handed over the menu to her.””

Avery pointed at one and Angelo nodded his head and was about to walk out but Avery called him back.

“The girl with you the other day, who’s she”Avery asked as Angelo raised his brows””

“That’s my sister, are you stalking me or what”Angelo asked””

“No not at all, I thought she’s your girlfriend”Avery replied as Angelo laughed.””

“She’s my sister, I Don’t have any girlfriend, I’m still single”Angelo said”””

“Okay, I’m hungry”Avery said””

“I will be back “Angelo said as Avery sighed before realising the breath she’s holding.””

“I still have a chance with him” she muttered.””

The lecturer was done with the class as everyone sighed signifying that they are tired.

“There will be an assignment and you will be paired with your partners and it will be submitted on Friday”professor Williams said and brought out the list as there were murmurings everywhere.””

? Why must there be an assignment

? I hope I get paired with my crush

? This will be fun

“Failure to do the assignment, you have lost 20 marks already. I will be calling out their names right now”she said and began to call out their partners.”

“Richmond Cardinal and Marissa Hampton””

Richmond felt a smile crept his lips and turned to look at Marissa as their eyes met but he look away and met Candy glaring at him secretly.

“Candy Maxwell and Nora Hampton””

Nora’s joy knew no bounds as she stared at Candy.

“This is my chance of making him fall in love with me”Nora muttered””

She continued calling the names and once she was done. She moved out of the class everyone began to troop out of the class.

“Hey candy” Nora said but Candy didn’t spare her a glance before walking out of the class””

Did he just ignore me”she muttered”

“In lucky to be paired with you”Whitney said as Keith smiled reavealing his cute dimples””

“Yes, where will the assignment takes place, mine or yours”Keith replied as Whitney held his hand and Keith looked at him.””

“What”he asked as Whitney was contemplating whether to tell him or not”feel free to ask me for anything, I don’t bite”

“Can I give you a ride home please “”Whitney pleaded as Keith chuckled and touched her check.

“I don’t know why I found you cute, let’s go”Keith replied and interlocked their hands and walked towards the car.””

Jocelyn face turned sad as she stared at them.

“Don’t feel sad okay, I will confessed my feelings to him” she said and walk away””

Candy pecked Marissa on her lips and break it while Marissa face turned to frown.

“Why are you sad. Is there anything wrong” Candy asked holding her hand.””

“I’m going to miss you”Marissa pouted her lips””

“You don’t have to worry okay, I will see you tomorrow”Candy said as she smiled””

“Okay, I will give you a call once I get home”Marissa said””

“I will be waiting bye”Candy blew kisses at her and entered his car while Marissa waved back at him.””

Meanwhile inside the car, Louis heaved a sigh the moment Candy entered the car.

“For how long are you going to continue like this”Louis asked a Candy turned to him with a glare.

“That’s my business and not yours, can we not talk about this please”Candy snapped and started the car driving off.””

Richmond walked past Marissa without sparing her a glance and entered the car as Marissa was shocked

“Is something wrong with him”she muttered and entered the car as Richmond drove off.””

The rest of the ride were silent.

Vanessa smirked as she saw Alec coming out of the class. She threw a banana peel on the ground as Alec stepped on it and fell down.

“OMG! You don’t have any stamina”Vanessa laughed loudly as Alec stood up and glared at her””

“What have you done”Alec shouted at her””

“I h@ťě the fact that we are paired to be partners, I h@ťě you so much”Vanessa fired”””

“I h@ťě you too, your presence disgusts me “Alec yelled as Vanessa walked closer to him.””

“Why don’t we strike a deal”Vanessa smirked while Alec gave her a confused look””

“What deal”Alec asked not getting what she meant””

“If you happen to fall in love with me, you will walk round the school with only your boxer”Vanessa said as Alec smiled””

“And if you fall for me, I will have segz with you”Alec whispered in her ears. “Deal or not”

“Deal”Vanessa said and walked away while Alec grinned widely.””

“I will make sure you fall in love with me by all means”Alec muttered staring at her till she entered her car and drove off “”


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