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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Hearts Collision… )


By, Cassie B.




Ariel was wide awake, staring at her phone. The leaked video was already deleted and only a few could be seen talking about the incident.

She sighed before dropping her hand beside her. There was a knock on the door and a nurse entered, holding a tray in her hands.

“Good morning, Miss” the nurse flashed a smile as she moved closer to Ariel.

“Here’s your breakfast. Your Mom dropped it before she left,” The nurse informed.

Ariel was a little bit surprised. Her Mom came over and didn’t bother to show her face?

“She doesn’t want to disturb you,” the nurse said as though she clearly read her thoughts.

“Oh,” Ariel mouthed and glanced at the tray in front of her.

“She said I should ensure you eat the food, you need to regain your lost energy back,” the nurse said.

“I don’t have an appetite,” Ariel’s voice came out hoarsely.

“Is it because of the news?” The nurse asked before smiling gently.

“You’re lucky Miss, and a strong woman too. A lot of women had experienced the scandals and suicide was the only option they thought of.”

“You shouldn’t be thinking about it, rather you should get to your feet and learn from your mistakes. You should make things right and give people reasons not to dwell on your past anymore. And the first above all is to ensure you eat your food, so as to get your strength back.” The nurse smiled after she was done talking to Ariel.

“Why… Why are you telling me this?” Ariel stuttered, staring at her in nothing but surprise in her eyes.

“I thought everyone h@ťěd me,” she whispered.

“Point of correction, not everyone. And why am I doing this?” The nurse’s eyes were suddenly filled with sadness.

“Because I wasn’t there for her when she was in trial… My best friend,” she stared at Ariel.

“The same thing you’re experiencing right now, happened to her. I wasn’t there for her, I was part of those who looked down on her. And, she ki||ed herself at the end. It was my fault and I’ll keep saying that, had it been I was there for her, she’d still be alive by now,” she sniffed.

“Miss, you’re still hale and hearty, you still have the time to make things right, it’s not too late” she concluded with a smile.

“It wasn’t your fault. My parents were both disappointed in me too, no one would take that easily. Thank you so much for your words… I find that encouraging,” Ariel smiled softly.

“So, are you gonna eat now?”

“Yes, I will,” Ariel chuckled while the nurse smiled happily.

Ariel scooped a spoon of beef stew in her mouth and someone entered at that moment. She wasn’t surprised when it turned out to be Tony.

“I’ll excuse you both,” the nurse smiled briefly and then left.

“How are you?” Tony asked as he went closer.

Ariel ignored him and continued eating her meal, she didn’t even glance at him a bit.

“I’m glad to see you’re eating your meal,” Tony chuckled, trying his best to gain her attention.

“Why are you here? I clearly told you not to show your face any longer,” Ariel finally said.

“I just wanted to check up on you, that’s all” Tony smiled nervously. After confessing himself to her parents the previous days, her mother caused a fuss and after a lot of apologies, he was finally forgiven. The fact that he apologized for his actions and cleared the misunderstanding made it easier for him to be forgiven.

“Why? You never cared, so why now?” Ariel rolled her eyes.

“You’ve never supported my engagement with Axel, you’re always against me thinking about it. As if that wasn’t enough, you even went ahead and exposed me to the world. Are you satisfied now? I can’t even show my face to his parents anymore!”

“It’s all your fault!” Tony suddenly shouted.


“You’ve been toying with my feelings all this while! You’re getting engaged in just a few days’ time and yet you keep messing with me! You made it hard for me to get over you and the only thing I could do was to keep sleeping with you!”

“I tried Ariel, I tried to support it but it’s just ain’t working. And I don’t think I can take this anymore, I love you. I do so much but I know I’m not worth your feelings after everything I’ve done. We’re just f-__-k buddies after all,” he muttered.

“Keep doing well, Ariel. I hope you meet the right one for you in future,” he smiled before turning.

“Are you seriously leaving after everything?” Her next word stopped him.

“You ruined me… Yes, but you fixed me back. I’m changing my ways all because of you, I want to live my life as a lady with dignity from you and that’s all because of you! Are you gonna leave after everything?”

Tony turned to her and exhaled deeply.

“Even if I leave, it doesn’t change anything, we aren’t even anything to each other” he said.

“But you love me,” Ariel mumbled in a low tone.

“I didn’t even know, I..” she bit her lips.

“I’m sorry, for toying with your feelings even if it was unintentional,” she muttered.

“And… Let’s start all over again, Tony. As a couple this time around, I want to fix things right”

Tony couldn’t believe his ears. He was awestruck. Was he hearing things already??

“Is that fine?” She flashed a smile at him.



Mrs. Braun was struck dumb as she stared at the phone in her hand. Her mouth was wide open, her round eyes bulging out in shock.

“He… He left,” her voice trembled as tears started gushing out of her eyes.

“He….” She choked on her tears as it fell uncontrollably. Her legs wobbled and she fell to the ground, clutching her chest tightly.

“No!!! No!!” She chanted as she hit her chest in grief.

“You can’t leave me baby, you can’t… Three years is like forever,” she continued sobbing.

Mr. Braun who was just descending the staircase rushed to her when he saw her on the floor.

“Honey! What’s wrong, are you okay?” His face held total concern written on it. He has been trying Axel’s number to no avail.

“He left, he…” Mrs. Braun continued crying.

“Who? What do you mean?” Mr. Braun asked cluelessly.

His eyes went to the phone in her hand and he took it from her slowly.

He read the message Axel sent to her and something immediately hit it deeply in his chest… Pain.

“I can’t cope without seeing my son for three years! I want to see him! I want to hold my son in my arms!” Mrs. Braun continued crying.

“It’s okay,” Mr. Braun held her to himself, stroking her hair gently.

Mrs. Braun at that moment stayed meekly in his arms as her tears continued falling. She didn’t have the strength to fight him, rather she continued weeping

Even though he was trying his best to console his wife, he was shattered. His son left even before he had the chance to ask for his forgiveness.

As fate would have it, he just finished unfreezing his account, he came downstairs to inform his wife when he saw her in tears.

“I’m sorry son, for being a bad father,” he wrote inwardly. He was acting strong all outside but deep down, his mind was in a total turmoil.


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